Disable child proxying by default and add feature flag scaffolding (#… #4816
All 7 451 tests pass in 2m 21s
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7451 tests found (test 1 to 424)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 424.
Raw output
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ doesStringContainNonPrintableCharacters should return false for empty string
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ doesStringContainNonPrintableCharacters should return false for strings with only printable characters
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ doesStringContainNonPrintableCharacters should return true for strings with mixed printable and non-printable characters
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ doesStringContainNonPrintableCharacters should return true for strings with only non-printable characters
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ isStringWithinAppIdLengthLimits should return false for strings exactly at the maximum valid length
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ isStringWithinAppIdLengthLimits should return false for strings exactly at the minimum valid length
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ isStringWithinAppIdLengthLimits should return false for strings longer than the maximum valid length
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ isStringWithinAppIdLengthLimits should return false for strings shorter than the minimum valid length
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ isStringWithinAppIdLengthLimits should return true for strings within the valid length limits
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ validateAppIdInstance should not throw error when appId is an instance of AppId
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ validateAppIdInstance should throw error when appId is an instance of an object other than AppId
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ validateAppIdInstance should throw error when appId is an object but not instance of AppId
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ validateStringAsAppId should not throw for "valid" app ids
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ validateStringAsAppId should throw error with "length" in message for app id too long or too short
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ validateStringAsAppId should throw error with "printable" in message for app id containing non-printable characters
test/internal/appIdValidation.spec.ts ‑ validateStringAsAppId should throw error with "script" in message for app id containing script tag
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag off shouldEventBeRelayedToChild should return false
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag off shouldProcessChildMessage should return false
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on handleIncomingMessageFromChild disableEnforceOriginMatchForChildResponses on if a child window changes origin it still receives response for request
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on handleIncomingMessageFromChild disableEnforceOriginMatchForChildResponses on the child window that sent the message receives the response back
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on handleIncomingMessageFromChild if a child window changes origin, it does not receive the response initiated by another child window
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on handleIncomingMessageFromChild messages proxied from child should be tagged as proxied from child
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on handleIncomingMessageFromChild messages that do not come from the parent are assumed from a child app and proxied to the parent
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on handleIncomingMessageFromChild only messages of active child window are proxied to the parent
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on handleIncomingMessageFromChild the child window that sent the message receives the response back
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on sendMessageEventToChild it should send message event to child window
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on sendMessageEventToChild should add message to queue if child window is not set
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on shouldEventBeRelayedToChild should return false if child window is not initialized
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on shouldEventBeRelayedToChild should return true if child window is initialized
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on shouldProcessChildMessage should return false if child window is closed
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on shouldProcessChildMessage should return false if child window is not the source of the message
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on shouldProcessChildMessage should return true if its the first message from a child window
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on shouldProcessChildMessage should return true if previous child window is closed and new child message is received
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on uninitializeChildCommunication after un-initializing new child messages will be proxied to a new window
test/internal/childCommunication.spec.ts ‑ childCommunication childProxyingFeatureFlag on uninitializeChildCommunication after un-initializing should avoid message event relaying to child apps
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication UUID tests postMessage should delete callback correctly with number id only
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication UUID tests postMessage should delete callback correctly with uuid
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication UUID tests postMessage should not call callback with invalid uuid
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHost should not throw error if no error returned from host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHost should not throw error if returned object does not match passed in errorChecker
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHost should pass action name and empty args array to host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHost should pass args array containing only ISerializableObjects to host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHost should pass args array containing only simple types to host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHost should throw error if an invalid apiVersionTag is passed in
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHost should throw error if host returns an SdkError
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHost should throw error if returned object matches passed in errorChecker
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHostAndHandleResponse should pass action name and empty args array to host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHostAndHandleResponse should pass args array containing only ISerializableObjects to host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHostAndHandleResponse should pass args array containing only simple types to host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHostAndHandleResponse should return correctly deserialized response if host returns a valid response that is not an error
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHostAndHandleResponse should throw error if an invalid apiVersionTag is passed in
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHostAndHandleResponse should throw error if host does not return SdkError and ResponseHandler says response is invalid
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHostAndHandleResponse should throw error if host returns an SdkError
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHostAndHandleResponse should throw error if returned object matches passed in errorChecker
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication callFunctionInHostAndHandleResponse should throw invalid response error if returned object does not match passed in errorChecker
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed nested app auth bridge should be pollyfilled onto the current window if the current window exists
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed should be in framed mode when the parent window is self, and Communication.parentWindow should be set to opener
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed should be in framed mode when there is a parent window that is not self
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed should be in frameless mode when the parent window is self and there is no opener, and Communication.parentWindow should be set to undefined
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed should not process messages with malformed or empty origins
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed should receive valid initialize response from parent when currentWindow has a parent with postMessage defined
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed should reject if no parent window and current window does not have nativeInterface defined
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed should set Communication.currentWindow to the value that was passed to app._initialize
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed should set Communication.parentOrigin to null and then update to the message origin once a response is received
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication framed should set Communication.parentWindow and Communication.parentOrigin to null if the parent window is closed during the initialization call
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless Communication.currentWindow should be unchanged by initializeCommunication
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless if there is a parent window that IS NOT self, we will not send messages using onNativeMessage, will not register onNativeMessage, and Communication.parentWindow will be set to the parent of the curent window
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless if there is a parent window that IS self and NO opener, we will send messages using onNativeMessage, will register onNativeMessage, and Communication.parentWindow will be undefined
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless if there is a parent window that IS self, we will not send messages using onNativeMessage, will not register onNativeMessage, and Communication.parentWindow will be set to the opener of the curent window
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless should put sdk in frameless window mode when the current window has a parent that is undefined
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless should receive valid initialize response from parent when there is no parent window but the window has a native interface
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless should set Communication.parentWindow to undefined when the current window has a parent that is undefined
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless should set sdk parentOrigin to null
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless should set window.onNativeMessage for handling responses when the current window has a parent that is undefined
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication initializeCommunication frameless should throw if there is no parent window and no native interface on the current window
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication nestedAppAuthBridge bridge initialization should initialize the bridge if the current window supports nestedAppAuth
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication nestedAppAuthBridge bridge initialization should not initialize the bridge if the current window does not support nestedAppAuth
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication nestedAppAuthBridge postMessage should not post a message when called with a valid JSON that is not a NestedAppAuthRequest
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication nestedAppAuthBridge postMessage should not post a message when called with an invalid message
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication nestedAppAuthBridge postMessage should post a message when called with a valid NestedAppAuthRequest
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication nestedAppAuthBridge responding to nestedAppAuthRequest should ignore invalid nestedAppAuthResponse
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication nestedAppAuthBridge responding to nestedAppAuthRequest should ignore other SDK messages
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication nestedAppAuthBridge responding to nestedAppAuthRequest should respond to a valid nestedAppAuthRequest with a nestedAppAuthResponse
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion args passed in should be sent with the framelessPostMessage
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion args passed in should be sent with the postMessage
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should never send message if there is no Communication.currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should never send message if there is no nativeInterface on the currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should not send postMessage until after initialization response received
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should receive response to framelessPostMessage even if there is no nativeInterface on the currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should receive response to framelessPostMessage when running in a frameless window and Communication.currentWindow is set and has a nativeInterface
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should receive response to postMessage when running in a framed window and Communication.currentWindow has a parent with an origin
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should reject with the default error if no port is sent and no custom error
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should reject with the error from the parent if no port is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should send a message to window when running in a framed window and Communication.parentWindow and Communication.parentOrigin are set
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should send framelessPostMessage to window when running in a frameless window and Communication.currentWindow is set and has a nativeInterface
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication requestPortFromParentWithVersion should still receive response to framelessPostMessage even if there is no Communication.currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleSdkError should pass all args to host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleSdkError should return the second parameter returned from the host if false is returned from the host as the first parameter
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleSdkError should return the second parameter returned from the host if undefined is returned from the host as the first parameter
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleSdkError should throw SdkError if one is returned from host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleSdkError should throw true if first value returned from host is true
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleStatusAndReason should not throw an error if first returned value from host is true
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleStatusAndReason should pass all args to host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleStatusAndReason should throw correct error if first returned value from host is false
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleStatusAndReasonWithDefaultError should not throw an error if first returned value from host is true
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleStatusAndReasonWithDefaultError should pass all args to host
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleStatusAndReasonWithDefaultError should throw error from host if first returned value from host is false and host provides a custom error
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndHandleStatusAndReasonWithDefaultError should throw the default error passed in to the function if first returned value from host is false and host does not provide a custom error
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendAndUnwrap should unwrap response returned in an array and return it not in an array
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent args passed in should be sent with the postMessage
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent messages sent from the parent are not tagged as proxied from child
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent should never send message if there is no Communication.currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent should never send message if there is no nativeInterface on the currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent should not send postMessage until after initialization response received
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent should receive response to framelessPostMessage even if there is no nativeInterface on the currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent should receive response to postMessage when running in a framed window and Communication.currentWindow has a parent with an origin
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent should receive response via callback when sending framelessPostMessage to window when running in a frameless window and Communication.currentWindow is set and has a nativeInterface
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent should send a message to window when running in a framed window and Communication.parentWindow and Communication.parentOrigin are set
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent should send framelessPostMessage to window when running in a frameless window and Communication.currentWindow is set and has a nativeInterface
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParent should still receive response to framelessPostMessage even if there is no Communication.currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync args passed in should be sent with the framelessPostMessage
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync args passed in should be sent with the postMessage
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync messages sent from parent should not be tagged as proxied from child
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync should never send message if there is no Communication.currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync should never send message if there is no nativeInterface on the currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync should not send postMessage until after initialization response received
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync should receive response to framelessPostMessage even if there is no nativeInterface on the currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync should receive response to framelessPostMessage when running in a frameless window and Communication.currentWindow is set and has a nativeInterface
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync should receive response to postMessage when running in a framed window and Communication.currentWindow has a parent with an origin
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync should send a message to window when running in a framed window and Communication.parentWindow and Communication.parentOrigin are set
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync should send framelessPostMessage to window when running in a frameless window and Communication.currentWindow is set and has a nativeInterface
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendMessageToParentAsync should still receive response to framelessPostMessage even if there is no Communication.currentWindow when message is sent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendNestedAuthRequestToTopWindow should send a postMessage to top window when the top window and top origin are set
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication sendNestedAuthRequestToTopWindow should send a postMessage to top window when the top window and top origin are set and are same as the parent window
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication uninitializeCommunication should empty the queue of messages for the current parent
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication uninitializeCommunication should reset messageIds to start at 0 again
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication uninitializeCommunication should set Communication.parentOrigin to null
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication uninitializeCommunication should set Communication.parentWindow to null
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication uninitializeCommunication the current window should not have a message listener on it after communication has been uninitialized
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication uninitializeCommunication unresolved message callbacks should not be triggered after communication has been uninitialized
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication uninitializeCommunication unresolved message promises should not be triggered after communication has been uninitialized
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication waitForMessageQueue should call callback once parent message queue is empty
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication waitForMessageQueue should never call callback if parent message queue is not empty
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication waitForMessageQueue should throw if Communication.currentWindow does not have setInterval defined
test/internal/communication.spec.ts ‑ Testing communication waitForMessageQueue should throw if Communication.currentWindow is undefined
test/internal/communicationUtils.spec.ts ‑ communicationUtils flushMessageQueue if target origin is null it should not change target queue
test/internal/communicationUtils.spec.ts ‑ communicationUtils flushMessageQueue if target window and origin are not null it should empty the target queue in-place
test/internal/communicationUtils.spec.ts ‑ communicationUtils flushMessageQueue if target window is null it should not change target queue
test/internal/communicationUtils.spec.ts ‑ communicationUtils getMessageIdsAsLogString if only id is present it should return it in log
test/internal/communicationUtils.spec.ts ‑ communicationUtils getMessageIdsAsLogString if uuid field is set, is should return it as a string in the log
test/internal/communicationUtils.spec.ts ‑ communicationUtils getMessageIdsAsLogString if uuidAsString field is set, it should return it in log
test/internal/deepLinkUtilities.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for a single user with no topic and no message
test/internal/deepLinkUtilities.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with no topic and no message
test/internal/deepLinkUtilities.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with the given topic
test/internal/deepLinkUtilities.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with the given topic and message
test/internal/deepLinkUtilities.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for one user with the given message
test/internal/deepLinkUtilities.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should throw an error when given no users
test/internal/emailAddressValidation.spec.ts ‑ emailAddressValidation should not throw errors for valid email addresses
test/internal/emailAddressValidation.spec.ts ‑ emailAddressValidation should throw errors for invalid email addresses
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag '' - expect false
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'V4_apiName4' - expect false
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'something' - expect false
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'v' - expect false
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'v0' - expect false
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'v1' - expect false
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'v123' - expect false
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'v12_' - expect false
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'v12_apiName' - expect true
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'v1_apiName2' - expect true
test/internal/internalAPI.spec.ts ‑ isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat test isFollowingApiVersionTagFormat with apiVersionTag 'v_apiName3' - expect false
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace serialization should deserialize cart
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace serialization should deserialize cart items
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace serialization should serialize cart items
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace serialization should throw deserialize cart error
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace validation should validate basic cart item
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace validation should validate cart items in parameters
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace validation should validate cartStatus
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace validation should validate id of the cart
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace validation should validate price of cart items
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace validation should validate quantity of cart items
test/internal/marketplaceUtils.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace validation should validate the accessories of a cart item
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test createFile failure with invalid params
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test createFile failure with null assembleAttachment
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test createFile failure with null params
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test createFile success
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test decodeAttachment failure with null attachment
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test decodeAttachment failure with null mimetype
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test decodeAttachment failure with null params
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test decodeAttachment success
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test isMediaCallForImageOutputFormats invalid params
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test isMediaCallForImageOutputFormats success with valid params
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test isMediaCallForImageOutputFormats with null imageOutputParams
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test isMediaCallForImageOutputFormats with null params
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test selectPeople success with null param
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test selectPeople success with undefined param
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test success case for selectPeople with valid input params
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test success case for validate get media input function
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test success case for validate select media input function
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test success case for validateViewImagesInput
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test validateGetMediaInputs with all null params
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test validateGetMediaInputs with invalid params
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test validateGetMediaInputs with null content
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test validateGetMediaInputs with null format and content
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test validateSelectMediaInputs failure with invalid param
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test validateSelectMediaInputs failure with null param
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test validateViewImagesInput failure with invalid param
test/internal/mediaUtil.spec.ts ‑ mediaUtil test validateViewImagesInput failure with null param
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false for empty input
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if any identifiers are invalid
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if modality is not a string
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if no identifiers were passed
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if persona display name is not a string
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if persona identifiers property is missing
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if persona identifiers property is not an object
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if persona property is missing
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if targetBoundingRect property is missing
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if targetBoundingRect property is not an object
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if triggerType property is missing
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return false if triggerType property is not a string
test/internal/profileUtil.spec.ts ‑ validateShowProfileRequest should return true for a valid input
test/internal/responseHandler.spec.ts ‑ ResponseHandler BooleanResponseHandler deserialize should return the response as is
test/internal/responseHandler.spec.ts ‑ ResponseHandler BooleanResponseHandler validate should always return true
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils UUID class tests UUID class should create new uuid when input is undefined
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils UUID class tests UUID class should not throw error when appId is a valid GUID
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils UUID class tests UUID class should throw error when id is empty
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils UUID class tests UUID class should throw error when id is not a valid UUID
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils UUID class tests validateUuid should not throw error when appId is a valid GUID
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils UUID class tests validateUuid should throw error when id is empty
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils UUID class tests validateUuid should throw error when id is not a valid UUID
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils UUID class tests validateUuid should throw error when id is null
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils UUID class tests validateUuid should throw error when id is undefined
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils base64ToBlob should convert base64 string to Blob for image/jpeg MIME type
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils base64ToBlob should convert base64 string to Blob for image/png MIME type
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils base64ToBlob should convert base64 string to Blob for non-image MIME type
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils base64ToBlob should convert base64 string with special characters to Blob for non-image MIME type
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils base64ToBlob should throw error if MIME type is not provided
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils base64ToBlob should throw error if base64 string is not provided
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils compareSDKVersions
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils createTeamsAppLink builds a URL with a channelId parameter
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils createTeamsAppLink builds a URL with a chatId parameter
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils createTeamsAppLink builds a URL with a subPageUrl parameter
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils createTeamsAppLink builds a URL with a webUrl parameter
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils createTeamsAppLink builds a URL with all optional properties
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils createTeamsAppLink builds a basic URL with an appId and pageId
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils getBase64StringFromBlob should resolve with base64 string when reading a image/jpeg Blob
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils getBase64StringFromBlob should resolve with base64 string when reading a image/png Blob
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils getBase64StringFromBlob should resolve with base64 string when reading a text/html Blob
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils getBase64StringFromBlob should resolve with base64 string when reading a text/plain Blob
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils getBase64StringFromBlob should throw error when blob is empty
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects <script> tags with attributes
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects <script> tags with different casing
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects <script> tags with spaces
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects <script> tags with unusual but valid attributes
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects HTML entity encoded <script> tag with attributes
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects HTML entity encoded closing </script> tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects HTML entity encoded opening <script> tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects HTML entity encoded opening <script> tag with plain closing tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects URI encoded <script> tag with attributes
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects URI encoded closing </script> tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects URI encoded opening <script> tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects URI encoded opening <script> tag with plain closing tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects mixed casing <script> tags
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects mixed content with <script> tags
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects multiple <script> tags
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects nested <script> tags
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects plain closing </script> tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects plain opening <script> tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects plain opening <script> tag with HTML entity encoded closing tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags detects plain opening <script> tag with URI encoded closing tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags returns false for empty string
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils hasScriptTags returns false for strings without <script> tags
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return false for functions
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return false for nested structures with non-plain objects
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return false for non-plain objects
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return false for objects nested deeper than 1000 levels
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return false for symbol
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return true for arrays of primitive types
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return true for nested plain objects and arrays
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return true for plain objects
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return true for primitives except symbol
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils isPrimitiveOrPlainObject should return true for undefined or null
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateId should not throw defined error in the second parameter
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateId should not throw error when appId is a valid app ID
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateId should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains ecoded script tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateId should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains non printabe ASCII characters
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateId should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains script tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateId should throw error on invalid app ID if its size exceeds 256 characters
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateId should throw error on invalid app ID if its size is less than 5 characters
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should not throw error when url is a valid url
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should throw invalid url error if it contains HTML encoded script tags
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should throw invalid url error if it contains HTML encoded script tags in mixed case
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should throw invalid url error if it contains HTML encoded script tags in upper case
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should throw invalid url error if it contains mixed case script tags
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should throw invalid url error if it contains multiple script tags
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should throw invalid url error if it contains script tag
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should throw invalid url error if it contains uppercase script tags
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should throw invalid url error if it non http url
test/internal/utils.spec.ts ‑ utils validateUrl should throw maxlength exceed error if it contains more than 2048 chars
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if first end of origin is not matched valid subdomains in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if first end of origin is not matched valid subdomains in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains does not match in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains does not match in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains is not in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if origin has extra appended
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if origin is not an exact match in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if origin is not in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if origin is not supplied by user
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if the port number of valid origin is not in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if the port number of valid origin is not in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns false if the protocol of origin is not 'https:'
