This project has been abondoned by me. If you would like to take over this project open an issue and I will transfer this and the NPM to you.
If you have a replacement that supersedes this project, open and issue and I will link to it.
Reporter for the NUnit XML format. A direct port from karma-junit-reporter. The name nunit2 does not reflect the version of nunit. karma-nunit-reporter is another project.
The easiest way is to keep karma-nunit2-reporter
as a devDependency in your package.json
"devDependencies": {
"karma": "~0.10",
"karma-nunit2-reporter": "~0.1"
You can simple do it by:
npm install karma-nunit2-reporter --save-dev
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
reporters: ['progress', 'nunit'],
// the default configuration
nunitReporter: {
outputFile: 'test-results.xml',
suite: ''
You can pass list of reporters as a CLI argument too:
karma start --reporters nunit,dots
For more information on Karma see the homepage.