You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
Backoffice API (EN)
- Deprecated endpoints
- Get security token
- Use security token
- Basic statistics
- Clicks stats
- Clicks by airline
- Bookings stats
- Directions stats
- Dynamic Auction stats
- Errors stats
- Hosts stats
- Dashboard
- Markets
- User info
- Downloads
- Basic statistics in chart
- Notifications
- Edit notifications
- Feedbacks stats
- Filtered Airlines Report
- /directions_by_host β directions stats by hosts. The report is deprecated.
- /debug β the endpoint does not work at the moment.
- /contact β technical endpoint from the external service, used for sending emails and slack texts. Does not work at the moment.
- /notifications/create β does not work at the moment. We are planning to update all the notifications endpoints.
Path: /auth
Method: POST
- username β your login.
- password β md5 (password).
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImvhbjsdcCI6MTUwNzcwNTQzMywiaWF0IjoxNTA3MTAwNjMzfQ.eyJnYXRlX2lkIjozMDUsImV4cCI6IjIwMTctMTAtMTEgMTI6NDY6NDMiLCJpZCI6MTA1MywicGVybWlzc2lvbnMiOlsiQmFzaWMgUmVwb3J0cyJdfQ.WbdTky6E_ljRq8TtMe7d4TZKE82DfwRDplw1KtzctqI",
"permissions": [
"Basic Reports"
- token β security token.
- permissions β user permissions.
You need to use your security token for basic authentication with every API request. Enter your token as a bearer token without prefix.
If a request does not contain a proper token, the following response returns:
"description": "Authorization header was missing",
"error": "Authorization Required",
"status_code": 401
- description β error description.
- error β error name.
- status_code β HTTP status code.
Path: /statistics
Method: GET
Required parameters:
interval β grouping statistics by time period. The possible values are
- 10min,
- 1h,
- 1d,
- 1m.
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
Optional parameters:
- gate_id β partner id.
- length β number of records in response.
- start β record number which starts the response.
- market β market where the partner operates. If you want to get all markets, use βAllβ value.
"data": [
"timeouts": "0.56",
"zeros": "13.93",
"sales": 4769,
"errors": "0.04",
"duration": "3.95",
"str": "23.28",
"success": "85.48",
"unique_clicks": 15372,
"btr": "25.26",
"time": "2020-03-25",
"productivity": "0.95",
"ctr": "1.34",
"clicks": 20482,
"searches": 1531858,
"bookings": 5174
"recordsTotal": 288
The response is a JSON object with the following keys:
- recordsTotal β total number of records.
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- zeros β zero responses share.
- bookings β all bookings for the period.
- str β sell-through rate (number of paid bookings / number of clicks).
- success β successful responses share.
- sales β paid bookings count.
- ctr β click-through rate (number of clicks / number of searches).
- btr β booking-through rate (number of bookings / number of clicks).
- time β the time period for which statistics is calculated.
- errors β errors share.
- searches β searches count.
- duration β average response time.
- timeouts β timeouts share.
- clicks β clicks count.
- productivity β number of paid bookings, divided by predicted number of bookings. Today's productivity is always 0, since we calculate it based on historical data.
- unique_clicks β unique clicks count.
Path: /clicks
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- sort β type of sorting. The possible values are βdateβ, βpriceβ.
- order β the order how the records are sorted. The possible values are βdescendβ and βascendβ.
Optional parameters:
- length β number of records in response.
- start β record number which starts the response.
- market β market where the partner operates. If you want to get all the markets, use βAllβ value.
- currency β the currency of the ticket price with uppercase characters. If the parameter is not passed, the price returns in RUB.
"data": [
"date": "2020-01-22 23:59:35",
"id": "cr8ezmn3cqcg",
"unique": true,
"price": 5632,
"host": "www.aviasales.ru",
"deeplink": "https://www.kupibilet.ru/booking/step0/Y10023JANMCXMOW/WV8xMDBfMjNKQU5NQ1hNT1dfZ2hlMDU2X18xNTc5NzM3NTIw:3?agent=ghe056&tag=aaa0000&marker=cr8ezmn3cqcg&locale=ru",
"ip": "",
"prediction": "0.21129",
"platform": "web",
"market": "ru",
"main_airline": null,
"ticket_info": null,
"origin": [
"destination": [
"is_mixed": false
The response is a JSON object with the following keys:
- recordsTotal β total number of records.