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns true if origin for subdomains in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns true if origin for subdomains is in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns true if origin is in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns true if origin is valid origin supplied by user
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns true if the port number of valid origin is in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch error validateOrigin returns true if the port number of valid origin is in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if first end of origin is not matched valid subdomains in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if first end of origin is not matched valid subdomains in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains does not match in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains does not match in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains is not in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if origin has extra appended
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if origin is not an exact match in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if origin is not in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if origin is not supplied by user
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if the port number of valid origin is not in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if the port number of valid origin is not in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns false if the protocol of origin is not 'https:'
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns true if origin for subdomains in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns true if origin for subdomains is in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns true if origin is in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns true if origin is valid origin supplied by user
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns true if the port number of valid origin is in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fallback validOrigins flow with fetch succeeding and no json object validateOrigin returns true if the port number of valid origin is in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fetch timeout flow validateOrigin returns false if fetch call times out and domain is not in fallback list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fetch timeout flow validateOrigin returns true if fetch call does not time out
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing fetch timeout flow validateOrigin returns true if fetch call times out and domain is in fallback list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if first end of origin is not matched valid subdomains in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if first end of origin is not matched valid subdomains in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains does not match in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains does not match in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains is not in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if origin has extra appended
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if origin is not an exact match in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if origin is not in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if origin is not supplied by user
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if the port number of valid origin is not in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if the port number of valid origin is not in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns false if the protocol of origin is not 'https:'
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns true for high-profile *.cloud.microsoft origins
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns true if origin for subdomains in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns true if origin for subdomains is in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns true if origin is in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns true if origin is valid origin supplied by user
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns true if the port number of valid origin is in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow validateOrigin returns true if the port number of valid origin is in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if first end of origin is not matched valid subdomains in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if first end of origin is not matched valid subdomains in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains does not match in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains does not match in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if origin for subdomains is not in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if origin has extra appended
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if origin is not an exact match in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if origin is not in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if origin is not supplied by user
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if the port number of valid origin is not in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if the port number of valid origin is not in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns false if the protocol of origin is not 'https:'
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns true if origin for subdomains in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns true if origin for subdomains is in the user supplied list
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns true if origin is in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns true if origin is valid origin supplied by user
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns true if the port number of valid origin is in teams pre-known allowlist
test/internal/validOrigins.spec.ts ‑ validOrigins testing main validOrigins flow with invalid json object validateOrigin returns true if the port number of valid origin is in the user supplied list
test/internal/videoFrameTick.spec.ts ‑ videoFrameTick setInterval should invoke callback after interval
test/internal/videoFrameTick.spec.ts ‑ videoFrameTick setTimeout should invoke callback after timeout
test/internal/videoFrameTick.spec.ts ‑ videoFrameTick setTimeout should involek callback only once
test/internal/videoFrameTick.spec.ts ‑ videoFrameTick setTimeout should not invoke callback before timeout
test/internal/videoFrameTick.spec.ts ‑ videoFrameTick setTimeout should not invoke callback when it is cleared before timeout
test/internal/videoPerformanceMonitor.spec.ts ‑ VideoPerformanceMonitor should report TextureStreamAcquired event
test/internal/videoPerformanceMonitor.spec.ts ‑ VideoPerformanceMonitor should report firstFrameProcessed event
test/internal/videoPerformanceMonitor.spec.ts ‑ VideoPerformanceMonitor should report processStarts/ends
test/internal/videoPerformanceMonitor.spec.ts ‑ VideoPerformanceMonitor should report videoExtensibilityFrameProcessingSlow event
test/internal/videoPerformanceStatistics.spec.ts ‑ PerformanceStatistics don't report statistics before timeout
test/internal/videoPerformanceStatistics.spec.ts ‑ PerformanceStatistics don't report statistics when no data
test/internal/videoPerformanceStatistics.spec.ts ‑ PerformanceStatistics don't report statistics when session is not created
test/internal/videoPerformanceStatistics.spec.ts ‑ PerformanceStatistics reports statistics on effect change
test/internal/videoPerformanceStatistics.spec.ts ‑ PerformanceStatistics reports statistics on effect parameters change
test/internal/videoPerformanceStatistics.spec.ts ‑ PerformanceStatistics reports statistics on frame size change
test/internal/videoPerformanceStatistics.spec.ts ‑ PerformanceStatistics reports statistics on timeout
test/internal/videoPerformanceStatistics.spec.ts ‑ PerformanceStatistics timeout duration is increased over time when effectId is not changed
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity selectAppEntity appEntity.selectAppEntity should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity selectAppEntity appEntity.selectAppEntity should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity selectAppEntity appEntity.selectAppEntity should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity selectAppEntity appEntity.selectAppEntity should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity selectAppEntity appEntity.selectAppEntity should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity selectAppEntity appEntity.selectAppEntity should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity selectAppEntity appEntity.selectAppEntity should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity selectAppEntity appEntity.selectAppEntity should not allow calls from task context
test/private/appEntity.spec.ts ‑ appEntity selectAppEntity appEntity.selectAppEntity should throw not supported on platform error if appEntity capability is not supported
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations closeConversation closeConversation should throw error if conversation capability is not supported in runtime config
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations closeConversation should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations closeConversation should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations getChatMembers getChatMembers should throw error if conversations capability is not supported in runtime config
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations getChatMembers should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations getChatMembers should successfully get chat members
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations openConversation conversationRequest with empty strings should succeed
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations openConversation openConversation should throw error when conversation capability is not supported
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations openConversation should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations openConversation should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations openConversation should successfully pass conversationRequest
test/private/conversations.spec.ts ‑ conversations openConversation should successfully pass conversationRequest in a personal scope
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.customTelemetry isSupported isSupported should return false if custom telemetry is not on the runtimeConfig and copilot is not supported
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.customTelemetry isSupported isSupported should return false if custom telemetry is not on the runtimeConfig and copilot.customTelemetry is not supported
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.customTelemetry isSupported isSupported should return true if copilot.telemetry is supported
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.customTelemetry isSupported isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.customTelemetry sendCustomTelemetryData sendCustomTelemetryData message should not be null
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.customTelemetry sendCustomTelemetryData sendCustomTelemetryData should throw if called before initialization
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo getEligibilityInfo should throw if called before initialization
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should not throw if featureSet in response is undefined - with context authentication
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should not throw if featureSet in response is undefined - with context content
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should not throw if featureSet in response is undefined - with context meetingStage
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 425 to 829)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 425 to 829.
Raw output
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should not throw if featureSet in response is undefined - with context remove
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should not throw if featureSet in response is undefined - with context settings
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should not throw if featureSet in response is undefined - with context sidePanel
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should not throw if featureSet in response is undefined - with context stage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should not throw if featureSet in response is undefined - with context task
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return EligibilityInfo if the host provided eligibility information - with context authentication
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return EligibilityInfo if the host provided eligibility information - with context content
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return EligibilityInfo if the host provided eligibility information - with context meetingStage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return EligibilityInfo if the host provided eligibility information - with context remove
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return EligibilityInfo if the host provided eligibility information - with context settings
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return EligibilityInfo if the host provided eligibility information - with context sidePanel
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return EligibilityInfo if the host provided eligibility information - with context stage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return EligibilityInfo if the host provided eligibility information - with context task
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return a valid response on success - with context authentication
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return a valid response on success - with context content
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return a valid response on success - with context meetingStage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return a valid response on success - with context remove
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return a valid response on success - with context settings
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return a valid response on success - with context sidePanel
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return a valid response on success - with context stage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return a valid response on success - with context task
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return null userClassification if the host provided eligibility information with userClassification as null - with context authentication
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return null userClassification if the host provided eligibility information with userClassification as null - with context content
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return null userClassification if the host provided eligibility information with userClassification as null - with context meetingStage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return null userClassification if the host provided eligibility information with userClassification as null - with context remove
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return null userClassification if the host provided eligibility information with userClassification as null - with context settings
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return null userClassification if the host provided eligibility information with userClassification as null - with context sidePanel
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return null userClassification if the host provided eligibility information with userClassification as null - with context stage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should return null userClassification if the host provided eligibility information with userClassification as null - with context task
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw error if host returns error - with context authentication
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw error if host returns error - with context content
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw error if host returns error - with context meetingStage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw error if host returns error - with context remove
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw error if host returns error - with context settings
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw error if host returns error - with context sidePanel
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw error if host returns error - with context stage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw error if host returns error - with context task
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw if the value is not set by the host or missing - with context authentication
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw if the value is not set by the host or missing - with context content
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw if the value is not set by the host or missing - with context meetingStage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw if the value is not set by the host or missing - with context remove
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw if the value is not set by the host or missing - with context settings
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw if the value is not set by the host or missing - with context sidePanel
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw if the value is not set by the host or missing - with context stage
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility getEligibilityInfo should throw if the value is not set by the host or missing - with context task
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isEligibilityInfoValid getEligibilityInfo should throw if AppEligibilityInformation.ageGroup is undefined
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isEligibilityInfoValid getEligibilityInfo should throw if AppEligibilityInformation.cohort is undefined
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isEligibilityInfoValid getEligibilityInfo should throw if AppEligibilityInformation.featureSet.serverFeatures is undefined
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isEligibilityInfoValid getEligibilityInfo should throw if AppEligibilityInformation.featureSet.uxFeatures is undefined
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isEligibilityInfoValid getEligibilityInfo should throw if AppEligibilityInformation.isCopilotEligible is undefined
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isEligibilityInfoValid getEligibilityInfo should throw if AppEligibilityInformation.isCopilotEnabledRegion is undefined
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isEligibilityInfoValid getEligibilityInfo should throw if AppEligibilityInformation.isOptedOutByAdmin is undefined
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isEligibilityInfoValid getEligibilityInfo should throw if AppEligibilityInformation.userClassification is undefined
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isSupported isSupported should return false if eligibility is not on the runtimeConfig and copilot is not supported
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isSupported isSupported should return false if eligibility is not on the runtimeConfig and copilot.eligibility is not supported
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isSupported isSupported should return true if copilot.eligibility is supported
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isSupported isSupported should return true if eligibility information is on the runtimeConfig
test/private/copilot.spec.ts ‑ copilot copilot.eligibility isSupported isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should return response on success with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error from host on failure with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error if the data is not of correct type - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains non printable ASCII characters with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains script tag with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid app ID if its size exceeds 256 characters with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid original request with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error on original request info command ID exceeds max size with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error on original request info parameter name exceeds max size with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error on original request info parameter value exceeds max size with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error on original request info parameters exceed max size with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error when externalAppAuthentication is not supported in runtime config.
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should resolve on success if OauthWindowProperties are not defined with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should resolve on success with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should throw error from host
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should throw error on invalid testOauthConfigId - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should throw error on invalid titleId - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithOauth2 should throw error when externalAppAuthentication is not supported in runtime config.
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should resolve on success if PPCWindowProperties are not defined with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should resolve on success with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should throw error from host
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should throw error on a non-http signInUrl - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should throw error on invalid signInUrl - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should throw error on invalid titleId - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should throw error when externalAppAuthentication is not supported in runtime config.
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins should throw error when url exceeds 2048 chars - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSO should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSO should resolve on success
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSO should throw error from host
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSO should throw error when externalAppAuthentication is not supported in runtime config.
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should return response on success in context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error from host failure in context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error if the data is not of correct type - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid app ID if if its size exceeds 256 characters with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains non printable ASCII characters with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains script tag with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid original request with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error on original request info command ID exceeds max size with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error on original request info parameter name exceeds max size with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error on original request info parameter value exceeds max size with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error on original request info parameters exceed max size with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error when externalAppAuthentication is not supported in runtime config.
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication isSupported should return false when externalAppCardActions capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication isSupported should return true when externalAppCardActions capability is supported
test/private/externalAppAuthentication.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthentication isSupported should throw when library is not initialized
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should return response on success with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should throw default error when host sends a response that does not fit InvokeError or ActionExecuteResponse - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error from host on failure with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error if the actionExecuteInvokeRequest.data is not of correct type - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error if the appId is not an instance of AppId class - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid original request with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateAndResendRequest should throw error when externalAppAuthenticationForCEA is not supported in runtime config.
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should resolve on success with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should throw error from host
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should throw error if the appId is not an instance of AppId class - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithOauth should throw error when externalAppAuthenticationForCEA is not supported in runtime config.
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should resolve on success
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should throw error from host
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should throw error if the appId is not an instance of AppId class - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSO should throw error when externalAppAuthenticationForCEA is not supported in runtime config.
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should return response on success in context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error from host failure in context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error if the IActionExecuteInvokeRequest.data is not of correct type - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error if the appId is not an instance of AppId class - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error on invalid original request with context - content
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA authenticateWithSSOAndResendRequest should throw error when externalAppAuthenticationForCEA is not supported in runtime config.
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA isSupported should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA isSupported should return false when externalAppCardActions capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppAuthenticationForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppAuthenticationForCEA isSupported should return true when externalAppCardActions capability is supported
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions isSupported should return false when externalAppCardActions capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions isSupported should return true when externalAppCardActions capability is supported
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions isSupported should throw when library is not initialized
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should resolve when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should throw error from host when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains non printable ASCII characters with context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains script tag with context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should throw error on invalid app ID if its size exceeds 256 characters with context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionOpenUrl should throw error when externalAppCardActions capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should resolve when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should throw error from host when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains non printable ASCII characters. context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains script tag. context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should throw error on invalid app ID if it its size exceeds 256 characters. context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActions.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActions processActionSubmit should throw error when externalAppCardActions capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA isSupported should return false when externalAppCardActionsForCEA capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA isSupported should return true when externalAppCardActionsForCEA capability is supported
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA isSupported should throw when library is not initialized
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should resolve when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should throw error from host when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should throw error if the appId is not an instance of AppId class - content
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionOpenUrl should throw error when externalAppCardActionsForCEA capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should resolve when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should throw error from host when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should throw error if the appId is not an instance of AppId class - content
test/private/externalAppCardActionsForCEA.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCardActionsForCEA processActionSubmit should throw error when externalAppCardActionsForCEA capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should not allow calls from task context
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should resolve when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should throw error from host when called from context - content
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains non printable ASCII characters with context - content
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should throw error on invalid app ID if it contains script tag with context - content
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should throw error on invalid app ID if its size exceeds 256 characters with context - content
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands Testing ExternalAppCommands.processActionCommand API should throw error when externalAppCommands capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands isSupported should return false when externalAppCommands capability is not supported
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands isSupported should return true when externalAppCommands capability is supported
test/private/externalAppCommands.spec.ts ‑ externalAppCommands isSupported should throw when library is not initialized
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageFolder should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageFolder should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageFolder should not allow calls with null channelId
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageFolder should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageFolder should trigger callback correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProvider should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProvider should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProvider should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProvider should send the message to parent correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProvider should send the message to parent correctly and handle error scenario
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProvider should send the message to parent correctly, handle error scenario and validate provider value
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files addCloudStorageProviderFile should send the message to parent correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files copyMoveFiles should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files copyMoveFiles should trigger callback correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageFolder should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageFolder should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageFolder should not allow calls with null channelId
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageFolder should not allow calls with null folderToDelete
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageFolder should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageFolder should trigger callback correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with empty itemList in request content
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with null request
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with null request content
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files deleteCloudStorageProviderFile should send the message to parent correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files downloadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files downloadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files downloadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with empty itemList in request content
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files downloadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with null request
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files downloadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with null request content
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files downloadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files downloadCloudStorageProviderFile should send the message to parent correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolderContents should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolderContents should not allow calls for a file item
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolderContents should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolderContents should not allow calls with null folder
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolderContents should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolderContents should not allow calls without providerCode
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolderContents should trigger callback correctly for cloud storage folder
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolderContents should trigger callback correctly for cloud storage item
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolders should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolders should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolders should not allow calls with null channelId
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolders should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getCloudStorageFolders should trigger callback correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getExternalProviders should trigger callback correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getFileDownloads should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getFileDownloads should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getFileDownloads should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files getFileDownloads should trigger callback correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openCloudStorageFile should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openCloudStorageFile should not allow calls for folder items
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openCloudStorageFile should not allow calls without file
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openCloudStorageFile should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openCloudStorageFile should not allow calls without providerCode
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openCloudStorageFile should send the message to parent if file is provided correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openDownloadFolder should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openDownloadFolder should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openDownloadFolder should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openDownloadFolder should send the message to parent correctly with file path as null
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files openDownloadFolder should send the message to parent correctly with non-null file path
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files removeCloudStorageProvider should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files removeCloudStorageProvider should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files removeCloudStorageProvider should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files removeCloudStorageProvider should send the message to parent correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files renameCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files renameCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files renameCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files renameCloudStorageProviderFile should send the message to parent correctly
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files uploadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files uploadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with empty callback
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files uploadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with empty itemList in request content
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files uploadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with null destinationFolder request content
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files uploadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with null request
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files uploadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls with null request content
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files uploadCloudStorageProviderFile should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/private/files.spec.ts ‑ files uploadCloudStorageProviderFile should send the message to parent correctly
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters including appTypes and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters including appTypes and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters including appTypes and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters including appTypes and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters including appTypes and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters including appTypes and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters including appTypes and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters including appTypes and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with stage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab addAndConfigure hostEntity.tab.addAndConfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with stage
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 830 to 1164)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 830 to 1164.
