2 commits
to main
since this release
ReinforcementLearningFarm ReinforcementLearningFarm-v0.0.3
Merged pull requests:
- Fix deprecations (#10) (@femtocleaner[bot])
- implement epsilon-greedy policy with parametric type (#12) (@jbrea)
- improve docs (#13) (@jbrea)
- refactor policies (#15) (@jbrea)
- Add ReinforcementLearningBase as dependent (#16) (@jbrea)
- fix examples (#18) (@jbrea)
- refactor existing components (#26) (@findmyway)
- Prioritized dqn (#29) (@findmyway)
- add double dqn (#30) (@findmyway)
- add rainbow (#31) (@findmyway)
- use new api in ReinforcementLearningEnvironments.jl (#33) (@findmyway)
- bugfix and api simplification (#34) (@findmyway)
- Switch Tracker.jl to Zygote.jl (#37) (@findmyway)
- Support both Knet and Flux(with Zygote) (#38) (@findmyway)
- add docs (#39) (@findmyway)
- export AbstractActionSelector and add more comments (#42) (@findmyway)
- Refactor buffer (#45) (@findmyway)
- fix example in doc && update examples (#46) (@findmyway)
- fix a performance bug in rainbow (#47) (@findmyway)
- update dependencies (#48) (@findmyway)
- update dependencies and docs (#49) (@findmyway)
- update benchmark for circular_array_buffer (#50) (@findmyway)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#53) (@JuliaTagBot)
- clean up code (#54) (@findmyway)
- add compat (#55) (@findmyway)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Reexport" at version "0.2" (#56) (@github-actions[bot])
- add documentation stage in travis (#57) (@findmyway)
- Add doc in travis (#58) (@findmyway)
- Fix link in docs/src/ (#60) (@amanbh)
- Update doc (#61) (@findmyway)
- Update & website link (#70) (@findmyway)
- Update dependency (#78) (@findmyway)
- MassInstallAction: Install the CompatHelper workflow on this repository (#99) (@findmyway)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Reexport" to "1.0" (#172) (@github-actions[bot])
- update dependency (#177) (@findmyway)
- Add Dockerfile (#187) (@findmyway)
- Update readme (#188) (@findmyway)
- docs: add findmyway as a contributor (#189) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add drozzy as a contributor (#195) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add rcnlee as a contributor (#199) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add norci as a contributor (#200) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add xiruizhao as a contributor (#203) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add metab0t as a contributor (#204) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add albheim as a contributor (#207) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add michelangelo21 as a contributor (#214) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add pilgrimygy as a contributor (#216) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add Mobius1D as a contributor (#218) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add ilancoulon as a contributor (#224) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add pilgrimygy as a contributor (#230) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add JinraeKim as a contributor (#243) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Prepare v0.9 (#252) (@findmyway)
- docs: add luigiannelli as a contributor (#254) (@allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add JBoerma as a contributor (#255) (@allcontributors[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "ReinforcementLearningEnvironments" to "0.5" (#260) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix inconsitencies in wrappers (#263) (@albheim)
- setup CI for each subpackages (#264) (@findmyway)
- Fix atari experiments (#265) (@Mobius1D)
- Add timeperstep hook to qrdqn to fix test error (#266) (@albheim)
- Update Flux version (#267) (@findmyway)
- Setup docs generation pipeline (#269) (@findmyway)
- Misc doc related fixes (#270) (@findmyway)
- Update (#271) (@findmyway)
- docs: add JinraeKim as a contributor (#272) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Improve docs GitHub action (#273) (@findmyway)
- Fix docs pipeline (#275) (@findmyway)
- update readme (#276) (@findmyway)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "UnicodePlots" at version "1.3" for package ReinforcementLearningCore (#277) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Distributions" to "0.25" for package ReinforcementLearningCore (#278) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Distributions" to "0.25" for package ReinforcementLearningZoo (#279) (@github-actions[bot])
- docs: add plu70n as a contributor (#282) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Fix bug in CI (#283) (@findmyway)
- Use Weave.jl to generate RLExperiments (#284) (@findmyway)
- QRDQN experiment reproducibility fix (#294) (@ashwani-rathee)
- Add Manifest.toml (#295) (@findmyway)
- docs: add ashwani-rathee as a contributor (#296) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Add basic doc structure (#300) (@findmyway)
- Update guide (#302) (@findmyway)
- Update experiments (#303) (@findmyway)
- fix figs (#304) (@findmyway)
- Fix some simple experiments (#308) (@findmyway)
- add plotting for cartpole and mountaincar with Plots.jl (#309) (@jamblejoe)
- Remove GR in RLEnvs (#310) (@findmyway)
- docs: add jamblejoe as a contributor (#311) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Add compat of [email protected] in ReinforcementLearningExperiments (#312) (@findmyway)
- Add example of SimplexSpace (#313) (@findmyway)
- Improve tutorial (#314) (@findmyway)
- Fix Atari related experiments (#315) (@findmyway)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "ImageTransformations" at version "0.8" for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments (#317) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "ArcadeLearningEnvironment" at version "0.2" for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments (#318) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "CUDA" at version "3" for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments (#319) (@github-actions[bot])
- update tips (#321) (@findmyway)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "GPUArrays" to "7" for package ReinforcementLearningCore (#322) (@github-actions[bot])
- docs: add albheim as a contributor for doc (#323) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Fix broken test (#325) (@Mobius1D)
- Add a warning in docstring of state (#327) (@findmyway)
- Update doc string of PrioritizedDQNLearner (#329) (@findmyway)