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- date β click datetime.
- id β click id.
- unique β is click unique: true / false.
- price β proposal price for click (in RUB if the currency parameter was not passed in the request).
- host.
- deeplink.
- ip β user IP.
- prediction β probability that click will be converted into paid booking.
- platform β user platform (web/iphone/android/mobile web/other).
- market β user market.
- main_airline β ticket main airline or longest segment airline.
- origin_0 β origin iata.
- destination_0 β destination iata.
- origin_1 β origin iata for return flight.
- destination_1 β destination iata for return flight.
- origin β contains values origin_0 and origin_1.
- destination β contains values destination_0 and destination_1.
- is_mixed β the ticket is mixed if includes more than one airline. If the marketing carriers of all flights are the same the ticket is not mixed.
Path: /airlines
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
sort β type of sorting. The possible values are
- iata,
- total_clicks,
- avg_str,
- total_uniq_clicks,
- avg_clicks_share.
Optional parameters:
- length β number of records in response.
- order β the order how the records are sorted. The possible values are βdescendβ and βascendβ.
- start β record number which starts the response.
- gate_id β partner id.
- iata β airline iata.
"data": [
"iata": "AD",
"clicks_by_date": [
"report_date": "2020-03-25 00:00:00",
"airline_iata": "DP",
"clicks": 10172,
"uniq": 7596,
"paid": 2712,
"clicks_share": 42.29697700528088486000,
"str": 26.66142351553283523400,
"productivity": "0.94"
"total_clicks": 10172,
"total_uniq_clicks": 7596,
"total_paid": 2712,
"avg_str": "26.66",
"avg_clicks_share": "42.30",
"productivity": "0.94"
"recordsTotal": 78,
"recordsFiltered": 78
The response is a JSON object with the following keys:
- recordsFiltered β the number of records in response. Returns when the request contains iata.
- recordsTotal β total number of records.
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- iata β airline iata.
clicks_by_date β key containing metrics group by day:
- airline_iata β airline iata.
- report_date β date for which statistics is calculated.
- clicks β clicks count.
- uniq β unique clicks count.
- paid β paid bookings count for the βreport_dateβ parameter.
- str β sell-through rate (number of paid bookings/number of clicks) for chosen period.
- clicks_share β clicks share for one day.
- productivity β number of paid bookings, divided by predicted number of bookings. Today's productivity is always 0, since we calculate it based on historical data.
- total_clicks β clicks count for the requested period of time.
- total_uniq_clicks β unique clicks count for the requested period of time.
- total_paid β paid bookings count for the requested period of time.
- avg_str β average sell-through rate (number of paid bookings/number of clicks) for chosen period.
- avg_clicks_share β average clicks share.
- productivity β number of paid bookings, divided by predicted number of bookings.
Path: /bookings
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
booking_state β booking status. The possible values are
- processing,
- paid,
- cancelled,
- you can also use the value of all statuses βpaid,processing,cancelledβ.
- sort β type of sorting. The possible value is βdateβ.
- length β number of records in response.
- order β the order how the records are sorted. The possible values are βdescendβ and βascendβ.
Optional parameters:
- start β record number which starts the response.
- gate_id β partner id.
- market β market where the partner operates. If you want to get all markets, use βAllβ.
- currency β the currency of the ticket price with uppercase characters. If the parameter is not passed, the price returns in RUB.
- last_hour β is it last hour statistics: true / false.
"data": [
"date": "2020-01-22 23:59:00",
"order_number": "6377760491",
"state": "paid",
"price": 1749,
"host": "phone.android.aviasales.ru",
"deeplink": "https://www.kupibilet.ru/booking/step0/Y10027JANLEDMOW/WV8xMDBfMjdKQU5MRURNT1dfZ2hlMDU2X18xNTc5NzM3MTY3:140?agent=ghe056&tag=aaa0000&marker=cr8dx7682a74&locale=ru",
"ip": "",
"direction": "LED=>MOW"
"recordsTotal": [
The response is a JSON object with the following keys:
- recordsTotal β total number of records.