Raw output
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab getAll hostEntity.tab.getAll should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with stage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab reconfigure hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.reconfigure should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with stage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab remove hostEntity.tab.remove should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should be pass message with the expected parameters and initialized with task context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with stage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when hostEntity.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with authentication context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with content context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with remove context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with settings context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with stage context
test/private/hostEntity.spec.ts ‑ hostEntity tab rename hostEntity.tab.rename should throw error when threadId is passed as empty and initialized with task context
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should call the get log handler and send the log when initialized with authentication content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should call the get log handler and send the log when initialized with content content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should call the get log handler and send the log when initialized with meetingStage content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should call the get log handler and send the log when initialized with remove content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should call the get log handler and send the log when initialized with settings content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should call the get log handler and send the log when initialized with sidePanel content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should call the get log handler and send the log when initialized with stage content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should call the get log handler and send the log when initialized with task content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not send log when no get log handler is registered when initialized with authentication content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not send log when no get log handler is registered when initialized with content content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not send log when no get log handler is registered when initialized with meetingStage content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not send log when no get log handler is registered when initialized with remove content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not send log when no get log handler is registered when initialized with settings content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not send log when no get log handler is registered when initialized with sidePanel content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not send log when no get log handler is registered when initialized with stage content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not send log when no get log handler is registered when initialized with task content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should not throw if called before initialization with no handler
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should successfully register a get log handler when initialized with authentication content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should successfully register a get log handler when initialized with content content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should successfully register a get log handler when initialized with meetingStage content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should successfully register a get log handler when initialized with remove content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should successfully register a get log handler when initialized with settings content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should successfully register a get log handler when initialized with sidePanel content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should successfully register a get log handler when initialized with stage content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should successfully register a get log handler when initialized with task content
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testing logs.registerGetLogHandler function logs.registerGetLogHandler should throw error when logs is not supported.
test/private/logs.spec.ts ‑ logs Testings logs.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom Test if functions throw error properly before initialization meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should throw if called before initialization
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom Test if functions throw error properly before initialization meetingRoom.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom Test if functions throw error properly before initialization meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom Test if functions throw error properly before initialization meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom Test if functions throw error properly before initialization meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on desktop: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on desktop: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on desktop: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on desktop: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on desktop: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on desktop: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on desktop: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on desktop: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on desktop: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on desktop: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on desktop: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on desktop: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on desktop: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on desktop: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on desktop: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom framed meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on desktop: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported : authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported : content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported : meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported : remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported : settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported : sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported : stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported : task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should pass sdkError while get meeting room info on mobile: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should pass sdkError while get meeting room info on mobile: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should pass sdkError while get meeting room info on mobile: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should pass sdkError while get meeting room info on mobile: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should pass sdkError while get meeting room info on mobile: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should pass sdkError while get meeting room info on mobile: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should pass sdkError while get meeting room info on mobile: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should pass sdkError while get meeting room info on mobile: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo meetingRoom.getPairedMeetingRoomInfo should successfully get meeting room info on mobile: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on mobile: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on mobile: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on mobile: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on mobile: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on mobile: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on mobile: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on mobile: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should successful register capabilities update handler on mobile: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler should not allow calls with null callback
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on desktop: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on mobile: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on mobile: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on mobile: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on mobile: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on mobile: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on mobile: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on mobile: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should successful register states update handler on mobile: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler should not allow calls with null callback
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with empty command name: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with empty command name: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with empty command name: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with empty command name: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with empty command name: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with empty command name: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with empty command name: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with empty command name: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with null command name: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with null command name: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with null command name: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with null command name: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with null command name: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with null command name: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with null command name: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should not allow calls with null command name: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on mobile: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on mobile: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on mobile: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on mobile: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on mobile: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on mobile: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on mobile: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should successfully send commands on mobile: task
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: authentication
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: content
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: meetingStage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: remove
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: settings
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: sidePanel
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: stage
test/private/meetingRoom.spec.ts ‑ Testing meetingRoom frameless meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom meetingRoom.sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom should throw error when meetingRoom is not supported: task
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels APIs before initialization getDataLayerPort should throw if called before initialization
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels APIs before initialization getTelemetryPort should throw if called before initialization
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels APIs before initialization isSupported for data layer should throw if called before initialization
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels APIs before initialization isSupported for telemetry should throw if called before initialization
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels APIs before initialization isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels isSupported should return false if the messageChannels capability is not supported
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels isSupported should return true if the messageChannels capability is supported
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.dataLayer isSupported should return false if the messageChannels capability is not supported
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.dataLayer isSupported should return false if the messageChannels capability is supported but not dataLayer
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.dataLayer isSupported should return false if the messageChannels.telemetry is supported but not dataLayer
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.dataLayer isSupported should return true if the messageChannels.dataLayer capability is supported
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.dataLayer.getDataLayerPort should return port from message and then from local variable
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.dataLayer.getDataLayerPort should throw if the message function rejects
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.dataLayer.getDataLayerPort throws if the capability is not supported
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.getTelemetryPort should return port from message and then from local variable
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.getTelemetryPort should throw if the message function rejects
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.getTelemetryPort throws if the capability is not supported
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.telemetry isSupported should return false if the messageChannels capability is not supported
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.telemetry isSupported should return false if the messageChannels capability is supported but not telemetry
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.telemetry isSupported should return false if the messageChannels.dataLayer is supported but not telemetry
test/private/messageChannels.spec.ts ‑ messageChannels Testing messageChannels.telemetry isSupported should return true if the messageChannels.telemetry capability is supported
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification notifications.showNotification should not allow calls from authentication context
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification notifications.showNotification should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification notifications.showNotification should not allow calls from remove context
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification notifications.showNotification should not allow calls from settings context
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification notifications.showNotification should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification notifications.showNotification should not allow calls from stage context
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification notifications.showNotification should not allow calls from task context
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification showNotification should successfully send message to parent. context: content
test/private/notifications.spec.ts ‑ notifications showNotification showNotification should throw error if notifications capability is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return false if called from authentication frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return false if called from content frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return false if called from meetingStage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return false if called from remove frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return false if called from settings frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return false if called from sidePanel frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return false if called from stage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return false if called from task frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return true if called from authentication frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return true if called from content frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return true if called from meetingStage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return true if called from remove frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return true if called from settings frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return true if called from sidePanel frame context and capability is supported
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 1165 to 1516)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1165 to 1516.
Raw output
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return true if called from stage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed isSupported should return true if called from task frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should pass the name of the event and correct parameter
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should succeed if called from authentication frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should succeed if called from content frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should succeed if called from meetingStage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should succeed if called from remove frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should succeed if called from settings frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should succeed if called from sidePanel frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should succeed if called from stage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should succeed if called from task frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should throw correct error if called from authentication frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should throw correct error if called from content frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should throw correct error if called from meetingStage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should throw correct error if called from remove frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should throw correct error if called from settings frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should throw correct error if called from sidePanel frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should throw correct error if called from stage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed notifyInstallCompleted should throw correct error if called from task frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler handler should get called when event received from host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should pass a message with the correct func value to the host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should pass correct telemetry id to host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should pass the name of the event a handler is being registered for to the host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from authentication frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from content frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from meetingStage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from remove frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from settings frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from sidePanel frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from stage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from task frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from authentication frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from content frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from meetingStage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from remove frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from settings frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from sidePanel frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from stage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed registerAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from task frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should pass a message with the correct func value to the host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should pass correct telemetry id to host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should pass empty args array to the host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from authentication frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from content frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from meetingStage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from remove frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from settings frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from sidePanel frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from stage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from task frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from authentication frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from content frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from meetingStage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from remove frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from settings frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from sidePanel frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from stage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange Framed unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from task frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return false if called from authentication frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return false if called from content frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return false if called from meetingStage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return false if called from remove frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return false if called from settings frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return false if called from sidePanel frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return false if called from stage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return false if called from task frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return true if called from authentication frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return true if called from content frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return true if called from meetingStage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return true if called from remove frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return true if called from settings frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return true if called from sidePanel frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return true if called from stage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication isSupported should return true if called from task frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler handler should get called when event received from host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should pass a message with the correct func value to the host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should pass correct telemetry id to host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should pass the name of the event a handler is being registered for to the host
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from authentication frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from content frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from meetingStage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from remove frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from settings frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from sidePanel frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from stage frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should succeed if called from task frame context and capability is supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from authentication frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from content frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from meetingStage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from remove frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from settings frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from sidePanel frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from stage frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/otherAppStateChange.spec.ts ‑ otherAppStateChange frameless communication unregisterAppInstallationHandler should throw correct error if called from task frame context but capability is not supported
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs Messages are not proxied to child window
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs addCustomHandler should not process handler from any child window
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs addCustomHandler should successfully pass message and provided arguments of customAction from parent
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs childProxyingCommunication on Proxy messages to child window
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs childProxyingCommunication on addCustomHandler should not process be invoked due to invalid origin message from child window
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs childProxyingCommunication on addCustomHandler should successfully pass message and provided arguments of customAction from child
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs childProxyingCommunication on sendCustomMessageToChild should successfully pass message and provided arguments
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs childProxyingCommunication on should properly pass partial responses to nested child frames
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs childProxyingCommunication on should treat messages to frameless windows as coming from the child
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs openFilePreview remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with authentication context
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs openFilePreview remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs openFilePreview remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs openFilePreview remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs openFilePreview remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs openFilePreview remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs openFilePreview should successfully open a file preview with content frameContext
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs sendCustomMessage should successfully pass message and provided arguments
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs sendCustomMessageToChild should not pass message and provided arguments to child
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://anythingbecauseitsawildcard.cloud.microsoft
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://devspaces.skype.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://dod.teams.microsoft.us
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://excel.office.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://gov.teams.microsoft.us
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://int.teams.microsoft.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://local.teams.live.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://local.teams.live.com:8080
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://local.teams.office.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://local.teams.office.com:8080
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://m365.cloud.microsoft
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://outlook-sdf.live.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://outlook-sdf.office.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://outlook-sdf.office365.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://outlook.cloud.microsoft
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://outlook.live.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://outlook.office.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://outlook.office365.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://powerpoint.office.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://tasks.office.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://teams.cloud.microsoft
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://teams.live.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://teams.microsoft.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://teams.microsoft.us
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://test.www.microsoft365.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://test.www.office.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://word.office.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://www.example.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://www.microsoft365.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://www.office.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should allow utils.messages from supported domain https://www.officeppe.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should exist in the global namespace
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should not make calls to unsupported domains
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should not pass partial responses to nested child frames
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should only call callbacks once
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: http://invalid.origin.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: http://localhost
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: http://microsoft.sharepoint-df.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: http://teams.microsoft.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: https://a.b.c.sharepoint.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: https://a.b.sharepoint.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: https://dev.skype.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: https://int.microsoft.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: https://microsoft.sharepoint-xyz.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: https://microsoftsharepoint.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: https://msft.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: https://teams.com
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should reject utils.messages from unsupported domain: https://teams.us
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should successfully handle calls queued before init completes
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should successfully handle out of order calls
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should successfully register a userSettingsChange handler and execute it on setting change
test/private/privateAPIs.spec.ts ‑ AppSDK-privateAPIs should treat messages to frameless windows as coming from the child and not proxy them
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should not allow calls when initialized with authentication context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should not allow calls when initialized with content context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should not allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should not allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should not allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should not allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should not allow calls when initialized with task context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should return an error object if response has error when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should successfully get list of participants with controllable cameras when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should throw an error if the callback function is null
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants function remoteCamera.getCapableParticipants should throw error when remoteCamera is not supported. context : sidePanel
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.isSupported function remoteCamera.isSupported should return false if the runtime says remote camera is not supported
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.isSupported function remoteCamera.isSupported should return true if the runtime says remote camera is supported
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.isSupported function should throw if called before initialization
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with authentication context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with content context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with task context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should not allow calls with null handler
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should successfully register a handler for when the capable participants change when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnCapableParticipantsChangeHandler should throw error when remoteCamera is not supported. context : sidePanel
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with authentication context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with content context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with task context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should not allow calls with null handler when initialized with sidepanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should successfully register a handler for when the device state changes when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnDeviceStateChangeHandler should throw error when remoteCamera is not supported. context : sidePanel
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should not allow calls when initialized with authentication context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should not allow calls when initialized with content context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should not allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should not allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should not allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should not allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should not allow calls when initialized with task context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should not allow calls with null handler when initialized with sidepanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should successfully register a handler for when the handler encounters an error when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnErrorHandler should throw error when remoteCamera is not supported. context : sidePanel
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with authentication context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with content context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should not allow calls when initialized with task context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should not allow calls with null handler when initialized with sidepanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should successfully register a handler for when the session status changes when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler function remoteCamera.registerOnSessionStatusChangeHandler should throw error when remoteCamera is not supported. context : sidePanel
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should not allow calls when initialized with authentication context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should not allow calls when initialized with content context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should not allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should not allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should not allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should not allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should not allow calls when initialized with task context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should request control of remote camera when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should return an error object if response has error when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should throw an error if the callback function is null
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should throw an error if the participant is null
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.requestControl function remoteCamera.requestControl should throw error when remoteCamera is not supported. context : sidePanel
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should not allow calls when initialized with authentication context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should not allow calls when initialized with content context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should not allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should not allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should not allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should not allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should not allow calls when initialized with task context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should return an error object if response has error when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should send control command to the remote camera when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should throw an error if the ControlCommand is null
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should throw an error if the callback function is null
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.sendControlCommand function remoteCamera.sendControlCommand should throw error when remoteCamera is not supported. context : sidePanel
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should not allow calls when initialized with authentication context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should not allow calls when initialized with content context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should not allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should not allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should not allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should not allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should not allow calls when initialized with task context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should return an error object if response has error when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should terminate remote camera control session when initialized with sidePanel context
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should throw an error if the callback function is null
test/private/remoteCamera.spec.ts ‑ remoteCamera Testing remoteCamera.terminateSession function remoteCamera.terminateSession should throw error when remoteCamera is not supported. context : sidePanel
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openAppDetail should pass along entire parameter in content context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openAppDetail should pass along entire parameter in meetingStage context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openAppDetail should pass along entire parameter in sidePanel context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openAppDetail should throw error when lacking app id in content context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openAppDetail should throw error when lacking app id in meetingStage context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openAppDetail should throw error when lacking app id in sidePanel context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openFullStore should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openFullStore should pass along entire parameter in content context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openFullStore should pass along entire parameter in meetingStage context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openFullStore should pass along entire parameter in sidePanel context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openFullStore should throw error when have invalid dialog size in content context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openFullStore should throw error when have invalid dialog size in meetingStage context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openFullStore should throw error when have invalid dialog size in sidePanel context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openInContextStore should pass along entire parameter in content context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openInContextStore should pass along entire parameter in meetingStage context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openInContextStore should pass along entire parameter in sidePanel context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openSpecificStore should pass along entire parameter in content context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openSpecificStore should pass along entire parameter in meetingStage context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openSpecificStore should pass along entire parameter in sidePanel context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openSpecificStore should throw error when lacking collection id in content context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openSpecificStore should throw error when lacking collection id in meetingStage context
test/private/store.spec.ts ‑ store open store store.openSpecificStore should throw error when lacking collection id in sidePanel context
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls with empty callback. context: content
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls with empty groupId. context: content
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls with null groupId. context: content
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls without frame context initialization. context: authentication
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls without frame context initialization. context: meetingStage
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls without frame context initialization. context: remove
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls without frame context initialization. context: settings
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls without frame context initialization. context: sidePanel
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls without frame context initialization. context: stage
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should not allow calls without frame context initialization. context: task
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should throw error when teams is not supported. context: content
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getTeamChannels function teams.getTeamChannels should trigger callback correctly. context: content
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getUserJoinedTeams should allow a missing and valid optional parameter
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getUserJoinedTeams should allow a missing optional parameter
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getUserJoinedTeams should allow a valid optional parameter set to false
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getUserJoinedTeams should allow a valid optional parameter set to true
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getUserJoinedTeams should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getUserJoinedTeams should throw error when fullTrust is not supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getUserJoinedTeams should throw error when fullTrust.joinedTeams is not supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.getUserJoinedTeams should throw error when teams is not supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.isSupported function should throw if called before initialization
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.isSupported function teams.isSupported should return false if the runtime says teams is not supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.isSupported function teams.isSupported should return true if the runtime says teams is supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when teams is not supported. context: authentication
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when teams is not supported. context: content
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when teams is not supported. context: meetingStage
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when teams is not supported. context: remove
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when teams is not supported. context: settings
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when teams is not supported. context: sidePanel
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when teams is not supported. context: stage
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when teams is not supported. context: task
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when threadId is null. context: authentication
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when threadId is null. context: content
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when threadId is null. context: meetingStage
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when threadId is null. context: remove
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when threadId is null. context: settings
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when threadId is null. context: sidePanel
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when threadId is null. context: stage
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should throw error when threadId is null. context: task
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should trigger callback correctly. context: authentication
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should trigger callback correctly. context: content
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should trigger callback correctly. context: meetingStage
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should trigger callback correctly. context: remove
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should trigger callback correctly. context: settings
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should trigger callback correctly. context: sidePanel
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should trigger callback correctly. context: stage
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests Testing teams.refreshSiteUrl function teams.refreshSiteUrl should trigger callback correctly. context: task
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests getConfigSetting should allow a null key
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests getConfigSetting should allow a valid parameter
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests getConfigSetting should allow an empty key
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests getConfigSetting should allow an undefined key
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests getConfigSetting should not allow calls before initialization
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests getConfigSetting should throw error when fullTrust is not supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests getConfigSetting should throw error when teams is not supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests joinedTeams.isSupported function joinedTeams.isSupported should be false before initialization
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests joinedTeams.isSupported function joinedTeams.isSupported should return false if the runtime says joinedTeams is not supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests joinedTeams.isSupported function joinedTeams.isSupported should return false if the runtime says joinedTeams is not supported when teams and fullTrust is supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests joinedTeams.isSupported function joinedTeams.isSupported should return false if the runtime says joinedTeams is not supported when teams is supported
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 1517 to 1829)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1517 to 1829.
