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Releases: OpenBazaar/OpenBazaar-Client


27 Jul 17:09
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Full release for general use.

Bug Fixes:

  • an issue where the API called to get the list of currencies in onboarding was no longer valid has been fixed. This solves the issue where users were blocked from completing onboarding unless they waited for the API to time out.
  • a layout issue was fixed with onboarding title bar text overflowing.

Special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (


05 May 16:57
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Full release for general use.

The following significant changes have been made in this release:

Functionality Changes

  • a social sharing system was added. On the first time the client is started, a panel with social sharing buttons will appear. Once clicked or dismissed it does not appear again.
  • the social sharing links are always available fromthe about/support tab. This tab can be easily accessed from the navigation menu option "Post About OpenBazaar".

Bug Fixes:

  • thumbnails were adjusted so they are always square
  • the moderator search in the store setup wizard works again

Special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (


03 Feb 22:14
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Full release for general use.

The following significant changes have been made in this release:

Functionality Changes

  • the default connection settings can now be viewed. This is useful for seeing what ports were set automatically.

Special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (


21 Dec 18:44
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Full release for general use.

The following significant changes have been made in this release:

Functionality Changes

  • Alt Coins have been integrated using Shapeshift. When paying, an option is now available to open a Shapeshift modal window and pay with alt coins using Shapeshift.
  • The Rush Wallet was removed from the list of available wallets, and the option to add them as a temporary wallet was removed.
  • The labels for the short description and the about field were made more consistent.
  • Various additional fields in Settings/Page now have validation, thanks to contributor Reed Rosenbluth.
  • Users can now choose which Bitcoin format they want to use (BTC, mBTC, μBTC or Satoshi) thanks to contributor Richard Schneider.

Bugs Fixed

  • a bug that prevented some notifications from being formatted correctly was fixed.
  • duplicate moderators are no longer listed in the store wizard.
  • if a user turns off their store, then turns it on again using the store wizard, they will not get the option to add moderators that were already added before their store was turned off.

Special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (


03 Nov 17:29
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Full release for general use.

The following significant changes have been made in this release:

Functionality Changes

  • On the About tab of the User Page, the user's website URL is now truncated, and doesn't show extra text like parameters, so that it looks more appearling (thanks to contributor Reed Rosenbluth).
  • When creating or editing a server configuration, the enter key will now save the configuration (thanks to contributor Amelia Goodman).
  • The server version is now visible in the About modal.

Behind the Scenes Changes

  • the client has been updated to the latest version of Electron.
  • an editorConfig file has been added, to apply common standards to editors that use editorConfig (thanks to contributor Richard Schneider).
  • various code has been updated to match our code formatting standards (thanks to contributor Richard Schneider).

Bugs Fixed

  • the issue where a listing route without a listing code would result in a bad state was fixed.
  • the bug where the code for opening external links used the old method of loading shell, which no longer works with the latest Electron code, was fixed.
  • the issue where the up and down number buttons in the quantity when ordering something didn't work if the item didn't have a max_quantity value has been fixed.
  • fixes issue with Mac OS controls overlapping the client controls
  • some rare issues with ports being blocked have been fixed.
  • a rare bug in Electron that causes a JavaScript error has been fixed by the Electron team.
  • the store categories not working after scrolling has been fixed.
  • the "Restart Now" and "Restart Later" text can now be translated (thanks to contributor Richard Schneider).

Special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (


12 Oct 20:45
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Full release for general use.

This release includes the changes made in the release, which have not been added to the installer.

The following significant changes have been made in this release:

Functionality Changes

  • various optimizations have been made to the following, follower, and store tabs in the User Page, and to the Discover view, which should speed up rendering and reduce the strain on the Chromium browser.
  • the Avatar in the Page tab of Settings can now be rotated with rotation buttons.
  • the first address in the Addresses tab of Settings is now marked as the Default Address.
  • addresses in the Addresses tab of Settings can now be reordered by dragging.
  • the last view is now saved per-node. This means if you connect the client to a different node, the last view saved for that node will be loaded, instead of trying to load the view the current node was on.
  • all listings now have a Pinned option. If a listing is Pinned, it will be displayed first in the Store tab of the user page. There is no limit to how many listings may be Pinned, all Pinned listings will be shown before un-Pinned listings.
  • all listings now have a Hidden option. If a listing is set to Hidden, it will not show up in your store when other users view your store page. You can still see it, though it will be faded out to indicate it is hidden. If a user enters the listing address directly, they can still view it. This allows for the creation of "private" listings that are only viewable by users with the address.
  • all listings now have a Max Quantity field. This limits the number of items that can be purchased in a single transaction. If the Max Quantity is left blank, it is considered to be 999,999 (the maximum the server allows). If the Max Quantity is set to zero, the item is still viewable, but cannot be purchased.
  • listings in the Store tab are now ordered by most recently saved.
  • when images are uploaded to listings, if the image has an orientation in its EXIF data (for example, if it was taken on a phone in landscape mode), the image will automatically be rotated to match the orientation.
  • addresses are now more flexible. Only the name and country are required, and a new contact method field has been added.
  • the appearance of very long addresses in the purchase flow has been improved.
  • the list of shippable countries in the address panel of the purchase modal has been removed, it was made obsolete by the Shipping tab in the listing page.
  • timezones have been completely removed. They were intended for functionality that turned out not to be needed, and weren't being used.
  • the minimum price for a listing was increased to 0.0005BTC, because listings priced at 0.0002BTC could not be purchased.
  • the "ships to" field in the edit listing screen now has a clear all button.
  • tags have a maximum length of 40 characters. Old longer tags are truncated at 90px wide.
  • listings have a "Ships From" field now, so each listing can have a different shipping origin. It defaults to the Country value set in Settings/General.
  • chat messages are never shown for blocked GUIDs.
  • the language for NSFW was updated to "Adult or Offensive Content" from "18+ (Adult Content)" since the definition of adult is not 18 in all countries, which caused confusion.
  • the buyer and seller avatar pictures now appear on the close dispute form for moderators.

