Releases: PikaMug/Quests
Mango Update
We're holding an event to celebrate 200,000 downloads on SpigotMC! Join us on Discord.
It's summertime here! While we cool off from the heat, consider installing this update to fix cooldowns not working on your server. Blocks like Coral will once again appear correctly in chat, and we've added a warning about ZNPCs integration while we wait for the tide. Surf's up!
Lucuma Update
We are proud to confirm support for Minecraft 1.19, along with auto-translation of text into the client's language, if available on Crowdin. This new feature can be toggled via the language-override-client setting.
The ability to create new PhatLoots rewards has been removed as this lesser-used feature has been delegated to a free module. Existing rewards will continue to function for the next few updates in order to ease the transition.
ZNPCs integration has begun but will currently break after a server restart. If you would like to see full support in a future update, please leave a nice comment on this Github issue.
Jackfruit Update
This release reverts the behavior of NPCs displaying a message when clicked despite not being associated with Quests. Also, new experience requirements and some Action toggles not functioning properly has been resolved. Don't forget that community help is available on Discord and any errors may be reported on Github.
Incaberry Update
Improvements have been made upon the changes to NPC integration added in the previous release. Placing a block once again deducts from blocks broken - thanks, @therbz - and tab completion will now only list applicable quests where appropriate. As always, please continue to get help on Discord and report errors on Github.
Honeydew Update
A new experience requirement has been added and a number of issues related to Citizens integration have been resolved. When creating quests, NPCs are now selected immediately upon click; subsequently entering an ID is no longer necessary. Similar to the last release, Silk Touch messages will now be sent to the action bar instead of chat.
Granadilla Update
Enclosed is a hotfix for the previous release of Quests, which made finishing some objectives difficult. In other news, condition messages will now be sent to the action bar instead of chat, the frequency of which can still be modified with the condition-inverval
config setting.
Fig Update
Quests-Bungee is no longer required for MySQL player data on Bungeecord servers; you may delete the jar.
Since this project's inception, the Quest Journal (/quests journal) has been a physical item that lived in your player's inventory. Going forward, the command will open a book without taking up any space, through the power of Bookapi. If you still prefer an item, however, simply toggle the new give-journal-item config setting.
Elderberry Update
Updating is highly recommended due to an issue with loading player data in the previous release. Quests-Bungee has also been updated for those using MySQL on their BungeeCord servers. Administrators can now elect to spawn multiple entities at once using the Action Editor (/quests actions).
Durian Update
BungeeCord servers can now use MySQL for player data through Quests-Bungee. After installing Quests on your Spigot/Paper server(s), simply download the Quests-Bungee jar and place it in your BungeeCord server's plugin folder. The jar has no other functionality at this time. In other news, we have restored titles on 1.8 servers and fixed an issue where clicking certain quest names in the editor could result in the user being kicked.
Cantaloupe Update
Last time, we hinted at some new changes coming to Quests. One such change is included in this version: tab completion for commands (where applicable). We've also packaged the usual bug fixes along with some language corrections. Visit us on Crowdin if you'd like to contribute a few translations to your favorite locale.