Raw output
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests joinedTeams.isSupported function joinedTeams.isSupported should return true if the runtime says joinedTeams is supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests teams.fullTrust.isSupported function teams.fullTrust should be false before initialization
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests teams.fullTrust.isSupported function teams.fullTrust.isSupported should return false if the runtime says fullTrust is not supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests teams.fullTrust.isSupported function teams.fullTrust.isSupported should return false if the runtime says fullTrust is not supported when teams is supported
test/private/teams.spec.ts ‑ Testing teams capabillity FRAMED - teams capability tests teams.fullTrust.isSupported function teams.fullTrust.isSupported should return true if the runtime says fullTrust is supported
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed notifyFatalError should not be supported before initialization
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed notifyFatalError should send error to host successfully
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should not allow notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged calls from the wrong context
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should successfully send notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged message
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoEffect should invoke videoEffectReadiness handler on callback rejects
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoEffect should invoke videoEffectReadiness handler on callback resolved
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoEffect should not allow registerForVideoEffect calls from the wrong context
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoEffect should successfully invoke effectParameterChange handler
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoEffect should successfully register effectParameterChange
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoEffect should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should get and register stream with streamId received from startVideoExtensibilityVideoStream
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should notify error when callback rejects
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should successfully invoke videoFrameHandler
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send notifyError
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send videoFrameProcessed
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send videoFrameProcessed with timestamp
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame should not allow registerForVideoFrame calls from the wrong context
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame should not invoke video frame event handler when videoFrame is undefined
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame should not send default message when register video frame handler
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame should successfully invoke video frame event handler
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame should successfully send registerForVideoFrame message
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed registerForVideoFrame should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed updatePersonalizedEffects should not allow updatePersonalizedEffects calls from the wrong context
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed updatePersonalizedEffects should successfully send PersonalizedEffects
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx framed updatePersonalizedEffects should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless isSupported should not be supported before initialization
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless notifyFatalError should not be supported before initialization
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless notifyFatalError should send error to host successfully
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should not allow notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged calls from the wrong context
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should successfully send notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged message
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoEffect should invoke videoEffectReadiness handler on callback rejects
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoEffect should invoke videoEffectReadiness handler on callback resolved
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoEffect should not allow registerForVideoEffect calls from the wrong context
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoEffect should successfully invoke effectParameterChange handler
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoEffect should successfully register effectParameterChange
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoEffect should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should get and register stream with streamId received from startVideoExtensibilityVideoStream
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should notify error when callback rejects
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should receive attributes with video frame
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should register for audioInferenceDiscardStatusChange and get and register stream with streamId received from startVideoExtensibilityVideoStream
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should successfully invoke videoFrameHandler
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send notifyError
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send videoFrameProcessed
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send videoFrameProcessed with timestamp
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should listen to videoEffects.setFrameProcessTimeLimit
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should not allow registerForVideoFrame calls from the wrong context
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should not invoke video frame event handler when videoFrame is undefined
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should not send default message when register video frame handler
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should send notifyError when frameProcessed event time outs
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should successfully invoke video frame event handler
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should successfully send registerForVideoFrame message
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless registerForVideoFrame should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless updatePersonalizedEffects should not allow updatePersonalizedEffects calls from the wrong context
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless updatePersonalizedEffects should successfully send PersonalizedEffects
test/private/videoEffectsEx.spec.ts ‑ videoEffectsEx frameless updatePersonalizedEffects should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/public/adaptiveCards.spec.ts ‑ Testing Adaptive Cards Testing isHostAdaptiveCardSchemaVersionUnsupported should return false if the version supported by host is equal to minimum adaptive card version
test/public/adaptiveCards.spec.ts ‑ Testing Adaptive Cards Testing isHostAdaptiveCardSchemaVersionUnsupported should return false if the version supported by host is higher than minimum adaptive card version
test/public/adaptiveCards.spec.ts ‑ Testing Adaptive Cards Testing isHostAdaptiveCardSchemaVersionUnsupported should return true if the version supported by host is less than minimum adaptive card version
test/public/adaptiveCards.spec.ts ‑ Testing Adaptive Cards getAdaptiveCardSchemaVersion should return the Adaptive Card Version supported by hosts
test/public/adaptiveCards.spec.ts ‑ Testing Adaptive Cards getAdaptiveCardSchemaVersion should return undefined if Adaptive Card Version is not supported by hosts
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should allow calls after initialization called, but before it finished
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in authentication with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in content with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in meetingStage with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in remove with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in settings with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in sidePanel with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in stage with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in task with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize message contains all necessary data
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should allow multiple initialize calls
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign additionalValidOrigins when supplied
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign clientSupportedSDKVersion correctly when a proper runtime config is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when android is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when desktop is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when ios is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when ipados is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when macos is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when rigel is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when surfaceHub is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when teamsDisplays is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when teamsPhones is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when teamsRoomsAndroid is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when teamsRoomsWindows is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when visionOS is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when web is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should call dialog.initialize
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should call menus.initialize
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should call pages.config.initialize
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should initialize with clientSupportedSDKVersion and runtimeConfig arguments flipped
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should initialize with teams config when an invalid runtimeConfig is given, with arguments flipped
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should invoke all callbacks once initialization completes
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should invoke callback immediately if initialization has already completed
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should not use the teams config as a default if another proper config is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should throw an error if the given runtime config causes a non parsing related error
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should throw an error when "null" runtimeConfig is given, with arguments flipped
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should use teams runtime config if a JSON parsing error is thrown by a given runtime config
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should use version and platform-specific Teams runtime config if an empty runtime config is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should use version and platform-specific Teams runtime config if no runtime config is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.isInitialized function app.isInitialized should return false after initialized but before initialization completed, and true once initialization completes
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.isInitialized function app.isInitialized should return false when not initialized
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: authentication
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: content
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: meetingStage
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: remove
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: settings
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: sidePanel
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: stage
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: task
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: authentication
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: content
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: meetingStage
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: remove
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: settings
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: sidePanel
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: stage
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: task
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should allow calls after initialization called, but before it finished
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should allow calls after initialization called, but before it finished
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should allow calls after initialization called, but before it finished
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should resolve as soon as the host answers back
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should resolve without response from host if default runtime
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in content context app.openLink should invoke error callback from 0
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in content context app.openLink should successfully send a request from 0
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in sidePanel context app.openLink should invoke error callback from undefined
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in sidePanel context app.openLink should successfully send a request from undefined
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in task context app.openLink should invoke error callback from undefined
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in task context app.openLink should successfully send a request from undefined
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.openLink function app.openLink should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing hostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler app.registerHostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler registered function should get called when api SDK call has timestamp
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing hostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler app.registerHostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler registered function should not get called when api SDK call does not have timestamp
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing hostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler app.registerHostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler registered function should not get called when api SDK call response has no info
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability Testing hostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler app.registerHostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler should replace previously registered handler
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability should call navigateBack automatically when no back button handler is registered
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability should listen to frame messages for a frameless window
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Framed - Testing app capability should not listen to frame messages for a frameless window if valid origins are not passed
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get context with task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in authentication with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in content with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in meetingStage with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in remove with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in settings with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in sidePanel with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in stage with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context in task with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getContext function app.getContext should successfully get frame context when returned from client from task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.getFrameContext function app.getFrameContext should return task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should allow multiple initialize calls
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign additionalValidOrigins when supplied
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign clientSupportedSDKVersion correctly when a proper runtime config is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when android is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when desktop is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when ios is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when ipados is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when macos is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when rigel is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when surfaceHub is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when teamsDisplays is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when teamsPhones is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when teamsRoomsAndroid is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when teamsRoomsWindows is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when visionOS is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should assign hostClientType correctly when web is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should call dialog.initialize
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should call menus.initialize
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should call pages.config.initialize
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should initialize with clientSupportedSDKVersion and runtimeConfig arguments flipped
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should initialize with teams config when an invalid runtimeConfig is given, with arguments flipped
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should invoke all callbacks once initialization completes
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should invoke callback immediately if initialization has already completed
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should not use the teams config as a default if another proper config is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should successfully initialize
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should throw an error if the given runtime config causes a non parsing related error
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should use teams runtime config if a JSON parsing error is thrown by a given runtime config
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should use teams runtime config if an empty runtime config is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.initialize function app.initialize should use teams runtime config if no runtime config is given
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.isInitialized function app.isInitialized should return false after initialized but before initialization completed, and true once initialization completes
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.isInitialized function app.isInitialized should return false when not initialized
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: authentication
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: content
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: meetingStage
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: remove
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: settings
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: sidePanel
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: stage
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler should successfully register a beforSuspendOrTerminate handler and readyToUnload should be called. context: task
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: authentication
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: content
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: meetingStage
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: remove
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: settings
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: sidePanel
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: stage
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler should successfully register handler. context: task
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.lifecycle subcapability Testing app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should not allow calls before initialization
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 1830 to 2114)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1830 to 2114.
Raw output
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyAppLoaded function app.notifyAppLoaded should successfully notify app is loaded with no error from task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify expected failure correctly with task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should call notify failure correctly with task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifyFailure function app.notifyFailure should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should allow calls after initialization called, but before it finished
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should resolve as soon as the host answers back
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should resolve without response from host if default runtime
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.notifySuccess function app.notifySuccess should successfully notify success with no error from task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in content context app.openLink should invoke error callback from 0
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in content context app.openLink should successfully send a request from 0
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in sidePanel context app.openLink should invoke error callback from undefined
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in sidePanel context app.openLink should successfully send a request from undefined
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in task context app.openLink should invoke error callback from undefined
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.openLink function app.openLink in task context app.openLink should successfully send a request from undefined
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.openLink function app.openLink should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from authentication context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from content context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from meetingStage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from remove context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from settings context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from sidePanel context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from stage context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler function app.registerOnThemeChangeHandler should successfully register a theme change handler from task context
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing hostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler app.registerHostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler registered function should get called when api SDK call has timestamp
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing hostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler app.registerHostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler registered function should not get called when api SDK call does not have timestamp
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing hostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler app.registerHostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler registered function should not get called when api SDK call response has no info
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility Testing hostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler app.registerHostToAppPerformanceMetricsHandler should replace previously registered handler
test/public/app.spec.ts ‑ Testing app capability Frameless - Testing app capbility should call navigateBack automatically when no back button handler is registered
test/public/appId.spec.ts ‑ AppId constructor doesStringContainNonPrintableCharacters should not throw for "valid" app ids
test/public/appId.spec.ts ‑ AppId constructor doesStringContainNonPrintableCharacters should throw error with "length" in message for app id too long or too short
test/public/appId.spec.ts ‑ AppId constructor doesStringContainNonPrintableCharacters should throw error with "printable" in message for app id containing non-printable characters
test/public/appId.spec.ts ‑ AppId constructor doesStringContainNonPrintableCharacters should throw error with "script" in message for app id containing script tag
test/public/appId.spec.ts ‑ AppId getSerializableObject should return the same value as toString
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifyAppLoaded should call notifyAppLoaded correctly
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifyAppLoaded should call notifyAppLoaded correctly in legacy flow
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifyAppLoaded should call notifyAppLoadedHelper from the legacy code
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifyExpectedFailure should call app.notifyExpectedFailure from the legacy code
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifyExpectedFailure should call notifyExpectedFailure correctly
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifyExpectedFailure should call notifyExpectedFailure correctly in legacy flow
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifyFailure should call app.notifyFailure from the legacy code
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifyFailure should call notifyFailure correctly
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifyFailure should call notifyFailure correctly in legacy flow
test/public/appInitialization.spec.ts ‑ appInitialization testing notifySuccess should call notifySuccess correctly in legacy flow
test/public/appInstallDialog.spec.ts ‑ appInstallDialog Should not allow openAppInstallDialog if not supported
test/public/appInstallDialog.spec.ts ‑ appInstallDialog openAppInstallDialog should be called if supported: Legacy host
test/public/appInstallDialog.spec.ts ‑ appInstallDialog openAppInstallDialog should be called if supported: Non-legacy host
test/public/appInstallDialog.spec.ts ‑ appInstallDialog should not allow openAppInstallDialog before initialization
test/public/appInstallDialog.spec.ts ‑ appInstallDialog should throw if called before initialization
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window childAppWindow.addEventListener should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window childAppWindow.postMessage should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for messageForParent: authentication
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for messageForParent: content
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for messageForParent: meetingStage
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for messageForParent: remove
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for messageForParent: settings
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for messageForParent: sidePanel
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for messageForParent: stage
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for messageForParent: task
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: authentication
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: content
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: meetingStage
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: remove
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: settings
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: sidePanel
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: stage
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window framed ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: task
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for 'messageForParent: authentication
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for 'messageForParent: content
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for 'messageForParent: meetingStage
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for 'messageForParent: remove
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for 'messageForParent: settings
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for 'messageForParent: sidePanel
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for 'messageForParent: stage
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for 'messageForParent: task
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: authentication
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: content
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: meetingStage
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: remove
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: settings
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: sidePanel
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: stage
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Child app window frameless ChildAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to child: task
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window ParentAppWindow.addEventListner should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window ParentAppWindow.postMessage should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for messageForChild: task
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: authentication.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: content.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: meetingStage.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: remove.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: settings.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: sidePanel.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: stage.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to parent: task
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.postMessage should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: authentication.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.postMessage should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: content.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.postMessage should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: meetingStage.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.postMessage should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: remove.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.postMessage should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: settings.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.postMessage should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: sidePanel.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window framed ParentAppWindow.postMessage should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: stage.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window frameless ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should initiate the registration call for 'messageForChild: task
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window frameless ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: authentication.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window frameless ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: content.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window frameless ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: meetingStage.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window frameless ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: remove.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window frameless ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: settings.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window frameless ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: sidePanel.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window frameless ParentAppWindow.addEventListener should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: stage.
test/public/appWindow.spec.ts ‑ appWindow Parent app window frameless ParentAppWindow.postMessage should initiate the post message to parent: task
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from stage context
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 2115 to 2344)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 2115 to 2344.
Raw output
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from remove context
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 2345 to 2567)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 2345 to 2567.
Raw output
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should allow calls after initialization called, but before it finished
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should not allow calls before initialization
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 2568 to 2811)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 2568 to 2811.
Raw output
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should request token for the tenant specified in the authTokenRequest from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should request token for the tenant specified in the authTokenRequest from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should request token for the tenant specified in the authTokenRequest from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should request token for the tenant specified in the authTokenRequest from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should request token for the tenant specified in the authTokenRequest from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should request token for the tenant specified in the authTokenRequest from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should request token for the tenant specified in the authTokenRequest from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should request token for the tenant specified in the authTokenRequest from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should return error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return error from getAuthToken in case of failure in legacy flow from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return error from getAuthToken in case of failure in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return error from getAuthToken in case of failure in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return error from getAuthToken in case of failure in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return error from getAuthToken in case of failure in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return error from getAuthToken in case of failure in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return error from getAuthToken in case of failure in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return error from getAuthToken in case of failure in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should allow calls after initialization called, but before it finished
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with authentication context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with content context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with meetingStage context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with remove context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with settings context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with sidePanel context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with stage context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with task context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should successfully notify auth failure authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should successfully notify auth failure if reason is empty from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMED - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should successfully notify auth success from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a android client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a desktop client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ios client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a ipados client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a macos client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a rigel client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a surfaceHub client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsPhones client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate it should successfully handle auth success in a visionOS client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should allow calls from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in android client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in desktop client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ios client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in ipados client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in macos client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from content context
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github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 2812 to 3040)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 2812 to 3040.
Raw output
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in rigel client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in surfaceHub client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsDisplays client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsPhones client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsAndroid client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in teamsRoomsWindows client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should handle auth failure with parameters in visionOS client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in android client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in desktop client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ios client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in ipados client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in macos client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in rigel client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in surfaceHub client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsDisplays client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsPhones client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsAndroid client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in teamsRoomsWindows client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should not contain script tags in visionOS client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in android client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in desktop client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ios client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in ipados client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in macos client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in rigel client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in surfaceHub client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsDisplays client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsPhones client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsAndroid client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in teamsRoomsWindows client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters including encoded url in visionOS client from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to android client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from settings context
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 3041 to 3261)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 3041 to 3261.
Raw output
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to desktop client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ios client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to ipados client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to macos client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to rigel client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to surfaceHub client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsDisplays client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsPhones client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsAndroid client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to teamsRoomsWindows client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should successfully send authenticate message to visionOS client in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in android client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in desktop client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ios client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in ipados client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in macos client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in rigel client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in surfaceHub client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsDisplays client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsPhones client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsAndroid client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 3262 to 3485)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 3262 to 3485.
Raw output
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in teamsRoomsWindows client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that is more than 2048 characters long is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.authenticate function authentication.authenticate should throw an error in visionOS client if a URL that isn't https is passed in from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should successfully return token in case of success when using no authTokenRequest from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure in legacy flow from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure in legacy flow from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure in legacy flow from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure in legacy flow from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure in legacy flow from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure in legacy flow from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure in legacy flow from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure in legacy flow from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getAuthToken function authentication.getAuthToken should throw error in case of failure when using no authTokenRequest from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile in legacy flow with task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with authentication context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with content context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with meetingStage context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with remove context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with settings context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with sidePanel context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with stage context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile including data residency info with task context if data residency is provided by hosts
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should successfully get user profile with task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile in legacy flow with task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.getUser function authentication.getUser should throw error in getting user profile with task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should not allow calls from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifyFailure authentication.notifyFailure should successfully notify auth failure from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from content context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should not allow calls from task context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.notifySuccess function authentication.notifySuccess should successfully notify auth success from authentication context
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the android client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the android client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the android client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the android client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the android client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the android client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the android client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the desktop client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the desktop client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the desktop client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the desktop client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the desktop client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the desktop client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the desktop client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ios client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ios client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ios client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ios client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ios client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ios client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ios client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ipados client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ipados client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ipados client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ipados client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ipados client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ipados client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the ipados client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the macos client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the macos client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the macos client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the macos client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the macos client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the macos client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the macos client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the rigel client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the rigel client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the rigel client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the rigel client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the rigel client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the rigel client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the rigel client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the surfaceHub client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the surfaceHub client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the surfaceHub client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the surfaceHub client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the surfaceHub client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the surfaceHub client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the surfaceHub client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsPhones client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsPhones client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsPhones client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsPhones client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsPhones client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsPhones client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsPhones client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the visionOS client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the visionOS client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the visionOS client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the visionOS client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the visionOS client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the visionOS client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should handle auth failure with parameters in the visionOS client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the android client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the android client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the android client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the android client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the android client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the android client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the android client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the desktop client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the desktop client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the desktop client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the desktop client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the desktop client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 3486 to 3808)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 3486 to 3808.
