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Releases: OllieJones/index-wp-mysql-for-speed

IIS, fix some deprecations

11 Mar 13:08
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#94 Deprecation depredations, IIS/Windows

Some WooCommerce tables

30 Sep 15:50
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Add support for the WooCommerce tables wp_automatewoo_log_meta, wp_wc_orders_meta, and wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta.

cpuinfo and meminfo

06 Sep 20:35
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#83 Fix ugliness in MHz displayor systems with many cores.

1.4.12: automatically analyze tables, override short max_statement_time variable

08 Mar 19:53
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Also, tested with 6.2-beta5, so claiming 6.2 support.

Bug fixes, better indexes, better stability on managed service hosts, monitor uploads

24 Jan 14:21
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What's new in version 1.4.2? Bug fixes.

  • (No changes to indexes.)
  • Add support for legacy php versions back to 5.6.
  • Avoid attempting to read INNODB_METRICS when user lacks PROCESS privilege.
  • Correct nag hyperlink on multisite.

What's new in version 1.4.1? Better keys, bug fixes, uploadable monitors, online help.

Since the first release, our users have told us about several more opportunities to speed up their WooCommerce and core WordPress operations. We've added keys to the meta tables to help with searching for content, and to the users table to look people up by their display names. And, you can now upload saved Monitors so we can see your slowest queries. We'll use that information to impprove future versions. Thanks, dear users!

And better online help!


  • WordPress 5.9 and database version 51917 version compatibility tested.
  • Rekeys tables in one go: allows the plugin to work more quickly, and when sql_require_primary_key=ON (typically at managed service providers).
  • Adds high-performance keys to wp_users and wp_commentmeta tables.
  • Adds high-performance key for looking up meta values quickly in wp_postmeta, wp_termmeta, and wp_usermeta.
  • Handles upgrades to high-performance keys, from previous plugin versions.
  • Checks $wp_db_version number to ensure schema compatibility.
  • Monitor captures include overall database server metrics, and can be uploaded.
  • Help pages for each tab of the plugin's Dashboard panel.
  • Clearer Dashboard panel displays.

= 1.4.2 =

  • (No changes to indexes.)
  • Add support for legacy php versions back to 5.6.
  • Avoid attempting to read INNODB_METRICS when user lacks PROCESS privilege.
  • Correct nag hyperlink on multisite.