- Expand DDPG to multi action spaces (#330) (@Mobius1D)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "StructArrays" to "0.6" for package ReinforcementLearningZoo (#331) (@github-actions[bot])
- fix 332 (#333) (@findmyway)
- correct spelling in FAQ (#334) (@ultradian)
- docs: add ultradian as a contributor for doc (#335) (@allcontributors[bot])
- fix typo (#338) (@findmyway)
- docs: add eltociear as a contributor for doc (#339) (@allcontributors[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "FillArrays" to "0.12" for package ReinforcementLearningCore (#340) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add copyto function (#345) (@pilgrimygy)
- add Base.:(==) and Base.hash for AbstractEnv and test nash_conv on KuhnPokerEnv (#348) (@peterchen96)
- Fix legal_actions_mask indexing error in CircularSLART (#350) (@findmyway)
- bump version of RLCore (#351) (@findmyway)
- bump version of RLBae (#352) (@findmyway)
- add LICENSE in RLBase (#353) (@findmyway)
- bump version of RLZoo (#355) (@findmyway)
- docs: add 00krishna as a contributor for bug (#356) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Add the tuning entropy component (#365) (@pilgrimygy)
- Make general components (#370) (@pilgrimygy)
- add weighted_softmax_explorer in the
(#382) (@peterchen96) - Supplement functions in ReservoirTrajectory and BehaviorCloningPolicy (#390) (@peterchen96)
- Update Flux version (#391) (@findmyway)
- AddSequentialEnv (#394) (@findmyway)
- Throw error in MultiAgentManager if it is applied to a SIMULTANEOUS env (#395) (@findmyway)
- docs: add pkienscherf as a contributor for bug (#396) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Implementation of NFSP and NFSP_KuhnPoker experiment (#402) (@peterchen96)
- Updated RLDatasets.jl (#403) (@Mobius1D)
- Gym d4rl extension (#405) (@Mobius1D)
- updates as per GridWorlds v0.5.0 (#406) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- Reduce allocations and update docstring for GaussianNetwork (#414) (@albheim)
- Fix a bug (#415) (@pilgrimygy)
- Expand to d4rl-pybullet (#416) (@Mobius1D)
- docs: add pilgrimygy as a contributor for bug (#417) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Fix 418 (#420) (@findmyway)
- docs: add Krastanov as a contributor for doc (#422) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Make SAC policy use internal rng (#423) (@albheim)
- Add wrapped_env[!] to access env inside wrappers (#426) (@albheim)
- add stock trading env (#428) (@findmyway)
- Add Atari datasets released by Google Research (#429) (@Mobius1D)
- add kwargs to plot(env::) (#430) (@jamblejoe)
- Unify parameter names (#437) (@pilgrimygy)
- docs: add albheim as a contributor for maintenance (#438) (@allcontributors[bot])
- correct
implementation (#439) (@peterchen96) - update the nfsp experiment's parameters (#440) (@peterchen96)
- Tiny text typo (#441) (@Nthman)
- docs: add LaarsOman as a contributor for doc (#442) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Add pre-train step; VAE component; CRR and PLAS algorithms (#443) (@pilgrimygy)
- add MADDPG algorithm (#444) (@peterchen96)
- add_Graph_Shortest_Path (#445) (@findmyway)
- try to fix bugs of ActionTransformedEnv (#447) (@peterchen96)
- Update report (#448) (@pilgrimygy)
- Summer ospp project 210370190 mid-term report (#449) (@peterchen96)
- add maxdepth kwarg to remove print_tree() deprecation warning (#450) (@burmecia)
- docs: add burmecia as a contributor for code (#451) (@allcontributors[bot])
- RL unplugged implementation with tests (#452) (@Mobius1D)
- Update report (#453) (@Mobius1D)
- disable notebook generation (#454) (@johnnychen94)
- Revert "Update report" (#456) (@findmyway)
- Update report (#457) (@pilgrimygy)
- fix installation docs (#458) (@Mobius1D)
- docs: add peterchen96 as a contributor for code, doc (#459) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Create LICENSE (#461) (@Mobius1D)
- Add docs (#462) (@Mobius1D)
- Fix make.jl (#463) (@Mobius1D)
- Delete LICENSE (#465) (@Mobius1D)
- fix CI (#466) (@findmyway)
- Fix RLDatasets.jl documentation (#467) (@Mobius1D)
- update report (#468) (@peterchen96)
- Fix ci (#469) (@Mobius1D)
- Update maddpg and the report (#470) (@peterchen96)
- Report (#474) (@pilgrimygy)
- Control whether
displays description of experiment (#477) (@ShuhuaGao) - docs: add ShuhuaGao as a contributor for code, question (#478) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Chancestyle doc update (#479) (@ShuhuaGao)
- FisherBRC algorithm and update docs (#480) (@pilgrimygy)
- Add the experiment of
. (#481) (@peterchen96) - Add bsuite datasets (#482) (@Mobius1D)
- update report and add reward bonus (#483) (@pilgrimygy)
- Update manifest (#484) (@Mobius1D)
- add GPU support for GaussianNetwork, fix #455 (#486) (@burmecia)
- Update experiments of maddpg (#487) (@peterchen96)
- �Update prob function of
(#488) (@peterchen96) - Update report. (#489) (@peterchen96)
- Fix gsutil for windows and fix docs (#491) (@Mobius1D)
- add vmpo algorithm (#492) (@burmecia)
- update vae (#494) (@pilgrimygy)
- Add dm datasets (#495) (@Mobius1D)
- Play OpenSpiel envs with NFSP and try to add ED algorithm. (#496) (@peterchen96)
- fix bug (#497) (@pilgrimygy)
- Update BEAR algorithm (#498) (@pilgrimygy)
- More efficient float32 randn (#499) (@albheim)
- Add support for deep ope in RLDatasets.jl (#500) (@Mobius1D)
- update BCQ (#501) (@pilgrimygy)
- update discrete BCQ (#502) (@pilgrimygy)
- update offline RL experiment (#507) (@pilgrimygy)
- Update ED algorithm and the report. (#508) (@peterchen96)
- cpu and gpu test (#509) (@pilgrimygy)
- Fix dispatch for is_discrete_space (#510) (@johannes-fischer)
- docs: add johannes-fischer as a contributor for code (#511) (@allcontributors[bot])
- update report (#512) (@pilgrimygy)
- update report (#513) (@peterchen96)
- Fix random net init in sac example (#514) (@albheim)
- WIP to implement FQE (#515) (@Mobius1D)
- OSPP Report for RLDatasets.jl (#516) (@Mobius1D)
- Update report (#518) (@Mobius1D)
- Update reward wrappers to be more consistent (#519) (@albheim)
- fixed findmax unconsistency (#521) (@3rdCore)
- docs: add 3rdCore as a contributor for bug, code (#522) (@allcontributors[bot])
- close #493 (#523) (@findmyway)
- Update compat & version (#524) (@findmyway)
- Fix rlexps (#525) (@findmyway)
- Bump rlenvs (#526) (@findmyway)
- close #527 (#528) (@bhatiaabhinav)