Raw output
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the desktop client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the desktop client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ios client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ios client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ios client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ios client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ios client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ios client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ios client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ipados client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ipados client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ipados client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ipados client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ipados client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ipados client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the ipados client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the macos client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the macos client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the macos client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the macos client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the macos client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the macos client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the macos client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the rigel client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the rigel client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the rigel client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the rigel client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the rigel client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the rigel client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the rigel client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the surfaceHub client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the surfaceHub client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the surfaceHub client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the surfaceHub client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the surfaceHub client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the surfaceHub client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the surfaceHub client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsDisplays client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsPhones client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsPhones client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsPhones client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsPhones client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsPhones client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsPhones client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsPhones client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsAndroid client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the teamsRoomsWindows client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the visionOS client from content context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the visionOS client from meetingStage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the visionOS client from remove context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the visionOS client from settings context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the visionOS client from sidePanel context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the visionOS client from stage context in legacy flow
test/public/authentication.spec.ts ‑ Testing authentication capability FRAMELESS - authentication tests Testing authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers function authentication.registerAuthenticationHandlers should successfully ask parent window to open auth window with parameters in the visionOS client from task context in legacy flow
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API HasPermission rejects promise with Error when error received from host
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API hasPermission call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API hasPermission call with successful result
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls before initialization
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API should throw error when barCode is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing HasPermisison API should throw error when barCode is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission call with successful result
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission rejects promise with Error when error received from host
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls before initialization
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API should throw error when barCode is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing RequestPermisison API should throw error when barCode is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API scanBarCode call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API scanBarCode calls with successful result
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API scanBarCode rejects promise with Error when error received from host
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should allow scanBarCode calls when timeOutIntervalInSec is not passed in config params
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should not allow scanBarCode calls before initialization
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should not allow scanBarCode calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should not allow scanBarCode calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should not allow scanBarCode calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should not allow scanBarCode calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should not allow scanBarCode calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should not allow scanBarCode calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should not allow scanBarCode calls with invalid timeOutIntervalInSec
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should throw error when barCode is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode Testing scanBarCode API should throw error when barCode is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/barCode.spec.ts ‑ barCode isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls from content context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls from task context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should not allow calls if runtime does not support calendar
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should resolve promise after successfully sending the composeMeeting message: Legacy host
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should resolve promise after successfully sending the composeMeeting message: Non-legacy host
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should successfully send the composeMeeting message: Legacy host
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should successfully send the composeMeeting message: Non-legacy host
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar composeMeeting should successfully throw if the composeMeeting message sends and fails
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar isSupported should return false if the runtime says calendar is not supported
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar isSupported should return true if the runtime says calendar is supported
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls from content context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls from task context
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should not allow calls if runtime does not support calendar
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should resolve promise after successfully sending the openCalendarItem message
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should successfully send the openCalendarItem message
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should throw if a null itemId is supplied
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should throw if an empty itemId is supplied
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should throw if an undefined itemId is supplied
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ calendar openCalendarItem should throw if the openCalendarItem message sends and fails
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for a single user with no topic and no message
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with no topic and no message
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with the given topic
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with the given topic and message
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for one user with the given message
test/public/calendar.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should throw an error when given no users
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ call should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ call should not allow calls if not supported
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ call should throw if called before initialization
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ call startCall should be called if supported: Legacy host
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ call startCall should be called if supported: Non-legacy host
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ call startCall should correctly throw error if called with {error, result} format: Legacy host
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for a single user with no topic and no message
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with no topic and no message
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with the given topic
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with the given topic and message
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for one user with the given message
test/public/call.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should throw an error when given no users
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.isSupported function should not be supported before initialization
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function openChat should throw error if chat capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: content
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function openChat should throw error if chat capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: task
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to legacy Teams host - Context: content
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to legacy Teams host - Context: task
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to non-legacy Teams host - Context: content
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to non-legacy Teams host - Context: task
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function should wait until response is received from non-legacy Teams host before resolving promise - Context: content
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openChat function should wait until response is received from non-legacy Teams host before resolving promise - Context: task
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function openGroupChat should throw error if chat capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: content
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function openGroupChat should throw error if chat capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: task
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should not allow calls when no members are provided
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to legacy Teams host - Context:content
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to legacy Teams host - Context:task
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to non-legacy Teams host - Context: content
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to non-legacy Teams host - Context: task
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to non-legacy Teams host when only one UPN is specified - Context: content
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should successfully pass chatRequest to non-legacy Teams host when only one UPN is specified - Context: task
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should wait until response is received from non-legacy Teams host before resolving promise - Context: content
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chat Testing chat.openGroupChat function should wait until response is received from non-legacy Teams host before resolving promise - Context: task
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for a single user with no topic and no message
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with no topic and no message
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with the given topic
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for multiple users with the given topic and message
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should create a deep link for one user with the given message
test/public/chat.spec.ts ‑ chatUtilities createTeamsDeepLinkForChat should throw an error when given no users
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - content for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - content for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - content for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - content for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - meetingStage for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - meetingStage for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - meetingStage for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - meetingStage for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - settings for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - settings for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - settings for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - settings for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - sidePanel for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - sidePanel for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - sidePanel for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - sidePanel for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - stage for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - stage for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - stage for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - stage for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - task for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - task for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - task for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - task for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function framed clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - content for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - content for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - content for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - content for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - meetingStage for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - meetingStage for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - meetingStage for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - meetingStage for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - settings for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - settings for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - settings for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - settings for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - sidePanel for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - sidePanel for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - sidePanel for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - sidePanel for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - stage for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - stage for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - stage for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - stage for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - task for image/jpeg mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - task for image/png mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - task for text/html mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should send message to parent with context - task for text/plain mimeType
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.read function frameless clipboard.read should throw error if the clipboard.read capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if blob is empty
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function framed clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - Context: task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/jpeg should send message to parent with context - task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send image/png should send message to parent with context - task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/html should send message to parent with context - task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write send text/plain should send message to parent with context - task
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 3809 to 4198)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 3809 to 4198.
Raw output
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if blob is empty
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - content
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - meetingStage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - settings
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - sidePanel
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - stage
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the blob type is not supported with context - task
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - content:
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - meetingStage:
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - settings:
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - sidePanel:
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - stage:
test/public/clipboard.spec.ts ‑ clipboard Testing clipboard.write function frameless clipboard.write should throw error if the clipboard.write capability is not supported in runtime config - task:
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should not allow calls from context settings
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should not allow calls from context stage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should not allow calls from context task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.url.bot is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.url.bot is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.url.bot is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Open dialog with bot should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should not allow calls from context settings
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should not allow calls from context stage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should not allow calls from context task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context settings
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context stage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog.adaptiveCard is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog.url.bot is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return true if the runtime says dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should throw before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context settings
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context stage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should pass along entire adaptiveCardDialogInfo parameter in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should pass along entire adaptiveCardDialogInfo parameter in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should pass along entire adaptiveCardDialogInfo parameter in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should successfully pass dimensions in context: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should successfully pass dimensions in context: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should successfully pass dimensions in context: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should successfully pass dimensions in context: task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.update is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.update is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.update is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function FRAMED: should throw error when dialog.update is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed Update resize function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should initiate the post message to dialog. context: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should initiate the post message to dialog. context: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should initiate the post message to dialog. context: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context settings
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context stage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should not allow calls from context task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should pass along entire urlDialogInfo parameter in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should pass along entire urlDialogInfo parameter in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should pass along entire urlDialogInfo parameter in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed open should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMED: should initiate the registration call: task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMED: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMED: should not allow calls from content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMED: should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMED: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMED: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMED: should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMED: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should initiate the post message to Child: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should initiate the post message to Child: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should initiate the post message to Child: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMED: should initiate the post message to Parent: task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should handle a single string passed as appIds parameter "task"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should not allow calls from context context: "authentication"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should not allow calls from context context: "content"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should not allow calls from context context: "meetingStage"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should not allow calls from context context: "remove"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should not allow calls from context context: "settings"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should not allow calls from context context: "sidePanel"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should not allow calls from context context: "stage"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should successfully pass result and appIds parameters when called from "task"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should successfully pass results when no appIds parameters are provided "task"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit FRAMED: should throw error when dialog is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog framed submit should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context settings
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context stage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.url.bot is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.url.bot is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.url.bot is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot dialog.url.bot.isSupported function dialog.url.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog and dialog.url is supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot dialog.url.bot.isSupported function dialog.url.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot dialog.url.bot.isSupported function dialog.url.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog.url.bot is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot dialog.url.bot.isSupported function dialog.url.bot.isSupported should return true if the runtime says dialog and dialog.url.bot is supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot dialog.url.bot.isSupported function dialog.url.bot.isSupported should throw before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Open dialog with bot should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context settings
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context stage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should pass along entire botUrlDialogInfo parameter in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.adaptiveCard is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.adaptiveCard is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.adaptiveCard is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog.adaptiveCard is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog.url.bot is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should return true if the runtime says dialog.adaptiveCard.bot is supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.bot.isSupported should throw before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.bot function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.isSupported should return true if the runtime says dialog and adaptiveCard is supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.isSupported function dialog.adaptiveCard.isSupported should throw before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context settings
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context stage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should pass along entire adaptiveCardDialogInfo parameter in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should pass along entire adaptiveCardDialogInfo parameter in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should pass along entire adaptiveCardDialogInfo parameter in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is supported and adaptiveCard is not in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Testing dialog.adaptiveCard Testing dialog.adaptiveCard.open should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update dialog.update.isSupported function dialog.update.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update dialog.update.isSupported function dialog.update.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog.update is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update dialog.update.isSupported function dialog.update.isSupported should return true if the runtime says dialog and dialog.update is supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update dialog.update.isSupported function dialog.update.isSupported should throw before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should successfully pass dimensions in context: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should successfully pass dimensions in context: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should successfully pass dimensions in context: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should successfully pass dimensions in context: task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.update is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.update is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.update is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog.update is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless Update resize function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless dialog.isSupported function dialog.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless dialog.isSupported function dialog.update.isSupported should return true if the runtime says dialog is supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless dialog.isSupported function dialog.update.isSupported should throw before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: Should initiate the registration for messageFromChildHandler if it is passed. context: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: Should successfully unregister the messageForParent handler when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should initiate the post message to dialog. context: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should initiate the post message to dialog. context: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should initiate the post message to dialog. context: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context authentication
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context remove
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context settings
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context stage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from context task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should pass along entire urlDialogInfo parameter in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should pass along entire urlDialogInfo parameter in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should pass along entire urlDialogInfo parameter in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with error when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open Frameless: Should successfully call the callback with result when dialog is closed. sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless open should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported function dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported should return false if dialog is supported but dialog.url.parentCommunication is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported function dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported should return false if the runtime is v3, and dialog.url is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported function dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported function dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported should return false if the runtime says dialog.url is supported but dialog.url.parentCommunication is not supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported function dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported should return true if the runtime is v3, and dialog.url is supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported function dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported should return true if the runtime says dialog and dialog.url.parentCommunication is supported
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported function dialog.url.parentCommunication.isSupported should throw before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMELESS: should initiate the registration call: task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication registerOnMessageFromParent should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMED: should not allow calls from task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should initiate the post message to Child: content
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should initiate the post message to Child: meetingStage
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should initiate the post message to Child: sidePanel
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToDialog should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMELESS: should initiate the post message to Parent: task
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from content context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless parentCommunication sendMessageToParentFromDialog should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit FRAMED: should handle a single string passed as appIds parameter "task"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit FRAMELESS: should handle a single string passed as appIds parameter "task"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit FRAMELESS: should successfully pass result and appIds parameters when called from "task"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit FRAMELESS: should successfully pass results when no appIds parameters are provided "task"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit FRAMELESS: should throw error when dialog is not supported in task context
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit should not allow calls from context context: "authentication"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit should not allow calls from context context: "content"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit should not allow calls from context context: "meetingStage"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit should not allow calls from context context: "remove"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit should not allow calls from context context: "settings"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit should not allow calls from context context: "sidePanel"
test/public/dialog.spec.ts ‑ Dialog frameless submit should not allow calls from context context: "stage"
test/public/emailAddress.spec.ts ‑ emailAddress should not throw errors for valid email addresses
test/public/emailAddress.spec.ts ‑ emailAddress should throw errors for invalid email addresses
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API HasPermission rejects promise with Error when error received from host
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API geoLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API geoLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API hasPermission call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API hasPermission call with successful result
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls before initialization
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 4199 to 4572)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 4199 to 4572.
Raw output
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API should throw error when geoLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing HasPermisison API should throw error when geoLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API requestLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API requestLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission call with successful result
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission rejects promise with Error when error received from host
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls before initialization
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API should throw error when geoLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing RequestPermisison API should throw error when geoLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API chooseLocation call in default version of platform support fails. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API chooseLocation call in default version of platform support fails. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API chooseLocation calls with error context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API chooseLocation calls with error context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API chooseLocation calls with successful result. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API chooseLocation calls with successful result. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API map.chooseLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API map.chooseLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should not allow chooseLocation calls before initialization
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should not allow chooseLocation calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should not allow chooseLocation calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should not allow chooseLocation calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should not allow chooseLocation calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should not allow chooseLocation calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should not allow chooseLocation calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should throw error when geoLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should throw error when geoLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should throw error when geoLocation.map is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.chooseLocation API should throw error when geoLocation.map is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls before initialization
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls without props. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls without props. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should throw error when geoLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should throw error when geoLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should throw error when geoLocation.map is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API should throw error when geoLocation.map is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API showLocation call in default version of platform support fails. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API showLocation call in default version of platform support fails. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API showLocation calls with error context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API showLocation calls with error context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API showLocation calls with successful result. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API showLocation calls with successful result. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API showLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability Testing geoLocation.map.showLocation API showLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing geoLocation.map subcapability should not be supported before initialization
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API getCurrentLocation calls with error. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API getCurrentLocation calls with error. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API getCurrentLocation calls with successful result. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API getCurrentLocation calls with successful result. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API getCurrentLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API getCurrentLocation should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API should not allow getCurrentLocation calls before initialization
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API should not allow getCurrentLocation calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API should not allow getCurrentLocation calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API should not allow getCurrentLocation calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API should not allow getCurrentLocation calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API should not allow getCurrentLocation calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API should not allow getCurrentLocation calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API should throw error when getCurrentLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing getCurrentLocation API should throw error when getCurrentLocation is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/geoLocation.spec.ts ‑ geoLocation Testing isSupported should not be supported before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost Testing isSupported should not be supported before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost create should create host instance
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost create should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost create should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getClientInfo should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getClientInfo should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getClientInfo should resolve promise correctly
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getClientRoles should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getClientRoles should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getClientRoles should resolve promise correctly
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getFluidContainerId should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getFluidContainerId should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getFluidContainerId should resolve promise correctly
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getFluidTenantInfo should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getFluidTenantInfo should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getFluidTenantInfo should resolve promise correctly
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getFluidToken should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getFluidToken should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getFluidToken should resolve promise correctly
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getNtpTime should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getNtpTime should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost getNtpTime should resolve promise correctly
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost registerClientId should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost registerClientId should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost registerClientId should resolve promise correctly
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost setFluidContainerId should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost setFluidContainerId should not allow calls without frame context initialization
test/public/liveShareHost.spec.ts ‑ LiveShareHost setFluidContainerId should resolve promise correctly
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location framed Testing showLocation API should allow showLocation calls in desktop
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location framed Testing showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls before initialization
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location framed Testing showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls without props
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location framed getLocation API should allow getLocation calls in desktop
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location framed getLocation API should not allow getLocation calls before initialization
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location framed getLocation API should not allow getLocation calls without props
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location framed getLocation should throw error when not supported in the runtime config
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location framed showLocation should throw error when location is not supported
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Frameless - getLocation should throw error when not supported in the runtime config
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Frameless - showLocation should throw error when location is not supported
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Testing showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls before initialization
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Testing showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls for authentication frame context
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Testing showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls for remove frame context
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Testing showLocation API should not allow showLocation calls for settings frame context
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Testing showLocation API showLocation call in content frameContext works
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Testing showLocation API showLocation call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Testing showLocation API showLocation call in task frameContext works
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Testing showLocation API showLocation calls with error
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless Testing showLocation API showLocation calls with successful result
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless getLocation API getLocation call in content frameContext works
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless getLocation API getLocation call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless getLocation API getLocation call in task frameContext works
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless getLocation API getLocation calls with error
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless getLocation API getLocation calls with successful result
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless getLocation API should not allow getLocation calls for authentication frame context
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless getLocation API should not allow getLocation calls for remove frame context
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless getLocation API should not allow getLocation calls for settings frame context
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless isSupported API location.isSupported should return false if the runtime says location is not supported
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless isSupported API location.isSupported should return true if the runtime says location is supported
test/public/location.spec.ts ‑ location frameless isSupported API should not be supported before initialization
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls from content context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls from task context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should not allow calls if runtime does not support mail
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should resolve promise after successfully sending the composeMail message
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should successfully send the composeMail message
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail composeMail should successfully throw if the composeMail message sends and fails
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail isSupported should return false if the runtime says mail is not supported
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail isSupported should return true if the runtime says mail is supported
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls from content context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls from task context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should not allow calls if runtime does not support mail
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should resolve promise after sending successful openMailItem message
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should successfully send the openMailItem message
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should successfully throw if the openMailItem message sends and fails
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should throw if a null itemId is supplied
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should throw if an empty itemId is supplied
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail openMailItem should throw if an undefined itemId is supplied
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls from content context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls from task context
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls if handoffId is empty string
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls if invalid email(s) in the put
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls if runtime does not support mail
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should not allow calls if runtime does not support mail.handoff.composeMail but support mail
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should successfully send the composeMailParamsWithHandoff message
test/public/mail.spec.ts ‑ mail sub-capability mail.handoff.composeMail should successfully throw if the composeMailParamsWithHandoff message sends and fails
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should successfully send the addOrUpdateCartItems message
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with content context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with task context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should throw error with invalid addOrUpdateCartItemsParams input
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should successfully send the getCart message
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with content context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with task context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.isSupported function marketplace.isSupported should return false if the runtime says marketplace is not supported
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.isSupported function marketplace.isSupported should return true if the runtime says marketplace is supported
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.isSupported function should throw if called before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should successfully send the removeCartItems message
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with content context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with task context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should throw error with invalid cart item array input
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should throw error with invalid removeCartItemsParams input
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should successfully send the updateCartStatus message
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with content context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with task context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Framed - Testing pages module Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should throw error with invalid updateCartStatusParams input
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should successfully send the addOrUpdateCartItems message
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with content context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with task context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems function marketplace.addOrUpdateCartItems should throw error with invalid addOrUpdateCartItemsParams input
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should successfully send the getCart message
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with content context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.getCart function marketplace.getCart should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with task context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.isSupported function marketplace.isSupported should return false if the runtime says marketplace is not supported
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.isSupported function marketplace.isSupported should return true if the runtime says marketplace is supported
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.isSupported function should throw if called before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should successfully send the removeCartItems message
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with content context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with task context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should throw error with empty cart item array input
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.removeCartItems function marketplace.removeCartItems should throw error with invalid removeCartItemsParams input
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should successfully send the updateCartStatus message
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with content context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should throw error when marketplace is not supported when initialized with task context
test/public/marketplace.spec.ts ‑ Testing marketplace capability Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing marketplace name space Testing marketplace.updateCartStatus function marketplace.updateCartStatus should throw error with invalid updateCartStatusParams input
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed captureImage captureImage call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed captureImage should not allow captureImage calls before initialization
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed captureImage should not allow captureImage calls for authentication frame context
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed captureImage should not allow captureImage calls for remove frame context
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed captureImage should not allow captureImage calls for settings frame context
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed captureImage should not allow captureImage calls in desktop
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed scanBarCode scanBarCode call in content frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed scanBarCode scanBarCode call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed scanBarCode scanBarCode call in task frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed scanBarCode should not allow scanBarCode calls for authentication frame context
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed scanBarCode should not allow scanBarCode calls with invalid timeOutIntervalInSec
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed selectMedia selectMedia call for mediaType = 1 and imageOutputFormats in mediaAPISupportVersion of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed selectMedia selectMedia call for mediaType = 3 in mediaAPISupportVersion of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed selectMedia selectMedia call in content frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed selectMedia selectMedia call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed selectMedia selectMedia call in task frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed selectMedia should not allow selectMedia calls with invalid mediaInputs
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed selectMedia should not allow selectMedia calls with null mediaInputs
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed videoController videoController notifyEventToApp should call the onRecordingStarted callback when the mediaControllerEvent is 1
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed videoController videoController notifyEventToApp should call the onRecordingStopped callback if callback is provided and mediaControllerEvent is 2
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed videoController videoController notifyEventToApp should return if no callback is provided
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed viewImages should not allow viewImages calls with invalid imageuris
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed viewImages should not allow viewImages calls with null imageuris
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed viewImages viewImages call in content frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed viewImages viewImages call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media framed viewImages viewImages call in task frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API HasPermission rejects promise with Error when error received from host
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API hasPermission call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API hasPermission call with successful result
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API media should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API media should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls before initialization
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission call with successful result
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission rejects promise with Error when error received from host
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls before initialization
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless captureImage captureImage call in content frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless captureImage captureImage call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless captureImage captureImage call in task frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless captureImage captureImage calls with error
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless captureImage captureImage calls with successful result
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless captureImage should not allow captureImage calls before initialization
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless captureImage should not allow captureImage calls for authentication frame context
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless captureImage should not allow captureImage calls for remove frame context
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless captureImage should not allow captureImage calls for settings frame context
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless scanBarCode scanBarCode call in content frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless scanBarCode scanBarCode call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless scanBarCode scanBarCode call in task frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless scanBarCode scanBarCode calls with error
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless scanBarCode scanBarCode calls with successful result
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless scanBarCode scanBarCode with optional barcode config calls with successful result
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless scanBarCode should not allow scanBarCode calls for authentication frame context
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless scanBarCode should not allow scanBarCode calls with invalid timeOutIntervalInSec
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia selectMedia call for mediaType = 1 and imageOutputFormats in mediaAPISupportVersion of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia selectMedia call for mediaType = 3 in mediaAPISupportVersion of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia selectMedia call in content frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia selectMedia call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia selectMedia call in task frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia selectMedia calls with error
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia selectMedia calls with successful result for mediaType = 1
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia selectMedia calls with successful result for mediaType = 1 with imageOutputFormats
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia selectMedia calls with successful result for mediaType = 3
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia should invoke video callback for MediaControllerEvent when registered
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia should not allow selectMedia calls with invalid mediaInputs
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia should not allow selectMedia calls with null mediaInputs
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless selectMedia should not invoke video callback for MediaControllerEvent when not registered
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless videoController videoController notifyEventToApp should call the onRecordingStarted callback when the mediaControllerEvent is 1
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless videoController videoController notifyEventToApp should call the onRecordingStopped callback if callback is provided and mediaControllerEvent is 2
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless videoController videoController notifyEventToApp should return if no callback is provided
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless videoController videoController notifyEventToHost is handled successfully
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless videoController videoController notifyEventToHost should fail in default version of platform
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless videoController videoController stop function returns SdkError to callback when parent rejects message
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless viewImages should not allow viewImages calls with invalid imageuris
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless viewImages should not allow viewImages calls with null imageuris
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless viewImages viewImages call in content frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless viewImages viewImages call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless viewImages viewImages call in task frameContext works
test/public/media.spec.ts ‑ media frameless viewImages viewImages calls with error
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetails FRAMED: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetails calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetails FRAMED: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetails calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetails FRAMED: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetails calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetails FRAMED: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetails calls from task context
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 4573 to 4935)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 4573 to 4935.
