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A simple pattern viewer for Neovim with support for Lua patterns & regex.


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🧩 patterns.nvim

Neovim Repo size GitHub Release

A simple pattern explainer & editor for Neovim.

📖 Table of contents

✨ Features

  • Tree-sitter based pattern explainer.

  • LSP-like hover window for strings.

  • A real-time pattern editor & matcher.

  • Support for multiple pattern languages,

    • regex
    • lua_patterns(requires custom parser)
  • Highly configurable! Almost everything can be configured(without needing to leave your editor).

📚 Requirements

  • Tree-sitter parser.

    • regex(install through nvim-treesitter via :TSInstall regex)
    • lua_patterns(optional, See parser installation).
  • A tree-sitter supported colorscheme(optional).

  • A nerd font.

  • Node.js(optional, needed if you use javascript's regexp).

📐 Installation

🧩 Vim-plug

Add this to your plugin list.

Plug "OXY2DEV/patterns.nvim"

💤 lazy.nvim


Lazy loading is NOT needed for this plugin!

For plugins.lua users,


For plugins/patterns.lua,

return {

🦠 mini.deps

local MiniDeps = require("mini.deps");

    source = "OXY2DEV/patterns.nvim"

🌒 Rocks.nvim


luarocks package may sometimes be a bit behind main.

:Rocks install patterns.nvim

📥 GitHub release

Tagged releases can be found in the release page.


Github releases may sometimes be slightly behind main.

🧭 Configuration

See the default configuration here.

Show type definitions
--- Configuration for `patterns.nvim`.
---@class patterns.config
--- WARNING, This just changes the priority
--- of the matchers.
--- Both matchers will be tried!
---@field preferred_regex_matcher
---| "node" Allows matching Javascript's regexp.
---| "vim" Allows matching Vim's regexp.
--- Delay for updating explainer UI.
---@field update_delay integer
---@field keymaps? patterns.keymaps
---@field windows
---@field lua_patterns patterns.lua_patterns
---@field regex patterns.regex

---@class patterns.keymaps
---@field hover table<string, patterns.keymap_opts>
---@field explain_input table<string, patterns.keymap_opts>
---@field explain_preview table<string, patterns.keymap_opts>

--- Action names for the explainer.
---@alias explain_actions
---| "toggle" Toggle focus of window.
---| "mode_change" Switches between the explainer & the matcher.
--- Changes pattern language backwards.
---| "lang_prev"
---| "lang_next" Changes pattern language forwards.
--- Closes explainer.
---| "close"
---| "apply" Applies changes.

--- Action names for the hover.
---@alias hover_actions
---| "close" Closes hover window.
---| "edit" Edit pattern.

---@class patterns.keymap_opts
---@field desc? string
---@field callback explain_actions | hover_actions | function

--- Window configurations for various
--- windows.
---@field hover? table | fun(q1: "left" | "right" | "center", q2: "top" | "bottom" | "center"): table
---@field input? table | fun(): table
---@field preview? table | fun(): table

--- Options for Lua patterns.
--- Option name matches the tree-sitter node name.
---@class patterns.lua_patterns
---@field indent_size integer Indentation size.
---@field indent_marker string Marker used for indentation.
---@field indent_hl? string Highlight group for the indentation markers.
---@field pattern pattern_item.opts
---@field anchor_start pattern_item.opts
---@field anchor_end pattern_item.opts
---@field quantifier_optional pattern_item.opts
---@field quantifier_minus pattern_item.opts
---@field quantifier_plus pattern_item.opts
---@field quantifier_star pattern_item.opts
---@field literal_character pattern_item.opts
---@field any_character pattern_item.opts
---@field escape_sequence pattern_item.opts
---@field escaped_character pattern_item.opts
---@field capture_group pattern_item.opts
---@field character_set pattern_item.opts
---@field character_set_content pattern_item.opts
---@field character_range pattern_item.opts
---@field character_class pattern_item.opts

--- Options for Regex.
--- Option name matches the tree-sitter node name.
---@class patterns.regex
---@field indent_size integer Indentation size.
---@field indent_marker string Marker used for indentation.
---@field indent_hl? string Highlight group for the indentation markers.
---@field pattern pattern_item.opts
---@field alternation pattern_item.opts
---@field term pattern_item.opts
---@field start_assertion pattern_item.opts
---@field end_assertion pattern_item.opts
---@field boundary_assertion pattern_item.opts
---@field non_boundary_assertion pattern_item.opts
---@field lookaround_assertion pattern_item.opts
---@field quantifier_count pattern_item.opts
---@field quantifier_optional pattern_item.opts
---@field quantifier_plus pattern_item.opts
---@field quantifier_star pattern_item.opts
---@field pattern_character pattern_item.opts
---@field class_character pattern_item.opts
---@field any_character pattern_item.opts
---@field decimal_escape pattern_item.opts
---@field character_class_escape pattern_item.opts
---@field unicode_character_escape pattern_item.opts
---@field unicode_property_value pattern_item.opts
---@field control_escape pattern_item.opts
---@field control_letter_escape pattern_item.opts
---@field identity_escape pattern_item.opts
---@field backreference_escape pattern_item.opts
---@field unicode_property_value_expression pattern_item.opts
---@field character_class pattern_item.opts
---@field posix_character_class pattern_item.opts
---@field named_group_backreference pattern_item.opts
---@field capturing_group pattern_item.opts
---@field non_capturing_group pattern_item.opts
---@field flags_group pattern_item.opts
---@field flags pattern_item.opts

