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Buildpiper_lab_04: Lets Handle our Dependencies

SanyamKalra2 edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 5 revisions

In our Previous Lab we have secured our codebase Now in this lab lets Handle our Dependencies...

Prerequisites for this Lab:-

  • Successful completion of lab 3.

What do we mean by Dependencies?

A software dependency is a relationship between software components where one component relies on the other to work properly. For example, if a software application uses a library to query a database, the application depends on that library.


Let's Begin

We have a Step created in our Ecosystem which will Gather and install all the required Dependencies of our code accordingly, so lets add that step in our Job Template and see things into actions...

Step 1:- Go to Your Job Template and Click on Edit Icon and Click on Add Step


Step 2:- Search for flutter step Add the flutter step steps in our job template.


Step 3:- Let's configure the flutter step and to do so just select pub get from the drop down and click on Save.


Step 4:- Now your Job template should look like this.


Perfect Lets Run Our Job and see things in action what say...


Hurraaayyy All dependencies are now Installed...