Repository for the Scale Solution Tile implementation files.
Follow the steps below to provision an IBM Storage Scale cluster using IBM Cloud CLI.
$ cp sample/configs/hpc_workspace_config.json config.json
$ ibmcloud iam api-key-create my-api-key --file ~/.ibm-api-key.json -d "my api key"
$ cat ~/.ibm-api-key.json | jq -r ."apikey"
# copy your apikey
$ vim config.json
# paste your apikey and set all the required input parameters to create storage scale cluster
Also need to generate github token if you use private Github repository.
$ ibmcloud schematics workspace new -f config.json --github-token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ ibmcloud schematics workspace list | grep <workspace name provided in config.json>
Name ID Description Version Status Frozen
hpcc-scale-test us-east.workspace.hpcc-scale-test.3172ff2f Terraform v1.4.6 INACTIVE False
$ ibmcloud schematics plan --id us-east.workspace.hpcc-scale-test.3172ff2f
Activity ID 4a606ec27712d879159464a0f8d33f1e
$ ibmcloud schematics apply --id us-east.workspace.hpcc-scale-test.3172ff2f
Do you really want to perform this action? [y/N]> y
Activity ID 0f69588331523aab748361fbb854e6d0
$ ibmcloud schematics logs --id us-east.workspace.hpcc-scale-test.3172ff2f
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Terraform apply | Apply complete! Resources: 40 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Terraform apply |
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Terraform apply | Outputs:
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Terraform apply |
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Terraform apply | shematics_controller_ip = [
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Terraform apply | "",
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Terraform apply | ]
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Terraform apply | ssh_command = "ssh -J [email protected] [email protected]"
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Terraform apply | ]
2022/04/20 05:11:57 Command finished successfully.
2022/04/20 05:12:04 Done with the workspace action
$ ssh -J ubuntu@<bastion node ip> vpcuser@<Ip of bootstrap/storage/compute nodes>
$ ibmcloud schematics destroy --id us-east.workspace.hpcc-scale-test.3172ff2f
Do you really want to perform this action? [y/N]> y
Activity ID facd6ab01ae28d368b38198598d5e37c
Go to and click on create a workspace.
Further with Schematics workspace creation page, specify the github repo URL and provide the SSH token to access private Github repo. Select Terraform version as 1.4 and click next.
Update the workspace details with the name/resource group information. Also choose in which region the workspace needs to be created and click save.
Go to Schematic Workspace Settings, under variable section, click on "burger icons" to update the following parameters:
- Provide the region and vpc_availability_zones details, where the scale cluster resources need to be provisioned.
- Update bastion_key_pair/compute_cluster_key_pair/storage_cluster_key_pair with your ibm cloud SSH key name such as "scale-ssh-key" created from a specific region in IBM Cloud.
- If required update the resource_prefix to the required naming convention.
- Fetch the public ip address of the device and update the same on remote_cidr_blocks.
- IBM Customer number(Bring your licence) needs to be provided for entitlement check.
- Update the total_storage_cluster_instances and total_compute_cluster_instances count as per your requirement.
- Update compute_cluster_gui_username, compute_cluster_gui_password, storage_cluster_gui_username, storage_cluster_gui_password.
Note: If IBM Customer number is not provide cluster creation will fail
Click on "Generate Plan" and ensure there are no errors and fix the errors if there are any
After "Generate Plan" gives no errors, click on "Apply Plan" to create resources.
Check the "Jobs" section on the left hand side to view the resource creation progress.
See the Log if the "Apply Plan" activity is successful and copy the output SSH command to your laptop terminal to SSH to either bootstrap/storage/compute nodes.
If device gets connected to any other different network i.e(Wi-Fi/LAN/Mobile Hotspot) from usual connection. Update the public ip address on Bastion security group to SSH to nodes
- The Storage Scale storage and compute nodes are configured as a GPFS cluster (owningCluster) which owns and serves the file system to be mounted.
