A program that creates a deck, shuffles it, deals it to an amount of players specified by command line input, and determines winner(s) like in StudPoker written for Programming 3 (C)
Nicolas David 3587814 Assignment 4
Instructions to compile/execute with CMD
- Place main.c, deck.c, studPoker.c, and header.h in a directory that you can access via cmd
- In cmd, navigate to that directory
- Enter command: gcc main.c deck.c studPoker.c -o main.out ⁃ Program will compile ⁃ main.out will appear in directory
- Enter command: main.out 5 6 ⁃ You may enter another number as the second argument to play with less/more players. Program allows 2-7 players and forces first argument to 5 (cards per player) ⁃ program will run and finish when winning hands have been determined