By Aarón Sibaja Méndez Email: [email protected]
- Execute the MySQL database query in the file named ocelot.sql. In the file ocelot.sql you will find some users credentials that will allow you to login. You will have to create a SECRET KEY which is going to encrypt every user's password. Use this SECRET KEY to encrypt these users passwords.
- Setup the .env file in the server, you can use the .env-example file by renaming it to .env.
- Assign the SECRET KEY for user's passwords to SECRET_DB_ENCRYPT.
- Assign the value that you want to SECRET TOKEN. This value is going to be used to encrypt the authentication's token.
- Assign a MySQL username to DB_USER and their password to SECRET_DB_PASSWORD. Remember to give all privileges in the database to this user. If it's necessary, also assign the correct hostname to DB_HOST
- Install client dependencies:
cd client
npm install
Execute client's proyect: npm run serve
- Install server dependencies:
cd server
npm install
Execute server's proyect: npm run dev
- Username: IudexSoren | Password: Iudex400@Soren
- Username: Soren | Password: Iudex400@Soren
The purpose of this proyect is only to practice the use of the Vue library in the client or front-end and the environment Node Js in the server or back-end. Lorian Tech was meant to be an online shop about computer components like ExtremeTech's page
Link to ExtremeTech for reference:
Actually, the proyect is not finished yet, but it has functionalities like:
- Register a user (Only administrators with respective privileges can do this)
- Login user
- Recover an account by using a random code generated by the system
- Activated, deactivate and block users
- Add or remove user privileges
- Add or remove a profile image
And some other functionalities...
I feel very proud of what I've done till now because I always wanted to build a system with authentication and authorization using roles and permissions. This is by far, the best proyect I've done, at least until now February, 4th 2022.
The whole proyect is divided by other two proyects: client and server.
The client was build using Vue 3.2, Vuex, Vue Router, Axios, Tailwind and some other libraries. The interface is totally responsive and I tried my best with the user experience.
The server was build using Node Js with Express, Socket IO, Joi for validations, JSON Web Token and other libraries. I tried my best to build a secure server.
The database used was MySQL