Code for Boston cares about innovation and technology. It also cares about the ways it affects its surroundings.
##Why are we doing this?
- We want to contribute to the policy discussion about gentrification and possible displacement.
- We'd like to know more about how the influx of tech is related
- We like playing with data and maps
##How can I help?
Check out our brain storm on our hackpad.
If you have information or ideas that you think would be helpful, add it there.
As we get further in the design process, we will update there and here in the readme.
We're using Waffle.io to organize our issues. Click the badge to find out what's going on.
##Get Started! ###ungentry is a "fork&go" project Ungentry is hosted via github, so when you fork the repository to your own github, you have your own version of ungentry at http://[YOUR-NAME].github.io/ungentry
###Running the web-app locally
# after you fork the repository...
$ git clone [email protected]:[YOUR-NAME]/ungentry.git # clone the repository
# a few simple web servers based on your language of choice...
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer # if you like python
$ http-server # if you have node JS installed
$ ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8080 # if you're into ruby