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User Stories: Request new password

Ørjan Bostad Vesterlid edited this page Jul 29, 2019 · 1 revision

As a user I want to request a new password so that I can regain access to my account if I have forgotten my password.

Status 🔵

Acceptance Criteria

  1. When I request a new password by providing the email associated with my account:
    • I should be notified that an reset-password-token has been sent to the email if the user exist
    • If the user exists it should receive an email with the reset-password-token.
    • I can use the token within the time limit to set a new password for my account
    • I should be able to login with the new password only.
  2. When I request a new password for an email not associated with a user:
    • I should be notified that an reset-password-token has been sent to the email if the user exist