As is known to programmers, it is relatively tedious and labourious to write codes on Computer Graphics. For exemple, it may take hundreds of lines of C++ codes to generate VBO, VAO, shader, BEFORE a single triangle can be rendered. Combined with the complicated OpenGL API, things become even worse.
That's why I've decided to code the main functionality of Computer Graphics into Python as a practice. The advanced feature provided by python and numerous handy libs(numpy, etc) can greatly reduce the trivial but tedious parts of coding, and help we programmers focus on the core logic of computer graphics.
So far, I've implemented 6 stages of codes, each containing a basic but key feature in computer graphics. The six feature is directly in the root directory, not wrapped into folders yet.
Despite the convenience provided by Phthon, there's no denying that Python is a poor at perfomance, which is very import in Computer Graphics. I've tried numba
, but it seems to work only for Python programs that is dense in numerical computing. Pypy
maybe a choice in boosting the perfomance of these codes, which I've planned to try in the future.
Considering the limited speed of current code in this repository, it is recommended to use pyopengl as a learning platform to help you understand the fundamental logic and basic workflow of opengl, and then shift to C++ afterwards. I've found such switch interesting and beneficial.
The part below illustrate the first five stages.
修改了代码,成功封装到了 class Application
see:,, vert.glsl, frag.glsl
加入了纹理,并封装入 class Texture
- 现在会渲染两个纹理混合的一个立方体
纹理图像的加载采用pillow库,见import PIL
将变换、摄像机相关代码抽离出来,封装成了 class Camera
- 现在只有一个选项
- 但基础框架已经建立了