- docs: add bhatiaabhinav as a contributor for bug, code (#529) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Refine the doc and make minor changes of TabularApproximator (#532) (@ShuhuaGao)
- Fix bug in MaskedPPOTrajectory (#533) (@findmyway)
- bugfix with ZeroTo (#534) (@findmyway)
- Revert unexpected change in PPO (#535) (@findmyway)
- Fix 530 (#536) (@findmyway)
- Improves plotting for classical control experiments (#537) (@harwiltz)
- Fix rldatasets (#538) (@findmyway)
- docs: add harwiltz as a contributor for code, doc (#539) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Bump version (#540) (@findmyway)
- fix RLIntro#63 (#541) (@findmyway)
- fix RLIntro#64 (#542) (@findmyway)
- Added a continuous option for CartPoleEnv (#543) (@dylan-asmar)
- docs: add dylan-asmar as a contributor for code (#544) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Bump version (#545) (@findmyway)
- Fix bug in cart pole float32 (#547) (@findmyway)
- Update links to RLIntro (#548) (@findmyway)
- Make experiments GPU compatible (#549) (@findmyway)
- Add compat (#550) (@findmyway)
- Bugfix with cart pole env (#552) (@findmyway)
- make bc gpu compatable (#553) (@findmyway)
- docs: add andreyzhitnikov as a contributor for bug (#554) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Small typo (#555) (@kir0ul)
- docs: add kir0ul as a contributor for doc (#556) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Fix/rand dummy action (#559) (@mo8it)
- Fix warning about (#560) (@mo8it)
- docs: add Mo8it as a contributor for code (#561) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Fix dummy action for continuous action spaces (#562) (@mo8it)
- Fix/rand interval (#563) (@mo8it)
- Remove unneeded method (#564) (@mo8it)
- Fix typo in ospp_final_term_report_210370741/ (#565) (@eltociear)
- Fix 566 (#567) (@findmyway)
- Fix documentation for environments (#570) (@blegat)
- docs: add blegat as a contributor for doc (#571) (@allcontributors[bot])
- fix #569 (#573) (@findmyway)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "ArrayInterface" to "4" for package ReinforcementLearningCore (#574) (@github-actions[bot])
- bump version of RLCore and RLZoo (#576) (@findmyway)
- Update EpsilonGreedyExplorer example (#577) (@kir0ul)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "FillArrays" to "0.13" for package ReinforcementLearningCore (#583) (@github-actions[bot])
- Default qnetwork initializer (#586) (@HenriDeh)
- docs: add HenriDeh as a contributor for code, doc (#587) (@allcontributors[bot])
- using
parameter intarget_actor
(#588) (@NPLawrence) - docs: add NPLawrence as a contributor for code (#589) (@allcontributors[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "ArrayInterface" to "5" for package ReinforcementLearningCore (#590) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix documentation typo (#591) (@kir0ul)
- Fixing and generalizing GaussianNetwork (#592) (@HenriDeh)
- Fix typos in docs (#593) (@bileamScheuvens)
- docs: add bileamScheuvens as a contributor for doc (#594) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Add CovGaussianNetwork to work with covariance (#597) (@HenriDeh)
- Fixing Gaussian Network gradient (#598) (@HenriDeh)
- Update Supporting (#599) (@findmyway)
- docs: add harwiltz as a contributor for bug (#601) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Rewrite initialization of
(#602) (@findmyway) - fix test logdetLorU with Float64 (#603) (@HenriDeh)
- WIP: Add MPO in zoo (#604) (@HenriDeh)
- fix #605 (#606) (@findmyway)
- docs: add jarbus as a contributor for bug (#607) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Add a reward normalizer (#609) (@HenriDeh)
- Episode reset condition (#621) (@HenriDeh)
- cspell add Optimise (#622) (@HenriDeh)
- Add a categorical Network (#625) (@HenriDeh)
- write doc (#627) (@HenriDeh)
- fix #624 (#628) (@findmyway)
- docs: add tyleringebrand as a contributor for bug (#629) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Update (#630) (@HenriDeh)
- add a new notebook (#631) (@findmyway)
- Use Trajectories.jl instead (#632) (@findmyway)
- created fallback implementation for legal_action_space_mask (#644) (@baedan)
- update node version (#645) (@findmyway)
- docs: add baedan as a contributor for code (#646) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Tag the latest code as v0.10.1 (#647) (@findmyway)
- added basic doc for
(#649) (@baedan) - Add
(#650) (@findmyway) - enable OpenSpiel (#691) (@findmyway)
- Small improvements for TicTacToeEnv (#692) (@jonathan-laurent)
- Update the "how to implement a new algorithm" (#695) (@HenriDeh)
- Fix typo in algorithm implementation docs (#697) (@mplemay)
- add PrioritizedDQN (#698) (@findmyway)
- add QRDQN (#699) (@findmyway)
- add REMDQN (#708) (@findmyway)
- add IQN (#710) (@findmyway)
- checkin Mainifest.toml (#711) (@findmyway)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "ReinforcementLearningCore" to "0.8" (#712) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "ReinforcementLearningEnvironments" to "0.6" (#713) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "ReinforcementLearningZoo" to "0.5" (#714) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "AbstractTrees" to "0.4" for package ReinforcementLearningBase (#715) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Functors" to "0.3" for package ReinforcementLearningCore (#717) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "UnicodePlots" to "3" for package ReinforcementLearningCore (#718) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "ReinforcementLearningCore" to "0.8" for package ReinforcementLearningZoo (#720) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Functors" to "0.3" for package ReinforcementLearningZoo (#721) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "StableRNGs" at version "1" for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments (#722) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "ReinforcementLearning" to "0.10" for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments (#723) (@github-actions[bot])
- add rainbow (#724) (@findmyway)
- Adapted SAC to support MultiThreadedEnv (#726) (@BigFood2307)
- Add the number of episodes (#727) (@ll7)
- docs: add ll7 as a contributor for doc (#728) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Add struct view (#732) (@findmyway)
- add VPG (#733) (@findmyway)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Distributions" at version "0.25" for package ReinforcementLearningZoo (#734) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Distributions" at version "0.25" for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments (#735) (@github-actions[bot])