Behind the Scenes Changes

  • the short_description attribute was removed from the itemShort model, it was not being used and does not exist in the server data.
  • the Location of the Profile API was always being set to the default value of USA, this has been removed. That parameter was depreciated and is no longer used.
  • the obsoleted messageModal code was removed


  • incoming data for listings and profiles is now sanitized, to prevent unwanted HTML from non-standard sources.
  • a bug where addresses starting with handles would be malformed when the app was reloaded has been fixed.
  • the bug where a fractional average review would add an extra star to reviews has been fixed.
  • the problem where looking at a nsfw store then navigating to your own store would fail to remove the warning modal from memory and show the nsfw store's items instead of your own has been fixed.
  • an edge case where the refresh payment status button in the transaction modal can become undefined has been fixed.
  • layout issues with very large numbers in the quantity field in the purchase modal have been fixed.
  • if a user has no shippable addresses, and adds one while purchasing something, the next button will now automatically be activated.
  • the bug where the custmization border would not be removed when navigating away from the user page while customizing it has been fixed.
  • an edge case was fixed where it was possible for the language to be set to an invalid value.
  • the transactions page had multiple fixes, to prevent edge cases where transactions wouldn't appear.
  • the bug were international shipping wasn't shown if it was zero is fixed.
  • the local shipping information is not shown if the listing doesn't ship to the country of origin (ie: it doesn't ship locally)
  • double sanitation has been removed from the chat.
  • the handle is set correctly now in the title bar when clicking on a link to go to a user page.
  • duplicate results in the Discover/Pages section are not shown.
  • the listings and profiles are fully sanitized, to prevent unwanted html tags.
  • a bug where the map would be hidden in the order process was fixed.

Thank you to Kirvx for fixing the "worldwideshipping" phrase on the item view.

Special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (

08 Aug 16:25
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Full release for general use.

The following significant changes have been made in this release:

Functionality Changes

  • the minimum price for a listing was increased to 0.0005BTC, because listings priced at 0.0002BTC could not be purchased.
  • the "ships to" field in the edit listing screen now has a clear all button.
  • tags have a maximum length of 40 characters. Old longer tags are truncated at 90px wide.
  • listings have a "Ships From" field now, so each listing can have a different shipping origin. It defaults to the Country value set in Settings/General.
  • chat messages are never shown for blocked GUIDs
  • the language for NSFW was updated to "Adult or Offensive Content" from "18+ (Adult Content)" since the definition of adult is not 18 in all countries, which caused confusion.
  • the buyer and seller avatar pictures now appear on the close dispute form for moderators.

Behind the Scenes Changes

  • the Location of the Profile API was always being set to the default value of USA, this has been removed. That parameter was depreciated and is no longer used.
  • the obsoleted messageModal code was removed


  • an edge case was fixed where it was possible for the language to be set to an invalid value
  • the transactions page had multiple fixes, to prevent edge cases where transactions wouldn't appear
  • the bug were international shipping wasn't shown if it was zero is fixed
  • the local shipping information is not shown if the listing doesn't ship to the country of origin (ie: it doesn't ship locally)

Thank you to Kirvx for fixing the "worldwideshipping" phrase on the item view.

Special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (


28 Jun 01:01
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Full release for general use.

The following significant changes have been made in this release:

Functionality Changes

  • when your own page is NSFW, and your account is set to block NSFW content, your own page will no longer be blocked.
  • the minimum Bitcoin price has been reduced to 0.0002 from 0.002.
  • the buyer guid is shown in the summary tab of the case in the transaction page transaction modal.
  • transactions that have updates to thier status that need attention now have an indicator bar and are moved to the top of the transactions list.
  • if startup fails, data on the failure is recorded to the error log.

