Latest Laser Cube LAN / Wifi Python Script working for Touchdesigner
TouchDesigner is a node based programming environment for creative coding. This script provides support for the latests LaserCube connecting via Ethernet / Wifi for TouchDesigner.
Works on Windows 10 & 11 64 bit Let met know about macOS? I've heard it works
- Download and install TouchDesigner
- Download the latest release of this script HERE
- (Only if you want to connect to more than 1 Laser at the same time on a different network, each cube being in Server Mode) You need to change the IP assignated to the Cube by default, via Wifi & Ethernet
To setup the Cube address manualy, connect to it via Ethernet or Wifi and enter its configuration page, by default at Default Username: LaserCubeUser Default Password: Laser2020
By default in LAN & Wifi Server mode, the Cube will be at For your 2nd cube in Server mode you should change the address for If you have a third one in server mode, then it should be and so on...
If you're using only 1 Laser cube the default settings are ok
One other setup could be to have 1 Cube in Server Mode and the other cubes in Client Mode and they should connect to the Server Cube.
- Boot your Laser cube and connect to it (You can go in "Command Prompt" or "PowerShell" on Windows, and type "ipconfig" to check your IP Adress and the Cube address)
- Open the TD_LASER_CUBE_WIFI_LAN.toe file
- Click on the box called "TD_LASER_CUBE_WIFI_LAN" in its Parameters you should be able to change the LaserCube IP Address and the Sample Rate 30000 by default = 30kpps 35kpps can be used with the latests cubes with improved galvo. I have noticed that by simply reducing a little to 34500 kpps allows to not overload the buffer/cache of the lasercube
- Adjust the Intensity of the laser and the Scale to a lower value to be more careful thanks to the sliders on top and bottom of the ON / OFF button
- Click on the ON / OFF Button to start sending data to the Laser Cube
Range of valid inputs are:
- X / Y: float between -1 and +1
- Red / Green / Blue: float between 0 and +1
Note that TDAsyncIO is needed to run the script correctly in Touchdesigner, it's already included in the .toe