A Database Management System created with Java supporting insertinon, deletion, updating and searching ; additionally , it uses B+ trees as the index.
Steps to run:
a) Import to eclipse
b) run DBApp (please wait some time and don't close as it takes some time to generate the required files)
c) You will find the results printed like this:
[ ID , GPA , First_Name , Age , Last_Name , TouchDate ] -> Headers to tell you which column corresponds to what
[550, 2, 7amada, 20, LN550, Sun Mar 20 14:09:04 EET 2016] -> result from the desired query (if only the headers appear without result then the query was not found)
d) Scroll down to see the rest of the results
e) Congrats your done :)
-Currently this project uses an Open source B+ tree from author jxlilin. If you'd like to see our self made BPlusTree and test it out , run the main method in class BPlusTree that is found in package BPIndex , kudos to joe3141 for it