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Docker Command Documentation

sametcn99 edited this page Feb 15, 2025 · 2 revisions

Docker Command Documentation

Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers. Containers package an application’s code, libraries, and dependencies together in an isolated environment. The Docker CLI (command-line interface) provides a rich set of commands for managing images, containers, networks, and volumes. The sections below detail the basic Docker commands along with their syntax, description, and usage examples.

1. Getting Started

1.1. Checking Docker Installation

  • docker version
    Displays detailed version information for both the Docker client and daemon.

    docker version
  • docker info
    Provides system-wide information about Docker (such as number of images, containers, storage driver, and more).

    docker info

These commands are often the first step to verify that Docker is properly installed and running on your system.

2. Working with Docker Images

Docker images are the blueprints used to create containers.

2.1. Pulling an Image

  • docker pull
    Downloads an image from a Docker registry (default is Docker Hub).

    docker pull [OPTIONS] IMAGE[:TAG]


    docker pull ubuntu:latest

    This command downloads the latest Ubuntu image.

2.2. Building an Image

  • docker build
    Creates an image from a Dockerfile and context (the set of files at a specified location). Syntax:

    docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -


    docker build -t myapp:1.0 .

    Here, Docker reads the Dockerfile in the current directory (.) and tags the resulting image as myapp:1.0.

2.3. Listing and Removing Images

  • docker images
    Lists all images on your local system.

    docker images
  • docker rmi
    Removes one or more images from your local repository. Syntax:

    docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]


    docker rmi myapp:1.0
  • docker tag
    Creates a new tag for an image. Syntax:



    docker tag myapp:1.0 myusername/myapp:latest

3. Managing Docker Containers

Containers are running instances of Docker images.

3.1. Running a Container

  • docker run
    Creates and starts a container from a specified image. Syntax:

    docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

    Key Options:

    • -d: Run container in detached (background) mode.
    • -it: Allocate a pseudo-TTY and keep STDIN open (interactive mode).
    • --name: Assign a custom name to the container.
    • -p: Publish a container’s port(s) to the host.


    docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name webserver nginx:latest

    This command runs the NGINX container in the background, maps port 80 in the container to port 8080 on the host, and names it “webserver”.

3.2. Listing Containers

  • docker ps
    Lists all currently running containers.

    docker ps
  • docker ps -a
    Lists all containers (including stopped ones).

    docker ps -a

3.3. Stopping, Restarting, and Removing Containers

  • docker stop
    Gracefully stops a running container. Syntax:

    docker stop CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]


    docker stop webserver
  • docker restart
    Restarts one or more containers.

    docker restart webserver
  • docker kill
    Immediately kills a running container without a graceful shutdown.

    docker kill webserver
  • docker rm
    Removes one or more containers. (Use -f to force remove a running container.)

    docker rm webserver

3.4. Executing Commands Inside Containers

  • docker exec
    Runs a command inside a running container. Syntax:

    docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]

    Example (interactive shell):

    docker exec -it webserver bash

    This opens an interactive Bash shell inside the container named “webserver”.

3.5. Viewing Container Logs

  • docker logs
    Fetches and displays the logs from a container. Syntax:

    docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER


    docker logs webserver

    You can add the -f flag to follow log output in real time.

3.6. Inspecting Containers

  • docker inspect
    Returns low-level information about a container (or other Docker objects) in JSON format.

    docker inspect webserver

4. Managing Docker Volumes and Networks

Persistent data and networking are essential for containerized applications.

4.1. Docker Volumes

  • docker volume create
    Creates a new volume.

    docker volume create my-volume
  • docker volume ls
    Lists all volumes.

    docker volume ls
  • docker volume rm
    Removes a volume.

    docker volume rm my-volume

Volumes allow you to persist data independently from the container lifecycle.

4.2. Docker Networks

  • docker network create
    Creates a new network.

    docker network create my-network
  • docker network ls
    Lists all networks.

    docker network ls
  • docker network rm
    Removes a network.

    docker network rm my-network

Using custom networks helps containers communicate securely.

5. System Cleanup and Advanced Commands

5.1. Cleaning Up Unused Resources

Over time, unused images, containers, networks, and volumes can accumulate.

  • docker system prune
    Removes all stopped containers, dangling images, unused networks, and optionally, volumes.

    docker system prune -a --volumes

    This command helps free up disk space.

  • docker image prune
    Removes dangling images (images not tagged or referenced by any container).

5.2. Other Useful Commands

  • docker tag – Retag an existing image.

  • docker commit – Create a new image from changes made to a container’s filesystem.

    docker commit CONTAINER newimage:tag
  • docker login and docker logout – Authenticate with and sign out from a Docker registry.

    docker login
    docker logout

These commands round out the basic functionality needed to work effectively with Docker.

6. Conclusion

This documentation covers the core Docker commands required to manage images, containers, networks, and volumes. Mastery of these commands is essential for developers and DevOps professionals to build, run, and maintain containerized applications efficiently.

