This web application allows users to browse and manage a wide range of shoe products, offering features for both customers and admins. Built with Laravel, Livewire, and Bootstrap, it ensures a dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly experience.
- User Authentication: Login and register.
- Browse Categories: View shoe categories.
- View Products: See products under specific categories.
- Filter Products: Filter by brand and price.
- Product Details: View images, descriptions, and prices.
- Color Selection: Choose color variants.
- Quantity Adjustment: Adjust product quantity before checkout.
- Add to Cart/Wishlist: Save items for purchase or future reference.
- Manage Cart/Wishlist: Update or remove items.
- Checkout: Pay via Paystack or Cash on Delivery (COD).
- Order Notifications: Email notifications for orders.
- Order History: View details of previous purchases.
- User Profile: Manage account details and change password.
- Category Management: Add, edit, delete categories.
- Product Management: Manage products, including multiple images and colors.
- Brand and Color Management: CRUD operations for brands and colors.
- Slider Management: Manage homepage sliders.
- Site Settings: Configure website details, social media links, and contact info.
- User Management: Manage users and roles.
- Order Management: Track, update, and manage orders and invoices.
- Dashboard Statistics: View sales, product, and user statistics.
A visually appealing homepage featuring a slider showcasing promotions.
A detailed list of shoe categories with thumbnails.
Showcasing a product's images, details, and color/size options.
An interactive cart allowing users to update quantities or remove items.
The page where users review their order and finalize the purchase.
A simple login page for users to access their accounts.
Optimized view for users on mobile devices.
Insights into orders, products, and user statistics.
- Laravel: Backend framework.
- Livewire: Real-time dynamic components.
- Bootstrap: Responsive front-end framework.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a branch for your changes.
- Commit and push your changes.
- Open a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
For questions or feedback, reach out to [email protected].