Enter your UEFI setup screen. You may want to know how to do so by searching about your laptop's model from external sources.
Here, go to the latest version and download the file for your host or currenly running OS.
Extract the file
Run the binary or executable file suited for ARM64.
A sudo or admin prompt may be asked, so input your password or accept the UAC prompt.
Show all devices.
Disable secure boot support.
Ensure you have a spare USB drive plugged in and yoy have cloned its contents, if any.
Go through the confirmation prompts.
Move the downloaded OS file onto the partition simply named as Ventoy.
Select the alternate boot device where you have moved the file. The manufacturer provides information on this as well.
Go through the generic steps.
Automatic partitioning, free up space with delete all. Encryption is optional for servers.
Begin installation.
Do NOT turn off your device amidst the installation.
After the installation is complete, reboot and make sure to boot to Silverblue and not your installation medium.
Connect to the internet
Run this script in a terminal
sudo curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrGrappleMan/Fynelium/main/start.bash | sudo bash >/dev/null
Enter the password that you had set up for the user you are on.
Your device should reboot automatically once the procedure is done. Do not use your device or even close the terminal as it will interfere with the installation process. Ensure internet connection is stable.
After the reboot you may use the device normally.