Raw output
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetails FRAMED: should successfully get the meeting details. context: content
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetails FRAMED: should successfully get the meeting details. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetails FRAMED: should successfully get the meeting details. context: settings
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetails FRAMED: should successfully get the meeting details. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMED: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetailsVerbose calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMED: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetailsVerbose calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMED: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetailsVerbose calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMED: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetailsVerbose calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMED: should successfully get the verbose meeting details. context: content
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMED: should successfully get the verbose meeting details. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMED: should successfully get the verbose meeting details. context: settings
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMED: should successfully get the verbose meeting details. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed joinMeeting FRAMED: should resolve if joinWebUrl is correct URL in string format
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed joinMeeting FRAMED: should resolve if source is not provided
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed joinMeeting FRAMED: should successfully send the joinMeeting message
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.audioDeviceSelectionChanged after meeting.requestAppAudioHandling. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.audioDeviceSelectionChanged after meeting.requestAppAudioHandling. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed should fail when called before app is initialized
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed should not allow meeting.registerLiveStreamChangedHandler calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed should not allow meeting.registerLiveStreamChangedHandler calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed should not allow meeting.registerLiveStreamChangedHandler calls from meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed should not allow meeting.registerLiveStreamChangedHandler calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed should not allow meeting.registerLiveStreamChangedHandler calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed should not allow meeting.registerLiveStreamChangedHandler calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed should not allow meeting.registerLiveStreamChangedHandler calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting framed should successfully register a handler for when live stream is changed
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should return correct error information
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should successfully send the getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities message.
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities should throw error if callback is not provided
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingState calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingState calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingState calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingState calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingState calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should not allow meeting.getAppContentStageSharingState calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should successfully get current stage sharing state information. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should successfully get current stage sharing state information. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should throw error if callback is not provided
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAppContentStageSharingState should throw if the getAppContentStageSharingState message sends and fails
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should not allow get anonymous user token with null callback
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should not allow meeting.getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should not allow meeting.getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should not allow meeting.getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should not allow meeting.getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should not allow meeting.getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should successfully send the getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser message. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should successfully send the getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser message. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should successfully send the getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser message. context: task
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should throw if the getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser message sends and fails. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should throw if the getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser message sends and fails. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser should throw if the getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser message sends and fails. context: task
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should not allow get incoming client audio calls with null callback
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should not allow meeting.getIncomingClientAudioState calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should not allow meeting.getIncomingClientAudioState calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should not allow meeting.getIncomingClientAudioState calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should not allow meeting.getIncomingClientAudioState calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should not allow meeting.getIncomingClientAudioState calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should not allow meeting.getIncomingClientAudioState calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should successfully get the incoming client audio state. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should successfully get the incoming client audio state. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should throw if the getIncomingClientAudioState message sends and fails meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getIncomingClientAudioState should throw if the getIncomingClientAudioState message sends and fails sidePanel context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should fail when called before app is initialized
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should fail when called with a null callback
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should not allow meeting.getLiveStreamState calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should not allow meeting.getLiveStreamState calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should not allow meeting.getLiveStreamState calls from meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should not allow meeting.getLiveStreamState calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should not allow meeting.getLiveStreamState calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should not allow meeting.getLiveStreamState calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should not allow meeting.getLiveStreamState calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should successfully get live stream state. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getLiveStreamState should throw if the getLiveStreamState message sends and fails. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetails calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetails calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetails calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetails calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should successfully get the meeting details. context: content
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should successfully get the meeting details. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should successfully get the meeting details. context: settings
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should successfully get the meeting details. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should throw if the getMeetingDetails message sends and fails. context: content
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should throw if the getMeetingDetails message sends and fails. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should throw if the getMeetingDetails message sends and fails. context: settings
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails FRAMELESS: should throw if the getMeetingDetails message sends and fails. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetails should not allow get meeting details calls with null callback
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetailsVerbose calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetailsVerbose calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetailsVerbose calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should not allow meeting.getMeetingDetailsVerbose calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should successfully get the verbose meeting details. context: content
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should successfully get the verbose meeting details. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should successfully get the verbose meeting details. context: settings
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should successfully get the verbose meeting details. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should throw if host doesn't return verbose details. context: content
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should throw if host doesn't return verbose details. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should throw if host doesn't return verbose details. context: settings
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should throw if host doesn't return verbose details. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should throw if the getMeetingDetailsVerbose message sends and fails. context: content
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should throw if the getMeetingDetailsVerbose message sends and fails. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should throw if the getMeetingDetailsVerbose message sends and fails. context: settings
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless getMeetingDetailsVerbose FRAMELESS: should throw if the getMeetingDetailsVerbose message sends and fails. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless joinMeeting FRAMELESS: should resolve if joinWebUrl is correct URL in string format
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless joinMeeting FRAMELESS: should resolve if source is not provided
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless joinMeeting FRAMELESS: should successfully send the joinMeeting message
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless joinMeeting FRAMELESS: should successfully throw if the joinMeeting message sends and fails
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless joinMeeting should reject if joinWebUrl is not provided
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless joinMeeting should reject if mockjoinMeetingParams is not provided
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerLiveStreamChangedHandler should fail when called without a handler
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerRaiseHandStateChangedHandler should fail when called before app is initialized
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerRaiseHandStateChangedHandler should fail when called without a handler
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerRaiseHandStateChangedHandler should successfully register a handler for when a meetingReaction is received and frameContext=meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerRaiseHandStateChangedHandler should successfully register a handler for when a meetingReaction is received and frameContext=sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerRaiseHandStateChangedHandler should successfully register a handler for when the raiseHandState changes and frameContext=meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerRaiseHandStateChangedHandler should successfully register a handler for when the raiseHandState changes and frameContext=sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler should fail when called before app is initialized
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler should fail when called without a handler
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler should successfully register a handler for when the array of participants speaking changes and frameContext=meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler should successfully register a handler for when the array of participants speaking changes and frameContext=sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.audioDeviceSelectionChanged after meeting.requestAppAudioHandling. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.audioDeviceSelectionChanged after meeting.requestAppAudioHandling. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.micStateChanged after meeting.requestAppAudioHandling. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.micStateChanged after meeting.requestAppAudioHandling. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.updateMicState with AppDeclinedToChange reason when mic state doesn't match. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.updateMicState with AppDeclinedToChange reason when mic state doesn't match. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.updateMicState with AppFailedToChange reason when mic callback throws. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.updateMicState with AppFailedToChange reason when mic callback throws. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.updateMicState with HostInitiated reason when mic state matches. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should call meeting.updateMicState with HostInitiated reason when mic state matches. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should not allow call with null callback mic mute handler
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should not allow call with null callback response
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should not allow meeting.requestAppAudioHandling calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should successfully return isHostAudioless=false for app audio handling stop request. context: meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should successfully return isHostAudioless=false for app audio handling stop request. context: sidePanel context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should successfully return isHostAudioless=true for app audio handling request. context: meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestAppAudioHandling should successfully return isHostAudioless=true for app audio handling request. context: sidePanel context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should fail when called before app is initialized
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should fail when called with a null callback
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStartLiveStreaming calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStartLiveStreaming calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStartLiveStreaming calls from meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStartLiveStreaming calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStartLiveStreaming calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStartLiveStreaming calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStartLiveStreaming calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should successfully request start live streaming context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStartLiveStreaming should throw if the requestStartLiveStreaming message sends and fails
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should fail when called before app is initialized
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should fail when called with a null callback
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStopLiveStreaming calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStopLiveStreaming calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStopLiveStreaming calls from meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStopLiveStreaming calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStopLiveStreaming calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStopLiveStreaming calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should not allow meeting.requestStopLiveStreaming calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should successfully send the meeting.requestStopLiveStreaming call context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless requestStopLiveStreaming should throw if the requestStopLiveStreaming message sends and fails
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions meeting.appShareButton.setOptions should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should not successfully shareInformation. context: authentication
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should not successfully shareInformation. context: content
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should not successfully shareInformation. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should not successfully shareInformation. context: remove
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should not successfully shareInformation. context: settings
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should not successfully shareInformation. context: stage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should not successfully shareInformation. context: task
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should successfully set false isVisible and contentUrl to be bad Url. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should successfully set false isVisible and contentUrl to be undefined. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless setOptions should successfully set shareInformation. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.shareAppContentToStage calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.shareAppContentToStage calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.shareAppContentToStage calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.shareAppContentToStage calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.shareAppContentToStage calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.shareAppContentToStage calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should not allow to share app content to stage with null callback
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should successfully share app content to stage with default shareOptions. content: meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should successfully share app content to stage with default shareOptions. content: sidePanel context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should successfully share app content to stage. content: meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should successfully share app content to stage. content: sidePanel context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless shareAppContentToStage should throw if the shareAppContentToStage message sends and fails
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.stopSharingAppContentToStage calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.stopSharingAppContentToStage calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.stopSharingAppContentToStage calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.stopSharingAppContentToStage calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.stopSharingAppContentToStage calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should not allow meeting.stopSharingAppContentToStage calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should not allow to terminate stage sharing session with null callback
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should successfully terminate app content stage sharing session. context: meetingStage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should successfully terminate app content stage sharing session. context: sidePanel context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless stopSharingAppContentToStage should throw if the stopSharingAppContentToStage message sends and fails
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should not allow meeting.toggleIncomingClientAudio calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should not allow meeting.toggleIncomingClientAudio calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should not allow meeting.toggleIncomingClientAudio calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should not allow meeting.toggleIncomingClientAudio calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should not allow meeting.toggleIncomingClientAudio calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should not allow meeting.toggleIncomingClientAudio calls from task context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should not allow toggle incoming client audio calls with null callback
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should successfully send the toggleIncomingClientAudio message. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should successfully send the toggleIncomingClientAudio message. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should successfully toggle the incoming client audio context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should successfully toggle the incoming client audio context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should throw if the toggleIncomingClientAudio message sends and fails context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless toggleIncomingClientAudio should throw if the toggleIncomingClientAudio message sends and fails context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless updateMicState should call meeting.updateMicState with micState from parameter and AppInitiated reason. context: meetingStage
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless updateMicState should call meeting.updateMicState with micState from parameter and AppInitiated reason. context: sidePanel
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless updateMicState should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless updateMicState should not allow meeting.updateMicState calls from authentication context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless updateMicState should not allow meeting.updateMicState calls from content context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless updateMicState should not allow meeting.updateMicState calls from remove context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless updateMicState should not allow meeting.updateMicState calls from settings context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless updateMicState should not allow meeting.updateMicState calls from stage context
test/public/meeting.spec.ts ‑ meeting frameless updateMicState should not allow meeting.updateMicState calls from task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMED - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function menus.setNavBarMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setNavBarMenu function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function menus.setUpViews should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.setUpViews function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should initiate the post message to Parent when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in authentication context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in content context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in meetingStage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in remove context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in settings context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in sidePanel context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in stage context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function menus.showActionMenu should throw error when menus is not supported when set to true in task context
test/public/menus.spec.ts ‑ Testing menus capability FRAMELESS - Testing menus capability Testing menus.showActionMenu function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience openPurchaseExperience should throw error when monetization is not supported. context: content
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should successfully execute callback and sdkError should be null
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: authentication.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: meetingStage.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: remove.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: settings.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: sidePanel.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: stage.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: task.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience openPurchaseExperience should throw error when monetization is not supported. context: content
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: authentication.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: meetingStage.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: remove.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: settings.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: sidePanel.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: stage.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Framed - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: task.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience openPurchaseExperience should throw error when monetization is not supported. context: content
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 4936 to 5203)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 4936 to 5203.
Raw output
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should successfully execute callback and sdkError should be null
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: authentication.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: meetingStage.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: remove.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: settings.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: sidePanel.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: stage.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v1 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: task.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience openPurchaseExperience should throw error when monetization is not supported. context: content
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should successfully execute and not throw any error
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: authentication.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: meetingStage.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: remove.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: settings.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: sidePanel.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: stage.
test/public/monetization.spec.ts ‑ Testing monetization capability Frameless - monetization test monetization_v2 openPurchaseExperience should to not allow to initialize FramContext with context: task.
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigate.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigate.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigate.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigate.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigate.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigate.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigate.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigate.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should successfully call pages.backStack.navigateBack when initialized with authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should successfully call pages.backStack.navigateBack when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should successfully call pages.backStack.navigateBack when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should successfully call pages.backStack.navigateBack when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should successfully call pages.backStack.navigateBack when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should successfully call pages.backStack.navigateBack when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should successfully call pages.backStack.navigateBack when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigate.navigateBack function navigation.navigateBack should successfully call pages.backStack.navigateBack when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should call getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully call pages.navigateCrossDomain when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully call pages.navigateCrossDomain when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully call pages.navigateCrossDomain when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully call pages.navigateCrossDomain when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully call pages.navigateCrossDomain when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully call pages.navigateCrossDomain when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully call pages.navigateCrossDomain when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully navigate cross-origin when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully navigate cross-origin when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully navigate cross-origin when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully navigate cross-origin when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully navigate cross-origin when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully navigate cross-origin when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should successfully navigate cross-origin when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should throw on invalid cross-origin navigation request when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should throw on invalid cross-origin navigation request when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should throw on invalid cross-origin navigation request when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should throw on invalid cross-origin navigation request when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should throw on invalid cross-origin navigation request when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should throw on invalid cross-origin navigation request when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateCrossDomain function navigation.navigateCrossDomain should throw on invalid cross-origin navigation request when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should not navigate to tab action when set to false and initialized with authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should not navigate to tab action when set to false and initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should not navigate to tab action when set to false and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should not navigate to tab action when set to false and initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should not navigate to tab action when set to false and initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should not navigate to tab action when set to false and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should not navigate to tab action when set to false and initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should not navigate to tab action when set to false and initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should successfully call pages.tabs.nagivateToTab when initialized with authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should successfully call pages.tabs.nagivateToTab when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should successfully call pages.tabs.nagivateToTab when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should successfully call pages.tabs.nagivateToTab when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should successfully call pages.tabs.nagivateToTab when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should successfully call pages.tabs.nagivateToTab when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should successfully call pages.tabs.nagivateToTab when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.navigateToTab function navigation.navigateToTab should successfully call pages.tabs.nagivateToTab when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully call pages.returnFocus when initialized with authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully call pages.returnFocus when initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully call pages.returnFocus when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully call pages.returnFocus when initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully call pages.returnFocus when initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully call pages.returnFocus when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully call pages.returnFocus when initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully call pages.returnFocus when initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with task context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with authentication context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with content context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with remove context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with settings context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with stage context
test/public/navigation.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-Navigation Testing navigation.returnFocus function navigation.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with task context
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return false if isNAAChannelRecommended is false and isLegacyTeams is false in runtimeConfig
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return false if isNAAChannelRecommended is false and isLegacyTeams is true in runtimeConfig for android client that does not supports nestedAppAuth
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return false if isNAAChannelRecommended is false in runtimeConfig for desktop client
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return false if isNAAChannelRecommended is false in runtimeConfig for macos client
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return false if isNAAChannelRecommended is false in runtimeConfig for web client
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return false if isNAAChannelRecommended not present in runtime object
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return false if isNAAChannelRecommended set to false in runtime object
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return true if isNAAChannelRecommended is false and isLegacyTeams is true in runtimeConfig for android client that supports nestedAppAuth
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return true if isNAAChannelRecommended is false and isLegacyTeams is true in runtimeConfig for ios client that supports nestedAppAuth
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return true if isNAAChannelRecommended is false and isLegacyTeams is true in runtimeConfig for ipados client that supports nestedAppAuth
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should return true if isNAAChannelRecommended set to true in runtime object
test/public/nestedAppAuth.spec.ts ‑ nestedAppAuth.isNAAChannelRecommended should throw if called before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.isSupported function pages.appButton.isSupported should return false if the runtime says its not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.isSupported function pages.appButton.isSupported should return false if the runtime says pages.appButton is not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.isSupported function pages.appButton.isSupported should return true if the runtime says pages.appButton is supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.isSupported function pages.appButton.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick should successfully register a app button click handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick should throw error when pages.appButton is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter should successfully register a app button hover handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter should throw error when pages.appButton is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave should successfully register a app button hover leave handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave should throw error when pages.appButton is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack._initialize function pages.backStack._initialize should successfully register backButtonPress handler
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.isSupported function pages.backStack.isSupported should return false if the runtime says its not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.isSupported function pages.backStack.isSupported should return false if the runtime says pages.backStack is not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.isSupported function pages.backStack.isSupported should return true if the runtime says pages.backStack is supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.isSupported function pages.backStack.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should not allow calls before initialization when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should not allow calls before initialization when set to true
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should not throw if called before initialization with no handler
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should successfully register a back button handler and call navigateBack if it returns false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should successfully register a back button handler and not call navigateBack if it returns true
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with authentication when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with content when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with meetingStage when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with remove when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with settings when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with sidePanel when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with stage when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with task when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.isSupported function pages.config.isSupported should return false if the runtime says its not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.isSupported function pages.config.isSupported should return false if the runtime says pages.config is not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.isSupported function pages.config.isSupported should return true if the runtime says pages.config is supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.isSupported function pages.config.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler should successfully register a change settings handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from task context
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 5204 to 5474)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 5204 to 5474.
