My name is Xin Niu. I am a PhD graduate from Drexel University. I use brain imaging and intracranial EEG data to investigate brain development and human memory. I am enthusiastic about machine learning and coding.
- 🔭 I’m currently working at UCLA Health as a Programmer Analyst.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a guitar player and wrote several songs :)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning:
At Dr. Fried's lab. I built and maintained the data management and analysis pipeline to study human concept cells. My duties include writing software to manage large amounts of iEEG data from Epilepsy patients. Build analysis pipeline for signal processing, spike sorting, and visualization of raster plots for concept cell screening. I also trained the cutting-edge transformer model to predict memory reactivation during sleep.
The altered brain development is a hallmark of neurodegenerative disease and psychiatric disorders. Researchers use machine learning models to predict chronological age and achieve high accuracy. Furthermore, the residuals of brain age prediction contain information on the altered development. I worked on several seminal projects on brain age prediction that addressed the fundamental methodological issue and proposed a novel way to investigate the divergent development trajectories of different brain systems.
I worked at Whoop Inc., a start-up company using wearables to promote human health. I built visualization pipelines to examine the distribution of stress scores and machine learning models to predict Vo2max based on cardiophysiological metrics (resting heart rate, heart rate variability, etc).