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Releases: PikaMug/Quests

Xoconostle Update

16 May 01:39
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As per usual, a few prickly problems have been resolved in this release. The newly released ZNPCsPlus 1.0.6 (a fork of ZNPCs) can now be used in place of Citizens for packet-based NPCs. Support for Party and Friends Extended Edition for Bungeecord/Velocity (not the free version) has been added through Unite, although untested. Please continue to report bugs on Github.

Wolfberry Update

05 Apr 22:15
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This release treats a few problems introduced to quest requirements from the previous update. A fix for the loading of tame objectives restores the hunt for every pet-worthy mob, from Camel to Wolf. Moreover, if you need to abandon the quest, that should no longer be an issue with this version.

Voavanga Update

30 Mar 22:52
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We have traveled far by camelback to bring you another juicy update, this time tested with Minecraft 1.19.4 and experimental features! Our steed stepped on a number of bugs along the way, and developers will note a few code changes scattered among the sands. You can now toggle whether to show completed objectives in your config file.

Ulu Update

23 Feb 01:01
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Aloha! This release is considerably bigger than the last one, fixing compatibility with older Minecraft versions and introducing two juicy new conditions! We're also glad to support Party and Friends Extended for Spigot (not for Bungeecord/Velocity) and resolve an issue with general party integration.

Tomato Update

28 Jan 10:24
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As we continue to revel in the new year, our resolution of improving Quests is already bearing fruit... or is it bearing vegetables? Either way, this tiny Tomato Update is good for you!

Strawberry Update

11 Jan 20:52
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We hope those of you whom celebrate had an easy time taking down the Christmas tree, and the precarious decorations whether they be high or low. Those of you whom tuned in to the Lucuma Update notes won't be shocked that we've eliminated PhatLoots integration, but it's all right—a free module is available. Developers, be advised that we removed the old confirmation setting fields forever.

Quince Update

23 Nov 19:52
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This update serves a few improvements to nibble on, from more clickable prompts to compatibility with the latest versions of Heroes (free or premium). How custom item names are handled in the Quest Journal has been made more palatable, and repeat-clicking blocks to start a quest will no longer gobble up your chat lines. Enjoy!

Pineapple Update

27 Sep 06:46
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We've improved upon the saving of player data for large servers - note that server shutdown and /questadmin reload may take slightly longer to execute as a result. Ukranian localization is here, along with "Yes / No" to accept a quest once again being clickable. Certain strings such as objective progress will now appear properly for Bedrock Edition players when using Floodgate.

Ōgonkan Update

22 Aug 09:06
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Japanese localization has been completed and experience requirements are back in working order. A workaround by @datatags restores clickable text on 1.19 servers (where supported). As always, report any issues on Github.

Nectarine Update

27 Jul 18:31
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Our weather may be hot, but so are these updates! A number of bug fixes for GUI items and language hiccups are ready to take a dip in your plugins folder. Fail Actions can now be triggered by failing a stage Condition when applicable. That's right - we flipped the flop!