Raw output
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should not proxy to childWindow
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should not throw if called before initialization with no handler
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify failure from the registered remove handler when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify failure from the registered remove handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify success from the registered remove handler when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify success from the registered remove handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully register a remove handler when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully register a remove handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should not allow multiple notifies from the registered save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should not proxy to childWindow
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully add webhookUrl to save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully notify failure from the registered save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully notify success from the registered save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully override a save handler with another when initialized with settingscontext
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully register a save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.registerOnSaveHandler should not throw if called before initialization with no handler
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should successfully set settings when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should successfully set settings when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should successfully set settings when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to false when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to false when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to true when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to true when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should successfully send the navigateToApp message
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should successfully send the navigateToApp message
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.navigate.toDefaultPage should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from sidePanel context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from task context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen should successfully enter fullscreen when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen should throw error when pages.fullTrust is not supported when initialized with content
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen does not allow calls from meetingStage context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen should successfully exit fullscreen when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen should throw error when pages.fullTrust is not supported when initialized with content
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.isSupported function pages.fullTrust.isSupported should return false if the runtime says pages.fullTrust is not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.isSupported function pages.fullTrust.isSupported should return true if the runtime says pages.fullTrust is supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.isSupported function pages.fullTrust.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should successfully get settings when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should successfully get settings when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should successfully get settings when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should successfully get settings when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.isSupported function pages.isSupported should return true if the runtime says pages is supported
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should allow calls from task context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should not allow calls from remove context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should successfully send an executeDeepLink message for legacy teams clients using a type-safe parameter
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully register a focus enter handler when initialized with content context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not throw if called before initialization with no handler
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github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 5475 to 5725)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 5475 to 5725.
Raw output
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully return focus when ReturnFocusType is set and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully return focus when ReturnFocusType is set and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully return focus when ReturnFocusType is set and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully return focus when ReturnFocusType is set and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully return focus when ReturnFocusType is set and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully return focus when ReturnFocusType is set and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully return focus when ReturnFocusType is set and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully return focus when ReturnFocusType is set and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should successfully set frame context when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should successfully share a deep link in content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with task context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with content context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with task context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
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test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.isSupported function pages.tabs.isSupported should return false if the runtime says pages is not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.isSupported function pages.tabs.isSupported should return false if the runtime says pages.tabs is not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.isSupported function pages.tabs.isSupported should return true if the runtime says pages.tabs is supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.isSupported function pages.tabs.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with authentication context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with content context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with meetingStage context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with remove context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with settings context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with sidePanel context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with stage context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with task context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module childProxyingCommunication on Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should not proxy to childWindow if handler in top window
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module childProxyingCommunication on Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should proxy to childWindow if no handler in top window
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module childProxyingCommunication on Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should not proxy to childWindow if handler in top window
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Framed - Testing pages module childProxyingCommunication on Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should proxy to childWindow if no handler in top window
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick should successfully register a app button click handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onClick function pages.appButton.onClick should throw error when pages.appButton is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter should successfully register a app button hover handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverEnter function pages.appButton.onHoverEnter should throw error when pages.appButton is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave should successfully register a app button hover leave handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.appButton namespace Testing pages.appButton.onHoverLeave function pages.appButton.onHoverLeave should throw error when pages.appButton is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack._initialize function pages.backStack._initialize should successfully register backButtonPress handler
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should register the navigateBack action when initialized with task context
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 5726 to 5955)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 5726 to 5955.
Raw output
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.navigateBack function pages.backStack.navigateBack should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should not allow calls before initialization when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should not allow calls before initialization when set to true
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should successfully register a back button handler and call navigateBack if it returns false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should successfully register a back button handler and not call navigateBack if it returns true
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with authentication when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with content when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with meetingStage when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with remove when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with settings when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with sidePanel when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with stage when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.backStack namespace Testing pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler function pages.backStack.registerBackButtonHandler should throw error when pages.backStack is not supported when initialized with task when set to false.
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.initialize function pages.config.initialize should successfully register settings.save and settings.remove handler
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler should successfully register a change settings handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler function pages.config.registerChangeConfigHandler should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify failure from the registered remove handler when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify failure from the registered remove handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify success from the registered remove handler when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify success from the registered remove handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully register a remove handler when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully register a remove handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler function pages.config.registerOnRemoveHandler should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should not allow multiple notifies from the registered save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully add webhookUrl to save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully notify failure from the registered save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully notify success from the registered save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully override a save handler with another when initialized with settingscontext
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully register a save handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler function pages.config.registerOnSaveHandler should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should successfully set settings when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should successfully set settings when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should successfully set settings when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setConfig function pages.config.setConfig should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to false when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to false when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to true when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to true when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages.config is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.config namespace Testing pages.config.setValidityState function pages.config.setValidityState should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings when set to false
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.isSupported function pages.currentApp.isSupported should return false if the runtime says pages.currentApp is not supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.isSupported function pages.currentApp.isSupported should return true if the runtime says pages.currentApp is supported
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.isSupported function pages.currentApp.isSupported should throw before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should successfully send the navigateToApp message
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateTo function pages.currentApp.navigateTo should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should successfully send the navigateToApp message
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage should allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.currentApp.navigateToDefaultPage function pages.navigate.toDefaultPage should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen should successfully enter fullscreen when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen function pages.fullTrust.enterFullScreen should throw error when pages.fullTrust is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen does not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen does not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen should successfully exit fullscreen when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.fullTrust namespace Testing pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen function pages.fullTrust.exitFullscreen should throw error when pages.fullTrust is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should successfully get settings when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should successfully get settings when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should successfully get settings when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should successfully get settings when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.getConfig function pages.getConfig should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should successfully initialize and set the frame context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.initializeWithFrameContext function pages.initializeWithFrameContext should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with a blank origin when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with a blank origin when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with a blank origin when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with a blank origin when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with a blank origin when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with a blank origin when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with a blank origin when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an empty origin when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an empty origin when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an empty origin when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an empty origin when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an empty origin when initialized with sidePanel
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 5956 to 6192)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 5956 to 6192.
Raw output
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an empty origin when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an empty origin when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin with invalid base when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin with invalid base when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin with invalid base when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin with invalid base when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin with invalid base when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin with invalid base when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin with invalid base when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without base when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without base when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without base when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without base when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without base when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without base when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without base when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without suffix when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without suffix when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without suffix when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without suffix when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without suffix when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without suffix when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should not allow calls with an origin without suffix when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should successfully navigate cross-origin
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw error with a bad origin when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw error with a bad origin when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw error with a bad origin when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw error with a bad origin when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw error with a bad origin when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw error with a bad origin when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw error with a bad origin when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateCrossDomain function pages.navigateCrossDomain should throw on invalid cross-origin navigation request
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should allow calls from content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should successfully send an executeDeepLink message for legacy teams clients
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should successfully send the navigateToApp message
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.navigateToApp function pages.navigateToApp should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should not invoke focus enter handler when set to false initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should not invoke focus enter handler when set to false initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should not invoke focus enter handler when set to false initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should not invoke focus enter handler when set to false initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should not invoke focus enter handler when set to false initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should not invoke focus enter handler when set to false initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should not invoke focus enter handler when set to false initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should not invoke focus enter handler when set to false initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when EnterFocusType set to nextLandmark and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when EnterFocusType set to nextLandmark and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when EnterFocusType set to nextLandmark and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when EnterFocusType set to nextLandmark and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when EnterFocusType set to nextLandmark and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when EnterFocusType set to nextLandmark and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when EnterFocusType set to nextLandmark and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when EnterFocusType set to nextLandmark and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when set to true and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when set to true and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when set to true and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when set to true and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when set to true and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when set to true and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when set to true and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully invoke focus enter handler when set to true and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully register a focus enter handler when initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully register a focus enter handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully register a focus enter handler when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully register a focus enter handler when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully register a focus enter handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully register a focus enter handler when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully register a focus enter handler when initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should successfully register a focus enter handler when initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFocusEnterHandler function pages.registerFocusEnterHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should not invoke full screen handler when set to false initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully invoke full screen handler when set to true and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should successfully register a full screen handler when initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.registerFullScreenHandler function pages.registerFullScreenHandler should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should not successfully returnFocus when set to false and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should successfully returnFocus when set to true and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.returnFocus function pages.returnFocus should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should successfully set frame context when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.setCurrentFrame function pages.setCurrentFrame should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should not allow calls from task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should successfully share a deep link in content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.shareDeepLink function pages.shareDeepLink should throw errors when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances function pages.tabs.getMruTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined getTabInstance when parameters are passed and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should be undefined when no parameters are passed and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with remove context
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7451 tests found (test 6193 to 6517)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 6193 to 6517.
Raw output
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should successfully getTabInstance when no parameters are passed and initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.getTabInstances function pages.tabs.getTabInstances should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with authentication context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with authentication context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with content context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with content context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with meetingStage context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with remove context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with remove context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with settings context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with settings context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with sidePanel context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with stage context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with stage context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with task context
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should register the navigateToTab action when initialized with task context - success case
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with authentication
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with content
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with meetingStage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with remove
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with settings
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with sidePanel
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with stage
test/public/pages.spec.ts ‑ Testing pages module Frameless - Testing pages module in frameless framework Testing pages.tabs namespace Testing pages.tabs.navigateToTab function pages.tabs.navigateToTab should throw error when pages.tabs is not supported when initialized with task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people Testing people.isSupported function people.isSupported should return false if the runtime says people is not supported
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people Testing people.isSupported function people.isSupported should return true if the runtime says people is supported
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people Testing people.isSupported function people.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless selectPeople call in default version of platform support fails. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless selectPeople call in default version of platform support fails. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless selectPeople call in default version of platform support fails. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless selectPeople calls with error. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless selectPeople calls with error. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless selectPeople calls with error. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless selectPeople calls with peoplePickerInput. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless selectPeople calls with peoplePickerInput. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless selectPeople calls with peoplePickerInput. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should allow selectPeople calls with no peoplePickerInputs. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should allow selectPeople calls with no peoplePickerInputs. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should allow selectPeople calls with no peoplePickerInputs. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should allow selectPeople calls with null peoplePickerInputs. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should allow selectPeople calls with null peoplePickerInputs. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should allow selectPeople calls with null peoplePickerInputs. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should allow selectPeople calls with undefined peoplePickerInputs. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should allow selectPeople calls with undefined peoplePickerInputs. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should allow selectPeople calls with undefined peoplePickerInputs. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should throw error when people is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should throw error when people is not supported in runtime config. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker frameless should throw error when people is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker should not allow selectPeople calls before initialization
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 selectPeople call in default version of platform support fails. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 selectPeople call in default version of platform support fails. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 selectPeople call in default version of platform support fails. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 selectPeople calls with error. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 selectPeople calls with error. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 selectPeople calls with error. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 selectPeople calls with valid peoplePickerInput. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 selectPeople calls with valid peoplePickerInput. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 selectPeople calls with valid peoplePickerInput. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should allow selectPeople calls with no peoplePickerInputs. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should allow selectPeople calls with no peoplePickerInputs. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should allow selectPeople calls with no peoplePickerInputs. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should allow selectPeople calls with null peoplePickerInputs context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should allow selectPeople calls with null peoplePickerInputs context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should allow selectPeople calls with null peoplePickerInputs context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should allow selectPeople calls with undefined peoplePickerInputs. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should allow selectPeople calls with undefined peoplePickerInputs. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should allow selectPeople calls with undefined peoplePickerInputs. context: task
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should not allow selectPeople calls before initialization
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should not allow selectPeople calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should throw error when people is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should throw error when people is not supported in runtime config. context: settings
test/public/people.spec.ts ‑ people peoplePicker_V1 should throw error when people is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/profile.spec.ts ‑ profile isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/profile.spec.ts ‑ profile showProfile sends expected message. context: content
test/public/profile.spec.ts ‑ profile showProfile should not allow showProfile calls before initialization
test/public/profile.spec.ts ‑ profile showProfile should return an error if validation fails. context: content
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs Cmd+P should successfully call print handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs Cmd+P shouldn't call print handler if printCapability is disabled
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs Ctrl+P should successfully call print handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs Ctrl+P shouldn't call print handler if printCapability is disabled
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in content context should invoke error callback
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in content context should invoke getGenericOnCompleteHandler when no callback is provided.
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in content context should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in content context should successfully send a request
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in sidePanel context should invoke error callback
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in sidePanel context should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in sidePanel context should successfully send a request
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in task module context should invoke error callback
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in task module context should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs executeDeepLink in task module context should successfully send a request
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs getMruTabInstances should allow a missing and valid optional parameter
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs getTabInstances should allow a missing and valid optional parameter
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs print handler should successfully call default print handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerAppButtonHandler should not throw if pages.appButton is not supported
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerAppButtonHoverEnterHandler should not throw if pages.appButton is not supported
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerAppButtonHoverLeaveHandler should not throw if pages.appButton is not supported
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerBackButtonHandler should not throw if pages.backStack is not supported
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerBeforeUnloadHandler registerBeforeUnloadHandler should not throw if teamsCore is not supported
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerBeforeUnloadHandler should call readyToUnload automatically when no before unload handler is registered
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerBeforeUnloadHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler and not call readyToUnload if it returns true
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully share a deep link in content context
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully share a deep link in sidePanel context
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerChangeSettingsHandler should not throw if pages.config is not supported
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerFocusEnterHandler should not throw if pages is not supported
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerFullScreenHandler should not throw if pages is not supported
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerOnLoadHandler registerOnLoadHandler should not throw if teamsCore is not supported
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerOnLoadHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs registerOnLoadHandler should successfully register handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should allow multiple initialize calls
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should call navigateBack automatically when no back button handler is registered
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should invoke all callbacks once initialization completes
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should invoke callback immediatelly if initialization has already completed
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should listen to frame messages for a frameless window
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should not allow authentication and remove context should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should not allow authentication and remove context should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should not listen to frame messages for a frameless window if valid origins are not passed
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully frame context
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully get context
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully get frame context in side panel
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully get frame context in side panel with fallback logic if not returned from client
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully get frame context when returned from client
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully initialize
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully initialize and set the frame context
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully register a app button click handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully register a app button hover enter handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully register a app button hover leave handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully register a back button handler and call navigateBack if it returns false
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully register a back button handler and not call navigateBack if it returns true
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully register a change settings handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully register a focus enter handler and return true
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully register a full screen handler
test/public/publicAPIs.spec.ts ‑ MicrosoftTeams-publicAPIs should successfully register a theme change handler
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"location":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"location":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"location":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"location":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"location":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"location":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"location":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"location":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"location":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType desktop on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType desktop on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType desktop on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType desktop on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType desktop on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType desktop on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType desktop on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType desktop on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType desktop on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"nestedAppAuth":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"appButton":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.1.1
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 6518 to 6811)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 6518 to 6811.
Raw output
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
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test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"pages":{"tabs":{}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"people":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"people":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"people":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"people":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"people":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"people":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"people":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"people":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"people":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
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test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
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test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version
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test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"sharing":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
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test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType android on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ios on version
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test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version
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test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
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test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"stageView":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
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test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"teams":{"fullTrust":{"joinedTeams":{}}}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType ipados on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType macos on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType rigel on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType surfaceHub on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsDisplays on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsPhones on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsAndroid on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType teamsRoomsWindows on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.1
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 6812 to 7188)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 6812 to 7188.