- fixed hyperlink in readme (#742) (@mplemay)
- docs: add mplemay as a contributor for doc (#743) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Create FUNDING.yml (#746) (@findmyway)
- TRPO (#747) (@baedan)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "CommonRLSpaces" to "0.2" for package ReinforcementLearningBase (#748) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix parameter names for AsyncTrajectoryStyle (#749) (@ludvigk)
- Update DoEveryNEpisode hook to new api (#750) (@ludvigk)
- docs: add ludvigk as a contributor for code (#751) (@allcontributors[bot])
- Update TwinNetwork (#752) (@ludvigk)
- Typo in hooks docs (#754) (@kir0ul)
- CommonRLSpace -> DomainSets (#756) (@findmyway)
- Fix typo (#767) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix typo (#768) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix TD Learner so that it handles MultiAgent/Simultaneous with NoOp (#769) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump RLBase compat to 0.11 (#771) (@HenriDeh)
- Remove manifest from the repo (#773) (@HenriDeh)
- import params and gradient (#774) (@HenriDeh)
- fix compat (#775) (@HenriDeh)
- Trying to reimplement experiments (#776) (@HenriDeh)
- Add a developer mode (#777) (@HenriDeh)
- added pettingzoo and one single agent example (#782) (@Mytolo)
- Update mpo.jl (#783) (@HenriDeh)
- Reduce unnecessary array allocations (#785) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Temporarily disable failing experiment so project tests pass (#787) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix spellcheck errors (#788) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bug fixes and dependency bump (#789) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Reactivate some tests for RLExperiments (#790) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Pin ReinforcementLearning.jl to pre-refactor versions (#793) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Update TagBot.yml (#794) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Drop RL.jl as dependency from Experiments (#795) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix compat for RLBase (#796) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix RLCore version, prep for bump (#797) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add reexport compat (#798) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump compat helper (#799) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix IntervalSets compat for RLEnvironments (#800) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump RLZoo.jl version for release (#815) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix RLExperiments compat (#816) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Expand RLZoo compat (#817) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump RLExperiments, require 0.11 (#818) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Pin ReinforcementLearningZoo.jl to 0.6 in RLExperiments (#819) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Drop RL.jl from CompatHelper (until refactor complete) (#824) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump Github Actions cache version (#825) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Basic allocation fixes for RandomWalk / RandomPolicy (#827) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump CI.yml GitHub action versions (#828) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add tests, improve performance of RewardsPerEpisode (#829) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Refactor and add tests to TotalBatchRewardPerEpisode (#830) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Tests, refactor for TimePerStep (#831) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- DoEveryNStep tests, performance tweaks (#832) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add DoOnExit test (#833) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Expand PR Template (#835) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix branch name (master -> main) (#837) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add test_noop! to remaining hooks (#840) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Make TimePerStep test robust (#841) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Reactivate docs (#842) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add activate_devmode!() explanation to (#845) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump compat of RL.jl to 0.11.0-dev (#846) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- add kwargs to agent (#847) (@HenriDeh)
- Gaussian network refactor and tests (#849) (@HenriDeh)
- Agent Refactor (#850) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump RLCore (#851) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Include codecov in CI (#854) (@HenriDeh)
- Fix a typo in MPO (#855) (@HenriDeh)
- DoEvery should not trigger on t = 1 (#856) (@HenriDeh)
- update CI Julia version (#857) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Tweak CI to check on dep changes (#858) (@HenriDeh)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for FillArrays to 1 for package ReinforcementLearningCore, (keep existing compat) (#859) (@github-actions[bot])
- MultiAgent Proposal (#861) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for ReinforcementLearningCore at version 0.9 for package ReinforcementLearningEnvironments, (keep existing compat) (#865) (@github-actions[bot])
- Multiplayer Fixes (Clean up errors) (#867) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Added a section to the home page about getting help for Reinforcement… (#868) (@LooseTerrifyingSpaceMonkey)
- Bump StatsBase compat (#873) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- ComposedHooks, MultiHook fixes (#874) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix RLEnvs compat (#875) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add back ComposedStop (#876) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump RLBase to v0.11.1 (#877) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Further refinements (#879) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Use multiple dispatch / methods plan! and act! (#880) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- RLCore.update! -> Base.push! API change (#884) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add compat for CommonRLInterface (#886) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix hook issues (#887) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ReinforcementLearningZoo to 0.6 for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments, (keep existing compat) (#888) (@github-actions[bot])
