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Steam-Node-Bot v2.4

  1. Unpack the files to your Desktop or where ever you want it

  2. go to Command Prompt

  3. type the following into command propt a. cd Directory of files b. npm install mathjs c. npm install steam-user e. npm install steam-totp f. npm install steam-tradeoffer-manager g. npm install raven h. npm install steamid i. npm install colors j. npm install jsonfile k. npm install steamcommunity l. npm install steam-market-pricing

  4. go to the setting folder

  5. go to config.json and put your username, password, sharedsecret, identitysecret, ownerID

Username = Bot Username Password = Bot Password Sharedsecret = Shared Secret from desktop authenticator Identity Secret = Identity Secret from Desktop Authenticator

OwnerID = Bot owner ID64

SteamName = Desired Steam Name for the Bot

GroupLink = Your Group Link Here

Comments = Enables and Disables Comments on user Profiles

IssueTracking = Enable/Disables Issue Tracking NOTE if Disabled might be hard to help if you encounter a problem with the code

GroupID = GroupId here

Hatbanking = Enables/disable Hat Banking KeyBanking = Enables/disables Key banking RobopartBanking = Enables/disables robo part banking

Group = Group Name Here chats = Enables manual chats for the bot to communitcate to other users with chat messages

  1. go to GamesPlayed.json and make sure the games are set correctly

Games1 = Listed Game Games2 = Game ID

  1. go to messages.json and make sure everything is done correctly

  2. go to prices check to make sure the items you want to buy and sell is in it and expample is below and on the prices.json

{ "Steam Market Name of item" { "buy": Price, "sell: Price } }

  1. Got to Stock.json under Stock folder in settings Here you will edit stock amounts { "item name has to be the steam market name" { "instock": 0, "stocklimit": 0 } }

  2. Go to Messages/messages.json make sure the messages are right for the items

  3. Go to keysmessage.json and edit them if needed

  4. Go to Hatsmessage.json and edit them if needed

  5. Go to Settings/Comments/comments.json Edit them if needed NOTE: Comments are currently set to only comment after a trade success not if it was cancelled or declined

  6. Go to the where the app.js is the go to the folder Admin Options

  7. Got to AdminConfig.json and Change The Following to Your Personal Preeference

AdminID = you Main SteamID

AdminChat = Enables / Disables Admin Chats //Note Not Currently Used To Be Added

AdminPrices = Enables / Disables Admin Prices //Note Not Currently Used To Be Added

disableAdminComments = Enables / Disables bot Comments for Admin Commnets

  1. Admin Messages Currently Not USed

  2. Make a new text file

18 .Name it Run Bot.bat

  1. Edit it and put the following code: node bot.js press ENTER type pause it will look like this

node bot.js pause

  1. Run the Run Bot.bat to run the bot

If you want to Try the Developer Options Out open the Developer options Readme in Developer Options Folder



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