Arm: kinova gen3 6dof
Firmware and ros_kortex is latest one.
I am trying to move an arm by using trajectory generation with moveit.
When executing trajectory which command value is very close to the current value(for example, within the tolerance), the kinova controller sometimes executes the trajectory and sometimes does not.
When I checked log, I found that the internal state transitions between ACTION_START and ACTION_PREPROCESS_END were different.
Therefore, I would like to have the following three questions answered.
①What is happening internally?
②I recognize this state as a bug in the following line.
when is this bug fixed?
③If an action command is sent in the TIMED_OUT state, it often does not recover. Is there a way to recover from TIMED_OUT? The '/gen3/in/clear_faults' topic has been sent, but there is no prospect of recovery.
(Callback log is added by me to
Successful case
[ INFO] [1742258345.340065073]: New goal received.
[ INFO] [1742258345.340369340]: Joint Trajectory Goal is accepted.
[ INFO] [1742258345.340605349]: use_hard_limit.
[ INFO] [1742258345.397757300]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258345.420815733]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258345.961519769]: send trajectory.
[ INFO] [1742258345.989850200]: send trajectory end.
[ INFO] [1742258345.989949052]: State changed from IDLE to PRE_PROCESSING_PENDING
[ INFO] [1742258346.067411088]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258346.067498227]: ACTION_PREPROCESS_END
[ INFO] [1742258346.067518324]: Preprocessing has finished in the arm and goal has been accepted.
[ INFO] [1742258346.067550965]: State changed from PRE_PROCESSING_PENDING to TRAJECTORY_EXECUTION_PENDING
[ INFO] [1742258346.088605136]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258346.088692115]: ACTION_START
[ INFO] [1742258346.088718292]: Trajectory has started.
[INFO] [1742258346.588620849]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258346.763825788]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258346.913941978]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258346.942065621]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258346.942144472]: Trajectory has finished in the arm.
[ INFO] [1742258347.442316146]: Trajectory execution succeeded.
[ INFO] [1742258347.442730081]: Controller 'gen3_joint_trajectory_controller' successfully finished
[INFO] [1742258347.494688769]: State changed from TRAJECTORY_EXECUTION_IN_PROGRESS to IDLE
[ INFO] [1742258347.494824550]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258347.496481027]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258347.514904480]: Completed trajectory execution with status SUCCEEDED ...
[ INFO] [1742258347.515083943]: Execution completed: SUCCEEDED
Failure case
[ INFO] [1742258257.240966116]: New goal received.
[INFO] [1742258257.241197834]: Joint Trajectory Goal is accepted.
[ INFO] [1742258257.241375118]: use_hard_limit.
[ INFO] [1742258257.289921744]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258257.311848953]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258257.853183389]: send trajectory.
[ INFO] [1742258257.881084660]: send trajectory end.
[ INFO] [1742258257.881161238]: State changed from IDLE to PRE_PROCESSING_PENDING
[ INFO] [1742258257.983476854]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258257.983553880]: ACTION_START
[ INFO] [1742258257.983741852]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258257.983792350]: ACTION_PREPROCESS_END
[ INFO] [1742258257.983810878]: Preprocessing has finished in the arm and goal has been accepted.
[ INFO] [1742258257.983843391]: State changed from PRE_PROCESSING_PENDING to TRAJECTORY_EXECUTION_PENDING
[ INFO] [1742258258.480116547]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258258.679882864]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258258.858952878]: Callback.
[ INFO] [1742258258.880209899]: Callback.
[ERROR] [1742258268.024801918]: Controller is taking too long to execute trajectory (the expected upp
er bound for the trajectory execution was 10.783959 seconds). Stopping trajectory.
[INFO] [1742258268.024934754]: Canceling execution for gen3_joint_trajectory_controller
[ INFO] [1742258268.025359021]: Completed trajectory execution with status TIMED_OUT ...
[ INFO] [1742258268.025496176]: Execution completed: TIMED_OUT