Releases: OpenDroneMap/ODM
Releases · OpenDroneMap/ODM
What's Changed
- Fix incorrect file name in ODM_WARNING in #1801
- Make euclidean merge available in contrib directory by @smathermather in #1802
- clean up unused imports in contrib by @smathermather in #1806
- remove unused imports in split-merge by @smathermather in #1807
- Fix RST parsing for DJI air 2 by @pierotofy in #1808
- Aligned the arm64 release name by @HeDo88TH in #1811
- Cannot initialize CUDA even if nvidia-smi detected by @fri-K in #1813
- Fix typo; add docker pull by @ManuelPopp in #1824
- DNG/RAW/NEF file support by @pierotofy in #1833
- added capability to generate vector polygon in DXF format to be used in AutoCAD LT by @lucadelu in #1828
- Fix #1834 Update generate_png function by @kikislater in #1835
- Add missing log import by @pierotofy in #1838
- added wld file to png and tfw file to geotiff by @lucadelu in #1837
- Pass --min-resolution parameter to OpenMVS by @pierotofy in #1840
New Contributors
- @ManuelPopp made their first contribution in #1824
- @lucadelu made their first contribution in #1828
Full Changelog: v3.5.4...v3.5.5
What's Changed
- Las resolution tied to GSD by @smathermather in #1788
- Add a WARNING when a geo file is specified but the file does not exist by @stephenwinn16 in #1790
- Adding TIFFTAG_* to .tif outputs by @stephenwinn16 in #1797
- Merge cameras.json in split-merge by @pierotofy in #1800
New Contributors
- @stephenwinn16 made their first contribution in #1790
Full Changelog: v3.5.3...v3.5.4
What's Changed
- Speed-up undistortion by 2x by @pierotofy in #1765
- Mavic 3M Support by @pierotofy in #1771
- Add black level support for certain DJI drones by @pierotofy in #1772
- Fixed GPU docker build by @ehallein in #1774
- Update OpenStreetMap provider in by @danieldegroot2 in #1775
- Add libtbb2 to gpu.Dockerfile by @fri-K in #1779
New Contributors
- @ehallein made their first contribution in #1774
- @danieldegroot2 made their first contribution in #1775
- @fri-K made their first contribution in #1779
Full Changelog: v3.5.1...v3.5.3
What's Changed
- Fix PoissonRecon failed with n threads log message by @andrewharvey in #1756
- Support for DJI Mavic 2 Zoom srt files by @idimitrovski in #1758
- Skip feathered raster generation when possible by @pierotofy in #1760
New Contributors
- @andrewharvey made their first contribution in #1756
- @idimitrovski made their first contribution in #1758
Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v3.5.1
What's Changed
- Ignore multispectral band groups that are missing images by @pierotofy in #1738
- Fix build by @pierotofy in #1739
- Classify point cloud before generating derivative outputs by @pierotofy in #1742
- Update comment on mvs_tmp_dir by @kielnino in #1744
- GLTF - obj2glb - Set extensionsUsed in all cases to be consistent with the GLTF standard by @kielnino in #1746
- Add Mavic 3 rolling shutter, not enterprise version by @kikislater in #1747
- increase default GPS-Accuracy to 3m by @smathermather in #1749
- replace fisheye with fisheye_opencv but keep API the same until 4.0 by @smathermather in #1751
- Fix BOM encoding bug with geo files by @pierotofy in #1752
- Use min views filter = 1 by @pierotofy in #1754
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.3.4...v3.5.0
What's Changed
- Pin Eigen 3.4 by @pierotofy in #1717
- Feat: Auto rerun-from by @pierotofy in #1720
- Render DEM tiles using RenderDEM by @pierotofy in #1725
- Improved DEM generation efficiency by @pierotofy in #1728
- dem2mesh improvements by @pierotofy in #1729
- C++ median smoothing filter by @pierotofy in #1731
Full Changelog: v3.3.1...v3.3.4
What's Changed
- Fix fast_floor in FPC Filter, Invalid PLY file (expected 'property uint8 views') by @pierotofy in #1716
Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.3.1
What's Changed
- Fix start/end date on Windows and enforce band order normalization by @pierotofy in #1701
- Altum-PT support by @pierotofy in #1702
- Run GPU build on self-hosted runner by @pierotofy in #1704
- Add extra report file op, disable snap builds by @pierotofy in #1708
- Make tiler zoom level configurable by @MertenF in #1705
- Adds support for DSP SIFT by @pierotofy in #1712
- Adaptive feature quality by @pierotofy in #1714
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.3.0
What's Changed
- Always use matcher-neighbors if less than 2 pictures by @pierotofy in #1694
- Fix minimum number of pictures for matcher neighbors by @pierotofy in #1695
- More memory efficient find_features_homography by @pierotofy in #1696
- Compress GCP data before VLR inclusion by @pierotofy in #1697
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.2.1
What's Changed
- Fix Exiftool Installation by @pierotofy in #1662
- Keep only best SIFT features and other fixes by @pierotofy in #1664
- Added DJI Phantom4 rtk srt parsing by @vinsonliux in #1667
- no_ansiesc env by @sbonaime in #1669
- Update by @udaf-mcq in #1671
- Update by @fr-damo in #1672
- Update by @fr-damo in #1673
- update cuda ver by @rexliuser in #1676
- Fix RFLY EXIF parsing by @pierotofy in #1677
- Update Dev instructions by @sbonaime in #1678
- Update CMakeLists.txt by @sbonaime in #1681
- Update docs to reflect dem resolution defaults by @smathermather in #1683
- Adding README and reformatting of DJI image binner script by @mdchia in #1684
- Use windowed read/write in median_smoothing by @Adrien-LUDWIG in #1674
- Tower mode (OpenMVS update), fixes by @pierotofy in #1689
New Contributors
- @vinsonliux made their first contribution in #1667
- @udaf-mcq made their first contribution in #1671
- @fr-damo made their first contribution in #1672
- @mdchia made their first contribution in #1684
- @Adrien-LUDWIG made their first contribution in #1674
Full Changelog: v3.1.7...v3.2.0