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In this code pattern you will learn how to authenticate users on your chatbot with an SMS one-time passcode


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Authenticate users on your chatbot with SMS one time passcode

Chatbots are prevalent everywhere. Some conversations are confidential and hence chatbots have to verify authenticity of users. Sending an OTP via SMS is a popular way to identify a user.

In this code pattern we will provide steps to build a chatbot application that authenticates users through an SMS one time passcode (OTP). For example, a customer holding an insurance policy can use chatbot to get more information about his/her insurance policy. We will demonstrate the usage of Watson Assistant, Cloud Functions and Custom APIs to build this application.

When you have completed this code pattern, you will understand how to:

  • Build conversational interfaces into any application, device, or channel.
  • Run your application code without servers.
  • Build APIs to authenticate users on your chatbot.
  • Make external API calls through Watson Assistant.



  1. User registers for a policy on the portal.
  2. User data is stored in the database and policy details are sent to user’s phone number in an SMS through Twilio Messaging API.
  3. User interacts with chatbot and asks for confidential info related to the policy. The user is prompted to enter OTP by Watson Assistant.
  4. The query is sent to Watson Assistant which in turn invokes Cloud function to make an API call to the user defined backend API for retrieving info.
  5. The user’s phone number is searched in the database and OTP generated by backend API is sent to user through Twilio.
  6. User enters the OTP, in the chat application to authenticate himself/herself.
  7. Watson Assistant validates OTP by interacting with backend API.
  8. If the OTP is valid, the user requested confidential info is fetched from the database.
  9. Cloud function returns the confidential info to Watson Assistant.
  10. Watson Assistant displays the user requested confidential info.
  11. User can see the confidential info in the Web UI.

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  1. IBM Cloud Account: Create an IBM Cloud account.
  2. IBM Cloud CLI: Download and Install IBM Cloud CLI tool.
  3. OpenShift ROKS Cluster: Create an OpenShift Cluster.
  4. OC CLI: Download and Install OpenShift CLI tool.
  5. Git Client: Download Git Client CLI.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Setup Twilio messaging service
  3. Deploy Custom APIs
  4. Create a Cloud Function Action
  5. Create Watson Assistant Services
  6. Import Watson Assistant workspace
  7. Configure Watson Assistant with Cloud Function URL
  8. Deploy and Run the Web Application

1. Clone the repo

Clone the authenticate-users-on-your-chatbot-with-sms-otp repo locally. In a terminal, run:

git clone

2. Setup Twilio messaging service

Twilio is a SaaS offering that provides APIs to make and receive calls or text messages. We will be using Twilio to send SMS to user programmatically from backend. Lets start by creating a free Twilio service.

2.1 Create Twilio service

NOTE: - Once you create a Twilio service, you will have to verify your email id as well as your phone number.

  • You will receive verification link in the email provided during Twilio sign up. Go ahead and verify your email id.
  • Once email id is verified you will be prompted to enter your phone number, submit that and you will get an OTP on your registered number, enter that back to verify.

  • On successful verification you should see a welcome greeting message, additionally you will see some questions, select as described below.

    Questions Answers
    Which Twilio product are you here to use? SMS
    What do you plan to build with Twilio? Alerts & Notifications
    How do you want to build with Twilio? With code
    What is your preferred coding language? Python
    Would you like Twilio to host your code? No, I want to use my own hosting service

2.2 Create Twilio Trial Number

  • You will need a Twilio Trial Number to send messages(OTP). Click on Get a Trial Number as shown.

  • Click on Choose this Number to continue.

  • A confirmation will be displayed once the number is generated, click on Done.

2.3 Verified Caller IDs

  • Twilio trial number doesn't send messages to your phone number if your phone number is not added to the Verified Caller IDs list. This is a limitation of a free trial number. Visit and add your phone number to the verified caller ID list before you continue.

  • To establish connection between the APIs and Twilio we need to get the trial_number, account_sid and auth_token from Twilio.

  • Visit and expand the Project Info tab. You will see the TRIAL NUMBER, ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN, copy it in some notepad as it will be used in Step 3.

  • At this point, you should have the TRIAL NUMBER, ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN from Twilio service.

  • Now lets deploy the custom APIs and configure twilio credentials.

3. Deploy Custom APIs

In this code pattern, custom APIs are developed to perform various tasks such as:

  • Store users data in a Database
  • Search users phone number and send out an OTP
  • Validate OTP and Authenticate users
  • Query users data

Custom APIs are developed in Python Flask and you can deploy it in OpenShift or IBM Cloud Foundry.

Steps to Build and Deploy on OpenShift

Note: If you want to deploy the Custom APIs without any modifications, you can skip the Build steps and directly follow the Deploy steps. If you want to make some modifications in the APIs and then deploy it then follow the Build step.


Note: Make sure you have docker cli installed and logged in to DockerHub

  • In cloned repo, navigate to custom-apis-for-authentication/ directory and build the docker image. In terminal run:
$ docker build -t <your-docker-username>/otp-apis:v1 .

