Flutter app to track everything related to on-campus sports. You can
- Track whether arenas(grounds, courts, tables) are free or occupied
- Add a booking for 30 min
- Make Teams / Tournaments on the go
- Follow news/announcements
Experience the app on your Android device : https://iiitbac-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/subhajeet_lahiri_iiitb_ac_in/EcM7OGtn7sxGmW5Ev3xwINMBSBRffEf6zhsxOnGUdLuuOQ?e=ddCvHt
Otherwise :
- Clone the repo/download the zip file and extract the contents on your system
- Install flutter with support for android development if not done already
- Hook your android device to your system/ get an emulator up and running. Your device : Enable USB debugging and plug the device in. Emulator : Install android studio and start an emulator.
- Run ‘flutter pub get’ inside the root arena access directory to install the necessary packages
- Execute 'flutter run' on the terminal
- Make sure you are connected to the internet so that the app can fetch booking data/news.