- AccessingCluster, i.e., the compute cluster is the cluster that accesses owningCluster, and is also configured as a GPFS cluster.
- The file system mountpoint on owningCluster(storage gpfs Cluster) is specified in the variable storage_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint. Default value = "/gpfs/fs1"
- The file system mountpoint on accessingCluster(compute gpfs Cluster) is specified in the variable compute_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint. Default value = "/gpfs/fs1"
- Login to the storage node using SSH (ssh -J ubuntu@bastion_ip root@any storage_ip)
- The below command is to export the actual path from where we could run all the respective commands to validate the setup
# sudo su
# export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin
- The command below shows the status of the cluster
# mmgetstate -a
Node number Node name GPFS state
1 storage-scale-storage-2 active
2 storage-scale-storage-3 active
3 storage-scale-storage-1 active
- The command below shows the complete information about GPFS cluster/IP address/Admin node/Designation
# mmlscluster
GPFS cluster information
GPFS cluster name:
GPFS cluster id: 9876153676758860235
GPFS UID domain:
Remote shell command: /usr/bin/ssh
Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/scp
Repository type: CCR
Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation
1 quorum-manager-perfmon
2 quorum-manager-perfmon
3 quorum-perfmon
- The command below shows the details about the file system
# mmlsfs all
File system attributes for /dev/fs1:
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-f 8192 Minimum fragment (subblock) size in bytes
-i 4096 Inode size in bytes
-I 32768 Indirect block size in bytes
-m 2 Default number of metadata replicas
-M 3 Maximum number of metadata replicas
-r 2 Default number of data replicas
-R 3 Maximum number of data replicas
-j scatter Block allocation type
-D nfs4 File locking semantics in effect
-k all ACL semantics in effect
-n 32 Estimated number of nodes that will mount file system
-B 4194304 Block size
-Q none Quotas accounting enabled
none Quotas enforced
none Default quotas enabled
--perfileset-quota no Per-fileset quota enforcement
--filesetdf no Fileset df enabled?
-V 28.00 ( File system version
--create-time Fri Sep 2 11:31:17 2022 File system creation time
-z no Is DMAPI enabled?
-L 33554432 Logfile size
-E yes Exact mtime mount option
-S relatime Suppress atime mount option
-K whenpossible Strict replica allocation option
--fastea yes Fast external attributes enabled?
--encryption no Encryption enabled?
--inode-limit 97676288 Maximum number of inodes
--log-replicas 0 Number of log replicas
--is4KAligned yes is4KAligned?
--rapid-repair yes rapidRepair enabled?
--write-cache-threshold 0 HAWC Threshold (max 65536)
--subblocks-per-full-block 512 Number of subblocks per full block
-P system Disk storage pools in file system
--file-audit-log no File Audit Logging enabled?
--maintenance-mode no Maintenance Mode enabled?
--flush-on-close no flush cache on file close enabled?
--auto-inode-limit no Increase maximum number of inodes per inode space automatically?
