Element Framework for PyScript
I have broken the orginal project up, so the core senza library is more modular and could be more easily used across frameworks. The orginal fastapi starter project is now senza-fastapi. https://github.com/Phelsong/senza-fastapi
This repo meant to run as a (sub)module
senza is a lightweight wrapper around the dom api already offered with pyscript, with a few added features, namely:
- Composable ui elements
- End-to-end type annotations
- A lightweight DOM router, for quickly building page navigation
- A more through websocket implementation
- Flexbox support
- web compiler/minifier [wip]
It it targeted toward local apps or small web apps, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.
(Some) Planned features:
- Improved error handling and logging
- Support for more complex UI elements
- Integration with other frameworks and libraries
- Mojo Wrapper/Hooks
At the project root git submodule add https://github.com/Phelsong/senza.git ./senza
(there will be package releases as the project is more throughly fleshed out)