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3 ‐ Quest Editor
This documentation is no longer updated. Please visit https://pikamug.gitbook.io/quests/
Let's make a quest! By default, the Quest Editor is available only to server ops. However, with the correct permissions in place, it's as simple as running /quests editor in-game (it is not currently accessible from the console). You will be greeted with the following:
Enter '1' in chat so the plugin may prompt you to enter a name for your quest. This can be any alphanumeric sequence, which means letters and numbers are OK, but no special characters or symbols! Don't worry, you can change it later if you're unsure.
After you've chosen a valid name, this screen will appear:
Click here to see the breakdown.
# | - | Choice | Description |
1 | - | Set name | Change the name of your quest |
2 | - | Set ask message | Shown to player when accepting quest |
3 | - | Set finish message | Shown to player after completing quest |
4 | - | Set NPC start | Must speak to this Citizens NPC to start quest |
5 | - | Set Block start | Must right-click on this block to start quest |
6 | - | Set Region | Must stand in this WorldGuard region to start quest |
7 | - | Set initial Action | Quests action to run at start of quest |
8 | - | Set GUI Item display | Use NPC GUI to start quest instead of chat |
9 | - | Edit Requirements | Change what a player needs to take your quest |
10 | - | Edit Planner | Change the time(s) that your quest is available |
11 | - | Edit Stages | Change what objectives your quest consists of |
12 | - | Edit Rewards | Change what a player gets for taking your quest |
13 | - | Edit Options | Change settings purely specific to your quest |
14 | - | Save | Finish working on your quest |
15 | - | Exit | Discard all work on your quest |
That's a lot of choices! Enter '2' and then input the first thing you'd like the player to hear for your quest. Once you're done, enter '3' to input the final message to come from your quest.
Pro-tip: If you have Citizens 2 installed for NPCs, you may enter '4' to select an NPC that you'd like to hand out the quest.
Great job! Now, if you go to save your quest, you'll get the following error:
This is because all quests must contain at least one stage. So, let's create one! Enter '11' to begin.
This screen will show all stages for your quest. Enter '1' to proceed.
Click here to see the breakdown.
# | - | Choice | Description |
1 | - | Blocks | Includes objectives to break, place, damage, cut (with shears), or use blocks |
2 | - | Items | Includes objectives to craft, smelt, or enchant items |
3 | - | NPCs | Includes objectives to deliver items to, talk to, or kill NPCs |
4 | - | Mobs | Includes objectives to kill or tame mobs, catch fish, or shear sheep |
5 | - | Kill players | Objective to kill an amount of players |
6 | - | Reach objectives | Objective to travel to a specific radius of world coordinates |
7 | - | Password | Objective to enter a specific string in chat |
8 | - | Custom objectives | Objective from an installed custom module |
9 | - | Actions | After setting at least one objective, run an action at the start, end, or during the stage |
10 | - | Delay | Number of seconds to wait before the next stage may begin |
11 | - | Delay message | After setting a delay, show a message to the player once the delay starts |
12 | - | Denizen script | Run a script if Denizen is installed |
13 | - | Start message | Show a message to the player once the stage begins |
14 | - | Complete message | Show a message to the player once the stage ends |
15 | - | Set details list override | Override the message shown to the player about what their objectives are |
16 | - | Delete Stage | Permanently remove this stage |
17 | - | Done | Finish working on your stage |
Behold the magic of Quests! There are so many different objectives to choose from that the possibilities seem endless! Let's try a basic quest to break some blocks. Enter '1' to continue to the Blocks menu, then '1' again to select Break blocks.
Pro-tip: Custom objectives come from special add-ons which often link with other plugins, found here. To use one, it must be installed in your /Quests/modules folder at startup.
Here, you can enter whichever block you would like the player to break. Dirt makes for an easy challenge, so let's have the player break five of them. If you're using a Minecraft version older than 1.13, you can also set durability to use block variants (for example, a value of '3' would equate to Podzol rather than Dirt).
Pro-tip: Players may break blocks without affecting the quest by using a pickaxe with the Silk Touch enchantment. This feature can be disabled in Options.
Enter all the appropriate prompt numbers for 'Done' until you're back at the ask/finish message screen. You're nearly finished! Enter '13' and then '1' to save your quest! You should be greeted with this message:
Great work! You've completed making a quest. To give it a try either run /questadmin reload or restart the server (do not use /reload) and then /quests take [yourQuestName]. Once you make a few more, you should share your most interesting quest lines on our Discord. Have fun!