Replace <your-docker-username> with your docker hub username

  • Once the docker image is built, deploy the docker image to Dockerhub. In terminal run:
$ docker push <your-docker-username>/otp-apis:v1
  • At this point you have built the container image and successfully pushed to to a container repository dockerhub.

  • Copy the image tag <your-docker-username>/otp-apis:v1 and replace it on line no 18 in deployment-scripts/api-deploy.yaml

      - name: otp-apis
        image: < your-docker-username >/otp-apis:v1 
        - containerPort: 8080


  • Login to your OpenShift cluster, In terminal run:
$ oc login -u <username> -p <password>
  • Alternatively you can also login with an auth token. Follow the Step here to login through an auth token.

  • Once you have logged into OpenShift from your terminal, you can run the oc apply command to deploy the Application on OpenShift. In cloned repo, navigate to deployment-scripts/ directory and in terminal run:

$ cd deployment-scripts/
$ oc apply -f api-deploy.yaml
deployment.apps/otp-apis created
service/otp-apis-service created created
  • A deployment, service and a route will be created. To access the App, In terminal run:
$ oc get route -n default
NAME           HOST/PORT                                                                                                           PATH   SERVICES           PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
otp-apis-url   /      otp-apis-service   8080                 None
  • You will see the PATH for with service name otp-apis-url.
  • Make a note of this url, as APIEndPoint to be used in step 4.


  • At this point, you will have successfully deployed the Custom APIs on OpenShift. Now lets access it and see how it looks like.
Steps to Build and Deploy on IBM Public Cloud Foundry

Build and Deploy

  • Before you proceed, make sure you have installed IBM Cloud CLI in your deployment machine.

  • From the cloned repo, goto custom-apis-for-authentication directory in terminal, and run the following commands to deploy the Application to IBM Cloud Foundry.

    $ cd custom-apis-for-authentication/
  • Log in to your IBM Cloud account, and select an API endpoint.

    $ ibmcloud login

    NOTE: If you have a federated user ID, instead use the following command to log in with your single sign-on ID.

    $ ibmcloud login --sso
  • Target a Cloud Foundry org and space:

    $ ibmcloud target --cf
  • From within the custom-apis-for-authentication directory push your app to IBM Cloud.

    $ ibmcloud cf push otp-api
  • The manifest.yml file will be used here to deploy the application to IBM Cloud Foundry.

  • On Successful deployment of the application you will see something similar on your terminal as shown.

Invoking 'cf push'...
Shown below is a sample output
Pushing from manifest to org [email protected] / space dev as [email protected]...
Waiting for app to start...
    name:              otp-api
    requested state:   started
    last uploaded:     Sat 16 May 18:05:16 IST 2020
    stack:             cflinuxfs3
    buildpacks:        python
    type:            web
    instances:       1/1
    memory usage:    512M
    start command:   python
        state     since                  cpu     memory           disk           details
    #0   running   2020-05-16T12:36:15Z   12.6%   116.5M of 512M   796.2M of 1
  • Once the app is deployed, from the output of the above command, you can visit the routes to launch the application.

  • Make a note of this url, as APIENDPOINT to be used in step 4.

Example: if deployed on IBM Cloud Foundry, if deployed on OpenShift

Note: Add http:// to the OpenShift url if not present.

  • At this point, you will have successfully deployed the Custom APIs on IBM Cloud. Now lets access it and see how it looks like.

Once you have deployed the Custom APIs, continue with the documentation:

  • Visit the URL in your browser to access the framework.

  • Click on the Add Twilio Credentials button and enter the TRIAL NUMBER, ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN copied in Step 2. and click Submit

  • Once the credentials are entered you will see the status as Configured as shown.

  • At this point you will have successfully deployed and configured the custom APIs.

4. Create a Cloud Function Action

IBM Cloud Function is a Serverless Architecture where in a user can write a snippet of code and run it as API's without worrying about deploying it. Through webhook we will be using Cloud Function Actions to interact with our external database API and exchange data.

  • Enter a cloud function name and select Python 3.7 for runtime environment and click create. createCF

  • You will see a hello world code in the canvas helloWorld

  • Copy the code from cloud-function-action/ and replace it in the canvas as shown. cloudCode

  • This code acts as an intermediater between Watson Assistant and the Custom APIs. Any API calls requested by Watson Assistant will go through this Cloud Function code, and response will be returned back to Watson Assistant.

  • Replace the APIENDPOINT in the code with the URL that you copied to your notepad in Step 3.

Example: if deployed on IBM Cloud Foundry, if deployed on OpenShift

  • Click on Endpoints on the left panel and select Enable as Web Action. Click on Save. cfEnable

  • Copy the Public Link which is displayed. cfCopy

NOTE: The Above URL should end with .json if it is not ending with .json please append .json at the end of the URL. NOTE: This URL is Important, please save it as CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL in any notepad since it will be used in subsequent steps.