Raw output
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType visionOS on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 1.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 1.9.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.0.0
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.0.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.0.5
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.0.8
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version 2.1.1
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig ensure only platform support is consistent Validate that {"webStorage":{}} is NOT supported for clientType web on version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig older and newer version tests Validate that all client types for a version NEWER than when a capability began to be supported report that capability IS supported
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig older and newer version tests Validate that all client types for a version OLDER than when a capability began to be supported report that capability is NOT supported
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig tests based on Teams default configuration Validate that all client types where a capability began to be supported report that capability IS supported in that version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig tests based on specific types of merge data generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig can properly merge a version-agnostic config containing NESTED pages capability with version-specific runtime with NESTED pages capability
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig tests based on specific types of merge data generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig can properly merge a version-agnostic config containing NESTED pages capability with version-specific runtime with NO pages capability
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig tests based on specific types of merge data generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig can properly merge a version-agnostic config containing NESTED pages capability with version-specific runtime with UNNESTED pages capability
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig tests based on specific types of merge data generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig can properly merge a version-agnostic config containing NO pages capability with version-specific runtime with NESTED pages capability
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig tests based on specific types of merge data generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig can properly merge a version-agnostic config containing UNNESTED pages capability with version-specific runtime with NESTED pages capability
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig tests based on specific types of merge data generateVersionBasedTeamsRuntimeConfig can properly merge a version-agnostic config containing UNNESTED pages capability with version-specific runtime with UNNESTED pages capability
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime runtime versioning applyRuntime fast-forwards v1 to latest version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime runtime versioning applyRuntime fast-forwards v2 runtime config to latest version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime runtime versioning applyRuntime fast-forwards v3 runtime config to latest version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime runtime versioning applyRuntime fast-forwards v4 runtime config to latest version
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime runtime versioning applyRuntime handles runtime config with string apiVersion
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime runtime versioning isRuntimeInitialized throws errorRuntimeNotInitialized when runtime is not initialized
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime runtime versioning latestRuntimeVersion should match Runtime interface apiVersion
test/public/runtime.spec.ts ‑ runtime runtime versioning upgradeChain is ordered from oldest to newest
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should not allow calls from content context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should not allow calls from task context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should not allow calls if runtime does not support search
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should resolve promise after successfully sending the closeSearch message
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should successfully send the closeSearch message
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch FRAMED: should successfully throw if the closeSearch message sends and fails
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Framed closeSearch should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from content context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should not allow calls from task context
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should not allow calls if runtime does not support search
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should resolve promise after successfully sending the closeSearch message
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should successfully send the closeSearch message
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch FRAMELESS: should successfully throw if the closeSearch message sends and fails
test/public/search.spec.ts ‑ Search Frameless closeSearch should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API secondaryBrowser call in default version of platform support fails. context: content
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API secondaryBrowser calls with error context: content
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API secondaryBrowser calls with successful result. context: content
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow open calls before initialization
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow open calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow open calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow open calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow open calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow open calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow open calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow open calls from the wrong context. context: task
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow secondaryBrowser calls with non-HTTPS URL. context: content
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should not allow secondaryBrowser calls with undefined URL. context: content
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported Testing open API should throw error when secondaryBrowser is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported should be supported after initialization
test/public/secondaryBrowser.spec.ts ‑ secondaryBrowser Testing secondaryBrowser isSupported should not be supported before initialization
test/public/serializable.spec.ts ‑ isSerialiazable should return false if arg does not contain a function named serialize
test/public/serializable.spec.ts ‑ isSerialiazable should return false if arg does not contain a member named serialize
test/public/serializable.spec.ts ‑ isSerialiazable should return false if arg is null
test/public/serializable.spec.ts ‑ isSerialiazable should return false if arg is undefined
test/public/serializable.spec.ts ‑ isSerialiazable should return true if arg contains a function named serialize
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.getSettings function settings.getSettings does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.getSettings function settings.getSettings does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.getSettings function settings.getSettings does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.getSettings function settings.getSettings does not allow calls from task context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.getSettings function settings.getSettings should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.getSettings function settings.getSettings should successfully get settings from content context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.getSettings function settings.getSettings should successfully get settings from remove context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.getSettings function settings.getSettings should successfully get settings from settings context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.getSettings function settings.getSettings should successfully get settings from sidePanel context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from content context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler does not allow calls from task context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler should not throw if pages.config is not supported
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify failure from the registered remove handler
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify success from the registered remove handler
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnRemoveHandler function settings.registerOnRemoveHandler should successfully notify success on remove when there is no registered handler
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from authentication context when the handler is called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from authentication context when the handler is not called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from content context when the handler is called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from content context when the handler is not called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from meetingStage context when the handler is called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from meetingStage context when the handler is not called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from remove context when the handler is called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from remove context when the handler is not called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from sidePanel context when the handler is called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from sidePanel context when the handler is not called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from stage context when the handler is called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from stage context when the handler is not called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from task context when the handler is called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler does not allow calls from task context when the handler is not called
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler should not allow multiple notifies from saveEvent.notifyFailure save handler
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler should not allow multiple notifies from the saveEvent.notifySuccess save handler
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler should not throw if pages.config is not supported
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully notify failure from the registered save handler
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully notify success from the registered save handler
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully override a save handler with another
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.registerOnSaveHandler function settings.registerOnSaveHandler should successfully register a save handler
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setSettings function settings.setSettings does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setSettings function settings.setSettings does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setSettings function settings.setSettings does not allow calls from remove context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setSettings function settings.setSettings does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setSettings function settings.setSettings does not allow calls from task context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setSettings function settings.setSettings should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setSettings function settings.setSettings should successfully set settings from content context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setSettings function settings.setSettings should successfully set settings from settings context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setSettings function settings.setSettings should successfully set settings from sidePanel context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setValidityState function settings.setValidityState does not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setValidityState function settings.setValidityState does not allow calls from content context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setValidityState function settings.setValidityState does not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setValidityState function settings.setValidityState does not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setValidityState function settings.setValidityState does not allow calls from stage context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setValidityState function settings.setValidityState does not allow calls from task context
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setValidityState function settings.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to false
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings Testing settings.setValidityState function settings.setValidityState should successfully set validity state to true
test/public/settings.spec.ts ‑ settings should successfully notify success on save when there is no registered handler
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should successfully call the callback function when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with content context- success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should successfully call the callback function when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with meetingStage context- success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should successfully call the callback function when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with sidePanel context- success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should successfully call the callback function when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with stage context- success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should successfully call the callback function when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with task context- success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when the shared content is missing when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when the shared content is missing when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when the shared content is missing when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when the shared content is missing when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when the shared content is missing when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw error when sharing is not supported. context: content
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw error when sharing is not supported. context: meetingStage
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw error when sharing is not supported. context: sidePanel
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw error when sharing is not supported. context: stage
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v1 Testing sharing.shareWebContent function v1 sharing.shareWebContent should throw error when sharing is not supported. context: task
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent Testing sharing.history.isSupported function sharing.history.isSupported should return false if the runtime says sharing.history is not supported
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent Testing sharing.history.isSupported function sharing.history.isSupported should return true if the runtime says sharing.history is supported
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent Testing sharing.history.isSupported function sharing.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent sharing.history.getContent should successfully get the content. context: meetingStage
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent sharing.history.getContent should successfully get the content. context: sidePanel
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent sharing.history.getContent should throw error when sharing.history is not supported. context: meetingStage
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent sharing.history.getContent should throw error when sharing.history is not supported. context: sidePanel
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent should not allow sharing.history.getContent calls from authentication context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent should not allow sharing.history.getContent calls from content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent should not allow sharing.history.getContent calls from remove context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent should not allow sharing.history.getContent calls from settings context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent should not allow sharing.history.getContent calls from stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent should not allow sharing.history.getContent calls from task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent should throw if the getContent message sends and fails meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing getContent should throw if the getContent message sends and fails sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.isSupported function sharing.isSupported should return false if the runtime says sharing is not supported
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.isSupported function sharing.isSupported should return true if the runtime says sharing is supported
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.isSupported function sharing.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.isSupported() on mobile platforms sharing.isSupported() should return false for mobile when version is lower than supported version 2.0.8}
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.isSupported() on mobile platforms sharing.isSupported() should return true for mobile when version is greater than supported version 2.0.8}
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.isSupported() on web and desktop platforms sharing.isSupported() should return false for web and desktop when version is lower than supported version 2.0.0}
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.isSupported() on web and desktop platforms sharing.isSupported() should return true for web and desktop when version is greater than supported version 2.0.0}
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should successfully resolves when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with content context - success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should successfully resolves when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with meetingStage context - success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should successfully resolves when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with sidePanel context - success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should successfully resolves when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with stage context - success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should successfully resolves when given the share web content in correct format when initialized with task context - success scenario
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content array is empty when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is an unsupported type when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is missing when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is missing when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is missing when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is missing when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content is missing when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content items are of mixed types when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when content type is missing when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when other errors occur when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is invalid object when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is null when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when request is undefined when initialized with task context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with content context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with meetingStage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with sidePanel context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with stage context
test/public/sharing.spec.ts ‑ sharing_v2 Testing sharing.shareWebContent v2 function sharing.shareWebContent should throw a SdkError when url is missing in URL content type when initialized with task context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should not allow a null StageViewParams parameter
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should not allow calls from task context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should pass along entire StageViewParams parameter in content context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should properly handle errors
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should return promise and resolve
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView open should throw error when stageView is not supported.
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should not allow calls from task context
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should properly handle errors
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should return promise and resolve
test/public/stageView.spec.ts ‑ stageView self should throw error when stageView is not supported.
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should Provide default Size if taskInfo doesn't have length or width. content context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should Provide default Size if taskInfo doesn't have length or width. meetingStage context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should Provide default Size if taskInfo doesn't have length or width. sidePanel context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should invoke callback with error. context: content
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should invoke callback with error. context: meetingStage
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should invoke callback with error. context: sidePanel
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should invoke callback with result. context: content
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should invoke callback with result. context: meetingStage
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should invoke callback with result. context: sidePanel
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should not allow calls from task context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when URL is not specified. content context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when URL is not specified. meetingStage context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when URL is not specified. sidePanel context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when URL is provided without Bot. context: content
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when URL is provided without Bot. context: meetingStage
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when URL is provided without Bot. context: sidePanel
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when card is specified. content context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when card is specified. meetingStage context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when card is specified. sidePanel context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when completionBotid is specified. context: content
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when completionBotid is specified. context: meetingStage
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks startTask should pass along the taskInfo correctly when completionBotid is specified. context: sidePanel
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should handle a single string passed as appIds parameter
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should not allow calls from content context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should not allow calls from meetingStage context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should not allow calls from sidePanel context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks submitTask should successfully pass result and appIds parameters when called from task context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should not allow calls from authentication context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should not allow calls from remove context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should not allow calls from settings context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should not allow calls from stage context
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should successfully pass taskInfo in context: "content"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should successfully pass taskInfo in context: "meetingStage"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should successfully pass taskInfo in context: "sidePanel"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should successfully pass taskInfo in context: "task"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should successfully pass the default info if height/width is missing: "content"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should successfully pass the default info if height/width is missing: "meetingStage"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should successfully pass the default info if height/width is missing: "sidePanel"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should successfully pass the default info if height/width is missing: "task"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should throw an error if extra properties are provided context: "content"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should throw an error if extra properties are provided context: "meetingStage"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should throw an error if extra properties are provided context: "sidePanel"
test/public/tasks.spec.ts ‑ tasks updateTask should throw an error if extra properties are provided context: "task"
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Cmd+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: content
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
7451 tests found (test 7189 to 7451)
There are 7451 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 7189 to 7451.
Raw output
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P should successfully call teams.enablePrintCapability. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function Ctrl+P shouldn't call teamsCore.enablePrintCapability if printCapabilty is disabled. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should successfully call default print handler. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should successfully call default print handler. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should successfully call default print handler. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should successfully call default print handler. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should successfully call default print handler. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should successfully call default print handler. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should successfully call default print handler. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should successfully call default print handler. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.enablePrintCapability function teamsCore.enablePrintCapability should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.isSupported function should throw if called before initialization
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should call readyToUnload automatically when no before unload handler is registered. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should call readyToUnload automatically when no before unload handler is registered. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should call readyToUnload automatically when no before unload handler is registered. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should call readyToUnload automatically when no before unload handler is registered. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should call readyToUnload automatically when no before unload handler is registered. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should call readyToUnload automatically when no before unload handler is registered. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should call readyToUnload automatically when no before unload handler is registered. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should call readyToUnload automatically when no before unload handler is registered. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler and not call readyToUnload if it returns true. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler and not call readyToUnload if it returns true. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler and not call readyToUnload if it returns true. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler and not call readyToUnload if it returns true. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler and not call readyToUnload if it returns true. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler and not call readyToUnload if it returns true. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler and not call readyToUnload if it returns true. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler and not call readyToUnload if it returns true. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should successfully register a before unload handler. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context:authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context:content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context:meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context:remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context:settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context:sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context:stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler function teamsCore.registerBeforeUnloadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context:task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should successfully register handler. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should successfully register handler. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should successfully register handler. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should successfully register handler. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should successfully register handler. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should successfully register handler. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should successfully register handler. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should successfully register handler. context: task
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: authentication
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: content
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: meetingStage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: remove
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: settings
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: sidePanel
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: stage
test/public/teamsAPIs.spec.ts ‑ Testing TeamsCore Capability FRAMED - teamsCore Capability tests Testing teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler function teamsCore.registerOnLoadHandler should throw error when teamsCore is not supported. context: task
test/public/thirdPartyCloudStorage.spec.ts ‑ thirdPartyCloudStorage should call handleGetDragAndDropFilesCallbackRequest and the callback with an error
test/public/thirdPartyCloudStorage.spec.ts ‑ thirdPartyCloudStorage should call handleGetDragAndDropFilesCallbackRequest and the callback with error
test/public/thirdPartyCloudStorage.spec.ts ‑ thirdPartyCloudStorage should call handleGetDragAndDropFilesCallbackRequest and the callback with error [multiple files] when incorrect last chunk sequence
test/public/thirdPartyCloudStorage.spec.ts ‑ thirdPartyCloudStorage should call handleGetDragAndDropFilesCallbackRequest and the callback without error [multiple files]
test/public/thirdPartyCloudStorage.spec.ts ‑ thirdPartyCloudStorage should call handleGetDragAndDropFilesCallbackRequest and the callback without error [single file]
test/public/thirdPartyCloudStorage.spec.ts ‑ thirdPartyCloudStorage should call the callback with error when callback is null
test/public/thirdPartyCloudStorage.spec.ts ‑ thirdPartyCloudStorage should ensure initialization and call getFilesDragAndDropViaCallback when valid input is provided
test/public/thirdPartyCloudStorage.spec.ts ‑ thirdPartyCloudStorage should throw error when getDragAndDropFiles is called twice
test/public/thirdPartyCloudStorage.spec.ts ‑ thirdPartyCloudStorage should throw error with error code INVALID_ARGUMENTS when dragAndDropInput not is provided
test/public/version.spec.ts ‑ Testing version constant Ensure PACKAGE_VERSION has been properly replaced by webpack (or Jest)
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.authentication
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.content
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.meetingStage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.remove
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.settings
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.stage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.task
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should successfully send notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged message
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.authentication
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.content
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.meetingStage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.remove
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.settings
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.stage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.task
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect should invoke videoEffectReadiness handler on callback rejects
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect should invoke videoEffectReadiness handler on callback resolved
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect should successfully invoke effectParameterChange handler
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect should successfully register effectParameterChange
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoEffect should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.authentication
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.content
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.meetingStage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.remove
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.settings
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.stage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.task
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should get and register stream with streamId received from startVideoExtensibilityVideoStream
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should listen to videoEffects.setFrameProcessTimeLimit
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should not send default message when register video frame handler
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should notify error when callback rejects
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should successfully invoke videoFrameHandler
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should successfully send video.mediaStream.registerForVideoFrame message
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send notifyError
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send videoFrameProcessed
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should listen to videoEffects.setFrameProcessTimeLimit
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should not invoke video frame event handler when videoFrame is undefined
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should not send default message when register video frame handler
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should successfully invoke videoBufferHandler (legacy: false)
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should successfully invoke videoBufferHandler (legacy: true)
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should successfully send video.registerForVideoFrame message
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video framed registerForVideoFrame should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.authentication
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.content
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.meetingStage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.remove
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.settings
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.stage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.task
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should successfully send notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged message
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.authentication
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.content
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.meetingStage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.remove
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.settings
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.stage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.task
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect should invoke videoEffectReadiness handler on callback rejects
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect should invoke videoEffectReadiness handler on callback resolved
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect should successfully invoke effectParameterChange handler
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect should successfully register effectParameterChange
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoEffect should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.authentication
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.content
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.meetingStage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.remove
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.settings
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.stage
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame is not allowed in wrong context: FrameContext.task
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should get and register stream with streamId received from startVideoExtensibilityVideoStream
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should listen to videoEffects.setFrameProcessTimeLimit
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should not send default message when register video frame handler
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should notify error when callback rejects
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should successfully invoke videoFrameHandler
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame mediaStream should successfully send video.mediaStream.registerForVideoFrame message
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send notifyError
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should invoke video frame event handler and successfully send videoFrameProcessed
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should listen to videoEffects.setFrameProcessTimeLimit
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should not invoke video frame event handler when videoFrame is undefined
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should not send default message when register video frame handler
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should successfully invoke videoBufferHandler (legacy: false)
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should successfully invoke videoBufferHandler (legacy: true)
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame sharedFrame should successfully send video.registerForVideoFrame message
test/public/videoEffects.spec.ts ‑ video frameless registerForVideoFrame should throw error when video is not supported in runtime config
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API HasPermission rejects promise with Error when error received from host
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API hasPermission call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API hasPermission call with successful result
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls before initialization
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API should not allow hasPermission calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API should throw error when visualMedia is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API should throw error when visualMedia is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API visualMedia should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing HasPermisison API visualMedia should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission call in default version of platform support fails
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission call with successful result
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission rejects promise with Error when error received from host
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API requestPermission should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls before initialization
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API should not allow requestPermission calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API should throw error when visualMedia is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing RequestPermisison API should throw error when visualMedia is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API captureImages call in default version of platform support fails. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API captureImages call in default version of platform support fails. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API captureImages calls with successful result. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API captureImages calls with successful result. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API captureImages should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API captureImages should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should not allow captureImages calls before initialization
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should not allow captureImages calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should not allow captureImages calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should not allow captureImages calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should not allow captureImages calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should not allow captureImages calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should not allow captureImages calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should not allow captureImages calls with invalid image count of greater than 10.
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should not allow captureImages calls with invalid image count of less than 1.
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should throw error when captureImages is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should throw error when captureImages is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should throw error when visualMedia.image is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.captureImages API should throw error when visualMedia.image is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API retrieveImages call in default version of platform support fails. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API retrieveImages call in default version of platform support fails. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API retrieveImages calls with successful result. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API retrieveImages calls with successful result. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API retrieveImages should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API retrieveImages should throw error when permissions is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should not allow captureImages calls before initialization
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should not allow retrieveImages calls from the wrong context. context: authentication
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should not allow retrieveImages calls from the wrong context. context: meetingStage
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should not allow retrieveImages calls from the wrong context. context: remove
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should not allow retrieveImages calls from the wrong context. context: settings
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should not allow retrieveImages calls from the wrong context. context: sidePanel
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should not allow retrieveImages calls from the wrong context. context: stage
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should not allow retrieveImages calls with invalid image counts of greater than 10.
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should not allow retrieveImages calls with invalid image counts of less than 1.
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should throw error when retrieveImages is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should throw error when retrieveImages is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should throw error when visualMedia.image is not supported in runtime config. context: content
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability Testing visualMedia.image.retrieveImages API should throw error when visualMedia.image is not supported in runtime config. context: task
test/public/visualMedia.spec.ts ‑ visualMedia Testing visualMedia.image subcapability should not be supported before initialization
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isSupported webStorage.isSupported should return false if webStorage not supported in runtime
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isSupported webStorage.isSupported should return true if webStorage supported in runtime
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isSupported webStorage.isSupported should throw if called before initialization
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should not allow calls before initialization
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should not call getContext from the host more than once when it is called a second time if the host is Teams mobile and the Teams fallback runtime is being used
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return false; HOST: Not Teams, PLATFORM: Android, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: false, host returns: false
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return false; HOST: Not Teams, PLATFORM: Android, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: true, host returns: false
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return false; HOST: Not Teams, PLATFORM: iOS, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: false, host returns: false
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return false; HOST: Not Teams, PLATFORM: iOS, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: true, host returns: false
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return true; HOST: Not Teams, PLATFORM: Android, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: false, host returns: true
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return true; HOST: Not Teams, PLATFORM: iOS, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: false, host returns: true
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return true; HOST: Not Teams, PLATFORM: iOS, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: true, host returns: true
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return true; HOST: Teams, PLATFORM: Android, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: true
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return true; HOST: Teams, PLATFORM: iOS, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: true
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should return true; HOST: Teams, PLATFORM: iPadOS, TEAMS_LEGACY_RUNTIME: true
test/public/webStorage.spec.ts ‑ webStorage webStorage.isWebStorageClearedOnUserLogOut should throw errorNotSupportedOnPlatform if webStorage not supported in runtime config and isLegacyTeams is undefined