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This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 1, 2023. It is now read-only.

Releases: JamesIves/dc-metro-google-assistant-action


22 May 11:02
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Minor Changes

  • Updated all dependencies so they properly support Node v10.
  • Migrated away from CircleCI to GitHub Actions.


04 Jul 21:15
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Minor Changes

  • General dependency update maintenance.


19 Apr 13:10
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Minor Changes

  • Plenty of dependency updates. This version has been pushed up for review to Google.


24 Feb 17:20
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Major Changes

  • Made a change which now checks if the user has previously invoked the action, and if they have it gives them a different welcome intent.
  • Added a help intent which will provide users with the same dialog that is read out when it's a first time user.

Minor Changes

  • Fixed an issue with the prettier file that was warning on formats.


12 Feb 12:44
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Major Changes

  • Added the ability to geo locate nearby bus stops. In order for this functionality to work your device must have a screen, either a phone or a home hub will suffice.

Minor Changes

  • Added the bus stop nearby directions to the Bus Commands intent.


Thanks again to @lizafloyd for the assistance with testing these changes.


14 Jan 13:59
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Release Notes

Major Changes

  • Implemented bus incident data. You can now ask the action for Bus stops for stop 123 and be informed of any incidents affecting the stop you requested. This behaves the exact same to the train incident data.

Minor Changes

  • Implemented a Good morning/evening and afternoon greeting when the action is invoked depending on the time of day on the East Coast.
  • Added a feedback intent which will trigger whenever the user tells the action that there's a bug.
  • Moved around the repository code so it's more organized and easier to navigate.


Big thanks to @lizafloyd for the code reviews once again.


04 Jan 14:55
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Release Notes

This version introduces a number of changes and new features to the action and has been submitted to Google for deployment.

Major Changes

  • Introduces train incident data, powered by the WMATA API. Whenever a user queries a station it will provide a follow up question asking if they want to hear about incidents affecting that station if there's an incident that affects one of the lines that stop there. The data is read aloud to users with a device with no screen, and for those with a screen displayed in a table.

  • Correctly merges stations with multiple platforms so all of the data is available to the user. Previously stations such as Metro Center were only showing one of its two platforms.

Minor Changes

  • Improved overall dialog and conversation patterns.
  • Improved code readability.
  • Added a lot of test coverage.
  • Changed some of the README data, added a new app icon, and more.


Thanks to Liza Floyd for the PR reviews.


14 Dec 13:46
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Release Notes

  • Adds DialogFlow intents for stop commands. When asked to follow up with a station name if the original request wasn't understand, you can end the conversation by saying no or any other variant of that phrase.


05 Dec 05:51
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Release Notes

  • Added the ability to invoke the dialog using Train times for Farragut North and Metro times for Farragut North, timetable was too English.
  • Filtered out trains with the destination as Train as this is an internal API record for out of service trains.
  • Fixed a few dialog things, preventing the app from exiting too early. This allows for conversation to flow better.
  • Added local timestamps relative to DC when the timetables are generated.


04 Dec 12:43
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Release Notes

  • General dialog fixes to make the flow better.