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Releases: LeivoSepp/Smart-heating-management-with-Shelly

[v3.2] NEW: Added VORK5, removed VORK2KUU and all rates are updated.

07 Dec 16:28
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New Elektrilevi packages have been updated:

Added: Package VORK5 (Võrk 5)
Removed: Package VORK2KUU
Updated: All package rates have been adjusted in line with the latest Elektrilevi pricelist.

The script has now the following packages VORK1, VORK2, VORK4, VORK5.

[v3.1] NEW: Shelly is automatically turned on if the internet is down or Elering prices fail.

05 Dec 09:25
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Added functionality: Shelly is automatically turned on if the internet is down or getting Elering prices are fail.

[v3.0] 2024-11-09 FIX: handle Elering API if no values returned ADDED: settings stored in KVS

09 Nov 09:26
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  1. FIX: In case the Elering API is working, but won't return any value, the script will try to get the data again in 5 minutes.
  2. ADDED FEATURE: All user settings are stored in Shelly KVS store.
    After the initial run, all user settings are stored in the Shelly KVS.
    To modify these user settings later, you’ll need to access the Shelly KVS via: Menu → Advanced → KVS on the Shelly web page.
    Once you’ve updated the settings, restart the script to apply the changes.
    This approach simplifies script updates — you don’t need to remember your settings during script update, as they’ll automatically be loaded from the KVS.

[v2.9] 2024-11-04 Fix: Removed 1 minute delay on the first run

04 Nov 22:18
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After implementing enhanced resilience for power outages, including checking Shelly’s time before proceeding with the script, a 1-minute delay was introduced on the first run as a side effect. This delay has now been removed.

[v2.8] 2024-11-04 Fixes: Enhanced resilience for power outages and a few more improvements.

04 Nov 19:43
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  1. Fix: The script fails to start if the internet is unavailable after a Shelly reboot, which can occur during a power outage when Shelly reboots faster than the internet router. The script will now wait until Shelly has the correct time.
  2. For a 24h calculation cycle the server update time alternates between 23:00 and 00:00. In the latter case that could potentially cause the task scheduled at 00:00 to be missed as the trigger event had already passed. By adding isToday check to isTsAfterChkT should prevent that.
  3. All the clients are sending update requests to server during the first minute of an hour. Adding some random minutes to isChkT would reduce the server load in case the script turns out to be very popular :)
  4. The next heating calculation time printed in the log was not correct (the current hour was reported instead). The proposed patch contains a modified nextChkHr() function that corrects the issue.

[v2.6] 2024-01-10 improving script

10 Jan 11:09
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Added: Store version info in KVS
Fixed: scheduleIDs might be duplicated in KVS store

[v2.5] 2024-01-08 schedules sorted by time

08 Jan 20:46
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  • Schedules sorted by time,
  • Two new heating modes
    • HEAT12H_1H hot water boiler in small households.
    • HEAT20H_20H ventilation system, to avoid the four most expensive hours in a day

[v2.4] 2024-01-05 Added watchdog to clean after the script

05 Jan 21:00
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[v2.3] 2024-01-02

02 Jan 06:13
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Fixed: In case weather forecast used heating is not calculated at 23 for the following day.
Added: Set default script library to point into this smart heating.

[v2.2] 2024-01-01 Fixed: Schedulers are not created in Jan 1

31 Dec 23:32
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fix: schedulers are not created in Jan 1