-d nsd_10_241_1_10_nvme0n1;nsd_10_241_1_10_nvme1n1;nsd_10_241_1_10_nvme2n1;nsd_10_241_1_10_nvme3n1;nsd_10_241_1_10_nvme4n1;nsd_10_241_1_10_nvme5n1;nsd_10_241_1_10_nvme6n1;
-d nsd_10_241_1_10_nvme7n1;nsd_10_241_1_7_nvme0n1;nsd_10_241_1_7_nvme1n1;nsd_10_241_1_7_nvme2n1;nsd_10_241_1_7_nvme3n1;nsd_10_241_1_7_nvme4n1;nsd_10_241_1_7_nvme5n1;
-d nsd_10_241_1_7_nvme6n1;nsd_10_241_1_7_nvme7n1;nsd_10_241_1_8_nvme0n1;nsd_10_241_1_8_nvme1n1;nsd_10_241_1_8_nvme2n1;nsd_10_241_1_8_nvme3n1;nsd_10_241_1_8_nvme4n1;
-d nsd_10_241_1_8_nvme5n1;nsd_10_241_1_8_nvme6n1;nsd_10_241_1_8_nvme7n1;nsd_10_241_1_9_nvme0n1;nsd_10_241_1_9_nvme1n1;nsd_10_241_1_9_nvme2n1;nsd_10_241_1_9_nvme3n1;
-d nsd_10_241_1_9_nvme4n1;nsd_10_241_1_9_nvme5n1;nsd_10_241_1_9_nvme6n1;nsd_10_241_1_9_nvme7n1 Disks in file system
-A yes Automatic mount option
-o none Additional mount options
-T /gpfs/fs1 Default mount point
--mount-priority 0 Mount priority
- The command below shows about the filesystem mounted to all the compute and storage nodes
# mmlsmount all -L
File system fs1 is mounted on 6 nodes: storage-scale-storage-3.strgscale storage-scale-storage-1.strgscale storage-scale-storage-2.strgscale storage-scale-compute-3.compscale storage-scale.compute storage-scale-compute-1.compscale storage-scale.compute storage-scale-compute-2.compscale storage-scale.compute
- The command below shows the information about the NSD servers and Disk name
# mmlsnsd -a
File system Disk name NSD servers
fs1 nsd_10_241_1_7_vdb
fs1 nsd_10_241_1_7_vdc
fs1 nsd_10_241_1_8_vdb
fs1 nsd_10_241_1_8_vdc
fs1 nsd_10_241_1_9_vdb
fs1 nsd_10_241_1_9_vdc
- The command below shows the heath status of the cluster
# mmhealth cluster show
Component Total Failed Degraded Healthy Other
NODE 3 0 0 2 1
GPFS 3 0 0 2 1
NETWORK 3 0 0 3 0
FILESYSTEM 1 0 0 1 0
DISK 6 0 0 6 0
FILESYSMGR 1 0 0 1 0
GUI 1 0 0 1 0
PERFMON 3 0 0 3 0
THRESHOLD 3 0 0 3 0
- The command below shows the status of the individual nodes
# mmhealth node show
Node name:
Node status: HEALTHY
Status Change: 2 hours ago
Component Status Status Change Reasons & Notices
GPFS HEALTHY 2 hours ago -
NETWORK HEALTHY 2 hours ago -
DISK HEALTHY 2 hours ago -
PERFMON HEALTHY 2 hours ago -
- The command below showcase the feasibility to check the status of node from another node from same cluster i.e(Storage-storage/compute-compute)
# mmhealth node show -N
Node name:
Node status: HEALTHY
Status Change: 2 hours ago
Component Status Status Change Reasons & Notices
GPFS HEALTHY 2 hours ago -
NETWORK HEALTHY 2 hours ago -
DISK HEALTHY 2 hours ago -
PERFMON HEALTHY 2 hours ago -
- The command below show how to access other node from one node in the same cluster
# ssh [email protected]
# You have logged in to Instance storage virtual server. #
# - Instance storage is temporary storage that's available only while your virtual #
# server is running. #
# - Data on the drive is unrecoverable after instance shutdown, disruptive maintenance, #
# or hardware failure. #
# #
# Refer: #
Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
This system is not registered to Red Hat Insights. See
To register this system, run: insights-client --register
Last login: Thu Apr 21 11:49:39 2022 from
- The command below showcase the autorization between storage and compute cluster
# mmauth show
Cluster name: storage-scale.compute
Cipher list: AUTHONLY
SHA digest: 1645130b96b8518d98b420a80c078638384a3a58a08c100c63e0de9f34501641
File system access: fs1 (rw, root allowed)
Cluster name: (this cluster)
Cipher list: AUTHONLY
SHA digest: 173bb739f290dab735ce250c1d954d6da1d912aa8b650d5b3fca49ac2e9475fd
File system access: (all rw)
- The command below shows the complete configurations of the cluster
# mmlsconfig
Configuration data for cluster
clusterId 7967550255770920313
autoload yes
profile storagesncparams
dmapiFileHandleSize 32
tscCmdAllowRemoteConnections no
ccrEnabled yes
cipherList AUTHONLY
sdrNotifyAuthEnabled yes
numaMemoryInterleave yes
ignorePrefetchLUNCount yes
workerThreads 1024
restripeOnDiskFailure yes
unmountOnDiskFail meta
readReplicaPolicy local
nsdSmallThreadRatio 2
nsdThreadsPerQueue 16
nsdbufspace 70
maxFilesToCache 128K
maxStatCache 128K
maxblocksize 16M
maxMBpS 1000
maxReceiverThreads 2
maxTcpConnsPerNodeConn 2
idleSocketTimeout 0
minMissedPingTimeout 60
failureDetectionTime 60
autoBuildGPL yes
pagepool 2G
tscCmdPortRange 60000-61000
cesSharedRoot /gpfs/fs1
adminMode central
File systems in cluster
Note: The above specified commands can be tried from both compute/storage nodes. The output would be the same, respective of nodes accessed from
- IBM Storage Scale replication provides high availability at the storage level by having two consistent replicas of the file system; each available for recovery when the other one fails.
