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ShaderMake is a frond-end tool for batch multi-threaded shader compilation developed by NVIDIA DevTech. It is compatible with Microsoft FXC and DXC compilers by calling them via API functions or executing them through command line, and with Slang through command line only.


  • Generates DXBC, DXIL and SPIR-V code.
  • Outputs results in 3 formats: native binary, header file, and a binary blob containing all permutations for a given shader.
  • Minimizes the number of re-compilation tasks by tracking file modification times and include trees.

During project deployment, the CMake script automatically searches for fxc and dxc and sets these variables:

  • FXC_PATH - fxc from Windows SDK
  • DXC_PATH - dxc from Windows SDK
  • DXC_SPIRV_PATH - dxc with enabled SPIRV generation from Vulkan SDK

Command line options


ShaderMake.exe -p {DXBC|DXIL|SPIRV} --binary [--header --blob] -c "path/to/config"
        -o "path/to/output" --compiler "path/to/compiler" [other options]
        -D DEF1 -D DEF2=1 ... -I "path1" -I "path2" ...

    -h, --help                show this help message and exit

Required options:

  • -p, --platform (string) - DXBC, DXIL or SPIRV
  • -c, --config (string) - Configuration file with the list of shaders to compile
  • -o, --out (string) - Output directory
  • -b, --binary - Output binary files
  • -h, --header - Output header files
  • -B, --binaryBlob - Output binary blob files
  • -H, --headerBlob - Output header blob files
  • --compiler (string) - Path to a FXC/DXC/Slang compiler

Compiler settings:

  • -m, --shaderModel (string) - Shader model for DXIL/SPIRV (always SM 5.0 for DXBC) in 'X_Y' format
  • -O, --optimization (int) - Optimization level 0-3 (default = 3, disabled = 0)
  • -X, --compilerOptions (string) - Custom command line options for the compiler, separated by spaces
  • --WX - Maps to '-WX' DXC/FXC option: warnings are errors
  • --allResourcesBound - Maps to -all_resources_bound DXC/FXC option: all resources bound
  • --PDB - Output PDB files in out/PDB/ folder
  • --embedPDB- Embed PDB with the shader binary
  • --stripReflection - Maps to -Qstrip_reflect DXC/FXC option: strip reflection information from a shader binary
  • --matrixRowMajor - Maps to -Zpr DXC/FXC option: pack matrices in row-major order
  • --hlsl2021 - Maps to -HV 2021 DXC option: enable HLSL 2021 standard
  • --slang - Use Slang for compilation, requires --compiler to specify a path to slangc executable
  • --slangHLSL - Use HLSL compatibility mode when compiler is Slang

Defines & include directories:

  • -I, --include (string) - Include directory(s)
  • -D, --define (string) - Macro definition(s) in forms 'M=value' or 'M'

Other options:

  • -f, --force - Treat all source files as modified
  • --sourceDir (string) - Source code directory
  • --relaxedInclude (string) - Include file(s) not invoking re-compilation
  • --outputExt (string) - Extension for output files, default is one of .dxbc, .dxil, .spirv
  • --serial - Disable multi-threading
  • --flatten - Flatten source directory structure in the output directory
  • --continue - Continue compilation if an error is occured
  • --useAPI - Use FXC (d3dcompiler) or DXC (dxcompiler) API explicitly (Windows only)
  • --colorize - Colorize console output
  • --verbose - Print commands before they are executed
  • --retryCount - Retry count for compilation task sub-process failures
  • --ignoreConfigDir - Use 'current dir' instead of 'config dir' as parent path for relative dirs

SPIRV options:

  • --vulkanMemoryLayout (string) - Maps to -fvk-use-<VALUE>-layout DXC options: dx, gl, scalar
  • --vulkanVersion (string) - Vulkan environment version, maps to -fspv-target-env (default = 1.3)
  • --spirvExt (string) - Maps to -fspv-extension option: add SPIR-V extension permitted to use
  • --sRegShift (int) - SPIRV: register shift for sampler (s#) resources
  • --tRegShift (int) - SPIRV: register shift for texture (t#) resources
  • --bRegShift (int) - SPIRV: register shift for constant (b#) resources
  • --uRegShift (int) - SPIRV: register shift for UAV (u#) resources
  • --noRegShifts - Don't specify any register shifts for the compiler

Config file structure

A config file consists of several lines, where each line has the following structure:

path/to/shader -T profile [-O3 -o "output/subdirectory" -E entry -D DEF1={0,1} -D DEF2={0,1,2} -D DEF3]


  • path/to/shader (string) - shader source file
  • -T, --profile (string) - shader profile, can be:
    • vs - vertex
    • ps - pixel
    • gs - geometry
    • hs - hull
    • ds - domain
    • cs - compute
    • ms - mesh
    • as - amplification
  • -E, --entryPoint (string, optional) - Entry point (main by default)
  • -D, --define (string, optional) - Adds a macro definition to the list, optional range of possible values can be provided in {}
  • -O, --optimization (int, optional) - Optimization level (global setting used by default)
  • -o, --output (string, optional) - Output directory override
  • -s, --outputSuffix (string, optional) - Suffix to add before extension after filename
  • -m, --shaderModel (string, optional) - Shader model for DXIL/SPIRV (always SM 5.0 for DXBC) in 'X_Y' format

Additionally, the config file parser supports:

  • One line comments starting with //
  • #ifdef D, where D is a macro definition name (the statement resolves to true if D is defined in the command line)
  • #if 1 and #if 0
  • #else
  • #endif

Shader blob API

When the --binaryBlob or --headerBlob command line arguments are specified, ShaderMake will package multiple permutations for the same shader into a single "blob" file. These files use a custom format that is somewhat similar to regular TAR.

ShaderMake provides a small library with parsing functions to use these blob files in applications. This library can be statically linked with an application by including ShaderMake as a git submodule and linking the ShaderMakeBlob target to your application:

target_link_libraries(my_target PRIVATE ShaderMakeBlob)

Then include <ShaderMake/ShaderBlob.h> and use the ShaderMake::FindPermutationInBlob to locate a specific shader version in a blob. If that is unsuccessful, the ShaderMake::EnumeratePermutationsInBlob and/or ShaderMake::FormatShaderNotFoundMessage functions can help you provide a helpful error message to the user.