- Stacknamespace (#889) (@HenriDeh)
- allow more recent versions (#890) (@HenriDeh)
- Fix stack (#891) (@HenriDeh)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for DelimitedFiles at version 1 for package ReinforcementLearningEnvironments, (keep existing compat) (#894) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update implement new alg docs (#896) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- NFQ (#897) (@CasBex)
- fixed problem with sequential multi agent envs (#898) (@Mytolo)
- Sketch out optimise! refactor (#899) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bug fix optimise! (#902) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Breaking changes to optimise! interface: Bump RLCore to v0.11 and RLZoo to v0.8 (#903) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Swap out rng code (#905) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for NNlib to 0.9 for package ReinforcementLearningZoo, (keep existing compat) (#906) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix dispatch and update documentation (#907) (@HenriDeh)
- QBasedPolicy optimise! forwards to learner. (#909) (@HenriDeh)
- Bump RLZoo version for NNlib (#911) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add performance testing run loop (#914) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix Timer bug (#915) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- couple of improvements to MPO (#919) (@HenriDeh)
- Rework the run loop (#921) (@HenriDeh)
- adjusted pettingzoo to PettingZooEnv simultaneous environment more co… (#925) (@Mytolo)
- fixed devmode / project files (#932) (@Mytolo)
- fixed DQNLearner Gpu isse (#933) (@Mytolo)
- fixing prob. /w symbol/ string correspondence (#934) (@Mytolo)
- Bump flux compat (#935) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Reduce find_all_max allocations and increase speed based on chatgpt s… (#938) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add Buildkite / GPU tests (#942) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add RLZoo and RLExperiments to Buildkite (#943) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Drop deprecated @provide interface (#944) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- CI Improvements (#946) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Github Actions Fixes (#947) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- gpu updates RLExperiments, RLZoo (#949) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump RLCore version (#950) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Refactor TRPO and VPG with EpisodesSampler (#952) (@HenriDeh)
- Fix TotalRewardPerEpisode bug (#953) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- update docs to loop refactor (#955) (@HenriDeh)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ReinforcementLearningCore to 0.13 for package ReinforcementLearningEnvironments, (keep existing compat) (#956) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ReinforcementLearningCore to 0.13 for package ReinforcementLearningZoo, (keep existing compat) (#957) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ReinforcementLearningCore to 0.13 for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments, (keep existing compat) (#958) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for cuDNN at version 1 for package ReinforcementLearningCore, (keep existing compat) (#962) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for cuDNN at version 1 for package ReinforcementLearningZoo, (keep existing compat) (#963) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for cuDNN at version 1 for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments, (keep existing compat) (#964) (@github-actions[bot])
- TargetNetwork (#966) (@HenriDeh)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for GPUArrays to 9 for package ReinforcementLearningCore, (keep existing compat) (#969) (@github-actions[bot])
- Prioritised DQN GPU (#974) (@CasBex)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ReinforcementLearningCore to 0.13 for package ReinforcementLearningZoo, (keep existing compat) (#975) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ReinforcementLearningZoo to 0.8 for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments, (keep existing compat) (#976) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ReinforcementLearningCore to 0.13 for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments, (keep existing compat) (#977) (@github-actions[bot])
- Nfq refactor (#980) (@CasBex)
- Fix and refactor SAC (#985) (@HenriDeh)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for DomainSets to 0.7 for package ReinforcementLearningBase, (keep existing compat) (#986) (@github-actions[bot])
- remove rlenv dep for tests (#989) (@HenriDeh)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for CUDA at version 5 for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments, (keep existing compat) (#991) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for IntervalSets at version 0.7 for package ReinforcementLearningExperiments, (keep existing compat) (#994) (@github-actions[bot])
- Conservative Q-Learning (#995) (@HenriDeh)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Parsers at version 2 for package ReinforcementLearningCore, (keep existing compat) (#997) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for MLUtils at version 0.4 for package ReinforcementLearningZoo, (keep existing compat) (#998) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Statistics at version 1 for package ReinforcementLearningCore, (keep existing compat) (#999) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update CQL_SAC.jl (#1003) (@HenriDeh)
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35 to 41 in /.github/workflows (#1006) (@dependabot[bot])
- Make it compatible with Adapt 4 and Metal 1 (#1008) (@joelreymont)