- The two replicas are kept in-sync by using logical replication-based mirroring that does not require specific support from the underlying disk subsystem.
- The data and metadata replication features of GPFS are used to maintain a secondary copy of each file system block, relying on the concept of disk failure groups to control the physical placement of the individual copies.
- The command below shows the default value of data replica and metadata replicas
# mmlsfs all -r
File system attributes for
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-r 2 Default number of data replicas
# mmlsfs all -m
File system attributes for /dev/fs1:
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-m 2 Default number of metadata replicas
- The command below shows the maximum value of data replica and metadata replica that is supported
# mmlsfs all -R
File system attributes for
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-R 3 Maximum number of data replicas
# mmlsfs all -M
File system attributes for /dev/fs1:
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-M 3 Maximum number of metadata replicas
- The command below shows the complete block size of the attached disk to cluster using bare metal nodes
# mmlsfs fs1 -B
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-B 4194304 Block size
- The command below shows need to be ran from local machine to access GUI for storage and compute cluster to monitor resources
# eval `ssh-agent`
# ssh-add -k <path_of_region_specific_key>
# ssh -A -L 22443:<GUI_node_IP>:443 -N ubuntu@<bastion_host_IP>
- Provide the IP address of the GUI node for compute/storage
Name | Version |
ibm | 1.67.1 |
Name | Description | Type |
bastion_key_pair | Name of the SSH key configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the Bastion and Bootstrap nodes. Make Ensure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the cluster is being provisioned. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. | list(string) |
ibmcloud_api_key | This is the IBM Cloud API key for the IBM Cloud account where the IBM Storage Scale cluster needs to be deployed. For more information on how to create an API key, see Managing user API keys. | string |
remote_cidr_blocks | Comma-separated list of IP addresses or cidr blocks that can be access the Storage Scale cluster Bastion node through SSH. For the purpose of security, provide the public IP address(es) assigned to the device(s) authorized to establish SSH connections. (Example : [""]) To fetch the IP address of the device, use []. | list(string) |
storage_cluster_gui_password | The storage cluster GUI password is used for logging in to the storage cluster through the GUI. The password should contain a minimum of 8 characters. For a strong password, use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, one number, and a special character. Make sure that the password doesn't contain the username and it should not start with a special character. | string |
storage_cluster_gui_username | GUI username to perform system management and monitoring tasks on the storage cluster. Note: Username should be at least 4 characters, (any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters). | string |
storage_cluster_key_pair | Name of the SSH key configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the Storage cluster nodes. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the cluster is provisioned. The solution supports only one SSH key that can be attached to the storage nodes. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. | list(string) |
vpc_availability_zones | IBM Cloud availability zone names within the selected region where the Storage Scale cluster should be deployed.For the current release, the solution supports only a single availability zone.For more information, see Region and data center locations for resource deployment. | list(string) |
TF_LOG | The Terraform log level used for output in the Schematics workspace. | string |
TF_PARALLELISM | Limit the number of concurrent operation. | string |
TF_VERSION | The version of the Terraform engine that's used in the Schematics workspace. | string |
afm_cos_config | Please provide details for the Cloud Object Storage (COS) instance, including information about the COS bucket, service credentials (HMAC key), AFM fileset, mode (such as Read-only (RO), Single writer (SW), Local updates (LU), and Independent writer (IW)), storage class (standard, vault, cold, or smart), and bucket type (single_site_location, region_location, cross_region_location). Note : The 'afm_cos_config' can contain up to 5 entries. For further details on COS bucket locations, refer to the relevant documentation | list(object({ |
