pass in layout, get location name for skip steps #52914
14 errors and 10 warnings
js checks:
Type 'string | null' is not assignable to type 'string'.
js checks:
Property 'layout' is missing in type '{ title: any; type: "location"; bannerText: string; runId: string; runStatus: RunStatus | null; unvalidatedFailedCommand: RunCommandSummary; runLwDefsByUri: RunLoadedLabwareDefinitionsByUri; protocolAnalysis: CompletedProtocolAnalysis | null; recoveryMap: IRecoveryMap; currentRecoveryOptionUtils: CurrentRecoveryOptionUtils; routeUpdateActions: Omit<UseRouteUpdateActionsResult, "stashedMapRef">; recoveryCommands: UseRecoveryCommandsResult; tipStatusUtils: RecoveryTipStatusUtils; failedLabwareUtils: UseFailedLabwareUtilsResult; failedPipetteUtils: UseFailedPipetteUtilsResult; deckMapUtils: UseDeckMapUtilsResult; getRecoveryOptionCopy: (recoveryOption: "error" | "drop-tip" | "cancel-run" | "home-and-retry" | "robot-cancel-run" | "robot-in-motion" | "robot-picking-up-tips" | "robot-releasing-labware" | "robot-resuming" | "robot-retrying-step" | "robot-skipping-to-next-step" | "door" | "door-special" | "option-selection" | "ignore-and-skip-step" | "manual-fill-well-and-skip" | "manual-move-labware-and-skip" | "manual-replace-and-retry" | "manual-replace-in-stacker-and-retry" | "manual-load-in-stacker-and-skip" | "refill-and-resume" | "retry-step" | "retry-new-tips" | "retry-same-tips" | "skip-to-next-step-new-tips" | "skip-to-next-step-same-tips" | null, errorKind: ErrorKind) => string; recoveryActionMutationUtils: RecoveryActionMutationResult; hasLaunchedRecovery: boolean; stepCounts: StepCounts; commandsAfterFailedCommand: RunCommandSummary[] | null; subMapUtils: SubMapUtils; analytics: UseRecoveryAnalyticsResult<"error" | "drop-tip" | "cancel-run" | "home-and-retry" | "robot-cancel-run" | "robot-in-motion" | "robot-picking-up-tips" | "robot-releasing-labware" | "robot-resuming" | "robot-retrying-step" | "robot-skipping-to-next-step" | "door" | "door-special" | "option-selection" | "ignore-and-skip-step" | "manual-fill-well-and-skip" | "manual-move-labware-and-skip" | "manual-replace-and-retry" | "manual-replace-in-stacker-and-retry" | "manual-load-in-stacker-and-skip" | "refill-and-resume" | "retry-step" | "retry-new-tips" | "retry-same-tips" | "skip-to-next-step-new-tips" | "skip-to-next-step-same-tips", RouteStep>; doorStatusUtils: UseShowDoorInfoResult; robotType: RobotType; isOnDevice: boolean; failedCommand: FailedCommandBySource | null; allRunDefs: LabwareDefinition2[]; errorKind: ErrorKind; }' but required in type '{ title: string; type: "location" | "location-arrow-location" | "location-colon-location"; layout: "default" | "stacked"; bannerText?: string | undefined; }'.
js checks:
Argument of type 'FailedCommandRelevantLabware' is not assignable to parameter of type 'FailedCommandRelevantLabwarewithoutStacker'.
