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PConnector is a package that makes linking projects together much easier than performing a manual Guzzle or Curl requests. You only need to set some basic settings of your gateway(s) and that's it.


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PConnector is a package that makes linking projects together much easier than performing a manual Guzzle or Curl requests. You only need to set some basic settings of your gateway(s) and that's it.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require medianet-dev/p-connector

Then migrate the package table by running:

php artisan migrate


Here we will pass through some examples of doing some basic and advanced Api calls .

Configuring your gateway(s)

Before start playing with the package you need to setup a profile for your gateway, and to do so, you need to publish the configuration file by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MedianetDev\PConnector\PConnectorServiceProvider"

After publishing the configuration, go to p-connector.php config file and setup you first profile setting:

# file: p-connector.php

| List of the available profiles with it's configurations
'profiles' => [
    'demo' => [
        'protocol' => 'https',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 443,
        'prefix' => 'typicode/demo',

Note that you can set more than one profile.

And that's it for basic configuration, other available settings are described in the configuration file itself.

Some usage examples

// Import the PConnector facade to get available methods hints 
use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

// Or use tha alias without available methods hints
# use PConnector;

// Method 1:
$demo = PConnector::get('posts/1');
echo '<h1>'.$demo->title.'</h1>';

// Method 2:
# $demo = PConnector::send('posts/1', [], 'GET');
# echo '<h1>'.$demo->title.'</h1>';

We don't have to tell the PConnector witch profile to use if we set the default_profile parameter, but if we have more than on profile and we want to switch between them, we can use the profile() function like so:

use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::profile('demo')->get('posts/1');
$demo2 = PConnector::profile('demo_2')->get('users/1');

IMPORTANT: The profile function will apply a specific profile configuration and erase any other setting, so if you want to switch the profile call the profile() function before any other function.


Some setting can be set as a profile setting, you will find those setting with [AAPS] annotation to distinguish them (AAPS: Also A Profile Setting). To set settings for a profile, you have to put them inside the appropriate profile array. Also, note if a setting is defined inside a profile and as global in the same time, the profile one will be used.

Http Methods:

send(string $path = '', array $data = [], string $method = 'GET')
post(string $path = '', array $data = [])
get(string $path = '', array $data = [])
put(string $path = '', array $data = [])
patch(string $path = '', array $data = [])
delete(string $path = '', array $data = [])


PConnector supports sending request with authentication, and to do so you need to configuration the authentication settings for the desired profile or for all the profiles.

# file: p-connector.php

'auth' => [ // [AAPS]
    // Whether to use authentication by default or not (you can make an exception with withAuth() and withoutAuth() methods)
    'authenticate_by_default' => false,
    // How to authenticate (Accepted values are: api_key, basic, bearer)
    'auth_method' => 'bearer',
    // If the api_key method is use then you SHOULD provide an api_key key
    // 'api_key' => 'X-AUTH-TOKEN',
    // The path of the login
    'login_path' => 'login',
    // The http method used to login
    'login_http_method' => 'POST',
    'credentials' => [
        'username' => 'username',
        'password' => 'password',
    // The expected http code response when login in
    'success_login_code' => [200],
    // When should we re-authenticate
    're_auth_on_codes' => [401],
    // Where to find the token in the response (you can youse the dot syntax EX: 'data.user.auth.token')
    'token_path' => 'token',

You can configure the authentication settings for the desired profile by adding the auth array in the profile config.

'profiles' => [
    'demo' => [
        'auth' => [ // Add this section for custom auth settings
            // Authentication settings specific to this profile

If for some reason you don't want to include authentication while sending some request, you can tell the PConnector like so:

use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::profile('demo')->withoutAuth()->get('posts/1');
# $demo = PConnector::withoutAuth()->get('users/1');

Remember that the profile function will apply a specific profile configuration and erase any other setting (in our case the withoutAuth() function), that why we use the profile() before withoutAuth().


# file: p-connector.php

// Request settings
'request' => [ // [AAPS]
    // The default request headers
    'headers' => ['Accept' => 'application/json'],
    // Whether to send the language through the header by default or not
    'enable_localization' => true,
    // Handle http errors or not
    'http_errors' => false,
    // Http connect timeout value
    'connect_timeout' => 3,
    // Http timeout value
    'timeout' => 3,
    // The data type; json, form-data, ...
    'post_data' => 'json',

Send Accept-Language header when needed:

use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::lang('ar')->get('posts/1');

Or configure the PConnector to send it automatically via the configuration file.

Quickly change the current url

Or you can use tha alias setUrl() method

This is the list of getters available for the request:
  • getRequestUrl()
  • getRequestMethod()
  • getRequestData()


You can configure how do you want to save the response body:

  • As a string
  • As an object
  • As an array
# file: p-connector.php

'decode_response' => 'object', // [AAPS]

And if you want to change that for a specific response:

use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::objectResponse()->get('posts/1');
$demo = PConnector::htmlResponse()->get('posts/1');
$demo = PConnector::arrayResponse()->get('posts/1');

The received response body can be retrieved using getResponseBody() after sending the request.

use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::get('posts/1')->getResponseBody();

This is the list of getters available for the response:

  • getResponseBody()
  • getResponseStatusCode()
  • getResponseHeaders()

If you decode the response body as an object, you can use getAttribute('attribute_name') or ->attribute_name to retrieve a specific attribute, or even you can go more deep and do getAttribute('object.object.attribute_name', 'fallback value'), as an example:

use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::get('posts/1')->getAttribute('title');
$demo = PConnector::get('posts/1')->title;
$demo = PConnector::get('posts/1')->getAttribute('', 'Unknown author');

Response status code checks:

  • function responseCodeIs(int $code): bool
  • function responseCodeNot(int $code): bool
  • function responseCodeIn(array $codes): bool
  • function responseCodeNotIn(array $codes): bool
  • function responseOK(): bool
  • function responseNOK(): bool


use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::get('posts/1');
if ($demo->responseCodeNot(200)) {
    echo 'This is not what I was expecting from Demo!';
} else {
    echo '<h1>'.$demo->title.'</h1>';

$demo = PConnector::post('posts', ['title' => 'My title']);
 if ($demo->responseCodeNotIn([200, 201])) {
    echo 'This is not what I was expecting from Demo!';
} else {
    echo 'Post created, Hola!';


# file: p-connector.php

// Log requests & responses to log files or not (you can make an exception with withLog() and withoutLog() methods)
'log' => false, // [AAPS]

Example 1:

use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::get('posts/1')->dump();

if ($demo->responseCodeNot(200)) {
} else {
    echo '<h1>'.$demo->title.'</h1>';

Example 2:

use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::withLog()->get('posts/1');


You can debug the PConnector object using the dump() or the dd() method.

use MedianetDev\PConnector\Facade\PConnector;

$demo = PConnector::get('posts/1')->dump();
$demo = PConnector::get('posts/1')->dd();


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


PConnector is a package that makes linking projects together much easier than performing a manual Guzzle or Curl requests. You only need to set some basic settings of your gateway(s) and that's it.







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