You can find 3 folders in this repository. The following sections guide you on how to use each directory.
- This folder contains several subfolders with study materials and complete explanations for cracking interviews, along with video explanations for specific companies discussed in our HOW TO CRACK SERIES.
- The "How to Crack" series is a YouTube playlist by code clubs, disclosing a step-by-step process to crack respective companies with round-wise discussions and important topics to study and crack the interview.
- This folder contains "Interview Experiences" from real-time employees and individuals who have attended interviews at certain companies, as requested by codeClub members.
- codeClub is a student WhatsApp group where we discuss placement preparation, student awareness, conduct knowledge-sharing sessions, and more. codeClub is part of our codeClubs student community.
- This folder contains free preparation materials sourced from various places.
- It includes a file named "Complete Resource Materials," where you can find comprehensive resources to crack the given companies that are hard to find individually. It is advised to go through that file first.
- This repository is made to share materials to crack the placement process of several companies.
- You can fork this repository and add materials that you find helpful for your fellow developers/students to crack interviews.
- This repo will be frequently updated with materials from our side and open free resource materials available on the internet to provide users with a seamless experience while preparing for job interviews and campus drives.
- A humble request to all users: This repo is nothing compared to the study materials you have in hand. If you have some time, please fork this repo and add some materials for your fellow developers/students.
- If you have any queries, contact me personally via LinkedIn - Jatin Kishore M.
- 'Star' ⭐ the repo. This can motivate us to 'commit' more materials to the repo.
- This initiative is part of the codeClubs community and its volunteers.
- You can join our free student community, codeClubs, via our official website
- We also encourage students by conducting free weekly coding contests, named fightClub. Every week, the winners are awarded a small cash prize and honored on our official winners page Weekly Winner's Page.
- Subscribe to us on YouTube.
- codeClubs has been running for over 2 years, and during this time, we have gone through many volunteer activities in our community. As a community, it is our responsibility to recognize our volunteers and contributors. Therefore, we have created a separate document to acknowledge them.
- Volunteers & Contributors