A light-weight fork of the OpenSubdiv project. Contains all the topology processing logic (Sdc/Vtr/Far layers), but none of the compute/rasterization back-ends (Osd layer).
Also includes 'Tmr' : the Topology Map Representation layer with support for topology hashing. (see http://www.graphics.stanford.edu/~niessner/papers/2016/4subdiv/brainerd2016efficient.pdf)
This library is used in the RTXMG example.
- Windows or Linux
- CMake 3.22
- C++ 20
Git clone this source tree
Ensure you have a recent C++ std20 compiler such as the latest Visual Studio 2022 (run the Visual Studio updater application if unsure), Clang or GCC
Create a 'build' folder (at the top of the repository, names such as 'build' or '_build' are recommended)
Use CMake to configure the build.
CMake GUI : make sure you set the build folder ! ("Where to build the binaries" line)
You can also use the command line or scripts:
cmake_cmd="C:/Program\ Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe" cmd="$cmake_cmd -G 'Visual Studio 17 2022 -A x64' .." echo $cmd eval $cmd
Build : either open the solution in MSVC or use the CMake command line builder
cmake --build . --config Release --target package
It is possible to generate a packaged build with both debug and release binaries, but the process requires multiple steps. See the 'build_and_package.sh` script for details.
32 bits builds are not supported
When integrating OSD_Lite into other projects with cmake, the following dependencies are provided for either static or dynamic linking:
- osd::osd_lite_static
- osd::osd_lite_shared
OSD_Lite automatically exports cmake configuration files, so it should
never be necessary to write custom CMake Find
The osd::
namespace is only pre-fixed when using the "exported" build
of the library through find_package
. If OSD_Lite is imported via git submodule or
CMake's FetchContent
mechanism, the osd::
prefix should not be used to name
OSD_Lite dependencies (this appears to be a somewhat inconsistent policy of CMake's
EXPORT feature that may change in the future).