- Bump RLCore, RLEnv (#1012) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix PPO per #1007 (#1013) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix RLCore version (#1018) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add Devcontainer, handle DomainSets 0.7 (#1019) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Initial GPUArray transition (#1020) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Update TagBot.yml for subprojects (#1021) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix offline agent test (#1025) (@joelreymont)
- Fix spell check CI errors (#1027) (@joelreymont)
- GPU Code Migration Part 2.1 (#1029) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump RLZoo to v0.8 (#1031) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix RLZoo version (#1032) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Drop devmode, prepare RL.jl v0.11 for release (#1035) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Update docs script for new 'limited' RL.jl release (#1038) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Tabular Approximator fixes (pre v0.11 changes) (#1040) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Swap RLZoo for RLFarm in CI, drop RLExperiments (#1041) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Buildkite tweaks for monorepo (#1042) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Drop archived projects (#1043) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Simplify Experiment code after dropping RLExperiment (#1044) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix code coverage scope so it ignores test dir (#1045) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix reset and stop conditions (#1046) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Drop Functors and use Flux.@layer (#1048) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix naming consistency and add missing hook tests (#1049) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add SARS tdlearning back to lib (#1050) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Update FluxModelApproximator references to FluxApproximator (#1051) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Epsilon Speedy Explorer (#1052) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add TotalRewardPerEpisodeLastN hook (#1053) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix abstract_learner for multiplayer games (#1054) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Update versions (#1055) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Update Docs for v0.11 release (#1056) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Update Katex version, fix vulnerability (#1058) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Add missing Flux compat (#1059) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix docs / website build (#1064) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Correct Pendulum x-y coordinates (#1065) (@HenriDeh)
- Make QBasedPolicy general for AbstractLearner s (#1069) (@dharux)
- Fix hooks for multiplayer case (#1071) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix doc build errors (#1072) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- bump rlcore version (#1073) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Make
work withQBasedPolicy
(#1075) (@jeremiahpslewis) - Fix RLEnvs version (#1076) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix TagBot (#1077) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Fix docs homepage (#1082) (@michalrzak)
- Jpsl/update flux (#1086) (@jeremiahpslewis)
- Bump RLFarm compat (#1087) (@jeremiahpslewis)
Closed issues:
- A3C (#133)
- Box2D environment (#2)
- Visualize episodes (#3)
- Implement TRPO/ACER (#134)
- ERROR: UndefVarError: AtariPreprocessor not defined (#6)
- bullet3 environment (#7)
- vizdoom environment (#8)
- Error tagging new release (#11)
- loadenvironment error (#19)
- Support alternative deep learning libraries (#20)
- Random Thoughts on v0.3.0 (#24)
- ViZDoom is broken (#130)
- Document basic environments (#129)
- bullet3 environment (#128)
- Box2D environment (#127)
- Prioritized DQN (#27)
- Improve interfaces for model exploration and hyperparameter optimization (#28)
- A2C (#32)
- Add built-in support for TensorBoard (#35)
- Add checkpoints (#36)
- Improve code coverage (#40)
- AbstractActionSelector not exported (#41)
- Params empty - no tracking (#43)
- Add reproducible examples for Atari environments (#44)
- Add procgen (#126)
- StopAfterEpisode with progress meter (#51)
- Add MAgent (#125)
- Regret Policy Gradients (#131)
- Support julia 1.4 (#63)
- How to define a new environment? (#64)
- Roadmap of v0.9 (#65)
- Add MCTS related algorithms (#132)
- Question about AbstractEnv API (#68)
- bsuite (#124)
- Classic environments in separate package? (#123)
- Implement Fully Parameterized Quantile Function for Distributional Reinforcement Learning. (#135)
- Failed to precompile ReinforcementLearning (#71)
- Experimental support of Torch.jl (#136)
- depends on HDF5? (#72)
- warning and error (#73)
- Compatibility issue in ReinforcementLearning & Flux (#74)
- ERROR: KeyError: key "ArnoldiMethod" not found (#79)
- Add dueling DQN (#137)
- In DDPG: Add support for vector actions (#138)
- Rename
(#111) - How should ReinforcementLearning.jl be cited ? (#80)
- Add a stop condition to terminate the experiment after reaching reward threashold (#112)
- Add Game 2048 (#122)
- add CUDA accelerated Env (#121)
- Unify common network architectures and patterns (#139)
- Alternative handling of max steps in environment (#140)
- I get NNlib error when trying to load a model (#82)
- "convert" warning (#83)
- Seg fault on macbook pro (#84)
- ACME RL lib by deepmind (#85)
- Add Highway env (#120)
- Definition of a policy (#86)
- Add remote trajectories (#87)
- Add experiments based on offline RL data (#141)
- Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning (#142)
- Base.convert method for DiscreteSpace (#104)
- Action Space Meaning (#88)
- method for EmptySpace (#105)
- Renaming get_terminal to isterminated (#106)
- Requesting more informative field names for SharedTrajectory (#113)
- R2D2 (#143)
- Suggestion: More informative name for FullActionSet & MinimalActionSet (#107)
- Returning an
object usingget_actions
(#108) - Recurrent Models (#144)
- Split experiments into separate files (#145)
- Add project.toml for tests (#146)
- Migrate to Pluto (#148)
- Update dependency to the latest version of ReinforcementLearning.jl (#149)
- Docs build error (#91)
- Split out Trajectory & CircularArrayBuffer as independent packages (#114)
- Requesting explanation for better performance at ... (#115)