For further details, always refer to the official Docker documentation and CLI reference:

  • Official Docker CLI Reference:
  • Docker container management documentation:

By understanding and practicing these commands, you will have a strong foundation in Docker’s capabilities and be well on your way to containerizing your applications successfully.

Below is an updated section of the Docker command documentation that not only covers the basic commands but also provides detailed, step‐by‐step instructions on how to start a containerized application using Docker. This guide explains the process, the flags used, and best practices, so that you can easily run your containerized application and understand what is happening behind the scenes.

7. Starting a Containerized Application

When your application is containerized—that is, packaged into one or more Docker images—you use Docker to start (or “run”) containers based on those images. This section explains in detail how to launch a containerized application, along with explanations of the commonly used options.

7.1. The Basic docker run Command

The fundamental command to create and start a container is:

docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
  • IMAGE: This is the name (and optionally the tag) of the Docker image that contains your application.
  • COMMAND (optional): You can override the default command defined in the Dockerfile by specifying your own command here.
  • ARG (optional): Any arguments you wish to pass to the command.

7.2. Example: Running a Web Application

Imagine you have containerized a web application using an image named myapp:latest. To start this container so that the web service is accessible, you might use:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name my-webapp myapp:latest

Let’s break down what each flag means:

  • -d (Detached mode):
    Runs the container in the background. This is ideal for long-running services (e.g., web servers) since you aren’t tying up your terminal.

  • -p 8080:80 (Port mapping):
    Maps port 80 of the container (the port on which the application listens) to port 8080 on your host.
    This means when you open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080, you are accessing the application running inside the container.

  • --name my-webapp (Container name):
    Assigns a custom name (“my-webapp”) to the container, making it easier to reference in subsequent commands (e.g., for stopping, inspecting, or removing the container).

  • myapp:latest (Image name and tag):
    Specifies the Docker image that the container will be created from. The tag “latest” denotes that the most recent version of the image is used.

7.3. Starting a Container Interactively

Sometimes you may want to interact directly with the container’s shell for debugging or manual configuration. To do so, you use interactive mode along with a pseudo-TTY:

docker run -it --name debug-container myapp:latest bash
  • -it:
    Combines -i (interactive – keeps STDIN open) and -t (allocates a pseudo-TTY) to give you an interactive shell session inside the container.

  • bash:
    Overrides the default command and starts a Bash shell so that you can manually inspect or change configurations within the container.

7.4. Using Environment Variables

Many containerized applications require configuration via environment variables (for example, setting a database connection string or an API key). You can pass these variables using the --env (or -e) flag:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name my-webapp -e APP_ENV=production -e API_KEY=abcdef123456 myapp:latest
  • -e APP_ENV=production and -e API_KEY=abcdef123456:
    These flags set environment variables inside the container. The application can then read these variables at runtime to adjust its behavior accordingly.

7.5. Persisting Data with Volumes

If your application writes data that you don’t want to lose when the container stops or is removed, you can use volumes. For example, if your web application stores uploaded files, you might run:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name my-webapp -v /host/path/uploads:/app/uploads myapp:latest
  • -v /host/path/uploads:/app/uploads:
    Maps the host directory /host/path/uploads to the container’s /app/uploads directory. Any files written by the container to /app/uploads will be stored on your host machine.

7.6. Networking Considerations

If your application is part of a larger system (e.g., a multi-container setup with a separate database), you might need to attach the container to a custom Docker network:

docker network create my-app-network
docker run -d --name my-webapp --network my-app-network -p 8080:80 myapp:latest
  • docker network create my-app-network:
    Creates a new user-defined bridge network.
  • --network my-app-network:
    Connects your container to this network so it can easily communicate with other containers attached to the same network (such as a database container).

7.7. Running Multi-Container Applications with Docker Compose

For applications that require multiple services (e.g., a web server, a database, a cache), Docker Compose is a powerful tool that allows you to define and run multi-container Docker applications. A typical docker-compose.yml file might look like this:

version: "3.8"
    image: myapp:latest
    container_name: my-webapp
      - "8080:80"
      - APP_ENV=production
      - ./uploads:/app/uploads
      - app-network

    image: postgres:13
    container_name: my-database
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret
      - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - app-network

    driver: bridge


To start the multi-container application defined in the file, simply run:

docker-compose up -d
  • docker-compose up -d:
    This command reads the docker-compose.yml file, builds (if necessary) and starts all the defined services in detached mode.

Docker Compose simplifies the orchestration of multiple containers, ensuring that they are all configured correctly and can communicate with each other.

8. Recap and Best Practices

  • Verify Docker is Running: Always check your installation with docker version and docker info.
  • Use Meaningful Names: The --name flag helps in managing containers.
  • Map Ports Thoughtfully: Ensure the host-to-container port mapping (with -p) does not conflict with other services.
  • Leverage Environment Variables: Use -e to pass configuration parameters securely.
  • Persist Data with Volumes: Use -v to keep data safe even if containers are recreated.
  • Use Networks for Multi-Container Apps: Custom networks ensure secure and efficient inter-container communication.
  • Consider Docker Compose for Complex Setups: It simplifies the management of multi-container applications.
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