Kinova Gen3 (firmware 2.5.2) gripper stops any movement initiated by send_gripper_command service call if publishing to /my_gen3/in/joint_velocity topic. Depending on the publishing rate the gripper might start some motion: almost closes on rate 1Hz, twitches a bit on >10Hz.
ROS distribution :
Branch and commit you are using : noetic-devel 085b694
Steps to reproduce
roslaunch kortex_driver kortex_driver.launch ip_address:= start_rviz:=false start_moveit:=false gripper:=robotiq_2f_85 robot_name:="my_gen3"
rostopic pub -r 10 my_gen3/in/joint_velocity kortex_driver/Base_JointSpeeds "joint_speeds:
- joint_identifier: 0
value: 0.0
duration: 0
duration: 0"
rosservice call /my_gen3/base/send_gripper_command "input:
mode: 3
- finger_identifier: 0
value: 0.0
duration: 0"
rosservice call /my_gen3/base/send_gripper_command "input:
mode: 3
- finger_identifier: 0
value: 1.0
duration: 0"
Code example (if necessary)
# paste code here #
Expected behavior
On another Kinova Gen3 (older) which runs 2.3.0 firmware the behavior is as expected. Publish to the topic does not have any effect on the gripper service call. I have tested with both arms, same ros_kortex, just changed the IP in the terminal.
Any other information
Kinova Gen3 (older) firmware 2.3.0 - works as expected.
Kinova Gen3 (purchased Summer 2023) firmware 2.4.0 - 2.5.2 does not work.
Maybe it is related to the ros_kortex version? It seems to work on my colleagues PC, I think he uses older ros_kortex version, but then it shouldn't work with the older Kinova too in my system.