afm_server_profile | The virtual instance or bare metal server instance profile type name to be used to create the AFM gateway nodes. For more information, see Instance Profiles and bare metal server profiles. | string |
bastion_osimage_name | Name of the image that will be used to provision the Bastion node for the Storage Scale cluster. Only Ubuntu stock image of any version available to the IBM Cloud account in the specific region are supported. | string |
bastion_sg_name | Provide the security group name to provision the bastion node. If set to null, the solution will automatically create the necessary security group and rules. If you choose to use an existing security group, ensure it has the appropriate rules configured for the bastion node to function properly. | string |
bastion_vsi_profile | The virtual server instance profile type name to be used to create the Bastion node. For more information, see Instance Profiles. | string |
bms_boot_drive_encryption | To enable the encryption for the boot drive of bare metal server. Select true or false | bool |
bootstrap_osimage_name | Name of the custom image that you would like to use to create the Bootstrap node for the Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports only the default custom image that has been provided. | string |
bootstrap_sg_name | Provide the security group name to provision the bootstrap node. If set to null, the solution will automatically create the necessary security group and rules. If you choose to use an existing security group, ensure it has the appropriate rules configured for the bootstrap node to function properly. | string |
bootstrap_vsi_profile | The virtual server instance profile type name to be used to create the Bootstrap node. For more information, see Instance Profiles. | string |
client_cluster_key_pair | Name of the SSH keys configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the Client cluster nodes. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the cluster is provisioned. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. | list(string) |
client_vsi_osimage_name | Name of the image that you would like to use to create the client cluster nodes for the IBM Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports only stock images that use RHEL8.10 version. | string |
client_vsi_profile | The virtual server instance profile type name to be used to create the client cluster nodes. For more information, see Instance Profiles. | string |
colocate_protocol_cluster_instances | Enable it to use storage instances as protocol instances | bool |
comp_sg_name | Provide the security group name to provision the compute nodes. If set to null, the solution will automatically create the necessary security group and rules. If you choose to use an existing security group, ensure it has the appropriate rules configured for the compute nodes to function properly. | string |
compute_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint | Compute cluster (accessing Cluster) file system mount point. The accessingCluster is the cluster that accesses the owningCluster. For more information, see Mounting a remote GPFS file system. | string |
compute_cluster_gui_password | The compute cluster GUI password is used for logging in to the compute cluster through the GUI. The password should contain a minimum of 8 characters. For a strong password, use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, one number and a special character. Make sure that the password doesn't contain the username and it should not start with a special character. | string |
compute_cluster_gui_username | GUI username to perform system management and monitoring tasks on the compute cluster. The Username should be at least 4 characters, (any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters). | string |
compute_cluster_key_pair | Name of the SSH key configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the Compute cluster nodes. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the cluster is provisioned. The solution supports only one ssh key that can be attached to compute nodes. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. | list(string) |
compute_vsi_osimage_name | Name of the image that you would like to use to create the compute cluster nodes for the IBM Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports both stock and custom images that use RHEL8.10 versions that have the appropriate Storage Scale functionality. The supported custom images mapping for the compute nodes can be found here. If you'd like, you can follow the instructions for Planning for custom imagesto create your own custom image. | string |