js checks:
Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type '"initialCount"' can't be used to index type '{} | AspirateInPlaceParams | PipetteIdentityParams | AspDispAirgapParams | BlowoutInPlaceParams | BlowoutParams | ConfigureForVolumeParams | DispenseInPlaceParams | DispenseParams | DropTipInPlaceParams | DropTipParams | MoveToAddressableAreaForDropTipParams | TouchTipParams | VerifyTipPresenceParams | (WellLocationParam & PipetteAccessParams) | AirGapInPlaceParams | (PipetteAccessParams & WellLocationParam) | (PipetteAccessParams & WellLocationParam & FlowRateParams & VolumeParams) | HomeParams | MoveRelativeParams | MoveToAddressableAreaParams | MoveToCoordinatesParams | MoveToSlotParams | MoveToWellParams | RetractAxisParams | SavePositionParams | EngageMagnetParams | ModuleOnlyParams | TemperatureParams | TemperatureModuleAwaitTemperatureParams | ThermocyclerSetTargetBlockTemperatureParams | TCProfileParams | TCExtendedProfileParams | ShakeSpeedParams | AbsorbanceReaderInitializeParams | { moduleId: string; fileName?: string | null | undefined; } | { moduleId: string; initialCount: number; primaryLabware: FlexStackerStoredLabwareDetails; lidLabware: FlexStackerStoredLabwareDetails | null; adapterLabware: FlexStackerStoredLabwareDetails | null; } | { moduleId: string; } | { moduleId: string; } | { moduleId: string; strategy: "manualWithPause" | "logical"; message?: string | undefined; count?: number | undefined; } | { moduleId: string; strategy: "manualWithPause" | "logical"; message?: string | undefined; count?: number | undefined; } | ConfigureNozzleLayoutParams | LoadLabwareParams | { labwareId: string; } | LoadLiquidParams | MoveLabwareParams | LoadLidParams | LoadLidStackParams | StackerRetriveParams | WaitForResumeParams | WaitForDurationParams | DeprecatedDelayParams | CalibratePipetteParams | CalibrateGripperParams | CalibrateModuleParams | MoveToMaintenancePositionParams | CommentParams | CustomParams | SetStatusBarParams | SetRailLightsParams | UnsafeBlowoutInPlaceParams | UnsafeDropTipInPlaceParams | UnsafeUpdatePositionEstimatorsParams | UnsafePlaceLabwareParams | (LoadModuleParams & { model: ModuleModel; }) | (LoadPipetteParams & { pipetteName: "p10_single" | "p10_multi" | "p20_single_gen2" | "p20_multi_gen2" | "p50_single" | "p50_multi" | "p300_single" | "p300_single_gen2" | "p300_multi" | "p300_multi_gen2" | "p1000_single" | "p1000_single_gen2" | "p1000_single_flex" | "p50_single_flex" | "p1000_multi_flex" | "p1000_multi_em_flex" | "p50_multi_flex" | "p1000_96" | "p200_96"; })'.
js checks:
Property 'initialCount' does not exist on type '{} | AspirateInPlaceParams | PipetteIdentityParams | AspDispAirgapParams | BlowoutInPlaceParams | BlowoutParams | ConfigureForVolumeParams | DispenseInPlaceParams | DispenseParams | DropTipInPlaceParams | DropTipParams | MoveToAddressableAreaForDropTipParams | TouchTipParams | VerifyTipPresenceParams | (WellLocationParam & PipetteAccessParams) | AirGapInPlaceParams | (PipetteAccessParams & WellLocationParam) | (PipetteAccessParams & WellLocationParam & FlowRateParams & VolumeParams) | HomeParams | MoveRelativeParams | MoveToAddressableAreaParams | MoveToCoordinatesParams | MoveToSlotParams | MoveToWellParams | RetractAxisParams | SavePositionParams | EngageMagnetParams | ModuleOnlyParams | TemperatureParams | TemperatureModuleAwaitTemperatureParams | ThermocyclerSetTargetBlockTemperatureParams | TCProfileParams | TCExtendedProfileParams | ShakeSpeedParams | AbsorbanceReaderInitializeParams | { moduleId: string; fileName?: string | null | undefined; } | { moduleId: string; initialCount: number; primaryLabware: FlexStackerStoredLabwareDetails; lidLabware: FlexStackerStoredLabwareDetails | null; adapterLabware: FlexStackerStoredLabwareDetails | null; } | { moduleId: string; } | { moduleId: string; } | { moduleId: string; strategy: "manualWithPause" | "logical"; message?: string | undefined; count?: number | undefined; } | { moduleId: string; strategy: "manualWithPause" | "logical"; message?: string | undefined; count?: number | undefined; } | ConfigureNozzleLayoutParams | LoadLabwareParams | { labwareId: string; } | LoadLiquidParams | MoveLabwareParams | LoadLidParams | LoadLidStackParams | StackerRetriveParams | WaitForResumeParams | WaitForDurationParams | DeprecatedDelayParams | CalibratePipetteParams | CalibrateGripperParams | CalibrateModuleParams | MoveToMaintenancePositionParams | CommentParams | CustomParams | SetStatusBarParams | SetRailLightsParams | UnsafeBlowoutInPlaceParams | UnsafeDropTipInPlaceParams | UnsafeUpdatePositionEstimatorsParams | UnsafePlaceLabwareParams | (LoadModuleParams & { model: ModuleModel; }) | (LoadPipetteParams & { pipetteName: "p10_single" | "p10_multi" | "p20_single_gen2" | "p20_multi_gen2" | "p50_single" | "p50_multi" | "p300_single" | "p300_single_gen2" | "p300_multi" | "p300_multi_gen2" | "p1000_single" | "p1000_single_gen2" | "p1000_single_flex" | "p50_single_flex" | "p1000_multi_flex" | "p1000_multi_em_flex" | "p50_multi_flex" | "p1000_96" | "p200_96"; })'.
