This package uses a redis server to manage the jobs and to run them on a schedule. It is designed to be a simple way to manage jobs and to be able to run them on a schedule.
To install the package you can use the following command
composer require tina4components/tina4jobsmodule
There are two variables that you need to set in your .env file
REDIS_HOST: <host address to your redis server>
REDIS_PORT: <ports to your redis server: Default usually on redis is :6379>
When creating a job you need to create a class that implements the Tina4Job
interface and implement the handle()
The handle()
method is the method that will be called when the job is run.
The following is an example of a job that writes a user to a file, All job classes need to implement the Tina4Job interface.
namespace Tina4Jobs;
use Tina4Jobs\Tina4Job;
class TestJob implements Tina4Job
use Tina4Queueable; // This is a trait that is used to make the job queueable
private $user;
public function __construct($payload = [])
$this->user = ["name" => "John", "surname" => "Doe",
public function handle(): void
file_put_contents("test.txt", json_encode($this->user) . "\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
Creating a job is as simple as creating a new instance of Tina4Jobs and adding it to the jobs list.
\Tina4Jobs\Tina4JobQueue::push((new \Tina4Jobs\TestJob(
"surname" => "Smith",
"age" => 30,
"country" => "South Africa"
), "queue_name");
To run the jobs there is a jobs service in the Tina4Jobs module that you can use to run the jobs.
composer start-jobs
To run the jobs on a linux server you can use the following command
Step 1: cd /etc/systemd/system
Step 2: Create a new service file nano tina4jobs.service
and add the following content
Description=Tina4Jobs Service
WorkingDirectory=<path to your project directory>
ExecStart=php bin/tina4jobs
Step 3: Reload the systemd daemon systemctl daemon-reload
Step 4: Start the service systemctl start tina4jobs.service
Step 5: Check the status of the service systemctl status tina4jobs.service
Step 6: Enable the service to start on boot systemctl enable tina4jobs.service
- You can change the user to the user that you want to run the service as.
- You can change the path to the project directory where the
file is located. - You can change the description of the service to whatever you want.
- You can change the name of the service to whatever you want.
- To stop the service you can use
systemctl stop tina4jobs.service