- Add an extra mode when evaluating agent (#116)
- Why are wrapper environments a part of RLBase instead of RLCore (say)? (#109)
- Purpose and scope of sub-packages (#93)
- The names of keyword arguments in Trajectory is kind of misunderstanding (#117)
- Add experiments with GymEnv (#147)
- Cross language support (#103)
- Check compatibility between agent and environments (#118)
- Behaviour for hooks for RewardOverridenEnv (#119)
- StopAfterEpisode with custom DQNL errors beyond a particular Episode Count (#96)
ERROR: UndefVarError: NNlib not defined
while loading agent (#110)- Support compression? (#102)
- State monitoring and fault tolerance (#101)
- Use JLSO for (de)serialization? (#97)
- Add an example running in K8S (#100)
- Setup github actions (#98)
- Fails to load trajectory (#150)
- Replace Travis with github actions (#151)
- Test error in ReinforcementLearningEnvironments.jl (#152)
- Move preallocations in MultiThreadEnv from global to local (#153)
- Flux as service (#154)
- remove @views (#155)
- error in save & load ElasticCompactSARTSATrajectory (#156)
- add early stopping in src\core\stop_conditions.jl (#157)
- add time stamp in load & save function, in file src\components\agents\agent.jl (#158)
- policies in GPU can not be saved || loaded (#159)
- AbstractStage docstring doesn't render correctly in docs. (#160)
- List of contributors (#161)
- code formatting (#165)
- Purpose of CommonRLInterface (#166)
- Moving example environments from RLBase to RLEnvs? (#167)
- Keeping prefix
in method names likeget_reward
(#168) - Currently getting an ambiguous method error in ReinforcementLearningCore v0.5.1 (#171)
- Return experiment instead of hook only (#173)
- TD3 Implementation (#174)
- Train policy with GymEnv (#175)
- Travis CI Credits (#178)
- Training mode and testing mode (#179)
- Unrecognized symbols (#180)
- AbstractEnv (#181)
- SARTTrajectory for SAC (#182)
- define environment of FULL_ACTION_SET (#184)
- CircularArraySLARTTrajectory instance is not of type CircularArraySLARTTrajectory (#185)
- TagBot trigger issue (#186)
- Is hook the same thing as "callback"? (#190)
- Use @threads instead of @sync + @Spawn in MultiThreadEnv? (#191)
- Blog custom env link typo (#192)
- Change clip_by_global_norm! into a Optimizer (#193)
- PPO related algorithms are broken (#194)
- Add card game environments (#196)
- Separate envs from algos in Zoo? (#197)
- Why "examples"? (#198)
- WandB integration? (#201)
- Add default implementations for AbstractEnvWrapper (#202)
- Add configuration in DQNLearner to enable double-dqn by default (#205)
- Derivative-Free Reinforcement Learning (#206)
- ERROR: type RandomPolicy has no field policy (#208)
- Why split repos? (#209)
- "Getting Started" too long imo (#210)
- PreActStage clarification (#212)
- What's a "trace"? (#213)
- Continuous time supported? (#215)
- Docs looks ugly in dark mode (#217)
- Julia 1.6.0 dependency problem with
/RLBase (#221) - Add Discrete Batch-Constrained Deep Q-learning (#226)
- Docstring of DoEveryNStep (#225)
- Documentation of environment;
seems not work. (#222) - Documentation of "How to use Tensorboard?":
not defined (#223) - Getting figure object; How to get an animation using GR.plot in CartPolEnv (#246)
- Update dependency to [email protected] and resolve type piracy of findmax (#227)
- IQN is broken with [email protected] (#228)
- The components of Rainbow (#229)
- Source links in documentation directs to julia repo (#231)
- Support Tables.jl and PrettyTables.jl for Trajectories (#232)
- code in get_started seems to be broken (#233)
- PPO strange behaviour from having actions as one element arrays instead of scalar (#234)
- SAC and GaussianNetwork (#236)
- Precompilation prohibitively long (#237)
- Document how to save/load parameters (#238)
- Workflow of saving trajectory data (#239)
- An explanation of "how to train policy (agent)" such as
would be valuable (#240) - How to guarantee the environment's reproducibility? (#241)
- [Call for Contributors] Summer 2021 of Open Source Promotion Plan (#242)
- Cannot use RLBase.action_space etc. when writing my own environment (#244)
- ReinforcementLearningZoo.jl experiments (#245)
- Next Release Plan (v0.9) (#247)
- How about making this package compatible with DifferentialEquations.jl? (#249)
- Reinforcement Learning and Combinatorial Optimization (#250)
- PPO and multi dimensional actions spaces (#251)
- Add ReinforcementLearningDatasets (#253)
- Incompatibility with CSVFiles.jl (#256)
- [RLEnvs] easy access of the length of an action vector (dimension of action space) (#257)
- Cannot add
(#258) - What's the
? (#261) - Model based reinforcement learning (#262)
- Add a dedicated multi-dimensional space type (#268)
- PPO is broken when using CUDA (#280)
- Lack of reproducibility of QRDQN CartPole Experiment. (#281)
- Reinforcement Learning.jl in a RTS (#291)
- StopAfterNoImprovement hook test fails occasionally (#297)
- Get error when using ReinforcementLearning (#298)
- Problems with PGFPlotsX during the install (#301)
- Plotting CartPole environment in Jupyter (#306)
- Support CircularVectorSARTTrajectory RLZoo (#316)
- Local development environment setup tips causing error (#320)
- Rename some functions to help beginners navigate source code (#326)
- Question about PER (#328)
- Docs error in code output (#332)
- Setup a CI for typo (#336)
- double code & dysfunctional master branch when downloading package (#341)
- Support multiple discrete action space (#347)
- Precompilation error;
using Plots
makes a conflict (#349) - Problem with running initial tutorial. Using
generates anUndefinedKeyword
error forn_action
(#354) - Question: Clarification on the RL plots generated by the
function (#357) - prob question for QBasedPolicy (#360)
- Can
function be used as a component of RLcore? (#369) - problem about precompiling the forked package (#377)
- Question: Can we use packages like
to evolve or model the environment inReinforcementLearning.jl
(#378) - Combine transformers and RL (#392)
- MultiAgentManager does not select correct action space for RockPaperScissorsEnv (#393)
- Add ReinforcementLearningDatasets.jl (#397)
- error: dimension mismatch "cannot broadcast array to have fewer dimensions" (#400)
- SAC policy problems? (#410)
- Add pre-training hook (#411)
- Dead links in documentation (#418)
- Links of
show nbview
badges in RLExperiments are incorrect (#421) - Problem accessing public google cloud storage bucket for RLDatasets.jl (#424)
