A responsive React dashboard application built with TypeScript, React Query, and Tailwind CSS that demonstrates CRUD operations using JSONPlaceholder API.
- 📱 Responsive design using Tailwind CSS
- 🔄 CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- 🔍 Search functionality with debouncing
- ⚡ Real-time updates using React Query
- 📊 Sortable columns
- 📝 Pagination
- 🎨 Modern UI with loading states and toasts
- 📱 Mobile-friendly interface
- React 19
- TypeScript
- TanStack Query (React Query)
- Tailwind CSS
- Axios
- React Hot Toast
- Node.js (version 16 or higher)
- npm or yarn
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Olowoyo/ibcscorp-task.git
cd ibcscorp
- Install dependencies:
npm install
# or
yarn install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
- Open your browser and navigate to
├── api/
│ └── client.ts # API client configuration
├── components/
│ ├── Dashboard/
│ │ ├── DataTable.tsx
│ │ ├── Filters.tsx
│ │ ├── LoadingState.tsx
│ │ └── Pagination.tsx
│ └── Modal/
│ ├── ConfirmDialog.tsx
│ ├── CreateForm.tsx
│ └── EditForm.tsx
├── hooks/
│ └── useDebounce.ts
├── types/
└── App.tsx
- Fetch and display user data from JSONPlaceholder API
- Client-side search with debounced input
- Sortable columns (name, email, phone, website, company)
- Pagination with customizable items per page
- Create new users with form validation
- Update existing user information
- Delete users with confirmation dialog
- Real-time updates using React Query
- Responsive design that works on mobile and desktop
- Loading states for better user experience
- Toast notifications for success/error feedback
- Clean and modern interface using Tailwind CSS
npm run dev # Start development server
npm run build # Build for production
npm run preview # Preview production build
npm run lint # Run ESLint
npm run type-check # Run TypeScript type checking
- JSONPlaceholder for the fake REST API
- Tailwind CSS for the styling
- React Query for data fetching