MobilityDB is an open source geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform. This document lists the projects around MobilityDB.
MobilityDB is developed by the Computer & Decision Engineering Department of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) under the direction of Prof. Esteban Zimányi. ULB is an OGC Associate Member and member of the OGC Moving Feature Standard Working Group (MF-SWG).
- MobilityDB-workshop: Introduction to MobilityDB illustrated in various usage scenarios
- MobilityDB-BerlinMOD: Data generator and benchmark tool based on the BerlinMOD benchmark. The data generator takes input data from Open Street Map and uses pgRouting to generate routes between pairs of source and target locations.
- MobilityDB-docker: Docker images for MobilityDB
- MEOS: Mobility Engine Open Source C library
- PyMEOS: Python driver for MEOS
- JMEOS: Java driver for MEOS
- GoMEOS: Go driver for MEOS
- meos-rs: Rust driver for MEOS
- MEOS.NET: .NET driver for MEOS
- MobilityDB-AWS: MobilityDB on Amazon Web Services
- MobilityDB-Azure: MobilityDB on Azure
- MobilityDB-GCP: MobilityDB on Google Cloud Platform
- MobilityDB-Deck: Integration of MobilityDB with
- MobilityDB-Leaflet: Integration of MobilityDB with Leaflet
- MobilityDB-OpenLayers: Integration of MobilityDB with OpenLayers
- MOVE plugin to display the result of MobilityDB queries in QGIS
- MEST: Multi-Entry Search Trees (MEST)
- MobilityDB-PublicTransport: Integration of MobilityDB with public transport standards such as GTFS and Netex
- MobilityDB-OpenTripPlanner: Integration of MobilityDB with the OpenTripPlanner tool, an open source multimodal trip planner
- MobilityAPI: Implementation of the OGC Moving-Features API based on MobilityDB
- MobilityDB-MapMatching: Map Matching As Service for MobilityDB
- MobilityFlink: Geospatial trajectory Flink data streaming platform built on Flink
- MobilityPandas: MovingPandas version using PyMEOS as backend
- MobilitySpark Geospatial trajectory data management platform built on Spark-SQL
- MobilityStream: Geospatial trajectory data stream management platform built on MobilityDB
- MEOS.js: Javascript driver for MEOS
- MobilityDB-python Initial Python driver for MobilityDB
- MobilityDB-QGIS: Integration of MobilityDB with QGIS
- MobilityDB-JDBC: JDBC driver for MobilityDB