v0.3.0 (2019-11-12)
feat(cli): automatically use lighthouserc.json in cwd (bd7d44c ), closes #48
feat(cli): add update notifier (7bcd7f2 )
feat(cli): automatically detect startServerCommand in autorun (1f4e9c4 )
feat(cli): add startServerCommand option to collect (94c9c6c )
feat(cli): add rcOverrides to autorun command (0c1c082 )
feat(cli): add githubAppToken to upload (aa4aea5 )
feat(cli): run healthcheck in autorun (81b209b )
feat(cli): add healthcheck command (1769433 ), closes #38
feat(cli): save committedAt with builds (35d1d5f )
feat(server): automatically migrate outdated statistics (0f4dd6b ), closes #4
feat(server): add statistic version (c2dc676 )
feat(server): load more builds in build hash selector (#56 ) (6b4d287 ), closes #56
feat(server): more builds in overview graphs (#54 ) (c5aaa34 ), closes #54
feat(server): allow duplicate hashes across branches (9b58fca )
feat(server): loading spinner design (f22bb8c )
feat(server): no projects design (3913e43 )
feat(server): project list design (04126b8 )
feat(server): empty project dashboard design (4d268a7 )
feat(server): add lhr viewer button (4559ea0 )
feat(server): full-width build menu designs (737b930 )
feat(server): add links to project graphs (6830e09 )
feat(server): convert to human-friendly URLs (696a95e ), closes #40
feat(server): find build by partial id (e43d0e7 )
feat(server): add project slugs (40de6e7 )
feat(server): add github links to commits (ce30dd9 )
feat(server): add audit-specific icons (c7934e6 )
feat(server): add favicon (2dc0f90 )
feat(server): consolidate build view warnings (be6a263 )
feat(server): url dropdown and threshold selector in audit pane view (1bb903b )
feat(server): add commitedAt and ancestorCommittedAt (61b1210 )
feat(server): add version endpoint (e7f1b0f )
feat(server): add label to dropdown component (ec95bc8 )
feat(server): add branch selector to project dashboard (9ea0d49 )
feat(server): avatar inside hash pill (5e3e71e )
feat(utils): support github actions status checks (7a5e9f7 ), closes #61
feat(utils): add alphanumeric random coverter (5d90a16 )
feat(utils): add run command helpers (8ea3249 )
feat(utils): add fallback for getAncestorHashForBranch() (1d9c52b ), closes #42
feat(utils): add getVersion method to ApiClient (64ecb26 )
fix(cli): proper compare URL link in upload
command (6f1d63d )
fix(cli): do not fail autorun for an upload failure (2825b46 )
fix(cli): rename buildDir to staticDistDir (6244102 )
fix(cli): add more flexibility with assertMatrix (e768670 )
fix(cli): allow autorun without rc file (926eb33 )
fix(server): use 12 characters for compare short ID (0534dc8 )
fix(server): display git hash with length 7 (#55 ) (16ced45 ), closes #55
fix(server): display diffs for audits in category without any groups (4fcf7af )
fix(server): lhr viewer link design (d8afd0a )
fix(server): handle master as dev branch in build hash selector (e34e081 )
fix(server): handle leading zero ids (9544b99 )
fix(server): do not graph missing data as 0s in dashboard (cef0b40 ), closes #45
fix(server): set document.title per-page (498923d )
fix(server): support partial id lookup on postgres (26024ff )
fix(server): hide failed thumbnails (14666ac )
fix(server): only use seconds if 1000ms or more (ac086f1 ), closes #44
fix(server): proper git viz when first compare is before master (1b4619f )
fix(server): use position fixed for sidebar (0f9ff47 )
fix(server): thinner gauge marks as designed (e16ce82 )
fix(server): correct icon typo for satisfied (0c14989 ), closes #41
fix(server): return no data to display when no URLs available (fbbe94f ), closes #39
fix(server): design colors according to spec (8fa7630 )
fix(server): use text stroke for umericDiff delta label (335a511 )
fix(server): build hash selector design updates (4bcaa4e )
fix(utils): more aggressive non-deterministic replacements (c4a2c40 )
fix(utils): add item key for user-timings (eaffaf2 )
fix(utils): improved diff behavior for numericValue (f87124a )
fix(utils): improved getCurrentBranch() behavior for github actions (2dff3b4 )
fix(utils): use GITHUB_HEAD_REF when available (e05fd28 ), closes #43
fix(utils): ancestor hash return empty on failure (d422cff ), closes #36
docs: update version examples to 0.3.x (a6258dc )
docs: add troubleshooting and version policy docs (0d5544f )
docs: fix server recipe 404, screenshots (1d57786 ), closes #49
docs: improved getting started and cli docs (#53 ) (2fb6940 ), closes #53
docs: update autorun documentation location (#59 ) (43d0d78 ), closes #59
docs: add documentation on start-server-command (1af67f5 )
docs: add wizard section for new projects (fb3af4c )
docs: simplest possible quick start (e64ac69 )
docs: add note on github app (82117f8 )
docs: restructure documentation (013a323 )
docs: move completed script to top (549766d )
refactor(cli): remove --rc-overrides
prefix (6164ced )
refactor(cli): rename --rc-file to --config (cc44909 ), closes #48
refactor(server): replace baseHash with baseBuild (9cfc6fd )
refactor(server): delete build view options (98092f7 )
refactor(utils): extract git context methods to utils (b758ad5 )
tests(cli): update snapshots for upload command (7381c10 )
tests(cli): update snapshots for upload command (91d6986 )
tests(cli): update snapshots for upload command (fd80705 )
tests(cli): merge conflicts resolved with start server command (788bc9d )
tests(cli): use runCLI in autorun tests (07d172f )
tests(cli): refactor clean env for child process tests (83eb822 )
tests(cli): exercise more healthchecks in tests (df6bd6b )
tests(e2e): update snapshots (525342c )
tests(e2e): increase timeout to write data to api for concurrent tests (b014cba )
tests(healthcheck): environment independent server check (9596c2c )
tests(utils): use tryUntilPasses for less flaky results (4442a84 )
tests(utils): add lodash tests (87a532a )
chore: limit jest to 2 workers (7a83b37 )
chore(scripts): update get urls script for new patterns (17fc5a1 )
chore(scripts): add script to recreate data locally (62ac6a3 )
chore(travis): update url replacement patterns to support friendly URLs (98e0d03 )
flag is now --config
prefix has been removed from autorun
any existing lighthouserc.json
or .lighthouserc.json
will automatically be used, use --no-lighthouserc
to opt-out
buildDir -> staticDistDir
Server URLs are now of the form /app/projects/:projectSlug/compare/:partialBuildId
replacing /app/projects/:projectId/builds/:buildId
You can’t perform that action at this time.