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@Ninjabrain1 Ninjabrain1 released this 29 Sep 14:59
· 8 commits to main since this release

Changelog includes all changes from 1.5.0 as well, 1.5.1 just includes one hotfix for a bug.

⚠️ Boat throw and tall resolution settings have been moved in this update, if you use these features you need to change the following settings:

  • In Optional features -> Angle adjustment, set "Pixel adjustment type" to Tall resolution
  • If you previously had enabled "Enter boat mode automatically after resetting", then in Optional features -> Boat measurements, set default boat mode to Blue boat.

New features

  • Ninjabrain Bot API
    • Disabled by default, enabled under advanced settings.
    • An API opens up for other applications to interact with Ninjabrain Bot. The possibilities are endless, but it could e.g. be used to send the stronghold coords to a mobile app (for those who have limited screen space), gather statistics about your runs, or create custom OBS overlays.
    • If you are a developer and wish to use the API, see the wiki page for details.
  • Save application state between sessions.
    • Enabled by default, disable under advanced settings.
    • Will save the entire state of the application, and restore it when it is started again.
    • Mostly useful when segmenting AA runs.
  • 1.20+ Advancements Support (by @VDPineapple).
    • Enable under all advancements settings.
    • Adds feature to store positions of Shrieker, End City, and a general location that can be used for anything (e.g. tadpoles/foxes).
    • Adds feature to calculate Ancient City Region Centres.
    • For details see the wiki page.
  • Support maintaining green boat through a mod 360 operation (for example: travelling through nether portals or using ender pearls). This is done by using a hotkey to indicate that the next F3+C contains the player's angle immediately before being reduced modulo 360, so that the boat angle can be adjusted to account for it. (by @ExeRSolver)


  • Added the option of displaying the number of adjustments made instead of the angle change (by @ExeRSolver).
  • Disable automatic resetting when AA mode has been turned on, this is to prevent Ninjabrain Bot from accidentally resetting when the user alt-tabs.
  • Added wiki links to the settings window for boat throws, the API, and 1.20+ AA mode.
  • Boat throw updates (by @ExeRSolver):
    • Added the option to default to green boat (with a boat angle of 0)
    • Altered the behavior of the "Indicate boat angle reset on next F3+C" hotkey to clear the boat angle.
    • Allow getting boat angle in the nether.
    • Boat eye can now be used without tall res.
    • Added the option of using a custom pixel adjustment amount.
  • MC version 1.9-1.12 updates (by @ExeRSolver):
    • Added support for boat eye (defaulting to green boat is required for this).
    • If the player includes decimals for the coordinates of a manual eye throw, then 0.5 will no longer be added.
    • Added the option of including the number of angle adjustments in the text being copied. For example, if you would previously copy '234 1097 -87.5' and then adjust 23 times, you now have the option of instead just copying '234 1097 -87.5 23'.
  • Calibration (by @ExeRSolver)
    • Added support for 1.9-1.12.
    • Display 75% confidence interval in the calibration panel.
    • Increased decimals available for boat eye standard deviation by 1.


  • Hotfix from 1.5.0, where the "Show direction to stronghold" angle was calculated incorrectly.
  • Disable automatic all advancements detection when playing ranked.
  • Fix memory issues when the user copies huge pieces of text.
  • Fix calculator prediction being inaccurate when using a very small standard deviation (tall resolution) and the stronghold is extremely close (<30 blocks). See this clip for example.
  • Fix crash when using czech language (by @gizlposu).
