@pixiv Inc, pixiv desktop
- Tokyo, Japan
Scan for React performance issues and eliminate slow renders in your app
EDSY is a web-based ship outfitting simulator tool for the game Elite Dangerous
99%-Open Source code of Even the Ocean, a 2016 PC game.
Home of the development of the Nexus Mods App
A local-first personal finance app
A beautiful yet powerful syntax highlighter
PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement
A Modern DVR Tuner Server for Japanese TV.
FINAL FANTASY XIV modding, but actually good this time
Record and replay flights in Microsoft Flight Simulator
Steam Skin created by Pulseh and continued by Mr Late
vPilot-compatible VMRs for matching plane models in MSFS
Low latency application audio routing for Windows
Mobile Companion App for MSFS 2020
Working Title FS Packages
A Windows desktop app to copy images from FlashAir by a wireless connection
The A32NX & A380X Project are community driven open source projects to create free Airbus aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator that are as close to reality as possible.
[experimental] TypeScript Language Service Plugin to make classNames() type-safe for Tailwind.css
TypeScript server plugin that adds intellisense to styled component css strings
The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository
A Playnite theme that mimics the Switch's interface. It's a fullscreen theme.