--- Options for each node type.
---@class pattern_item.opts
--- Can be set to `false` to disable rendering of 
--- a specific node type.
---@field enable? boolean | fun(buffer: integer, item: __patterns.item): boolean
--- Can be set to `true` to show the range of a
--- node.
---@field show_range? boolean | fun(buffer: integer, item: __patterns.item): boolean
--- Highlight group for the text.
---@field text_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __patterns.item): string?
--- Text to show for a node.
---@field text? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __patterns.item): string
--- When set to `true`, shows tooltip for nodes.
--- By default this only shows tips for the current
--- node.
---@field show_tip? boolean | fun(buffer: integer, item: __patterns.item): boolean
--- Highlight group for the tooltip text.
---@field tip_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __patterns.item): string
--- Number of spaces to add before tooltip text.
--- This is added AFTER the indentation.
---@field tip_offset? integer | fun(buffer: integer, item: __patterns.item): integer
--- Highlight group for the node range.
---@field range_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __patterns.item): string?
--- Bade highlight group. Used by other *_hl
--- options when they don't have a value.
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __patterns.item): string?
Show default configuration
spec.default = {
    preferred_regex_matcher = "vim",
    update_delay = 150,

    keymaps = {
        explain_input = {
            ["<CR>"] = {
                callback = "apply"
            ["q"] = {
                callback = "close"

            ["<tab>"] = {
                callback = "toggle"

            ["H"] = {
                callback = "lang_prev"
            ["L"] = {
                callback = "lang_next"
        explain_preview = {
            ["q"] = {
                callback = "close"

            ["<tab>"] = {
                callback = "toggle"

            ["T"] = {
                callback = "mode_change"

        hover = {
            ["q"] = {
                callback = "close"
            ["i"] = {
                callback = "edit"
    windows = {
        hover = function (q1, q2)
            local border = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };

            if q2 == "top" then
                if q1 == "left" then
                    border[5] = "";
                elseif q1 == "right" then
                    border[7] = "";
            elseif q2 == "bottom" then
                if q1 == "left" then
                    border[3] = "";
                elseif q1 == "right" then
                    border[1] = "";

            local ft;

            if package.loaded["patterns.hover"] and package.loaded["patterns.hover"].buf then
                ft =[package.loaded["patterns.hover"].buf].ft;

            return {
                width = math.floor(vim.o.columns * 0.6),
                height = math.floor(vim.o.lines * 0.5),

                border = border,

                footer_pos = "right",
                footer = {
                    { "", "FloatBorder" },
                    { " 󰛪 " .. (ft or "Patterns") .. " ", "FloatBorder" },
                    { "", "FloatBorder" },

    lua_patterns = {
        indent_size = 2,
        indent_marker = "",
        indent_hl = "PatternsPalette0Fg",

        pattern = {
            text = "󰐱 Pattern",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette0Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette0";


        anchor_start = {
            text = "󰾺 From start",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        anchor_end = {
            text = "󰾸 To end",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"


        quantifier_minus = {
            text = "󰑖 Zero or more times(non-greedily)",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette7Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette7"

        quantifier_optional = {
            text = "󰑘 Zero or one time",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette7Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette7"

        quantifier_plus = {
            text = "󰑘 One or more times",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette7Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette7"

        quantifier_star = {
            text = "󰑖 Zero or more times(greedily)",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette7Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette7"


        literal_character = {
            text = function (_, item)
                if item.text == "\\" then
                    return '󱄽 Character: "\\"';
                    return string.format("󱄽 Character: %s", vim.inspect(item.text));
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette4Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette4"

        any_character = {
            text = " Any character",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        escape_sequence = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format('󰩈 Escape sequence: "%s"', item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette1Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette1"

        escaped_character = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format('󰩈 Escaped character: "%s"', item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette6Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette6"


        capture_group = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format(" Capture group, 󱤬 %d", or -1);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette6Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette6"

        character_set = {
            text = "󱉓 Character set",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette3Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette3"

        character_set_content = {
            text = "󰆦 Character set content,",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        character_range = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰊱 Character range: %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette6Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette6"

        character_class = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return "󰏗 Character class: " .. vim.inspect(item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette4Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette4"