compute_vsi_profile | The virtual server instance profile type name to be used to create the compute cluster nodes. For more information, see Instance Profiles. | string |
enable_ldap | Set this option to true to enable LDAP for IBM Cloud HPC, with the default value set to false. | bool |
enable_sg_validation | If enable_sg_validation is set to true, the deployment will confirm that the correct security groups are attached and to allow the appropriate rules. When set to false, no validation is performed, and the deployment proceeds without verifying the security groups. | bool |
filesets | Mount point(s) and size(s) in GB of file share(s) that can be used to customize shared file storage layout. Provide the details for up to 5 file shares. | list(object({ |
filesystem_block_size | File system block size. Storage Scale supported block sizes (in bytes) include: 256K, 512K, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M. | string |
gklm_sg_name | Provide the security group name to provision the gklm nodes. If set to null, the solution will automatically create the necessary security group and rules. If you choose to use an existing security group, ensure it has the appropriate rules configured for the gklm nodes to function properly. | string |
ibm_customer_number | The IBM Customer Number (ICN) that is used for the Bring Your Own License (BYOL) entitlement check. Note: An ICN is not required if the storage_type selected is evaluation. For more information on how to find your ICN, see What is my IBM Customer Number (ICN)?. | string |
key_protect_instance_id | An existing Key Protect instance used for filesystem encryption | string |
ldap_admin_password | The LDAP administrative password should be 8 to 20 characters long, with a mix of at least three alphabetic characters, including one uppercase and one lowercase letter. It must also include two numerical digits and at least one special character from (~@_+:) are required. It is important to avoid including the username in the password for enhanced security. | string |
ldap_basedns | The dns domain name is used for configuring the LDAP server. If an LDAP server is already in existence, ensure to provide the associated DNS domain name. | string |
ldap_instance_key_pair | Name of the SSH key configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the LDAP Server. Make sure that the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the LDAP Servers are provisioned. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. | list(string) |
ldap_server | Provide the IP address for the existing LDAP server. If no address is given, a new LDAP server will be created. | string |
ldap_server_cert | Provide the LDAP server certificate if the ldap_server variable is not set to null. If the certificate is not provided or is invalid, the LDAP configuration may fail. For more information, refer to the instructions on creating or obtaining the certificate. | string |
ldap_sg_name | Provide the security group name to provision the ldap nodes. If set to null, the solution will automatically create the necessary security group and rules. If you choose to use an existing security group, ensure it has the appropriate rules configured for the ldap nodes to function properly. | string |
ldap_user_name | Custom LDAP User for performing cluster operations. Note: Username should be between 4 to 32 characters, (any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters).[This value is ignored for an existing LDAP server] | string |
ldap_user_password | The LDAP user password should be 8 to 20 characters long, with a mix of at least three alphabetic characters, including one uppercase and one lowercase letter. It must also include two numerical digits and at least one special character from (~@_+:) are required.It is important to avoid including the username in the password for enhanced security.[This value is ignored for an existing LDAP server]. | string |
ldap_vsi_osimage_name | Image name to be used for provisioning the LDAP instances. Note: Debian based OS are only supported for the LDAP feature. | string |
ldap_vsi_profile | Profile to be used for LDAP virtual server instance. | string |
management_vsi_profile | The virtual server instance profile type name to be used to create the Management node. For more information, see Instance Profiles. | string |
protocol_server_profile | The virtual instance or bare metal server instance profile type name to be used to create the protocol nodes. For more information, see Instance Profiles and bare metal server profiles. | string |
resource_group | Resource group name from your IBM Cloud account where the VPC resources should be deployed. For more information, seeManaging resource groups. | string |