5. Create Watson Assistant services

  • Login to IBM Cloud, and create a Watson Assistant service by selecting the Lite plan and clicking on Create. createWA

  • Click Launch Watson Assistant to launch console. launchWA

6. Import Watson Assistant workspace

  • Inside Watson Assistant Console click Skills icon on the left panel and then click Create skill. createSkill

  • Select Dialog Skill and click next. dialogSkill

  • Select Upload Skill tab. Drag and drop (or click and browse) the file watson-assistant-skills/skill-OTP-Authentication-New.json from the project directory and click Upload. uploadSkill

  • After this you will see that a new Watson Assistant skill has been created.

  • Click Assistant icon from left panel and click Create Assistant. In below images, we can cut images to remove the blank space from images. createAssistant

  • Enter a Name and description(optional) for the Assistant and click Create. nameAssist

  • Click Add dialog Skill. clickDialog

  • Select the OTP Authentication New skill that we just uploaded. selectSkill

  • Now you can see that skill has been added to the assistant. Now navigate back to Assistants page by clicking the back button as shown below. showSkill

  • Click the three dots at the side of OTP Auth skill to see the dropdown menu and select Settings. getCredentials

  • Copy the Assistant ID, Assistant URL and the API key and store them in a file as they will be used in subsequent steps. copyCreds

Note: From the Assistant URL, copy the url only till the end of hostname part and not the complete path. e.g

7. Configure Watson Assistant with Cloud Function URL

  • Go to the Watson Assistant skills and select OTP Authentication New chooseSkill
  • Select Options -> Webhooks from the left panel and paste the CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL(ending in .json) copied in Step 4 in the text box.
  • enterWebhook

8. Deploy and Run the Web Application

Build and Deploy on OpenShift

Note: If you want to deploy the Web Application without any modifications, you can skip the Build steps and directly follow the Deploy steps. If you want to make some modifications in the Application and deploy it follow the Build step.


Note: Make sure you have docker cli installed and logged in to DockerHub

  • In cloned repo, navigate to node-web-application/ directory and build the docker image. In terminal run:
$ docker build -t <your-docker-username>/otp-webapp:v1 .

Replace <your-docker-username> with your docker hub username

  • Once the docker image is built, deploy the docker image to Dockerhub. In terminal run:
$ docker push <your-docker-username>/otp-webapp:v1
  • At this point you have built the container image and successfully pushed to to a container repository dockerhub.

  • Copy the image tag <your-docker-username>/otp-webapp:v1 and replace it on line no 18 in deployment-scripts/webapp-deploy.yaml

      - name: otp-webapp
        image: < your-docker-username >/otp-webapp:v1 
        - containerPort: 8080


  • Login to your OpenShift cluster, In terminal run:
$ oc login -u <username> -p <password>
  • Alternatively you can also login with an auth token. Follow the Step here to login through an auth token.

  • Once you have logged into OpenShift from your terminal, you can run the oc apply command to deploy the Application on OpenShift. In cloned repo, navigate to deployment-scripts/ directory and in terminal run:

$ cd deployment-scripts/
$ oc apply -f webapp-deploy.yaml
deployment.apps/otp-webapp created
service/otp-webapp-service created created
  • A deployment, service and a route will be created. To access the App, In terminal run:
$ oc get route -n default
NAME             HOST/PORT                                                                                                             PATH   SERVICES             PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
otp-apis-url     /      otp-apis-service     8080                 None
otp-webapp-url   /      otp-webapp-service   8080                 None
  • You will see the PATH for with service name otp-webapp-url.


  • At this point, you will have successfully deployed the Web Application on OpenShift. Now lets access it and see how it looks like.
Build and Deploy Locally


  • Open the repository in your terminal and navigate to node-web-application directory.

  • In terminal, run the following to build the Application.

$ npm install


  • In terminal, run the following command to deploy and start the server.
$ node server.js

Note: The server host can be changed as required in the server.js file, and PORT can be set in the .env file.

  • At this point, you will have successfully deployed the Web Application locally. Now lets access it and see how it looks like.

Once you have deployed the Web Application, continue with the documentation:

  • Visit the OpenShift otp-webapp-url route or localhost:8080 if you have deployed locally.

  • As the authentication has not been done yet, you will be redirected to /auth.

  • Click Add Credentials and Enter Assistant ID, Assistant URL and the API Key that you copied in Step 6 and Custom API URL as copied in Step 3 and press Submit. auth

  • After successful authentication user will be redirected to the chatbot.

  • Click on New User to start using the app. newUser

  • Select Any Policy you like and click Buy Now. selectPolicy

  • Enter your details and click Submit. buyPolicy

Note: The phone number should be the same as registered on Twilio.

  • After Successful registration you will see a success prompt and you will have received the policy details on your registered mobile number.

  • You can now interact with chatbot and know your confidential information in a secure manner. chatFlow


In this Code Pattern you learned to create a chatbot using Watson Assistant which securely verifies user identity using SMS OTP authentication and interacts to display confidential information.


If you have any questions or issues you can create a new issue here.

Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For example:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


This code pattern is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 and the Apache License, Version 2.

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