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- date β booking datetime.
- order_number.
- state β booking status.
- price β booking price (in RUB if the currency parameter was not passed in the request).
- host.
- deeplink.
- ip β user IP.
- direction β direction. We split OW and RT stats so β=>β means OW, β<=>β means RT.
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- length β number of records in response.
Optional parameters:
sort β type of sorting. The possible values are
- direction,
- total_searches,
- total_profit,
- str,
- ctr,
- avg_check,
- total_clicks,
- total_unique_clicks,
- total_timeouts,
- total_paid_bookings,
- total_turnover,
- total_errors,
- total_zeros.
- start β record number which starts the response.
- market β market where the partner operates. If you want to get all markets, use βAllβ.
- currency β the currency of the ticket price with uppercase characters. If the parameter is not passed, the price returns in RUB.
- order β the order how the records are sorted. The possible values are βdescendβ and βascendβ.
- gate_id β partner id.
- page β the page where statistics is taken. The possible values are βAll Directionsβ, βdashboardβ.
"data": [
"avg_check": "11216.56",
"total_errors": "0.04",
"str": "12.66",
"total_turnover": 661777,
"total_timeouts": "0.10",
"total_paid_bookings": 59,
"ctr": "0.87",
"total_zeros": "16.42",
"total_searches": 53316,
"total_clicks": 466,
"direction": "MOW<=>AER",
"total_profit": "26965.14",
"total_unique_clicks": 466
"recordsTotal": [
The response is a JSON object with the following keys:
- recordsTotal β total number of records.
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- avg_check β average check (in RUB if the currency parameter was not passed in the request).
- total_errors β errors share.
- str β sell-through rate (number of paid bookings/number of clicks) for chosen period.
- total_turnover β turnover (in RUB if the currency parameter was not passed in the request).
- total_timeouts β timeouts share.
- total_paid_bookings β paid bookings count.
- ctr β clicks-through rate (number of clicks on a specific airline / number of searches).
- total_zeros β zero responses count.
- total_searches β searches count.
- total_clicks β clicks count.
- direction β direction. We split OW and RT stats so β=>β means OW, β<=>β means RT.
- total_profit β profit (in RUB if the currency parameter was not passed in the request).
- total_uniq_clicks β unique clicks count.
Path: /auction
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
sort β type of sorting. The possible values are
- avg_str,
- avg_commission,
- iata,
- avg_price.
Optional parameters:
- length β number of records in response.
- order β the order how the records are sorted. The possible values are βdescendβ and βascendβ.
- start β record number which starts the response.
- gate_id β partner id.
- iata β airline iata.
- market β market where the partner operates. If you want to get all markets, use βAllβ.
- currency β the currency of the ticket price with uppercase characters. If the parameter is not passed, the price returns in RUB.
"data": [
"iata": "",
"avg_str": "19.78",
"avg_commission": "0.50",
"avg_price": "2738",
"values_by_date": [
"iata": "",
"report_date": "2020-05-26",
"str": 16.0337552742616034,
"avg_commission": 0.500000000000002,
"avg_price": 2801.4
"recordsTotal": 1,
"recordsFiltered": 1
The response is a JSON object with the following keys:
- recordsFiltered β the number of records in response.
- recordsTotal β total number of records.
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- iata β airline iata.
- avg_str β average sell-through rate (number of paid bookings / number of clicks).
- avg_commission β the average commission of Dynamic Auction for the selected interval of time.
- avg_price β the average price of the paid bookings for the selected interval of time.
values_by_date β detailed data by date:
- iata β airline iata.
- report_date β date for which statistics is calculated.
- str β sell-through rate (number of paid bookings / number of clicks).
- avg_commission β the average commission of Dynamic Auction for the day.
- avg_price β the average price of the paid bookings for the day.
Path: /errors
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- length β number of records in response.
sort β type of sorting. The possible values are
- count,
- errors_share,
- searches_share.
Optional parameters:
- start β record number which starts the response.
- order β the order how the records are sorted. The possible values are βdescendβ and βascendβ.