resource_prefix | Prefix that is used to name the IBM Cloud resources that are provisioned to build the Storage Scale cluster. Make sure that the prefix is unique since you cannot create multiple resources with the same name. The maximum length of supported characters is 64. | string |
scale_encryption_admin_password | The password for administrative operations in KeyProtect or GKLM must be between 8 and 20 characters long. It must include at least three alphabetic characters (one uppercase and one lowercase), two numbers, and one special character from the set (~@_+:). The password should not contain the username. For more information, see GKLM password policy | string |
scale_encryption_dns_domain | Specify the IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name for the GKLM cluster when 'scale_encryption_type' is set to 'gklm'. Note: If an existing DNS domain is in use, a new domain must be provided, as existing domains are not supported. | string |
scale_encryption_instance_key_pair | Specify the name of the SSH key in your IBM Cloud account for connecting to the Scale Encryption keyserver nodes when scale_encryption_type is set to gklm. Ensure the SSH key is in the same resource group and region as the keyservers. Only one SSH key is supported for the keyserver nodes. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the SSH keys instructions. | list(string) |
scale_encryption_server_count | Specify the number of servers for a high-availability encryption setup when 'scale_encryption_type' is set to 'gklm'. A minimum of 2 servers and a maximum of 5 servers are allowed. | number |
scale_encryption_type | To enable filesystem encryption, specify either 'key_protect' or 'gklm'. If neither is specified, the default value will be 'null' and encryption is disabled | string |
scale_encryption_vsi_osimage_name | Specify the image name to create the GKLM server when 'scale_encryption_type' is set to 'gklm'. Only RHEL 8.10 stock images are supported. | string |
scale_encryption_vsi_profile | Specify the virtual server instance profile type to create storage nodes when 'scale_encryption_type' is set to 'gklm'. For more information, refer to Instance profiles. | string |
storage_bare_metal_osimage_name | Name of the image that you would like to use to create the storage cluster nodes for the Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports both stock and custom images that use RHEL8.10 version. | string |
storage_bare_metal_server_profile | Specify the bare metal server profile type name to be used to create the bare metal storage nodes. For more information, see bare metal server profiles. | string |
storage_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint | Storage Scale storage cluster (owningCluster) file system mount point. The owningCluster is the cluster that owns and serves the file system to be mounted. For information, seeMounting a remote GPFS file system. | string |
storage_type | Select the Storage Scale file system deployment method. Note: The Storage Scale scratch and evaluation type deploys the Storage Scale file system on virtual server instances, and the persistent type deploys the Storage Scale file system on bare metal servers. | string |
storage_vsi_osimage_name | Name of the image that you would like to use to create the storage cluster nodes for the IBM Storage Scale cluster. The solution supports both stock and custom images that use RHEL8.10 version and that have the appropriate Storage Scale functionality. If you'd like, you can follow the instructions for Planning for custom images create your own custom image. | string |
storage_vsi_profile | Specify the virtual server instance profile type name to be used to create the Storage nodes. For more information, see Instance Profiles. | string |
strg_sg_name | Provide the security group name to provision the storage nodes. If set to null, the solution will automatically create the necessary security group and rules. If you choose to use an existing security group, ensure it has the appropriate rules configured for the storage nodes to function properly. | string |
tie_breaker_bare_metal_server_profile | Specify the bare metal server profile type name to be used for creating the bare metal Tie breaker node. If no value is provided, the storage bare metal server profile will be used as the default. For more information, see bare metal server profiles. Tie Breaker Node | string |
total_afm_cluster_instances | Total number of instance count that you need to provision for afm nodes and enable AFM. | number |
total_client_cluster_instances | Total number of client cluster instances that you need to provision. | number |
