Encapsulates LuaBehaviour, enables visual component injection in the Inspector, supports automatic Lua script reloading during debugging, and allows runtime Lua script hot updates.
This is part of the Minity framework. For the complete setup guide, please refer to: github.com/MorizeroDev/Minity
Minity encapsulates LuaBehaviour, allowing Lua scripts to adapt to the MonoBehaviour lifecycle.
It also provides an intuitive GameObject/Component injection setup, which can be configured visually in the Inspector, reducing the need for extra C# script files and simplifying component access.
Additionally, it offers Event Culling, allowing you to select which MonoBehaviour events to receive as needed.
LuaAsset enables Unity to recognize .lua
files natively. This means you can work with code editors more conveniently without having to develop scripts in .txt
or .bytes
format, saving development effort.
Furthermore, LuaAsset turns .lua
files into Unity assets, allowing them to be managed and distributed using Unity’s asset-based resource management systems, such as Addressables.
LuaAsset also supports automatic hot updates. When you download an update patch and load it as a LuaAsset, it will automatically replace the corresponding Lua scripts in your project, including those that are already running.
For example, if you use AssetBundles, you can apply hot patches as follows:
var path = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "path/to/your/bundle.bundle");
var bundle = await AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(path);
var codes = bundle.LoadAllAssets<LuaAsset>();
foreach (var code in codes)
await bundle.UnloadAsync(true);
When in Play Mode, LuaAsset (driven by a ScriptableObject) can also respond to changes in code files and reload them automatically.