- gate_id β partner id.
"data": [
"description": "Internal gate error",
"error_type": "PartnerError",
"code": 500,
"url": null,
"count": 15023,
"errors_share": 68.61697268658074,
"searches_share": 0.06991331316924737,
"total_rows": 1512
"recordsTotal": 1512
- recordsTotal β total number of records.
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- description β error description.
- error_type β error type. The possible values are βPartnerErrorβ, βInfrastructureErrorβ, βDeltaErrorβ.
- code β HTTP status code.
- url β example of search with error.
- count β errors count.
- errors_share.
- searches_share.
- total_rows β the parameter is inconclusive and we do not use it.
Path: /hosts
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
Optional parameters:
- length β number of records in response.
- start β record number which starts the response.
- gate_id β partner id.
"data": {
"android": [
"bc": 1057,
"pbc": 945,
"str": 24.40,
"productivity": 0.97,
"cbc": 2,
"date": "2020-01-16",
"host": "android",
"btr": 27.29,
"clicks": 3873,
"searches": 288173
"recordsTotal": 2
- recordsTotal β total number of records.
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
adroid β host. The possible values are βwebβ, βandroidβ, βiphoneβ, βipadβ, βmobileβ, βwl_jetradarβ, βotherβ.
- searches β searches count.
- clicks β clicks count.
- bc β bookings count.
- pbc β paid bookings count.
- cbc β cancelled bookings count.
- productivity β number of paid bookings, divided by predicted number of bookings. Today's productivity is always 0, since we calculate it based on historical data.
- date β date for which statistics is calculated.
- host β host.
- btr β booking-through rate (number of bookings on a specific airline / number of clicks on a specific airline).
- str β sell-through rate (number of paid bookings/number of clicks) for chosen period.
adroid β host. The possible values are βwebβ, βandroidβ, βiphoneβ, βipadβ, βmobileβ, βwl_jetradarβ, βotherβ.
Path: /dashboard
Method: GET
For this request no parameters are required. Security token provides all the information.
Optional parameters:
- currency β the currency of the ticket price with uppercase characters. If the parameter is not passed, the price returns in RUB.
"data": [
"gate_id": 70,
"bookings_current_last_hour": 161,
"bookings_previous_last_hour": 374,
"bookings_current_yesterday": null,
"bookings_previous_yesterday": null,
"bookings_current_last_3days": 11479,
"bookings_previous_last_3days": 40251,
"avg_price_last_hour": 9449.14414414414,
"avg_price_yesterday": 10853.2745098039,
"avg_price_last_3days": 10475.5262347,
"str_last_hour": null,
"str_yesterday": null,
"str_last_3days": 19.9384543923823,
"clicks_current_last_hour": 1556,
"clicks_previous_last_hour": 1465,
"clicks_current_yesterday": 11353,
"clicks_previous_yesterday": 12797,
"clicks_current_last_3days": 51669,
"clicks_previous_last_3days": 178174,
"ctr_last_hour": 0.0,
"ctr_yesterday": 0.698919269991658,
"ctr_last_3days": 0.587521337432304,
"searches_current_last_hour": 0,
"searches_previous_last_hour": 166980,
"searches_current_yesterday": 1624365,
"searches_previous_yesterday": 1656754,
"searches_current_last_3days": 8794404,
"searches_previous_last_3days": 27213678,
"errors_last_hour": 0.0742226912683962,
"zeroes_last_hour": 17.4481310958285,
"timeout_last_hour": 0.0,
"errors_yesterday": 0.689684892250202,
"zeroes_yesterday": 3.31249442089678,
"timeout_yesterday": 0.624674872950353,
"errors_last_3days": 0.0962430199931684,
"zeroes_last_3days": 17.1015795953882,
"timeout_last_3days": 0.0,
"web_pessimizer": 100.0,
"mobile_pessimizer": 100.0
"errors_last_hour": [
"code": 404,
"count": 2
"code": null,
"count": 15
"errors_yesterday": [
"code": 404,
"count": 10
"code": null,
"count": 536
"errors_last_3days": [
"code": 404,
"count": 37
"code": null,
"count": 1723
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- gate_id β partner id.