total_compute_cluster_instances | The number of compute cluster instances you can provision ranges from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 64 nodes. You may specify a count of 0 if no compute nodes are needed. | number |
total_protocol_cluster_instances | Total number of protocol nodes that you need to provision. A minimum of 2 nodes and a maximum of 32 nodes are supported | number |
total_storage_cluster_instances | Total number of storage cluster instances that you need to provision. The total storage cluster instances must be an even number in range of 2 to 64. | number |
vpc_cidr_block | IBM Cloud VPC address prefixes that are needed for VPC creation. Since the solution supports only a single availability zone, provide one CIDR address prefix for VPC creation. For more information, see Bring your own subnet. | list(string) |
vpc_client_cluster_dns_domain | IBM Cloud DNS domain name to be used for client cluster. Note: If an existing DNS domain is already in use, a new domain must be specified as existing domains are not supported. | string |
vpc_compute_cluster_dns_domain | IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name to be used for the compute cluster. Note: If an existing DNS domain is already in use, a new domain must be specified as existing domains are not supported. | string |
vpc_compute_cluster_private_subnets_cidr_blocks | The CIDR block that's required for the creation of the compute cluster private subnet. Modify the CIDR block if it has already been reserved or used for other applications within the VPC or conflicts with anyon-premises CIDR blocks when using a hybrid environment. Provide only one CIDR block for the creation of the compute subnet. | list(string) |
vpc_compute_subnet | Name of an existing subnet for compute nodes. If no value is given, a new subnet will be created | string |
vpc_dns_custom_resolver_name | Name of an existing dns custom resolver. If no value is given, a new dns custom resolver will be created | string |
vpc_dns_service_name | Name of an existing dns resource instance. If no value is given, a new dns resource instance will be created | string |
vpc_name | Name of an existing VPC in which the cluster resources will be deployed. If no value is given, then a new VPC will be provisioned for the cluster. Learn more. If your VPC has an existing DNS service ensure the name of the DNS Service ends with prefix scale-scaledns [Example: cluster-name-scale-scaledns] | string |
vpc_protocol_cluster_dns_domain | IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name to be used for the protocol nodes. Note: If an existing DNS domain is already in use, a new domain must be specified as existing domains are not supported. | string |
vpc_protocol_cluster_private_subnets_cidr_blocks | The CIDR block that's required for the creation of the protocol nodes private subnet | list(string) |
vpc_protocol_subnet | Name of an existing subnet for protocol nodes. If no value is given, a new subnet will be created | string |
vpc_storage_cluster_dns_domain | IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name to be used for the storage cluster. Note: If an existing DNS domain is already in use, a new domain must be specified as existing domains are not supported. | string |
vpc_storage_cluster_private_subnets_cidr_blocks | The CIDR block that's required for the creation of the storage cluster private subnet. Modify the CIDR block if it has already been reserved or used for other applications within the VPC or conflicts with any on-premises CIDR blocks when using a hybrid environment. Provide only one CIDR block for the creation of the storage subnet. | list(string) |
vpc_storage_subnet | Name of an existing subnet for storage nodes. If no value is given, a new subnet will be created | string |
Name | Description |
ssh_command | SSH command that can be used to login to bootstrap node to destroy the cluster. Use the same command to ssh to any of storage/compute node but update the respective ip of the nodes in place of bootstrap node ip.(Examples: ssh -J ubuntu@bastionip <vpcuser@ip of storage/compute node>) |
vpc_compute_cluster_dns_service_id | IBM Cloud DNS compute cluster resource instance server ID. |
vpc_compute_cluster_dns_zone_id | IBM Cloud DNS compute cluster zone ID. |
vpc_compute_cluster_private_subnets | List of IDs of compute cluster private subnets. |
vpc_custom_resolver_id | IBM Cloud DNS custom resolver ID. |
vpc_id | The ID of the VPC. |
vpc_storage_cluster_dns_service_id | IBM Cloud DNS storage cluster resource instance server ID. |
vpc_storage_cluster_dns_zone_id | IBM Cloud DNS storage cluster zone ID. |
vpc_storage_cluster_private_subnets | List of IDs of storage cluster private subnets. |