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Jackrabbit FileVault Install Hook to perform additional actions during package installation


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Vault Upgrade Hook

The Vault-Upgrade-Hook is an easy way to add additional logic to the installation of content packages. Nearly all projects are facing sooner or later the problem that existing user generated content has to be upgraded. Often the existing mechanism with plain content packages, filters and install modes is not enough and more complex and flexible approaches are needed. The Vault-Upgrade-Hook provides an alternative to implementing new Jars for every of those jobs by embedding additional actions (i.e. groovy scripts) directly into the content package.

Feature Overview

  • installation mode "always" to execute on every package installation
  • installation mode "on_change" to execute only new and changed actions (see section Versioning in specific readme files for more info)
  • minimum dependencies
  • flexible API for custom action functionality
  • convention over configuration, but still many options


AEM6.0 SP3 and above, if you are using Sling without AEM see the detailed dependencies in vault-upgrade-hook/pom.xml.

Some provided samples also have additional requirements. You can find them in local readme files.

AEM as a Cloud Service is currently not supported!


Two general ways of how to use it:

  1. ad-hoc admin style:

    1. take a copy of one of the prepared projects under samples/...,
    2. update actions under src/main/upgrader (e.g. test-groovy - replace all scripts with yours),
    3. build and install: mvn -Pinstall, target server and credentials can be set via -Dcrx....
  2. dev-style:

    1. integrate the JAR via maven copy to your content package:
    2. create a directory (like samples/groovy-package/src/main/upgrader/always) and place it in your content package under META-INF/vault/definition/upgrader.

Note that the general structure of the package is always the same. There is a folder META-INF/vault/definition/upgrader/<upgrade-info> in the content package which contains the configuration properties for the contained actions. Depending on the used handler those actions are child nodes containing Groovy scripts or SlingPipes.

More information

Jackrabbit FileVault package hook

AEM/Jackrabbit content packages allow to place JARs in a package below META-INF/vault/hooks. Those must contain a class implementing InstallHook and will be executed during installation. The installation is split into phases: PREPARE, INSTALLED and END. END is guaranteed to be called at the end of an installation process. If PREPARE phase or installation process fails, then PREPARE_FAILED or INSTALL_FAILED respectively are called. The Vault-Upgrade-Hook uses this mechanism and builds an upgrade process on top of it.

Upgrade Process

There are 3 main entities used in the upgrade process:

  1. UpgradeAction - a piece of logic (like a Groovy script) that will be executed during upgrade;
  2. UpgradeInfo - contains UpgradeActions and provides general configuration how the actions should be executed;
  3. UpgradeHandler - creating UpgradeActions.

The upgrade process is embedded in the installation phases of the package. On PREPARE the status of the last execution will be loaded and on END the status will be saved. On all phases UpgradeActions will be executed if the package contains actions for the current phase. At stated above, UpgradeActions are bundled in UpgradeInfos which provide general configuration how the actions should be executed. For example does the UpgradeInfos define to use Groovy scripts for the upgrade or SlingPipes. Also options like the mode which decides about whether to execute actions will be configured there.

Upgrade Info

The upgrade info nodes carry the actual configuration as well as the actions to execute. They need to be placed in META-INF/vault/definition/upgrader/<upgrade-info> within the content package zip.

The <upgrade-info> nodes (serialized as DocView .content.xml files) support the following properties and must be of type sling:Folder.

Property Name Property Type Description Default Value Mandatory
mode String Either on_change or always. With on_change only new and changed actions are executed, otherwise the given actions are always executed (in case the run mode condition is fullfilled and the phase is executed, independent of previous executions) on_change no
runmodes String[] One or multiple run mode values from which at least one value must be fullfilled for the action to be executed (Discjunction/OR). If none is set the action will always be executed! Each run mode value has the following grammar: <runmode>{.<runmode>} where multiple <runmode>s (concatenated by .) all need to be set (Conjunction/AND) - (no restriction) no
defaultPhase String Specifies the default phase when the action is executed. One of prepare, installed or end. See also Only relevant if the action name does not specify a phase. prepare no
handler String Either script, groovyconsole, slingpipes, userpreferences or another fully-qualified classname of a class implementing UpgradeHandler - yes

In addition the update info contains the actions in subnodes. For details refer to the samples.

During installation of the content package biz.netcentric.vlt.upgrade.UpgradeProcessor.execute(InstallContext) will be called for each of the phases. The processor will read the status of previous executions from /var/upgrade and loads the biz.netcentric.vlt.upgrade.UpgradeInfo child nodes from the uploaded content package under <package-path>/jcr:content/vlt:definition/upgrader. On phase END the the list of all executed actions is stored in /var/upgrade.

An UpgradeInfo loads a biz.netcentric.vlt.upgrade.handler.UpgradeHandler implementation to create biz.netcentric.vlt.upgrade.handler.UpgradeActions which are executed during the upgrade. Whether an UpgradeInfo and an UpgradeAction is executed depends on the conditions set by runmodes and mode

UpgradeActions are bound to a specific execution phase. The default phase is PREPARE. This means an arbitrary action is executed before the content is installed. Specific handlers may provide additional ways of executing at specific phases (for provided samples see corresponding readme files). Usually the defaultPhase can be overridden by prefixing the script/configuration name with the name of another phase e.g. "prepare_failed-myscript.groovy".

Upgrade Actions

Multiple different upgrade actions are included with this hook. Those are also referred to as handlers. For details refer to the following sections.


For usage and details please see the sample package.

Sling Scripting

For usage and details please see the sample package.

Sling Pipes

For details about Sling Pipes please have a look at Sling documentation and the sample package.

User Preferences

For usage and details please see the sample package.


Jackrabbit FileVault Install Hook to perform additional actions during package installation








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