    regex = {
        indent_size = 2,
        indent_marker = "",
        indent_hl = "PatternsPalette0Fg",

        pattern = {
            text = "󰛪 Pattern",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette0Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette0"

        alternation = {
            text = "󰋰 Alternative pattern(s)",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette6Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette6"

        term = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰊲 Regex term(#%d)", or -1);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette6Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette6"


        start_assertion = {
            text = "󰾺 From start",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        end_assertion = {
            text = "󰾸 To end",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        boundary_assertion = {
            text = "󰕤 Match as a word",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        non_boundary_assertion = {
            text = "󰕛 Match as part of a word",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        lookaround_assertion = {
            text = function (_, item)
                if string.match(item.text, "^%(%?%<") then
                    return "󰡭 Look behind";
                    return "󰡮 Look ahead";
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette3Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette3"


        quantifier_count = {
            text = function (_, item)
                if string.match(item.text, "^%d+$") then
                    return string.format(" Repeats exactly %s times", item.text);
                elseif string.match(item.text, "^%d+,$") then
                    return string.format(
                        " Repeats at least %s times",
                        string.match(item.text, "^(%d+)")
                elseif string.match(item.text, "^,%d+$") then
                    return string.format(
                        " Repeats at most %s times",
                        string.match(item.text, "^,(%d+)$")
                    return string.format(
                        " Repeats between %s & %s times",
                        string.match(item.text, "^(%d+),"),
                        string.match(item.text, "^%d+,(%d+)$")
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette7Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette7"

        quantifier_optional = {
            text = " Repeats zero or one time",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette7Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette7"

        quantifier_plus = {
            text = " Repeats one or more times",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette7Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette7"

        quantifier_star = {
            text = " Repeats zero or more times",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette7Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette7"


        pattern_character = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󱄽 Character: %s", vim.inspect(item.text));
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette2Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette2"

        class_character = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󱄽 Character: %s", vim.inspect(item.text));
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette2Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette2"

        any_character = {
            text = " Any character",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        decimal_escape = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰩈 Decimal escape: %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette1Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette1"

        character_class_escape = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰩈 Character class escape: %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette1Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette1"

        unicode_character_escape = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰩈 Unicode character escape: %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette1Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette1"

        unicode_property_value = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰗊 Unicode property value: %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette6Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette6"

        control_escape = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰁨 Control character escape: %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette1Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette1"

        control_letter_escape = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰁨 Control letter escape: %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette1Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette1"

        identity_escape = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰩈 Identity escape: %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette1Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette1"

        backreference_escape = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰒻 Backreference escape: %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette1Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette1"


        unicode_property_value_expression = {
            text = "󰁀 Unicode property value expression",
            show_tip = on_current,

            -- show_content = true,
            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette0Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette0"


        character_class = {
            text = "󰏗 Character class",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette4Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette4"

        posix_character_class = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰏗 POSIX Character class: ", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        named_group_backreference = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰒻 Named backreference: ", string.match(item.text, "^%(%?P%=(.-)%)$"));
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        capturing_group = {
            text = function (_, item)
                if type( == "string" then
                    return string.format("󱉶 Capture group(#%s)", or "???");
                    return string.format("󱉶 Capture group(#%d)", or -1);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        non_capturing_group = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰒉 Non-capture group(#%d)", or -1);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette5Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette5"

        flags_group = {
            text = "󰂖 Flags group",
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette2Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette2"

        flags = {
            text = function (_, item)
                return string.format("󰈻 Flag(s): %s", item.text);
            show_tip = on_current,

            tip_hl = "PatternsPalette2Bg",
            hl = "PatternsPalette2"

💡 Commands

This plugin creates the :Patterns command. It has 2 sub-commands,

  • explain Explains the pattern under the cursor.

  • hover LSP-like hover for the pattern under cursor. It's behavior is similar to K(or vim.lsp.buf.hover()).

When :Patterns is run without any arguments, it opens the explain window.

🎹 keymaps

The hover & explain buffers have some pre-defined keymaps.


You can disable these keymaps individually via the config.

  keymaps = {
    hover = {
      ["i"] = { enable = false }

⭐ hover

The hover buffer has the following keymaps,

  • q Closes hover window.

  • i Opens the pattern inside the explainer.

⭐ explain

⭐ explain_input

The text input buffer has the following keymaps,

  • <CR> Replaces the pattern under cursor with the text in the input buffer.

  • q Quits the explainer.

  • <tab> Switches to the explanation/preview buffer.

  • H Cycles backward through the list of supported languages(lua_patterns, regex).

  • L Cycles forward through the list of supported languages(lua_patterns, regex).

⭐ explain_preview

The pattern preview/explanation buffer has the following keymaps,

  • q Quits the explainer.

  • <tab> Switches to the input buffer.

  • T Toggles between the explanation and the matcher.


A simple pattern viewer for Neovim with support for Lua patterns & regex.







No packages published
