My name is Ibrahim Alabi. I am a Dr. of Computing with an emphasis in Data Science. I am an experienced data scientist with a profound passion for data-related problem-solving. My expertise is in building end-to-end Machine Learning pipelines for solving real-life problems.
- Machine Learning.
- Deep Learning.
- Computer Vision.
- Geospatial Analysis.
- Snow Science.
- Large Language Model (LLM) Applications.
- Remote Sensing.
- Natural Language Processing.
Alabi, Ibrahim Olalekan, Hans-Peter Marshall, Jodi Mead, and Ernesto Trujillo. (2025) A Machine Learning Model for Estimating Snow Density and Snow Water Equivalent from Snow Depth and Seasonal Snow Climate Classes, in review.
Alabi, Ibrahim Olalekan, Hans-Peter Marshall, Jodi Mead, and Ernesto Trujillo. (2025) "Advancing Terrestrial Snow Depth Monitoring with Machine Learning and L-band InSAR Data: A Case Study Using SnowEx 2017 Data."
Joachim Meyer, Micah Johnson, Megan Mason, dylan boyd, Scott Henderson, agentrrb, Jessica Scheick, Micah Sandusky, Brent Wilder, Ibrahim O Alabi, Mikala Beig, & Naomi Alterman. (2024). snowex-hackweek/website-2024: hackweek-2024 (Version 20241122). Zenodo.
Meloche, Julien, Lemmetyinen, Juha, Meyer, Kaitlin, Alabi, Ibrahim, Vuyovich, Carrie, Stuefer, Sveta, Marshall, Hans-Peter, Durand, Michael, & Langlois, Alexandre. (2023). SnowEx23 Laser Snow Microstructure Specific Surface Area Data, Version 1 [dataset]. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center.
Joachim Meyer, Anthony Arendt, Scott Henderson, Megan Mason, Zachary Keskinen, Evi Ofekeze, Ibrahim Alabi, Micah Johnson, Xiaolan Xu, Naheem Adebisi, Jack Tarricone, Micah Sandusky, Gail Reckase, Melissa Wrzesien, c-ackroyd, dylan boyd, HP Marshall, Eli Holmes, Romina Piunno, & Jessica Scheick. (2023). snowex-hackweek/website2022: SnowEx Hackweek 2022 (Version 20220725). Zenodo.
Henderson, S., Arendt, A., Meyer, J., Setiawan, L., Marshall, H.-P., Johnson, M., Mason, M., Lundquist, J., Pestana, S., Shean, D., Durand, M., Wrzesien, M., McAndrew, B., Ofekeze, E., Alabi, I., Tarricone, J., Meehan, T., Webb, R., McGrath, D., … Koh, J. (2021). SnowEx Hackweek JupyterBook Tutorials. Zenodo.
Ofekeze, E., Johnson, J. B., Marshall, H. P., & Alabi, I. O. (2024). A deep Learning Approach for Detecting Avalanche Signatures in Infrasound Waveform. AGU24.
Marshall, H. P., Tarricone, J., Keskinen, Z., Oveisgharan, S., Bonnell, R., Mason, M., Alabi, I. O., ... & Forster, R. R. Progress on L-band InSAR snow retrievals, for future NISAR application: Recent results from the 2020-2021 NASA SnowEx UAVSAR time series experiment. AGU24.
Alabi, I. O., Marshall, H. P., Mead, J., Trujillo, E., & Ofekeze, E. (2023). Harnessing L-Band InSAR and Lidar Data Through Machine Learning for Accurate Snow Depth Estimation in Grand Mesa, Colorado. AGU23.
Ofekeze, E., Marshall, H. P., Mead, J., Trujillo, E., & Alabi, I. O. (2023). Advancing Snow Water Equivalent Estimation with SWESARR. AGU23.
Alabi, I. O., Marshall, H. P., Mead, J., & Ofekeze, E. (2022, December). How Transferable are Our Models? A Case Study of Idaho SNOTEL Sites. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. C52C-0365).
Ofekeze, E., Marshall, H. P., Mead, J., & Alabi, I. O. (2022, December). A Machine Learning Framework for Active and Passive Microwave Observation from Snow Water Equivalent Synthetic Aperture Radar And Radiometer (SWESARR) for Snow Depth Estimation. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. C52C-0364).
Arendt, A. A., Marshall, H. P., Henderson, S. T., Vuyovich, C., Haley, C., Reckase, G., ..., Alabi, I. O. & Meyer, J. (2022, December). Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. ED16B-04).
Lead Tutor, NASA Earth Sciences & UW Hackweek 2024, Neural Networks with PyTorch (link).
Lead Tutor, GeoSmart Hackweek 2023, Introduction to Machine Learning (link).
Lead Tutor, SnowEx Hackweek 2022, Introducton to Machine Learning (link).
Lead Tutor, SnowEx Hackweek 2021, Introducton to Machine Learning (link).
R Programming Helper, Modeling Under Various Assumption Violations, 2018.
- Analyzing Kickstarter Videos with Machine Learning: West Big Data Innovation Hub.