js checks:
Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
js checks:
The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
js checks:
'retreiveCmds' is possibly 'undefined'.
js checks:
'storeCmds' is possibly 'undefined'.
js checks:
Property 'moduleId' does not exist on type '{} | AspirateInPlaceParams | PipetteIdentityParams | AspDispAirgapParams | BlowoutInPlaceParams | BlowoutParams | ConfigureForVolumeParams | DispenseInPlaceParams | DispenseParams | DropTipInPlaceParams | DropTipParams | MoveToAddressableAreaForDropTipParams | TouchTipParams | VerifyTipPresenceParams | (WellLocationParam & PipetteAccessParams) | AirGapInPlaceParams | (PipetteAccessParams & WellLocationParam) | (PipetteAccessParams & WellLocationParam & FlowRateParams & VolumeParams) | HomeParams | MoveRelativeParams | MoveToAddressableAreaParams | MoveToCoordinatesParams | MoveToSlotParams | MoveToWellParams | RetractAxisParams | SavePositionParams | EngageMagnetParams | ModuleOnlyParams | TemperatureParams | TemperatureModuleAwaitTemperatureParams | ThermocyclerSetTargetBlockTemperatureParams | TCProfileParams | TCExtendedProfileParams | ShakeSpeedParams | AbsorbanceReaderInitializeParams | { moduleId: string; fileName?: string | null | undefined; } | { moduleId: string; initialCount: number; primaryLabware: FlexStackerStoredLabwareDetails; lidLabware: FlexStackerStoredLabwareDetails | null; adapterLabware: FlexStackerStoredLabwareDetails | null; } | { moduleId: string; } | { moduleId: string; } | { moduleId: string; strategy: "manualWithPause" | "logical"; message?: string | undefined; count?: number | undefined; } | { moduleId: string; strategy: "manualWithPause" | "logical"; message?: string | undefined; count?: number | undefined; } | ConfigureNozzleLayoutParams | LoadLabwareParams | { labwareId: string; } | LoadLiquidParams | MoveLabwareParams | LoadLidParams | LoadLidStackParams | StackerRetriveParams | WaitForResumeParams | WaitForDurationParams | DeprecatedDelayParams | CalibratePipetteParams | CalibrateGripperParams | CalibrateModuleParams | MoveToMaintenancePositionParams | CommentParams | CustomParams | SetStatusBarParams | SetRailLightsParams | UnsafeBlowoutInPlaceParams | UnsafeDropTipInPlaceParams | UnsafeUpdatePositionEstimatorsParams | UnsafePlaceLabwareParams | (LoadModuleParams & { model: ModuleModel; }) | (LoadPipetteParams & { pipetteName: "p10_single" | "p10_multi" | "p20_single_gen2" | "p20_multi_gen2" | "p50_single" | "p50_multi" | "p300_single" | "p300_single_gen2" | "p300_multi" | "p300_multi_gen2" | "p1000_single" | "p1000_single_gen2" | "p1000_single_flex" | "p50_single_flex" | "p1000_multi_flex" | "p1000_multi_em_flex" | "p50_multi_flex" | "p1000_96" | "p200_96"; })'.
js checks:
["initialCount"] is better written in dot notation
js checks:
'currLoc' is assigned a value but never used
js checks:
'RECOVERY_MAP' is defined but never used
js checks
Process completed with exit code 2.
js checks:
Expected property shorthand
js checks:
Expected property shorthand
js checks:
Expected property shorthand
js checks:
Expected property shorthand
js checks:
Don't use `String` as a type. Use string instead
js checks:
This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression
js checks:
This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression
js checks:
Unexpected number value in conditional. An explicit zero/NaN check is required
js checks:
Promises must be awaited, end with a call to .catch, end with a call to .then with a rejection handler or be explicitly marked as ignored with the `void` operator
js checks:
Promises must be awaited, end with a call to .catch, end with a call to .then with a rejection handler or be explicitly marked as ignored with the `void` operator