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OpenSSLGroups.jl provides high-performance cryptographic group operations by wrapping OpenSSL implementations while maintaining full compatibility with the CryptoGroups.jl interface. This package offers a 50-130x performance improvement for exponentiations over CryptoGroups implementations while preserving type safety and ease of use.


  • Full CryptoGroups.jl Compatibility: Seamlessly construct @ECPoint and @ECGroup types
  • Zero-Cost Abstractions: Group operations are optimized to spend time only in core OpenSSL functions (EC_POINT_add and EC_POINT_mul)
  • Efficient Resource Management: Reuses contexts and group pointers for optimal performance
  • Robust Multithreading Support: Parallel processing for batch operations
  • Type Safety: Maintains all type safety guarantees from CryptoGroups.jl
  • Comprehensive Curve Support: Includes all standard curves available in OpenSSL


using Pkg

Basic Usage

using OpenSSLGroups

P = OpenSSLGroups.SecP256k1
point = P()

point * 3 == point + 2 * point
P(octet(point)) == point
P(octet(point; mode=:compressed)) == point
P(value(point)) == point

Integration with CryptoGroups.jl

OpenSSLGroups.jl can be used as a drop-in replacement for CryptoGroups.jl:

using OpenSSLGroups
using CryptoGroups

# Using with ECGroup macro
G = @ECGroup{OpenSSLGroups.SecP256k1}
g = G()

# Basic group operations work identically
g^3 * g^5 / g^2 == (g^3)^2 == g^6
g^(order(G) - 1) * g == one(G)

Supported Curves

Prime Field Curves

NIST Curves (SECG)

Curve Name OpenSSLGroups Type Alternate Names
P-192 Prime192v1 (secp192r1, prime192v1)
P-224 SecP224r1 (secp224r1)
P-256 Prime256v1 (secp256r1, prime256v1)
P-384 SecP384r1 (secp384r1)
P-521 SecP521r1 (secp521r1)

Koblitz Curves (SECG)

Curve Name OpenSSLGroups Type Alternate Names
secp160k1 SecP160k1
secp192k1 SecP192k1
secp224k1 SecP224k1
secp256k1 SecP256k1 (Bitcoin curve)

Brainpool Curves

Curve Name OpenSSLGroups Type Notes
brainpoolP160r1 BrainpoolP160r1 Random curve
brainpoolP192r1 BrainpoolP192r1 Random curve
brainpoolP224r1 BrainpoolP224r1 Random curve
brainpoolP256r1 BrainpoolP256r1 Random curve
brainpoolP320r1 BrainpoolP320r1 Random curve
brainpoolP384r1 BrainpoolP384r1 Random curve
brainpoolP512r1 BrainpoolP512r1 Random curve

Binary Field Curves

NIST Koblitz Curves

Curve Name OpenSSLGroups Type Alternate Names
K-163 SecT163k1 (sect163k1)
K-233 SecT233k1 (sect233k1)
K-283 SecT283k1 (sect283k1)
K-409 SecT409k1 (sect409k1)
K-571 SecT571k1 (sect571k1)

NIST Pseudorandom Curves

Curve Name OpenSSLGroups Type Alternate Names
B-163 SecT163r2 (sect163r2)
B-233 SecT233r1 (sect233r1)
B-283 SecT283r1 (sect283r1)
B-409 SecT409r1 (sect409r1)
B-571 SecT571r1 (sect571r1)

Other Notable Curves

Curve Name OpenSSLGroups Type Notes
SM2 SM2 Chinese standard curve
WTLS WtlsCurve1 through WtlsCurve12 WAP/TLS specific curves
IPSec IpsecCurve3, IpsecCurve4 IPSec specific curves

Additional curves (c2pnb/c2tnb series) are also implemented but are less commonly used in modern cryptographic applications.

Integration with Higher-Level Protocols

The package works seamlessly with cryptographic protocol implementations:

using CryptoGroups
using OpenSSLGroups
using ShuffleProofs: shuffle, verify
using SigmaProofs.ElGamal: Enc
using SigmaProofs.Verificatum: ProtocolSpec

# Set up ElGamal encryption with OpenSSL curve
g = @ECGroup{OpenSSLGroups.Prime256v1}()
sk = 123
pk = g^sk

# Create encryption helper
enc = Enc(pk, g)

# Example encryption and shuffle proof
plaintexts = [g^4, g^2, g^3] .|> tuple
ciphertexts = enc(plaintexts, [2, 3, 4]) 

verifier = ProtocolSpec(; g)
simulator = shuffle(ciphertexts, g, pk, verifier)
@assert verify(simulator)

Multithreading Example

using CryptoGroups
using OpenSSLGroups
using Base.Threads

# Create a group and base point
G = @ECGroup{OpenSSLGroups.SecP256k1}
g = G()

# Parallel scalar multiplications
function parallel_scalarmul(g, scalars)
    n = length(scalars)
    results = Vector{typeof(g)}(undef, n)
    @threads for i in 1:n
        results[i] = g^scalars[i]
    return results

# Example usage
scalars = rand(1:order(G), 1000)
points = parallel_scalarmul(g, scalars)

# Verify results
@assert all(points[i] == g^scalars[i] for i in 1:length(scalars))

Performance Comparison

Here's a simple benchmark comparing OpenSSLGroups with CryptoGroups:

using BenchmarkTools
using OpenSSLGroups
using CryptoGroups

# OpenSSL implementation
p1 = @ECGroup{OpenSSLGroups.Prime256v1}()
p2 = p1^123
@btime $p1 ^ (order(p1) - 1)
@btime $p1 * $p2

# Pure Julia implementation
q1 = @ECGroup{P_256}()
q2 = q1^123
@btime $q1 ^ (order(q1) - 1)
@btime $q1 * $q2

# Results show ~10-20x speedup for typical operations

Preliminary results show that exponentiations are 50x faster, and multiplications are 130x faster than that implemented in CryptoGroups.