🌱 I’m currently learning Software Architectures
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🌱 I’m currently learning Software Architectures
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
This is a robust and scalable ASP.NET Core Web API template built with Clean Architecture, following best practices for modern web development. It incorporates CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Se…
A production-ready full-stack template featuring a Clean Architecture backend with CQRS, RBAC, and JWT Authentication, paired with a modern Next.js frontend. Built for scalability, security, and ma…
C# 1
Tu Primera Chamba is a comprehensive job portal designed to connect job seekers with employers. The platform aims to facilitate the job search process by providing a user-friendly interface and rob…
This is an E-Commerce built with Nestjs and Vite, this E-Commerce is part of the Software Development IV subject of the Commercial Software Engineering course at the Salesiana University of Bolivia.
TypeScript 1
This is a library management application, applying the concepts of a distributed application made with Electron for the desktop application and NestJs for the backend and inventory management.
TypeScript 2
Hermes is a satellite navigation application similar to Google Maps, made with the Mapbox API, along with Vite and Nestjs, seeks to solve the problem of blockages and search for alternative routes …
TypeScript 1