- bookings_current_last_hour β bookings count for the last hour.
- bookings_previous_last_hour β bookings count for the last hour last week.
- bookings_current_yesterday β bookings count for yesterday.
- bookings_previous_yesterday β bookings count for the previous day a week ago.
- bookings_current_last_3days β bookings count for the last three days.
- bookings_previous_last_3days β bookings count for the last three days a week ago.
- avg_price_last_hour β average price for the last hour (in RUB if the currency parameter was not passed in the request).
- avg_price_yesterday β average price for yesterday (in RUB if the currency parameter was not passed in the request).
- avg_price_last_3days β average price for the last three days (in RUB if the currency parameter was not passed in the request).
- str_last_hourβ str for the last hour.
- str_yesterday β str for yesterday.
- str_last_3days β str for the last three days.
- clicks_current_last_hour β clicks count for the last hour.
- clicks_previous_last_hour β clicks count for the last hour a week ago.
- clicks_current_yesterday β clicks count for yesterday.
- clicks_previous_yesterday β clicks count for the previous day a week ago.
- clicks_current_last_3days β clicks count for the last three days.
- clicks_previous_last_3days β clicks count for the last three days a week ago.
- ctr_last_hour β ctr for the last hour.
- ctr_yesterday β ctr for yesterday.
- ctr_last_3days β ctr for the last three days.
- searches_current_last_hour β searches count for the last hour.
- searches_previous_last_hour β searches count for the last hour a week ago.
- searches_current_yesterday β searches count for yesterday.
- searches_previous_yesterday β searches count for the previous day a week ago.
- searches_current_last_3days β searches count for the last three days.
- searches_previous_last_3days β searches count for the last three days a week ago.
- errors_last_hour β errors share for the last hour.
- zeroes_last_hour β zeroes share for the last hour.
- timeout_last_hour β timeouts share for the last hour.
- errors_yesterday β errors share for yesterday.
- zeroes_yesterday β zeroes share for yesterday.
- timeout_yesterday β timeouts share for yesterday.
- errors_last_3days β errors share for the last three days.
- zeroes_last_3days β zeroes share for the last three days.
- timeout_last_3days β timeouts share for the last three days.
- web_pessimizer β pessimizer value for web-traffic.
- mobile_pessimizer β pessimizer value for mobile-traffic.
errors_last_hour β list of errors for the last hour. Each record is a list of values:
- code β HTTP status code.
- count β errors of this type count.
errors_yesterday β list of errors for the last hour. Each record is a list of values:
- code β HTTP status code.
- count β errors of this type count.
errors_last_3days β list of errors for the last hour. Each record is a list of values:
- code β HTTP status code.
- count β errors of this type count.
Path: /markets
Method: GET
For this request no parameters are required. Security token provides all the information.
Returns the list of available markets.
Path: /user_info
Method: GET
For this request no parameters are required. Security token provides all the information.
"is_first_login": false
is_first_login β is it the first login in backoffice for the user: true / false. If true, the user will get the onboarding.
Path: /downloads
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
Optional parameters:
- start β record number which starts the response.
- gate_id β partner id.
"data": [
"2020-01-14 08:23",
"5.4 sec",
"2019-12-15 to 2020-01-14",
"796 KB",
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
repot type. The possible values are
- airlines,
- bookings,
- conversions,
- clicks,
- all_routes,
- directions_by_host,
- feedbacks,
- bookings_detailed,
- clicks_detailed.
- the date of report generation.
- the speed of report generation.
- time interval.
- report size.
- status. The possible values are βreadyβ, βin_progressβ.
- link.
repot type. The possible values are
Path: /statistics/chartdata
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
compare β the time period for which we compare the values. The possible values are:
- 1w (last week),
- 1d (last day),
- 1m (last month),
- 1y (last year).
metrics β type of metrics. For the values of this parameter use capital letters. The possible values are:
- Searches,
- Sales,
- Clicks,
- Errors,
- Zeros,
- Timeouts,
- Ctr,
- Str,
- Search_results.
interval β time period for which statistics is calculated. The possible values are:
- 1h,
- 1d,
- 1m.