- Function to access base env through multiple wrapper layers (#425)
- The problem of using GaussianNetwork in gpu (#455)
- Next Release Plan (v0.10) (#460)
- Error in experiment "JuliaRL_DDPG_Pendulum" (#471)
- In Windows, ReinforcementLearningDataset.jl encounter a bug (#485)
- Conditional Testing (#493)
- Inconsistency of the EpsilonGreedyExplorer selection function (#520)
- PyCall.getindex in module ReinforcementLearningEnvironments conflict warning (#527)
method definition overwritten (#530)- How to display/render AtariEnv? (#546)
- StackFrames bug? (#551)
- Refactor of DQN Algorithms (#557)
- Small performance improvement (#558)
- Infinite-recursion bug in function
when an object of type ClosedInterval is passed (#566) - JuliaRL_BasicDQN_CartPole example fails (#568)
- action_space not defined in tutorial (#569)
- CI fails with [email protected] (#572)
- Warning while precompiling RLCore due to kwargs (#575)
- Gain in VPGPolicy does not account for terminal states? (#578)
- Strange Bug with examples CartPoleEnv and RLBase.test_runnable!(RandomWalk1D) (#579)
- Missing docs for
(#580) - Difficulty Creating a Custom Environment (#581)
- Missing docs for how to implement a new algorithm (#582)
- Donation (#595)
with custom (continuous) action spaces fails (#596)- PPOCartPole fails, source of error included (#605)
- Question: Can ReinforcementLearning.jl handle Partially Observed Markov Processes (POMDPs)? (#608)
- Next Release Plan (v0.11) (#614)
- Add an environment wrapper to IsaacGym (#619)
- Explain current implementation of PPO in detail (#620)
- How to run this source code in vscode? (#623)
- Bug: Issue with TD3 for multi-dimensional action spaces (#624)
- Make documentation on trace normalization (#633)
doesn't transformlegal_action_space_mask
(#642)- Bug: Previous example from RLZoo now has a bug (#643)
time step parameter (#648)- Examples of multidimensional continous actions (#676)
- estimate v.s. basis in policies (#677)
- Base.copy not implemented for the TicTacToe environment (#678)
- Broken link to src (#693)
- Support Brax (#696)
- Q-learning update timing (#702)
- PPO on environments with multiple action dimensions? (#703)
- Can't checkout RLCore for development (#704)
- various eligibility trace-equipped TD methods (#709)
- Improve the logging mechanism during training (#725)
- questions while looking at implementation of VPG (#729)
- Setup sponsor related info (#730)
- new _run() (#731)
- SAC example experiment does not work (#736)
- Custom environment action and state space explanation (#738)
- PPOPolicy training: ERROR: DomainError with NaN: Normal: the condition σ >= zero(σ) is not satisfied. (#739)
- Code Readability (#740)
- MultiThreadEnv not available in ReinforcementLearningZoo (#741)
- ReinforcementLearningExperiment dependencies fail to precompile (#744)
- tanh normalization destabilizes learning with GaussianNetwork (#745)
- how to load a saved model and test it? (#755)
- Custom Environment Passes RLBase.test_runnable!(env) but infinite hangs and crashes when run. (#757)
- Bounds Error at UPDATE_FREQ Step (#758)
returns 1 more episode usingStepsPerEpisode()
hook (#759)- Move basic definition of environment wrapper into RLBase (#760)
- Precompilation error - DomainSets not in dependencies (#761)
- How to set RLBase.state_space() if the number of state space is uncertain (#762)
- Collect both number of steps and rewards in a single hook (#763)
- how to use MultiAgentManager on different algorithms? (#764)
- Example run of Offline RL that totally depends on dataset without online environment (#765)
- Every single environment / experiment crashes with following error: (#766)
- Neural Network Approximator based policies not working (#770)
- Deep RL example for LSTM (#772)
- "params not defined," "JuliaRL_BasicDQN_CartPole" (#778)
- MonteCarloLearner incorrect PreActStage behavior (#779)
- Prioritised Experience Replay (#780)
- Outdated dependencies (#781)
- Running experiments throws a "UndefVarError: params not defined" message (#784)
- Failing MPOCovariance experiment (#791)
- Package Stabilization Plan (#792)
- Logo image was not found (#836)
- Reactivate docs on CI/CD (#838)
- test/runtests.jl empty (+ arch discussion) (#843)
- update docs: Tips for developers (#844)
- policy(env) returns no legal action -inf initialized Q-table (#852)
- Package dependencies not compatible (#860)
- need help from an expert (#862)
- Installing ReinforcementLearning.jl downgrades Flux.jl (#864)
- Refactor CI into separate Workflows per package (and separate codecov projects per package) (#869)
- Fix Experiment type setup (#881)
- LoadError: UndefVarError:
not defined (#882) - Rename update! to push! (#883)
- Add deprecation warnings to non-refactored policies (#892)
- Contribute Neural Fitted Q-iteration algorithm (#895)
- Vectorized environments (#908)
- PPo policy experiments failing (#910)
- Loading a Gym Environment (#912)
- Executing RLBase.plan! after end of experiment (#913)
- PPO with MaskedPPOTrajectory (#917)
- Devmode is not working (#918)
- EpisodeSampler in Trajectories (#927)
- Hook RewardsPerEpisode broken (#945)
- TD3 Policy unable to handle environments with multidimensional action spaces (#951)
- Spin off core packages (#960)
- Can implement this ARZ algorithm ? (#965)
- AssertionError: action in env.action_space (#967)
- Fixing SAC Policy (#970)
- Prioritized DQN experiment nonfunctional (#971)
- Prioritised DQN failing on GPU (#973)
- experiments failed (#982)
- An error (#983)
- params() is no longer supported in Flux (#996)
- Breaking the tutorial by getting TotalRewardPerEpisode out of sync with the stopping condition in a
call (#1000) - GPU Compile error on PPO with MaskedPPOTrajectory (#1007)
- RL Core tests fail sporadically (#1010)
- RL Env tests fail with latest OpenSpiel patches (#1011)
- Tutorial OpenSpiel KuhnOpenNSFP fails (#1024)
- CI: Should spell check be dropped or fixed? (#1026)
- Transfer Algorithms to RLFarm (#1028)
- Update Buildkite script for gpu testing so it's sub package compatible (#1030)
- Simple ReinforcementLearning example crashes (#1034)
- Website: A practical introduction to RL: Does not introduce, source code is broken (#1036)
- Website: How do implement a new algorithm is outdated (#1037)
- Review TabularApproximator (#1039)
- ElasticArraySARTSTraces does not record the trajectories of
correctly (#1067) - Algorithm implementations (#1070)
- No method matching iterate ArrayProductDomain (#1074)