Web application to find the shortest possible solution to a 2x2 Rubiks Cube.
Video Demo: https://youtu.be/PX5OEW4qqNU
SpringBoot: Used to create backend endpoint, connect front and back ends through GET and POST methods, and to launch the web application.
Java: Used for the solving algorithm, and to handle form submission from HTML
HTML: Used to create the front end form and the result page
CSS: Used to style the front end pages
JavaScript: Did not use in the end result, but kept in project code to show how I previously used it to convert Form data into an array of numbers
End goal: be able to input the colours on each side of the cube, and then have the solution to solving it outputted to the user
- Create a simple frontend where the user can input a single value and submit it
- User can input all the values and submit it somewhere (console to start)
- Create a decent looking frontend where the user can input the colors on each side of the cube and submit it
- Be able to take in the user's input and store it in a database
- Create an endpoint for the java
- Create an algorithm to take in these inputs and solve the rubiks cube (verify that this works with actual cube)
- Have the algorithm output each move on the rubiks cube when the program is run
- Have the final algorithm output the solution onto the window
- Implement a reset button so that the user can begin the process again with a different colour scheme
Implement an error message to be thrown if the colour scheme is invalid - Done!