Optional parameters:
- start β record number which starts the response.
- gate_id β partner id.
- length β number of records in response.
- sort β type of sorting. The possible value is βtimeβ.
- order β the order how the records are sorted. The possible values are βdescendβ and βascendβ.
"data": [
"compare_to_searches": 29100,
"time": "2020-01-20 00:00",
"searches": 37345
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- compare_to_searches β searches count to which we compare the value. Depends on the βmetricsβ request parameter.
- time β statistics datetime.
- searches β searches count. Depends on the βmetricsβ request parameter.
Path: /notifications
Method: GET
For this request no parameters are required. Security token provides all the information.
"newNotifications": [],
"archivedNotifications": [
"id": 902,
"header": "Monitoring",
"description": "Error rate is 76%",
"checked": true,
"deleted": false,
"type": "error",
"report": "errors",
"created_at": "2018-10-04T09:28:00.762347"
- newNotifications β contains the records for new notifications.
archivedNotifications β contains the records for the notifications in the archive. Each record is a list of values:
- id β notification id.
- header β notification header.
- description β notification description, error type.
- checked β is the notification checked: true / false.
- deleted β is the notification deleted: true / false.
- type β notification type.
- report β type of the report, which the notification refers to. Typically, the value is βerrorsβ.
- created_at β notification generation datetime.
Path: /notifications/edit
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- gate_id β partner id.
- id β notification id.
"status": "ok"
Status β notification status. The only possible value is βokβ.
Method: GET
Required parameters:
- from β the start date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- to β the end date. %Y-%m-%d format.
- sort β type of sorting. The possible value is βcreated_atβ.
Optional parameters:
- start β record number which starts the response.
- gate_id β partner id.
- length β number of records in response.
- order β the order how the records are sorted. The possible values are βdescendβ and βascendβ.
- currency β the currency of the ticket price with uppercase characters. If the parameter is not passed, the price returns in RUB.
- market β market where the partner operates. If you want to get all markets, use βAllβ value.
"data": [
"rating": null,
"created_at": "2020-04-07 12:45:05",
"reasons": [
"host": "iphone.aviasales.ru ",
"proposal_price": 4695,
"feedback_comment": " ",
"deeplink": "{\"url\":\"https://www.kupibilet.ru/booking/step0/Y10011APRLEDMRV/WV8xMDBfMTFBUFJMRURNUlZfZ2hlMDU2X18xNTg2MjYyODk3:1?agent=ghe056&tag=aaa0000&marker=d67ef7e1n8jk&locale=ru\"}"
"recordsTotal": 36
- recordsTotal β total number of records.
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- rating β the rating that the user sets: from 1 to 5.
- created_at β user response datetime.
- reasons β the reason why the user did not buy the ticket. Possible values: no_wish, no_card, buy_later, wrong_price, site_error, buy_at_official, no_trust, no_ticket, card_error, use_problem, null.
- host β host. Host 'other' corresponds to a click from an affiliated site.
- proposal_price β proposal price (in RUB if the currency parameter was not passed in the request).
- feedback_comment β user's feedback.
- deeplink β the link in the search results that was clicked on by a user.
Method: GET
Optional parameters:
- iata β airline IATA
productivity β level of productivity. Allowed values: π© β
, π¨ βmedium
, π₯ βbad
"data": [
"main_airline": "DP",
"clicks_count": 65533,
"predicted": 18811.0,
"sales": 20485,
"productivity": 1.065,
"alpha": 0.881682206124937,
"threshold": 0.982,
"minimum_productivity": 1.18617569089491,
"details": [
"pdate": "2020-12-22",
"main_airline": "DP",
"clicks_count": 9474,
"predicted": 2731,
"sales": 3009
data β the root key containing all records. Each record is a list of values:
- main_airline β airline IATA.
- clicks_count β total clicks.
- predicted β total predicted sales.
- sales β total sales.
- productivity β productivity.
- threshold β threshold for productivity.
details β detailed information by days. Each record is a list of values:
- pdate β date;
- main_airline β airline IATA;
- clicks_count β total clicks for the date;
- predicted β total predicted sales for the date;
- sales β total sales for the date.