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OpenPCM Server can be run via docker or you can locally build and run the application. Docker runtime is the preferred deployment.
Docker can be installed on a range of operating systems.
Once docker is installed. Simply pull the latest version of the application and launch it.
docker pull openpcm/openpcm-server
docker run -d --name openpcm-server -p 8080:8080 -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev openpcm/openpcm-server:latest
The project is a maven project. You can launch the application from command line or your IDE.
Download the correct maven for your platform
This project uses Spring Boot 2.0 so we can take advantage of Java 9
To build the project from source simply run "mvn clean install -U" in the directory with the parent pom.xml. The "-U" flag is not required but will update any snapshot dependencies that have changed in maven central.
After building the source, you can now run "mvn spring-boot:run" and the application will launch.
By default, the backend application will run be accessible at: http://localhost:8080
When building from source remember Spring DevTools is on the class path, if you change the code for any of the backend, the application will reload.
To disable this add a vm argument: -Dspring.devtools.restart.enabled=false