Behind the Scenes Changes

  • all modals have been updated to use the same code.
  • es-lint has been added to Travis, all PRs must meet the es-lint rules to be accepted


  • an issue with the international formatting of Bitcoin prices defaulting to 2 decimal places was fixed, now Bitcoin prices will always show 8 decimal places, with trailing zeroes truncated.
  • image scaling on the user page was fixed.
  • the bug that removed images from the about section on the user page was fixed.
  • multiple bugs were fixed in the transactions view. Sorting will work much better now.
  • default text on drop downs is now translatable.
  • more areas of the app that were not translatable, such as dates, are now translatable.
  • the columns have max-widths to prevent long single words from forcing them to be too wide.
  • when a product has worldwid shipping, the confusing international shipping text will no longer appear below it.
  • the dotted line around the user page now appears correctly and is sized right when customizing the user page.
  • fixed the notifactions badge sometimes showing a negative number.
  • the Libbitcoin not connected message text was changed to be more clear.
  • a bug where the wrong tab would load in Settings after saving was fixed.
  • the settings page no longer caches, to prevent stale data when changes are made from the user page.
  • the My Page link in the top right navigation always goes to the user's page now.
  • wallets are randomized, and CoinKite was removed
  • images in the about section will no longer be set to 100% wide. Images instead have a maximum width of 100%.

Special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (


06 Jun 21:58
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Full release for general use.

The following significant changes have been made in this release:

  • if a partial payment is made, it is now shown in the payment screen, and the amount still pending for that transaction is shown. The QR code and other data will update to the new pending amount.
  • the client now has a top bar with the app title, current view, and OS-native controls, none of which are ever covered by modals or overlays.
  • the close/minimize/maximize controls can be set to Windows or Mac style in settings/advanced.
  • when messages are added in the discussion tab of a transaction, a message notification is shown.
  • an autocomplete system has been added to the top address bar.
  • when a transaction hasn't been fully funded, the shipping/file tab isn't shown in the transaction modal.
  • unfunded transactions are hidden by default, they can be unhidden by clicking a button.
  • the Discover and User views have a back to top button.
  • the Discover view is cached, and no longer changes if you navigate away from it and back before the cache expires.
  • the Settings view is cached.
  • shipping information is not displayed in the transaction modal for digital and service transactions.
  • country names and currencies are now translatable.
  • there is an option to send a debug email from the system tray that collects system info and sends it to OpenBazaar.
  • the delete button on the listings in the store tab of the user's own user view now have a confirm step to prevent accidental deleting.
  • the refund button in the transaction modal now has a confirm step to prevent accidental refunds.
  • the client will now check for available updates once every hour.
  • you can test your SMTP buttons from settings/advanced.
  • the base HTML structure has been overhauled, to make positioning of major areas of the application more consistent.
  • anchor links are no longer draggable.
  • the server connect modal has been translated and responds to changing the language used in the client.
  • multiple numbers and text elements that were not yet internationalized have been internationalized.
  • the transactions tabs have spinners that are shown while the transactions are loading, and a message if no transactions were found for that tab.
  • full es-lint rules have been set, and pre-commit hooks should fire es-lint correctly with every commit now.
  • when the libbitcoin server is offline, a warning is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the page.
  • auto-updates use https.

Special thanks to our contributors for code submissions to this release:

  • mariodian
  • rhcastilhos

And special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (


10 May 20:02
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Full release for general use.

The following significant changes have been made in this release:

  • you can now save and edit server configurations, and quickly switch your client between different servers.
  • the navigation menu has shortcuts for switching between saved server configurations.
  • you can now set a SMTP server in settings/advanced to send email messages when various events occur.
  • if a listing can't be shipped to you, it is marked with an icon in the Discover and Store views.
  • listings are marked whether they are a physical, digital, or service listing. This only applies to listings made since the server was updated with the code to show this data.
  • basic information about your transactions can be exported to CSV from the transactions page
  • follower data on your store page is now lazy loaded, which should dramatically improve performance for stores with many followers.
  • chats with unread messages are positioned at the top of your chat list
  • the local node is only started if the client is currently set to connect to it
  • the shortcuts were changed to avoid colliding with common system shortcut keys. The reload the app shortcut is now 'f', and refresh the current view is 'r'.
  • you can add and remove a user as a moderator for your store from their user page.
  • Bitcoin prices are now formatted according to the language of the user.
  • a bug in the link for a listing in the transaction modal was fixed.
  • you can no longer attempt to purchase your own listings (the final step in the purchase flow is not clickable)

Special thanks to our contributors for code submissions to this release:

  • Dekker3D
  • dsmurrell
  • mariodian

And special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (